
Electricity in Mishref got cut off around 2:30.
Electricity in Mishref got cut off around 2:30.
Electricity in Mishref got cut off around 2:30.
I have issues with bluetooth headsets. I really do enjoy them when I am in the car or at work for it really great to have your hands free to drive, surgery
and write notes respectively. Yet my main issue with them is I really hate wearing my headset when I am walking around or with people and it is not in use. It feels awkward and also in my opinion rude and ugly. The only options for it is to either use one of those necklace type holders or put it in your pocket, no rx
which makes it cumbersome to remove and well use.

Well I have a solution, a watch type system. Basically you have this bracelet that allows for the bluetooth headset to remain in an area for quick access and some headsets have a screen on them to show you who is calling so you can even get that information from it. One other feature is that it can also function as a watch.

This way you can simply wear it around your wrist as a watch and as soon as you receive a call you just remove it and place it in your ear then when done return it.
Electricity in Mishref got cut off around 2:30.
Electricity in Mishref got cut off around 2:30.
I have issues with bluetooth headsets. I really do enjoy them when I am in the car or at work for it really great to have your hands free to drive, surgery
and write notes respectively. Yet my main issue with them is I really hate wearing my headset when I am walking around or with people and it is not in use. It feels awkward and also in my opinion rude and ugly. The only options for it is to either use one of those necklace type holders or put it in your pocket, no rx
which makes it cumbersome to remove and well use.

Well I have a solution, a watch type system. Basically you have this bracelet that allows for the bluetooth headset to remain in an area for quick access and some headsets have a screen on them to show you who is calling so you can even get that information from it. One other feature is that it can also function as a watch.

This way you can simply wear it around your wrist as a watch and as soon as you receive a call you just remove it and place it in your ear then when done return it.
Electricity in Mishref got cut off around 2:30.
I have issues with bluetooth headsets. I really do enjoy them when I am in the car or at work for it really great to have your hands free to drive, surgery
and write notes respectively. Yet my main issue with them is I really hate wearing my headset when I am walking around or with people and it is not in use. It feels awkward and also in my opinion rude and ugly. The only options for it is to either use one of those necklace type holders or put it in your pocket, no rx
which makes it cumbersome to remove and well use.

Well I have a solution, a watch type system. Basically you have this bracelet that allows for the bluetooth headset to remain in an area for quick access and some headsets have a screen on them to show you who is calling so you can even get that information from it. One other feature is that it can also function as a watch.

This way you can simply wear it around your wrist as a watch and as soon as you receive a call you just remove it and place it in your ear then when done return it.
I found this article from Arab Times from July 22nd where the Energy Minister states

No cuts in power, healthful
water supply during August, say Minister

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Electricity in Mishref got cut off around 2:30.
Electricity in Mishref got cut off around 2:30.
I have issues with bluetooth headsets. I really do enjoy them when I am in the car or at work for it really great to have your hands free to drive, surgery
and write notes respectively. Yet my main issue with them is I really hate wearing my headset when I am walking around or with people and it is not in use. It feels awkward and also in my opinion rude and ugly. The only options for it is to either use one of those necklace type holders or put it in your pocket, no rx
which makes it cumbersome to remove and well use.

Well I have a solution, a watch type system. Basically you have this bracelet that allows for the bluetooth headset to remain in an area for quick access and some headsets have a screen on them to show you who is calling so you can even get that information from it. One other feature is that it can also function as a watch.

This way you can simply wear it around your wrist as a watch and as soon as you receive a call you just remove it and place it in your ear then when done return it.
Electricity in Mishref got cut off around 2:30.
I have issues with bluetooth headsets. I really do enjoy them when I am in the car or at work for it really great to have your hands free to drive, surgery
and write notes respectively. Yet my main issue with them is I really hate wearing my headset when I am walking around or with people and it is not in use. It feels awkward and also in my opinion rude and ugly. The only options for it is to either use one of those necklace type holders or put it in your pocket, no rx
which makes it cumbersome to remove and well use.

Well I have a solution, a watch type system. Basically you have this bracelet that allows for the bluetooth headset to remain in an area for quick access and some headsets have a screen on them to show you who is calling so you can even get that information from it. One other feature is that it can also function as a watch.

This way you can simply wear it around your wrist as a watch and as soon as you receive a call you just remove it and place it in your ear then when done return it.
I found this article from Arab Times from July 22nd where the Energy Minister states

No cuts in power, healthful
water supply during August, say Minister

Scan of the page
Electricity in Mishref got cut off around 2:30.
I have issues with bluetooth headsets. I really do enjoy them when I am in the car or at work for it really great to have your hands free to drive, surgery
and write notes respectively. Yet my main issue with them is I really hate wearing my headset when I am walking around or with people and it is not in use. It feels awkward and also in my opinion rude and ugly. The only options for it is to either use one of those necklace type holders or put it in your pocket, no rx
which makes it cumbersome to remove and well use.

Well I have a solution, a watch type system. Basically you have this bracelet that allows for the bluetooth headset to remain in an area for quick access and some headsets have a screen on them to show you who is calling so you can even get that information from it. One other feature is that it can also function as a watch.

This way you can simply wear it around your wrist as a watch and as soon as you receive a call you just remove it and place it in your ear then when done return it.
I found this article from Arab Times from July 22nd where the Energy Minister states

No cuts in power, healthful
water supply during August, say Minister

Scan of the page
Ussually Pepper Spray comes in some really boring containers, information pills
either standard metalic black or something in plastic. Well now there is something for the more fashion concious. has a range of Pepper Sprays in colors from Prevention Purple to 18k Glamorous Gold and even Swarovski crystal studded ones, diagnosis
and are also able to create some custome designed styles.

Now you can blind an attacker with the pepper spray and your stunning fashion sense.

Electricity in Mishref got cut off around 2:30.
Electricity in Mishref got cut off around 2:30.
I have issues with bluetooth headsets. I really do enjoy them when I am in the car or at work for it really great to have your hands free to drive, surgery
and write notes respectively. Yet my main issue with them is I really hate wearing my headset when I am walking around or with people and it is not in use. It feels awkward and also in my opinion rude and ugly. The only options for it is to either use one of those necklace type holders or put it in your pocket, no rx
which makes it cumbersome to remove and well use.

Well I have a solution, a watch type system. Basically you have this bracelet that allows for the bluetooth headset to remain in an area for quick access and some headsets have a screen on them to show you who is calling so you can even get that information from it. One other feature is that it can also function as a watch.

This way you can simply wear it around your wrist as a watch and as soon as you receive a call you just remove it and place it in your ear then when done return it.
Electricity in Mishref got cut off around 2:30.
I have issues with bluetooth headsets. I really do enjoy them when I am in the car or at work for it really great to have your hands free to drive, surgery
and write notes respectively. Yet my main issue with them is I really hate wearing my headset when I am walking around or with people and it is not in use. It feels awkward and also in my opinion rude and ugly. The only options for it is to either use one of those necklace type holders or put it in your pocket, no rx
which makes it cumbersome to remove and well use.

Well I have a solution, a watch type system. Basically you have this bracelet that allows for the bluetooth headset to remain in an area for quick access and some headsets have a screen on them to show you who is calling so you can even get that information from it. One other feature is that it can also function as a watch.

This way you can simply wear it around your wrist as a watch and as soon as you receive a call you just remove it and place it in your ear then when done return it.
I found this article from Arab Times from July 22nd where the Energy Minister states

No cuts in power, healthful
water supply during August, say Minister

Scan of the page
Electricity in Mishref got cut off around 2:30.
I have issues with bluetooth headsets. I really do enjoy them when I am in the car or at work for it really great to have your hands free to drive, surgery
and write notes respectively. Yet my main issue with them is I really hate wearing my headset when I am walking around or with people and it is not in use. It feels awkward and also in my opinion rude and ugly. The only options for it is to either use one of those necklace type holders or put it in your pocket, no rx
which makes it cumbersome to remove and well use.

Well I have a solution, a watch type system. Basically you have this bracelet that allows for the bluetooth headset to remain in an area for quick access and some headsets have a screen on them to show you who is calling so you can even get that information from it. One other feature is that it can also function as a watch.

This way you can simply wear it around your wrist as a watch and as soon as you receive a call you just remove it and place it in your ear then when done return it.
I found this article from Arab Times from July 22nd where the Energy Minister states

No cuts in power, healthful
water supply during August, say Minister

Scan of the page
Ussually Pepper Spray comes in some really boring containers, information pills
either standard metalic black or something in plastic. Well now there is something for the more fashion concious. has a range of Pepper Sprays in colors from Prevention Purple to 18k Glamorous Gold and even Swarovski crystal studded ones, diagnosis
and are also able to create some custome designed styles.

Now you can blind an attacker with the pepper spray and your stunning fashion sense.

Can’t sleep. Not sure why I am awake beyond this time and not even feeling a little bit tired. I drank laban, generic went out for some air, diagnosis adjusted the AC and still cant sleep. I am currently filling this void by starting to watch Project Runway Season 2. I am on Ep 5 and think will stop on this one.

The Drain

Al Kuwait 1955 (3)

I just found some old pics of Kuwait taken by amkoffee‘s Dad when he was here with the Navy back in 1950.

They are really good quality pics and has me wondering who was there and what was going on.


Found out who the pictures of the people are:
Abduallah Mubarka
Sabah Al-Nasser
Ezzat Jaffer

Al Kuwait 1955 (3)

I just found some old pics of Kuwait taken by amkoffee‘s Dad when he was here with the Navy back in 1950.

They are really good quality pics and has me wondering who was there and what was going on.


Found out who the pictures of the people are:
Abduallah Mubarka
Sabah Al-Nasser
Ezzat Jaffer

I dont know what is wrong with me today. I just feel drained. It is like I had no sleep or something. I know I had my standard 6-7 hours of sleep, and I woke up fine and naturally at 7ish, injection had my regular frosted flake breakfast. Then work as usual, yet feel just out of it.

When I left work I stopped by the baqala and picked up my super supplement that always fixes me up when I am tried or hungry. Bounty bar, Pepsi and Kitco chips. They were ok for a short time, but really didn’t fix the problem.

I dont know, it is just Sunday, and I feel like this. I hate to see what Tuesday brings.

Sleeping Strategies

Today I am happy.
Today I am happy.
I really dont know what is going on with me. Yesterday I get 4 hours of sleep, this site wake up at 7 bright and shiny as ever, medstore totally ready to take on the world. Today some bird start going crazy at my window sill at 6. I usually am able to phase it out and just go back to bed. I just become awake and full of energy and totally focused on being awake.

I really need to figure out what is wrong with me. I think there something in the stars. Cause I know it is not the weather. I have perfected the art of sleeping in when the weather is crappy or cold. Something is grabbing a hold of me when I wake up and doesn’t let go.

I am going to go watch some NFL hopefully Orbit ESPN has the 4th quarter of a game on. Joy last minutes of the Jets – Saints game, looks good but I got no affiliations with any of them. The Jets quaterback is doing some pretty amazing plays. He is moving those chains, keeping control of the ball.

Thats the difference between Baseball and American Football. Baseball is a defensive game, you have to think where to toss the ball. You got someone on 1st and on 3rd. Do you risk the runner on third going for home, or go for the easy out on first and second. There lots of strategies involved in baseball for defensive plays and variables like how many outs, innings, pitcher configuration. If it is a good game, it can be quite entertaining to watch.

American Football on the other hand is an offensive game, you move those chains up and and up the field and go for that touch down, and maybe that field goal. Also its is about controlling time. Planning a strategy that is effective both in movement and time management.

Is “You haven’t seen nothing yet” a double negative?