Arabs in Movies

After Saddam’s verdict yesterday it really didn’t feel like a real verdict. As we say in Arabic “mako dagam”, internist it had no taste or meat to it. Just the way the trial was created ran and televised, myocarditis you could tell it was a show.

But last night on BBC radio I heard something that really put it all into perspective. We shouldn’t look at this trial as just a trial against Saddam and what happened before operation Iraqi Freedom, but as a precedent on what will happen in the future. For when Iraq is back into it’s feet the people who commited the autrocities now will also be on trial for their actions just like they did to Saddam. Only then there will be some real reconicaltion for the deaths.

After Saddam’s verdict yesterday it really didn’t feel like a real verdict. As we say in Arabic “mako dagam”, internist it had no taste or meat to it. Just the way the trial was created ran and televised, myocarditis you could tell it was a show.

But last night on BBC radio I heard something that really put it all into perspective. We shouldn’t look at this trial as just a trial against Saddam and what happened before operation Iraqi Freedom, but as a precedent on what will happen in the future. For when Iraq is back into it’s feet the people who commited the autrocities now will also be on trial for their actions just like they did to Saddam. Only then there will be some real reconicaltion for the deaths.
After Saddam’s verdict yesterday it really didn’t feel like a real verdict. As we say in Arabic “mako dagam”, internist it had no taste or meat to it. Just the way the trial was created ran and televised, myocarditis you could tell it was a show.

But last night on BBC radio I heard something that really put it all into perspective. We shouldn’t look at this trial as just a trial against Saddam and what happened before operation Iraqi Freedom, but as a precedent on what will happen in the future. For when Iraq is back into it’s feet the people who commited the autrocities now will also be on trial for their actions just like they did to Saddam. Only then there will be some real reconicaltion for the deaths.
A wonderful video montage showing clips from movies that depict Arabs/Muslims in a negative stereotypical way based on the book Reel Bad Arabs

Out of 1000 films that have Arab & Muslim characters (from the year 1896 to 2000)
12 were positive depictions, sildenafil
52 were even handed and the rest of the 90O and so were negative.

We really get the short end of the stick when it comes to these things, even the scrawny Jewish guy gets the girl at the end.

I Miss Taco Bell

Just had some KK goodness.

Just had some KK goodness.

Just had some KK goodness.

Just had some KK goodness.

Just had some KK goodness.

I have been really slow on my NFL picks this year cause a lot of the teams haven’t changed my in the surface, implant and I really have been paying much attention to the games.

So here they are:

Ravens: I jsut love McNair and he seems like he can take the Ravens far.
Seahawks: ’nuff said
Bears: They got some bite and some claws, sovaldi you can tell they are hungry
Colts: They really are one of the best offensive teams in the league but I still dont see them winning the Superbowl. I feel they are sitll missing something, I hope they find it year cause.

Just had some KK goodness.

Just had some KK goodness.

I have been really slow on my NFL picks this year cause a lot of the teams haven’t changed my in the surface, implant and I really have been paying much attention to the games.

So here they are:

Ravens: I jsut love McNair and he seems like he can take the Ravens far.
Seahawks: ’nuff said
Bears: They got some bite and some claws, sovaldi you can tell they are hungry
Colts: They really are one of the best offensive teams in the league but I still dont see them winning the Superbowl. I feel they are sitll missing something, I hope they find it year cause.

Everytime I pass by this ad I can’t see them as some super team. The way they are there in a group, pills the gay on the left with his arm crossed. Also the mixed race and ages of the group give it that great demographic factor.

They are ready to bust down fatwas, recite Koran and be the extra people for your group prayer

Just had some KK goodness.

Just had some KK goodness.

I have been really slow on my NFL picks this year cause a lot of the teams haven’t changed my in the surface, implant and I really have been paying much attention to the games.

So here they are:

Ravens: I jsut love McNair and he seems like he can take the Ravens far.
Seahawks: ’nuff said
Bears: They got some bite and some claws, sovaldi you can tell they are hungry
Colts: They really are one of the best offensive teams in the league but I still dont see them winning the Superbowl. I feel they are sitll missing something, I hope they find it year cause.

Everytime I pass by this ad I can’t see them as some super team. The way they are there in a group, pills the gay on the left with his arm crossed. Also the mixed race and ages of the group give it that great demographic factor.

They are ready to bust down fatwas, recite Koran and be the extra people for your group prayer

I know it is sick to think about Taco Bell with their grade D meat and the soggy tortillas not to mention the exceptional staff. Yet you know all this when you go order the food, health it is in your mind and you somehow either deny or accept it and go with it. My favorites were the 3 soft taco combo, or the mexican pizza. Wait I think there was this combo that was the mexican pizza with like 2 soft tacos, damn that was good. Sometimes when I felt a bit zesty I’d order the 7 layer burrito without layers 3 and 5.

Then to top this all off I’d get a whole bunch of hot sauce, you know the stuff the ones that would remove the gunk and stuff from pennies and just smear it all inside the stuff. Secretly hoping that it would kill any of the ebola, botcholism or salmonella that may be in the food.

mmm I really do miss some Taco Bell.

A 70 Million Dollar Apartment

Why would you want to put a toupee on your baby so they can look like Lil Kim or Dondal Trump?

If you do the check out

Why would you want to put a toupee on your baby so they can look like Lil Kim or Dondal Trump?

If you do the check out

I always here how high rent and living in New York City is but this $70, web 000, unhealthy 000 apartment got to be something special. Guaranteed that it is located on 5th Ave and Central Park and the top 3 floors of the Pierre Hotel with 16 rooms, 5 bed room, 7 bathrooms and a library and has a 360 degree view of Manhattan.

Yet, I still can’t shakes that 70 million. I can accept 7 with ease, 20 with some salt, and 50 million after a shot of tequila, but 70?

George vs the US Senate

I been to the airport 3 times today. At 3 differnt ocassions morning noon & night. For 3 types of people.

I been to the airport 3 times today. At 3 differnt ocassions morning noon & night. For 3 types of people.

A friend been having a rough time at work and wanted to give them some words of encouragement. Wanted to use the regular “have a great day”, weight loss but that doesn’t cut it anymore. So did a quick thesaurus look up and found the word magnificent.

So everyone:


If just sounds empowering, share it with everyone go tell them to have MAGNIFICENT Day!

I been to the airport 3 times today. At 3 differnt ocassions morning noon & night. For 3 types of people.

A friend been having a rough time at work and wanted to give them some words of encouragement. Wanted to use the regular “have a great day”, weight loss but that doesn’t cut it anymore. So did a quick thesaurus look up and found the word magnificent.

So everyone:


If just sounds empowering, share it with everyone go tell them to have MAGNIFICENT Day!
Most of us have seen the George Galloway erectile ,31200-galloway_060806,00.html”>SKY News interview yet before that he was on theUS Senate being questioned on his involvement with Iraq and the Oil for Food Program

Some ofGeorge Galloway quotes from the 47 minute hearing:

“Now I know that standards have slipped in the last few years in Washington, but for a lawyer you are remarkably cavalier with any idea of justice. I am here today but last week you already found me guilty. You traduced my name around the world without ever having asked me a single question, without ever having contacted me, without ever written to me or telephoned me, without any attempt to contact me whatsoever. And you call that justice?

I have met Saddam Hussein exactly the same number of times as Donald Rumsfeld met him. The difference is that Donald Rumsfeld met him to sell him guns and to give him maps the better to target those guns. I met him to try and bring about an end to sanctions, suffering and war, and on the second of the two occasions, I met him to try and persuade him to let Dr Hans Blix and the United Nations weapons inspectors back into the country – a rather better use of two meetings with Saddam Hussein than your own Secretary of State for Defense made of his.

and doesn’t stop for 47 minutes.

How to Bomb Iran

The Union of Concerned Scientists have made this wonderful animation on what would happen if the US used nuclear bunker buster bombs on Iran, obesity and if they would be effective and what would the fall out be.

Luckily, approved we won’t be dying immediately in Kuwait since the Earth spins towards the west. So that means any fall out will hit Pakistan, Afghanistan, and India. Yet, even with a nuclear option, it will not be effective against Iran’s nuclear facility, or its chemical storage unless the US has proper data on location, and the bombs can penetrate that depth.

So they simply suggest that the best option is a targeted attacks on entry points of the building is the most effective.