We Hardly Knew You

So I am back and catching up with the latest stuff on the web.

Here are some good stuff:

Free Photography Classes

A Amazing visual music search feature to find other other artist
you may like

Google Labs Aptitue Test: How different do you

Iranian Blogger protesting a blog crackdown

Study reveals how painting eyes follow you:

The plans for a USSR Lunar base in 1960s

Tattos for your teeth!:
So I am back and catching up with the latest stuff on the web.

Here are some good stuff:

Free Photography Classes

A Amazing visual music search feature to find other other artist
you may like

Google Labs Aptitue Test: How different do you

Iranian Blogger protesting a blog crackdown

Study reveals how painting eyes follow you:

The plans for a USSR Lunar base in 1960s

Tattos for your teeth!:
Well I just got back and settling in with life and stuff catching up with the week of work thats been in the office and remeber that I am leaving again on Tuesday to Spain. This will be another 4-5 day trip, rubella also business.

There won’t be driving in this one, medicine just flying. I get to stay a night in Madrid, but would rather spend a day and go see the musuems they have there. Was ther ein teh summer and got to see a Dali exhibition and Picasso’s Gernica. The Gernica was special since I even visited that city just a couple days earlier.

So now I got to get all my work done that I have pending, cross my “i”s and dot my “t”s and all that o
ther stuff. Also trying to remeber who I know in Spain. There is a friend of a friend that I can contact that I can contact in Madrid. It just depends on how much time I have.

Also my parents are now it is saying it is time for a new car. I love my car she has been good to me and I am waiting to push her to 300000km I got to be there for that rollover. It is at 278something now
I am just almost there. I remeber when it did 250000 and that was a great feeling.

The car I would love is “Bo Shaneb” it is just a power horse. For a classier approach the Audi A7. It was orignally a concept called the Pikes Peak but they are saying it is coming out in 2005 as the A7. If thats not possible then has to be the Audi RS6. I have a thing for station wagons and well I need the room for my work and life. The people who seen my car know that I pretty much can live out of it. Then when you add the RS6 engine to that baby, just makes you think lots of happy thoughts.


Looking at it now and thinking on how I will be in Kuwait tomorrow shows how really more developed tha
n the other countries we are. Our roads and cities and population are so ahead of the other countries
in the area. Yet we are behind in terms of free trade and allowing of foriegn investments. But that is
changing. I believe in 20 years the whole Gulf will be in the same level and that each country will h
ave a speciality.
Just got home. It is 5:00am I left Doah at 1pm. You do the math.

Stuff happned on the way not just ready to talk about it just now, look salve illness
I will provide pics and videos once I get some rest and over this fight or flight phase.

It is good to be home.


Just a quick link for people.
Some guy found someones digiam and is posting pics
and explaining pics

Just a quick link for people.
Some guy found someones digiam and is posting pics
and explaining pics

Just a quick link for people.
Some guy found someones digiam and is posting pics
and explaining pics

I made it to Qatar. The trip took 7 hours and 41 minutes. It was long and confusing since they are no
signs telling you how far Salwa (Border) is. So I a driving driving seeing signs to Hofuf, medicine
Riyadh, Dam
ma, but no Salawa. I even found the old border crossing that is closed now, but there are these worker
s there that are cleaning the place. It place is closed why do you need to clean it? They told me its
another 70km to Salwa so I sped of on my way there.

The border place on Qatars side is really nice. Its has these old style look for the buildings and the
re was a female who checked my passport! And the people there smiled! It was a nice sight.

Doha is really nice and enjoying my time here. Will leave to Kuwait either today or tomorrow depending
on what I need to get done and the time I have left. The less I avoid driving during the night in Sau
di the better.

Once I get home I will try to catch up with everything and post more about my trip and scan the polaro
id pictures I took. Yes! I use a polaroid! Oh and I got the SE P910! It rocks, there isa slight learni
ng curve, but I am getting used to it.

Just a quick link for people.
Some guy found someones digiam and is posting pics
and explaining pics

Just a quick link for people.
Some guy found someones digiam and is posting pics
and explaining pics

I made it to Qatar. The trip took 7 hours and 41 minutes. It was long and confusing since they are no
signs telling you how far Salwa (Border) is. So I a driving driving seeing signs to Hofuf, medicine
Riyadh, Dam
ma, but no Salawa. I even found the old border crossing that is closed now, but there are these worker
s there that are cleaning the place. It place is closed why do you need to clean it? They told me its
another 70km to Salwa so I sped of on my way there.

The border place on Qatars side is really nice. Its has these old style look for the buildings and the
re was a female who checked my passport! And the people there smiled! It was a nice sight.

Doha is really nice and enjoying my time here. Will leave to Kuwait either today or tomorrow depending
on what I need to get done and the time I have left. The less I avoid driving during the night in Sau
di the better.

Once I get home I will try to catch up with everything and post more about my trip and scan the polaro
id pictures I took. Yes! I use a polaroid! Oh and I got the SE P910! It rocks, there isa slight learni
ng curve, but I am getting used to it.

Really enjoying Qatar, physiotherapist its really relaxed here and just feels cozy, page found out that Khaleeji can own 3
houses in Doha and as much as they want outside the city limits. Wouldn’t minf a house here to relax and get away from Kuwait, and once they build that bridge betwen Bahrain-Qatar it will cut 6 hours from the trip, and they are saying that a bridge between Qatar and Abu Dhabi. Now that will be amazing. For I will be skipping those Saudi roads and make a trip 1/3rd the time if you went through Saudi. Though I am not sure about the humidity here, my glasses fog up, and my clothes stick to me like I jumped in the pool.

I visited Cornell – Qatar, and all I have to say is I want to be a student again. This place is a work of art. It just screams learning and expression. The architecture is just out of this world a mix of Islamic and ergonomic and geometric shapes. The classr
ooms are all high tech and the walls are whiteboard. So you can write everywhere it really feels like a place of learning. Oh! and the coolest thing they have these “pods” which are cluster of iMacs scattered around the building. You can check email, do homework, anything on these things. How cool is that
? What I loved the most was how they controled light there. it is all ambient and deflected or shaded. Gives it this very warm and light feeling. I love natural light so seeing this just gave me lots of ideas on how to control light in houses to avoid using lamps.

Glad I stayed an extra day so I can wander and finish my business. Sadly I am leaving tomorrow. I want to go back to Kuwait dont get me wrong. I just enjoyed my tour around the Gulf and seeing places that are still new and not known like Al-Ain and Doha. Both beutiful places and it is even better meeting
some really old friends and making new ones.

The old friends part is a good one. I was in Al-Ain and talking to the guy with me about my friends in college, and Omani and Emierati and how I lost contact with them and really would love to meet them. So I am at Al-Ain mall checking my email. And this guy comes and say “Salam” and it is my Omani friend that I haven’t seen in 7 years! 7 Years and I was just talking about him 2 hours ago!

We caught up and exchanged numbers and he still keeps in contact with the Emierati who lives in Al-Ain!. It was great meeting them both again catching up on old times and the people we interacted with and our college days.

Life is just weird and amazing like that.

Gives me more incentive to visit Al-Ain and really just stay there than Dubai. It is better weather (dry like Kuwait) cheap rooms, good people, and I got a friend that I can hang out with. The only time I went to Dubai was to go to City Center to visit the book store and look for the P910. I was in/out in 45 minutes. Then to a business meeting. I was glad I didnt have to spend any time there more than I needed to.

So tomorrow I go home. Feels like I have been gone more than a week.