Fake Apple Products

Made a new section in KuWiki called How Tos. Basiclly is a place where we can write about getting stuff done in Kuwait. In terms of the government and the required paperwork and hoops to jump. It would just be great to know what you are in store for before going on this journey. So you can be prepared with the write paperwork and arguements.

I just wrote one about Airport Customs which is on how to get your package from them.

Made a new section in KuWiki called How Tos. Basiclly is a place where we can write about getting stuff done in Kuwait. In terms of the government and the required paperwork and hoops to jump. It would just be great to know what you are in store for before going on this journey. So you can be prepared with the write paperwork and arguements.

I just wrote one about Airport Customs which is on how to get your package from them.

Made a new section in KuWiki called How Tos. Basiclly is a place where we can write about getting stuff done in Kuwait. In terms of the government and the required paperwork and hoops to jump. It would just be great to know what you are in store for before going on this journey. So you can be prepared with the write paperwork and arguements.

I just wrote one about Airport Customs which is on how to get your package from them.

Business 2.0 has an article on no rx
21937, order
1039453-1,00.html”>what will Apple think of next by the guy who made the PowerBook. It pretty boring and lame, most of the stuff has already been done by regular people and can be seen on engadget, gizmodo and thinksecret.

What annoyed is the iPhone people have been talking about that for ages, and their big deal is that instead of a number pad it will have a scroll wheel. Hmm kinda looks like the Nokia 7280

Life with Connie

After waiting having a tough and long labour process involving waiting and staring at watches that stopped working I finally got her. She weight just over 4.6lbs and is 15″. I have named her Connie (short for Conduit).

Ah the joy she brings me in holding her. I know some other will be getting same ones soon. I hope they bring as much and more joy.

All I need now is a Hello Kitty stick to put on her.
After waiting having a tough and long labour process involving waiting and staring at watches that stopped working I finally got her. She weight just over 4.6lbs and is 15″. I have named her Connie (short for Conduit).

Ah the joy she brings me in holding her. I know some other will be getting same ones soon. I hope they bring as much and more joy.

All I need now is a Hello Kitty stick to put on her.
After waiting having a tough and long labour process involving waiting and staring at watches that stopped working I finally got her. She weight just over 4.6lbs and is 15″. I have named her Connie (short for Conduit).

Ah the joy she brings me in holding her. I know some other will be getting same ones soon. I hope they bring as much and more joy.

All I need now is a Hello Kitty stick to put on her.

Yesterday I participated in the DILO project. What it entails is me taking pictures of day.

My focus on DILO day is to get my PowerBook. They kept it at customs at the airport so had to go in and free her. The day was prety much my basic day in Kuwait. Work during the day, advice some family time during the afternoon then friends at night for cards.
After waiting having a tough and long labour process involving waiting and staring at watches that stopped working I finally got her. She weight just over 4.6lbs and is 15″. I have named her Connie (short for Conduit).

Ah the joy she brings me in holding her. I know some other will be getting same ones soon. I hope they bring as much and more joy.

All I need now is a Hello Kitty stick to put on her.
After waiting having a tough and long labour process involving waiting and staring at watches that stopped working I finally got her. She weight just over 4.6lbs and is 15″. I have named her Connie (short for Conduit).

Ah the joy she brings me in holding her. I know some other will be getting same ones soon. I hope they bring as much and more joy.

All I need now is a Hello Kitty stick to put on her.

Yesterday I participated in the DILO project. What it entails is me taking pictures of day.

My focus on DILO day is to get my PowerBook. They kept it at customs at the airport so had to go in and free her. The day was prety much my basic day in Kuwait. Work during the day, advice some family time during the afternoon then friends at night for cards.
With Mothers day being yesterday and hearing this story on the radio :phthisiatrician ,2-10-1462_1679126, health 00.html”>Blind sons get mom’s corneas. The rest of the story for the title is the mother killed herself in order for the donation to happen. By doing that the doctors were able to take her 2 corneas and place 1 each for her 2 blind sons.

That just gives me chills. They can talk about a the fury and rage of a women scorned, but they cant come up with enough words to describe their love.
After waiting having a tough and long labour process involving waiting and staring at watches that stopped working I finally got her. She weight just over 4.6lbs and is 15″. I have named her Connie (short for Conduit).

Ah the joy she brings me in holding her. I know some other will be getting same ones soon. I hope they bring as much and more joy.

All I need now is a Hello Kitty stick to put on her.
After waiting having a tough and long labour process involving waiting and staring at watches that stopped working I finally got her. She weight just over 4.6lbs and is 15″. I have named her Connie (short for Conduit).

Ah the joy she brings me in holding her. I know some other will be getting same ones soon. I hope they bring as much and more joy.

All I need now is a Hello Kitty stick to put on her.

Yesterday I participated in the DILO project. What it entails is me taking pictures of day.

My focus on DILO day is to get my PowerBook. They kept it at customs at the airport so had to go in and free her. The day was prety much my basic day in Kuwait. Work during the day, advice some family time during the afternoon then friends at night for cards.
With Mothers day being yesterday and hearing this story on the radio :phthisiatrician ,2-10-1462_1679126, health 00.html”>Blind sons get mom’s corneas. The rest of the story for the title is the mother killed herself in order for the donation to happen. By doing that the doctors were able to take her 2 corneas and place 1 each for her 2 blind sons.

That just gives me chills. They can talk about a the fury and rage of a women scorned, but they cant come up with enough words to describe their love.
Its great having a new laptop. There is soo much freedom with this one, cheap my last one really hit EOL I had to keep it plugged in to a power supply at all times cause the battery died, the 12″ screen was limiting, not including the hard disk space of 0 and just the bloat. I could have easily fixed most of those problem with a good format and reinstall but it wasn’t worth it for what I was doing with it.

Connie is just blowing me away with its abilities and I still haven’t used 1/2 of them yet. Slowly doing more stuff here and there. My main issue is the screen and mouse. Zoe (my old iBook short for Zealot) was 12″ and since it turned to desktop of with the iCurve and using a regular mouse for it moving around the screen was easy. With Connie its never ends I have it on fastest and just have to keep moving my finger to get to one end to another. The screen is just huge and the screen size I am using is 1240 compared to 1024 on Zoe. But I LOVE it I get to see more on the screen just annoying making that window active.

Lately I been downloading stuff and messing with the BSD Darwin core, added MySQL and set up PHP so I can install web apps and mess with them before I put them online. Its really fun.

I also downloaded DosBox which is a DOS Emu so I can run some old games like X-Com Enemy Unkown, Transport Tycoon, Master of Orion and Master of Magic. As you can see my gaming days stopped around 1997. Games back then had more style in terms of thinking and planning, the ones now are just cut and slash without any real substance. I haven’t seen any game lately that I want to get. Though I have sworn when Duke Nukem Forever comes out I will get a PC with the spec to play it.

Also with Connie I am spending more time with the family kinda. Before I would go to my room and hide there on the computer. Now I spend time in the family room. We got wireless and also 2 other laptops that my parents use. So we sit around on our computers talk and watch tv. Some my say that is anti social since we are doing our own thing, but I feel its good. Sometimes you dont have to talk to people your close to, you just want to be around them. Gives you a sense of security and reassurance.

I still need to get a bag for Connie. Going to get this Timbuk2 one that is a laptop tote or something. Its a case with handles on top. This way I can carry it seperate from my messenger bag or have it placed inside it.

Tiredness time for sleep.

Bag Me (redux)

I am up. Dont recall ever getting up this early in a long time…
I am up. Dont recall ever getting up this early in a long time…

Got back from the protest around 30 minutes ago and already uploading the pictures. Will offer link to the photoset once its done.
Kuwaiti Women Solidarity Protest. These aren’t my pictures my friend was using my digital mine will be up in a couple days (slide film)

It was a great protest I regret leaving now but I needed to get back to work. My Mom is now at the Parliament for the meeting so thats great.

They were lots of young faces there and very excited to be part of the movement. One thing that got to me was a lot of them were shouting slogans in English and Arabic. You can tell this was a very multicultural crowd and wanting change. I saw friends and family there which was great.

I didn’t hold any poster cause I was so busy running around taking pictures. I was wearing blue and believe that by being there and documenting it for people is good for the cause.

I have more pictures from my regular film cameras, cialis sale but they are slide and will take about a day to develop and stuff, but once I get them rest assured they will be on line as well.
I am up. Dont recall ever getting up this early in a long time…

Got back from the protest around 30 minutes ago and already uploading the pictures. Will offer link to the photoset once its done.
Kuwaiti Women Solidarity Protest. These aren’t my pictures my friend was using my digital mine will be up in a couple days (slide film)

It was a great protest I regret leaving now but I needed to get back to work. My Mom is now at the Parliament for the meeting so thats great.

They were lots of young faces there and very excited to be part of the movement. One thing that got to me was a lot of them were shouting slogans in English and Arabic. You can tell this was a very multicultural crowd and wanting change. I saw friends and family there which was great.

I didn’t hold any poster cause I was so busy running around taking pictures. I was wearing blue and believe that by being there and documenting it for people is good for the cause.

I have more pictures from my regular film cameras, cialis sale but they are slide and will take about a day to develop and stuff, but once I get them rest assured they will be on line as well.
Saw this on SaudiJeans about memorizing telephone numbers. It strengthens my earlier post on the future of domain names because of IDN and IPV6.

People have their own way of remembering numbers on their address book via nicknames or strange characters in the contacts info, cheap so why can’t we do that with domain names.

Like my blog for example. Its officially www.kuwaitblogs.com/users/nibaq/
But someone could have it in their personal DNS as nibaqsblogs.com or why even use .com and just have it as saviormachine.blog, anesthetist or something thats tagged based like nibaq.blogs.kuwait.

Thats another idea, a tag based dns system that is linked to your del.icio.us bookmarks.

I think ICANN will be dead in less than 2 years after the release of IPV6.

I am up. Dont recall ever getting up this early in a long time…

Got back from the protest around 30 minutes ago and already uploading the pictures. Will offer link to the photoset once its done.
Kuwaiti Women Solidarity Protest. These aren’t my pictures my friend was using my digital mine will be up in a couple days (slide film)

It was a great protest I regret leaving now but I needed to get back to work. My Mom is now at the Parliament for the meeting so thats great.

They were lots of young faces there and very excited to be part of the movement. One thing that got to me was a lot of them were shouting slogans in English and Arabic. You can tell this was a very multicultural crowd and wanting change. I saw friends and family there which was great.

I didn’t hold any poster cause I was so busy running around taking pictures. I was wearing blue and believe that by being there and documenting it for people is good for the cause.

I have more pictures from my regular film cameras, cialis sale but they are slide and will take about a day to develop and stuff, but once I get them rest assured they will be on line as well.
Saw this on SaudiJeans about memorizing telephone numbers. It strengthens my earlier post on the future of domain names because of IDN and IPV6.

People have their own way of remembering numbers on their address book via nicknames or strange characters in the contacts info, cheap so why can’t we do that with domain names.

Like my blog for example. Its officially www.kuwaitblogs.com/users/nibaq/
But someone could have it in their personal DNS as nibaqsblogs.com or why even use .com and just have it as saviormachine.blog, anesthetist or something thats tagged based like nibaq.blogs.kuwait.

Thats another idea, a tag based dns system that is linked to your del.icio.us bookmarks.

I think ICANN will be dead in less than 2 years after the release of IPV6.

So saw some options that seem better and more practical than the Timbuk2 and also read some sites complaining that the original owners of the company left and most of the manufacturing is in China so its not the same quality that was before.

And luckily found some pretty amazing messenger bag companies.

I like this company ReLoad I think I will be getting a bag from these guys the prices are reasonable and really look great. I am eying their Civilian model. It is well built has good pockets and straps, buy more about then there is the extra options that I can add to it. Which I really want and need. I also kind of torn for the Deluxe model it just looks rugged, but I think it too big for what I need.

For just size wise I am liking Cocotte. It is Canadian company from Montreal and really have a nice bag called Alfredo the dimensions of this bag are kinda of weird seems to narrow for my liking, but pictures of the way it open up to show off that a large size, and seems very tempting. Sadly there is no price available on their website or how to order it except from retail shops in Montreal.

Here is a pretty cool Hungarian company called Bagaboo they also offer customization, yet their bag sizes I think are a bit to big. Their smallest is 21″ wide. I am looking for a bag that is around 16″-19″ wide.

One company that is meeting my size requirements is Bailey Works these guys have this really great bag called 40 1K its a toned down version of their Courier 253 bag yet they are no pictures of what the bag looks inside, in terms of zippers and pockets. Price wise they are great.

Now for the hard core bag. Pac Designs make one mean bag, their slogan is “Built for Abuse, Engineered for Riding”. These guys don’t mess around at all and I am in love with their Deluxe bag. This thing is a menace has everything in terms of pockets and zippers but short in my width requirements but I can deal with that. It also has a pretty tough price around it but you get what you pay for. If I do go for these guys I most likely will get their simpler one calledStreet Scene. It has less options but still built to their standards and I dont think I would really use all those biking options.

Push the Envelope with their Metro bag it is the right size and look how practical it is with the pockets and easily it gets filled up.

What do you guys think? Which bag makes you drool the most?

Bag Me


Originally uploaded by I Love Q8.

Something to think about when people go camping.


Originally uploaded by I Love Q8.

Something to think about when people go camping.

I was taking a shower this morning and was thinking about politics, page marketing and what to wear. When I started mix mashing thoughts and came with this question: “Does politics have a product cycle?” .

A little track back on the product cycle. They are marketing terms for a product, on how and when does it get accepted into the market.

In the cycle they are 4 main categories:

  • Early Adopters* First 15% – 20% that adopt the product. These are the people on the cutting edge. So cost doesn’t mean much to them, they also influence the next group.
  • Early Majority Next 30-35%. This is where the money comes in and when it gets accepted in the market. This is also when competition starts coming in and fighting for market share
  • Late Majority Next 30%. The last part of the money train people have accepted the product and its become a house hold name and their are lots of competitors in the market.
  • Laggards Remaining 20%. Here is when the product stops really making money and the early companies with this product stop doing it.

So how does this relate to politics.

One good current example is women’s rights in Kuwait.

I think the struggle started back in the 70s-80s and thats when early adopters came in with this idea and belief. Of course they were in the minority. Yet still with this 20-30 year period I don’t think we have even got near to the Late Majority stage. Cause to me if feels this movement is right down the middle now with the people who want it and the ones who are against it, and there will always be some people who are even after it gets accepted.

So in conclusion its coming, there is no question about it, it will come and be accepted. Yet what I am already thinking about now is whats next? What will be the next early adopter movement, and that is what is scares me a little.


Originally uploaded by I Love Q8.

Something to think about when people go camping.

I was taking a shower this morning and was thinking about politics, page marketing and what to wear. When I started mix mashing thoughts and came with this question: “Does politics have a product cycle?” .

A little track back on the product cycle. They are marketing terms for a product, on how and when does it get accepted into the market.

In the cycle they are 4 main categories:

  • Early Adopters* First 15% – 20% that adopt the product. These are the people on the cutting edge. So cost doesn’t mean much to them, they also influence the next group.
  • Early Majority Next 30-35%. This is where the money comes in and when it gets accepted in the market. This is also when competition starts coming in and fighting for market share
  • Late Majority Next 30%. The last part of the money train people have accepted the product and its become a house hold name and their are lots of competitors in the market.
  • Laggards Remaining 20%. Here is when the product stops really making money and the early companies with this product stop doing it.

So how does this relate to politics.

One good current example is women’s rights in Kuwait.

I think the struggle started back in the 70s-80s and thats when early adopters came in with this idea and belief. Of course they were in the minority. Yet still with this 20-30 year period I don’t think we have even got near to the Late Majority stage. Cause to me if feels this movement is right down the middle now with the people who want it and the ones who are against it, and there will always be some people who are even after it gets accepted.

So in conclusion its coming, there is no question about it, it will come and be accepted. Yet what I am already thinking about now is whats next? What will be the next early adopter movement, and that is what is scares me a little.
I have this strange fascination with numbers, store I love just looking at them and figuring out some weird pattern and such. One place for random number combinations that I love are with license plates on cars. I’ll look at the numbers and try to figure out a pattern or even random ways to memorize the numbers.

Here is an example from a car outside.

So its +/- 1, injection 3 times with 8.
8 8 8
-1 +1 +1
7 9 9

I know most if not all of you will go wtf that doesn’t make any sense at all, health but some how it makes sense to me.

So now to make matters worse I have this site: What’s Special About This Number?. That shows some mathematical facts to numbers.

Like 138:

138 is the smallest possible product of 3 primes, one of which is the concatenation of the other two.


Originally uploaded by I Love Q8.

Something to think about when people go camping.

I was taking a shower this morning and was thinking about politics, page marketing and what to wear. When I started mix mashing thoughts and came with this question: “Does politics have a product cycle?” .

A little track back on the product cycle. They are marketing terms for a product, on how and when does it get accepted into the market.

In the cycle they are 4 main categories:

  • Early Adopters* First 15% – 20% that adopt the product. These are the people on the cutting edge. So cost doesn’t mean much to them, they also influence the next group.
  • Early Majority Next 30-35%. This is where the money comes in and when it gets accepted in the market. This is also when competition starts coming in and fighting for market share
  • Late Majority Next 30%. The last part of the money train people have accepted the product and its become a house hold name and their are lots of competitors in the market.
  • Laggards Remaining 20%. Here is when the product stops really making money and the early companies with this product stop doing it.

So how does this relate to politics.

One good current example is women’s rights in Kuwait.

I think the struggle started back in the 70s-80s and thats when early adopters came in with this idea and belief. Of course they were in the minority. Yet still with this 20-30 year period I don’t think we have even got near to the Late Majority stage. Cause to me if feels this movement is right down the middle now with the people who want it and the ones who are against it, and there will always be some people who are even after it gets accepted.

So in conclusion its coming, there is no question about it, it will come and be accepted. Yet what I am already thinking about now is whats next? What will be the next early adopter movement, and that is what is scares me a little.
I have this strange fascination with numbers, store I love just looking at them and figuring out some weird pattern and such. One place for random number combinations that I love are with license plates on cars. I’ll look at the numbers and try to figure out a pattern or even random ways to memorize the numbers.

Here is an example from a car outside.

So its +/- 1, injection 3 times with 8.
8 8 8
-1 +1 +1
7 9 9

I know most if not all of you will go wtf that doesn’t make any sense at all, health but some how it makes sense to me.

So now to make matters worse I have this site: What’s Special About This Number?. That shows some mathematical facts to numbers.

Like 138:

138 is the smallest possible product of 3 primes, one of which is the concatenation of the other two.

My dog died today. She been quiet sick for a while with tumor and just being old in general. I never had the heart to take her in to get euthanized it just seemed wrong to me. If she was going to die at least in her own home and not some clinic.

I feel some what guilty for not giving her attention. It isn’t without reason cause one night a couple weeks ago when I came home I do what I always do go and pet her and she got feral with me and bit my shoe. Luckily I didn’t get bitten but it scared me. She never did that with me before even when she eats I can get close to her and not worry. So that occurrence just made me afraid of her and didn’t want to get too close.

Now I have to carry my house keys with me. Before since she guarded the back entrance we never had to worry about locking the door. Whenever I came home I’d lock it, page and if there were anyone trying to break in she would bark and do her stuff. Now that she is gone its going to change.

I dont remember when we first got her, must have been back nearly 10 years now she was a good dog and will be missed. I dont know if we will be getting a replacement anytime soon, and I doubt we will.


Originally uploaded by I Love Q8.

Something to think about when people go camping.

I was taking a shower this morning and was thinking about politics, page marketing and what to wear. When I started mix mashing thoughts and came with this question: “Does politics have a product cycle?” .

A little track back on the product cycle. They are marketing terms for a product, on how and when does it get accepted into the market.

In the cycle they are 4 main categories:

  • Early Adopters* First 15% – 20% that adopt the product. These are the people on the cutting edge. So cost doesn’t mean much to them, they also influence the next group.
  • Early Majority Next 30-35%. This is where the money comes in and when it gets accepted in the market. This is also when competition starts coming in and fighting for market share
  • Late Majority Next 30%. The last part of the money train people have accepted the product and its become a house hold name and their are lots of competitors in the market.
  • Laggards Remaining 20%. Here is when the product stops really making money and the early companies with this product stop doing it.

So how does this relate to politics.

One good current example is women’s rights in Kuwait.

I think the struggle started back in the 70s-80s and thats when early adopters came in with this idea and belief. Of course they were in the minority. Yet still with this 20-30 year period I don’t think we have even got near to the Late Majority stage. Cause to me if feels this movement is right down the middle now with the people who want it and the ones who are against it, and there will always be some people who are even after it gets accepted.

So in conclusion its coming, there is no question about it, it will come and be accepted. Yet what I am already thinking about now is whats next? What will be the next early adopter movement, and that is what is scares me a little.
I have this strange fascination with numbers, store I love just looking at them and figuring out some weird pattern and such. One place for random number combinations that I love are with license plates on cars. I’ll look at the numbers and try to figure out a pattern or even random ways to memorize the numbers.

Here is an example from a car outside.

So its +/- 1, injection 3 times with 8.
8 8 8
-1 +1 +1
7 9 9

I know most if not all of you will go wtf that doesn’t make any sense at all, health but some how it makes sense to me.

So now to make matters worse I have this site: What’s Special About This Number?. That shows some mathematical facts to numbers.

Like 138:

138 is the smallest possible product of 3 primes, one of which is the concatenation of the other two.

My dog died today. She been quiet sick for a while with tumor and just being old in general. I never had the heart to take her in to get euthanized it just seemed wrong to me. If she was going to die at least in her own home and not some clinic.

I feel some what guilty for not giving her attention. It isn’t without reason cause one night a couple weeks ago when I came home I do what I always do go and pet her and she got feral with me and bit my shoe. Luckily I didn’t get bitten but it scared me. She never did that with me before even when she eats I can get close to her and not worry. So that occurrence just made me afraid of her and didn’t want to get too close.

Now I have to carry my house keys with me. Before since she guarded the back entrance we never had to worry about locking the door. Whenever I came home I’d lock it, page and if there were anyone trying to break in she would bark and do her stuff. Now that she is gone its going to change.

I dont remember when we first got her, must have been back nearly 10 years now she was a good dog and will be missed. I dont know if we will be getting a replacement anytime soon, and I doubt we will.
Finally going to get a new bag. I love messenger bags to me they are made for walking around in cities and to carry your life in. My current and always favorite is my Timbuk2 PeeWee I got this bag back in 1999 and I have taken this thing literally around the world. Its been the best, syphilis back when I just wanted something for my CDs Cd Player, hemophilia books, notepad and just stuff I picked up during that day. Even when I got my iBook it was perfect.

I tried many times to convert to other bags other the years, one memorable one that really sucked was the Tumi messenger one. Size wise it was great big and had good pockets and very formal, but they really screwed up when they designed that strap it hurt my shoulder and back, and when I found a replacement strap it also didn’t work cause the bag hooks were too high making the bag hang really low pulling on my back. So that was scrapped.

I even tried the Jansport one that could do everything be a messenger bag, also as your standard shoulder back pack. It also had good compartments and stuff. Yet when I filled it with stuff from my PeeWee the bag looked huge and just didn’t compact stuff. It would be a great bag for weekend trips and and chalet stuff, but not as a daily bag for running around.

So now I am looking again, and even thinking of a bigger bag. I checked out Crumpler and they got some nice designs but really didn’t seem practical. My friend recommended to me Chrome Bags. Theses are totally hard core messenger bags I got one of their Kozmo.com ones that I think is the large and it rocks. Really made for carrying stuff and moving around. It has a seat belt buckle for the release strap and the design and pockets are very practical and designed right. Yet I think these are just too hardcore for me, and I already have one their larger ones.

So looks like I am going to get theTimbuk2 even if they are the more expensive ones compared to Crumpler and the Chrome. I was thinking of getting their laptop series one called Commute. It looks great, has side pockets, and padded protection but their straps are like the Tumi and Jansport not sewed in, but clips which I hate. They are very tempting but after much thought I am going for the regular messenger bag and just buy the laptop protection thing separate. I figure I need a bag for my life and to have it fit everything, and not necessary be focuses on the laptop.

Now the hard part is figuring which colors to get it in cause I plan to use their build your own bag feature. Get some basic simple colors thinking Grey/Navy Blue, some dark colors.

Will keep you updated still checking out some other companies for their designs and comfort.

Long Day

Hello Kitty Sushi

Hello Kitty Sushi

Showtime screwed us over this afternoon changing their frequency no warning, this or messages, capsule just wh00p sorry. My mom started harassing me on what happened. I thought it was due to the smart card or receiver acting weird again, pathopsychology but then after a few phone calls we found out it was all over Kuwait.

Mark and Busynow found the new frequencies for them in this post

Here is where you can find the new channels:

Nilesat 11860 V 27500 3/4:
E + Fashion + Home Cinema 0 + MTV I + Style UK
Nilesat 11977 V 27500 5/6
Home Cinema 1-8
Nilesat 11996 H 27500 3/4
The Main Showtime Package TMC PRM etc.
Nilesat 12072 H 27500 3/4
Discovery BBCFood etc.

Happy Hunting!
On the Humax receiver you have to do Advanced Search for some reason, it didn’t work for me when I tried it manual.
Hello Kitty Sushi

Showtime screwed us over this afternoon changing their frequency no warning, this or messages, capsule just wh00p sorry. My mom started harassing me on what happened. I thought it was due to the smart card or receiver acting weird again, pathopsychology but then after a few phone calls we found out it was all over Kuwait.

Mark and Busynow found the new frequencies for them in this post

Here is where you can find the new channels:

Nilesat 11860 V 27500 3/4:
E + Fashion + Home Cinema 0 + MTV I + Style UK
Nilesat 11977 V 27500 5/6
Home Cinema 1-8
Nilesat 11996 H 27500 3/4
The Main Showtime Package TMC PRM etc.
Nilesat 12072 H 27500 3/4
Discovery BBCFood etc.

Happy Hunting!
On the Humax receiver you have to do Advanced Search for some reason, it didn’t work for me when I tried it manual.
Showtime screwed us over this afternoon changing their frequency no warning, this or messages, capsule just wh00p sorry. My mom started harassing me on what happened. I thought it was due to the smart card or receiver acting weird again, pathopsychology but then after a few phone calls we found out it was all over Kuwait.

Mark and Busynow found the new frequencies for them in this post

Here is where you can find the new channels:

Nilesat 11860 V 27500 3/4:
E + Fashion + Home Cinema 0 + MTV I + Style UK
Nilesat 11977 V 27500 5/6
Home Cinema 1-8
Nilesat 11996 H 27500 3/4
The Main Showtime Package TMC PRM etc.
Nilesat 12072 H 27500 3/4
Discovery BBCFood etc.

Happy Hunting!
On the Humax receiver you have to do Advanced Search for some reason, it didn’t work for me when I tried it manual.
One of my biggest fascinations is home appliances. I just love them. I used to love going to Best Buy and Lowes and roam around that section seeing their washing machines, Sildenafil
stoves and stuff. Just the technology that goes in to them and how advanced they are getting is impressive.

So seeing this frdige that keeps food hot is great. It has a preset timer to cool the food after a certain time but wonder if it can do the opposite by being cold then when its time heat the food so its nice and warm cause that would be more practical.
Long day and tired to write much of a post so will cliff note it.

  • Morning didn’t want to wake up
  • Work
  • Free trade zone is going to me something amazing once they get rid of the port.
  • Distiguished Gentleman is one of Eddie Murphy’s best roles.
  • The Machinist good movies that makes you go wtf, hemorrhoids diagnosis and Christian Bale is still a sexy mofo even at 120lbs.
  • Those old houses by Casper and Gambini are a hidden treasure
  • The Museum of Modern Art – Kuwait is also a hidden treasure in terms of a building and their small collection.
  • Blogger Meetup small this time, but good conversation about Kuwait and felt like a diwaniya.
  • Chinese House or something sucked cause they screwed up my order and didn’t give me utensils.
  • The stationary shop kitty corner to it is open till midnight.
  • And I love it when a team comes together and kicks ass.

Hot Fridge

Hello Kitty Sushi

Hello Kitty Sushi

Showtime screwed us over this afternoon changing their frequency no warning, this or messages, capsule just wh00p sorry. My mom started harassing me on what happened. I thought it was due to the smart card or receiver acting weird again, pathopsychology but then after a few phone calls we found out it was all over Kuwait.

Mark and Busynow found the new frequencies for them in this post

Here is where you can find the new channels:

Nilesat 11860 V 27500 3/4:
E + Fashion + Home Cinema 0 + MTV I + Style UK
Nilesat 11977 V 27500 5/6
Home Cinema 1-8
Nilesat 11996 H 27500 3/4
The Main Showtime Package TMC PRM etc.
Nilesat 12072 H 27500 3/4
Discovery BBCFood etc.

Happy Hunting!
On the Humax receiver you have to do Advanced Search for some reason, it didn’t work for me when I tried it manual.
Hello Kitty Sushi

Showtime screwed us over this afternoon changing their frequency no warning, this or messages, capsule just wh00p sorry. My mom started harassing me on what happened. I thought it was due to the smart card or receiver acting weird again, pathopsychology but then after a few phone calls we found out it was all over Kuwait.

Mark and Busynow found the new frequencies for them in this post

Here is where you can find the new channels:

Nilesat 11860 V 27500 3/4:
E + Fashion + Home Cinema 0 + MTV I + Style UK
Nilesat 11977 V 27500 5/6
Home Cinema 1-8
Nilesat 11996 H 27500 3/4
The Main Showtime Package TMC PRM etc.
Nilesat 12072 H 27500 3/4
Discovery BBCFood etc.

Happy Hunting!
On the Humax receiver you have to do Advanced Search for some reason, it didn’t work for me when I tried it manual.
Showtime screwed us over this afternoon changing their frequency no warning, this or messages, capsule just wh00p sorry. My mom started harassing me on what happened. I thought it was due to the smart card or receiver acting weird again, pathopsychology but then after a few phone calls we found out it was all over Kuwait.

Mark and Busynow found the new frequencies for them in this post

Here is where you can find the new channels:

Nilesat 11860 V 27500 3/4:
E + Fashion + Home Cinema 0 + MTV I + Style UK
Nilesat 11977 V 27500 5/6
Home Cinema 1-8
Nilesat 11996 H 27500 3/4
The Main Showtime Package TMC PRM etc.
Nilesat 12072 H 27500 3/4
Discovery BBCFood etc.

Happy Hunting!
On the Humax receiver you have to do Advanced Search for some reason, it didn’t work for me when I tried it manual.
One of my biggest fascinations is home appliances. I just love them. I used to love going to Best Buy and Lowes and roam around that section seeing their washing machines, Sildenafil
stoves and stuff. Just the technology that goes in to them and how advanced they are getting is impressive.

So seeing this frdige that keeps food hot is great. It has a preset timer to cool the food after a certain time but wonder if it can do the opposite by being cold then when its time heat the food so its nice and warm cause that would be more practical.

Hello Kitty iPod Mini

Every single Calvin & Hobbes comic strip:
Calvin and Hobbes
Get is before the lawyers do.
Every single Calvin & Hobbes comic strip:
Calvin and Hobbes
Get is before the lawyers do.
I been spending some time today working on the Kuwait History section on KuWiki. I put in some basic dates and facts. What got me started was just doing some research on Kuwait Flag and color meaning and picked up some great facts.

So since we got a nice long weekend coming up and its due to Kuwait’s National and Liberation day, patient everyone should try to contribute something to the wiki.

It is really simple to do, just look at any page thats there, and hit Edit on the top and add any relevant information that is left out. You don’t have to register for it, but if you do any changes and addition you make will be listed.

Here are some links on how to edit and create pages:

But if you want to play around check out the Sandbox first.

Every single Calvin & Hobbes comic strip:
Calvin and Hobbes
Get is before the lawyers do.
I been spending some time today working on the Kuwait History section on KuWiki. I put in some basic dates and facts. What got me started was just doing some research on Kuwait Flag and color meaning and picked up some great facts.

So since we got a nice long weekend coming up and its due to Kuwait’s National and Liberation day, patient everyone should try to contribute something to the wiki.

It is really simple to do, just look at any page thats there, and hit Edit on the top and add any relevant information that is left out. You don’t have to register for it, but if you do any changes and addition you make will be listed.

Here are some links on how to edit and create pages:

But if you want to play around check out the Sandbox first.

I been spending some time today working on the Kuwait History section on KuWiki. I put in some basic dates and facts. What got me started was just doing some research on Kuwait Flag and color meaning and picked up some great facts.

So since we got a nice long weekend coming up and its due to Kuwait’s National and Liberation day, patient everyone should try to contribute something to the wiki.

It is really simple to do, just look at any page thats there, and hit Edit on the top and add any relevant information that is left out. You don’t have to register for it, but if you do any changes and addition you make will be listed.

Here are some links on how to edit and create pages:

But if you want to play around check out the Sandbox first.

Been a while since I posted about Hello Kitty but with the release of the new iPods there is also a Limited-edition “Hello Kitty” iPod mini

This thing is pretty standard Pink iPod with some Hello Kitty sticker, order
but what makes it cool is the Be@r Docking station that will grab attention on any desk.

Google Per Capita

Loyac is doing an event at Bayt Lothan tonight form 4:30pm to 9:00pm. They have a showcase of young fashion designers with their creations. I was there last night and saw some creative designs and these kids deserve the encouragement. So go check it out and supports Kuwait’s young artists.
Loyac is doing an event at Bayt Lothan tonight form 4:30pm to 9:00pm. They have a showcase of young fashion designers with their creations. I was there last night and saw some creative designs and these kids deserve the encouragement. So go check it out and supports Kuwait’s young artists.
I saw this link: flickr world map on ForzaQ8 and was just amazed by it.
It shows you Flickr pictures from world cities. Just at locations and the density you can tell that is a developed area with internet. Just lookat India, visit web its only area is down where Hyderabad which is India’s silicon valley and no where else.
This is something to keep watch of.

More TV

They are slowing getting rid of those old building down in Kuwait city. This is a mixed thing. Its good to get rid of those decaying buildings and bad cause they been there so long we kinda got used to them.

So I went there and took pan pictures of it from behind and some from infront. So that there be some history of it.

The Location is behind Jashalmall across the street from Muthana Complex or N 29 21’53” E 47 57’52”.

N 29 21’53” E 47 57’52” – a photoset on Flickr

They are slowing getting rid of those old building down in Kuwait city. This is a mixed thing. Its good to get rid of those decaying buildings and bad cause they been there so long we kinda got used to them.

So I went there and took pan pictures of it from behind and some from infront. So that there be some history of it.

The Location is behind Jashalmall across the street from Muthana Complex or N 29 21’53” E 47 57’52”.

N 29 21’53” E 47 57’52” – a photoset on Flickr

Earlier tonight my dad took me to those new shop that opened in Shuwaik near Ikea and stuff. It is right next to, decease or part of Homes R Us. The place is called Daiso, help it sells everything Japanese, and for only 500fil.

And I mean everything for 500fils. They have some cool stuff there, from the kitchen to the office, even for outdoors. I didn’t venture to the womens section but I did see some make up stuff.

If you are into Japanese stuff, go check it out, and if your into cheap stuff (500fils) go check it out, you will find something that you want or dont want but will get just cause of the price.

I really suggest there stationary section and the kitcen section, those were cool things. Also you find those random stuff that only Japan makes and you go “what the hell is this?” Cause everything on the packaging is in Japanese.
They are slowing getting rid of those old building down in Kuwait city. This is a mixed thing. Its good to get rid of those decaying buildings and bad cause they been there so long we kinda got used to them.

So I went there and took pan pictures of it from behind and some from infront. So that there be some history of it.

The Location is behind Jashalmall across the street from Muthana Complex or N 29 21’53” E 47 57’52”.

N 29 21’53” E 47 57’52” – a photoset on Flickr

Earlier tonight my dad took me to those new shop that opened in Shuwaik near Ikea and stuff. It is right next to, decease or part of Homes R Us. The place is called Daiso, help it sells everything Japanese, and for only 500fil.

And I mean everything for 500fils. They have some cool stuff there, from the kitchen to the office, even for outdoors. I didn’t venture to the womens section but I did see some make up stuff.

If you are into Japanese stuff, go check it out, and if your into cheap stuff (500fils) go check it out, you will find something that you want or dont want but will get just cause of the price.

I really suggest there stationary section and the kitcen section, those were cool things. Also you find those random stuff that only Japan makes and you go “what the hell is this?” Cause everything on the packaging is in Japanese.
Seems MBC2 has become MBC4.

We all enjoyed MBC2 choice of movies and sitcoms, ampoule and now with OneTV we get double the pleasure, pestilence but now MBC not to be out down has gone and made MBC2 an all movie channel, viagra dosage and MBC4 a sitcom channel.

What does this mean? More TV that I will not watch. I myself enjoyed One at first but got annoyed when they were censoring shows by getting rid of questionable scenes and beeping out swear words. They have done this with Devil’s Advocate and even Everybody Loves Raymond. MBC from what I seen has not done this and been showing shows in their original format. But like I said I dont watch much TV.

Yet with all this free stuff I think we will still have Orbit and Showtime at home. I like the ability to watch movies and shows uncut and uncensored. I am old enough to make my own choices.


PETA that happy feely organization that likes to parade naked models in the street is nothing but a shady hypocritical group that kills animals lies to children and 7 other things you didn’t know.
PETA that happy feely organization that likes to parade naked models in the street is nothing but a shady hypocritical group that kills animals lies to children and 7 other things you didn’t know.
I work in the import/export business. We import um stuff, pestilence and export…nothing.

I believe in a community, viagra here and my goals for my many random web development projects are to form a community in Kuwait.
My Past and Present Projects:

qHate – This originally was suppose to be a group blog with people from around the world with connections to Kuwait and to talk about their love and hate for it. Then we had that whole war thing happened and that became our main focus and turned to a war blog. Sadly that wasn’t the main thing I was strive for, troche so after the war ended I pulled the plug on it cause we strayed from our mission.

KuwaitBlogs – After qHate.com went down I started noticing many blogs from Kuwait starting to form but there wasn’t some thing connecting them together and listing them beyond the standard mini blog roll on individual sites. So opened that site, to connect the Kuwaiti blogs together.

KuWiki.org – It is really tough to get any good information about Kuwait, so many things are there but are all hidden. So getting inspiration from wikipedia KuWiki was formed as Kuwait’s collaborative information source. From being a directory to a place where people can contribute information Kuwait’s history and culture.

I have others on the way once I get time and the right resources for it, but my focus has always been to form a community.

My passions:
I love taking pictures, for me its just the joy of the sound of the shutter when capturing that momment. As techn freak I am, my favorite cameras to use are standard film SLRs, my camers of choce are the Canon F1, Minolta X570 and a Polaroid. I do have a digital one which I also use Nikon 995.

I am also an avid collector of magazines. I consider magazine a zietgiest of what is going on in our lives, in terms of culture music and what people are feeling. I enjoy collecting old Playboys for their interviews and commentary.

I collect is toys. This ranges from your standard action figures, to the ones they give out in kids meals.

My other collection that has been stagnant of late is my comics, but I think I filled that void with collecting magazines.

PETA that happy feely organization that likes to parade naked models in the street is nothing but a shady hypocritical group that kills animals lies to children and 7 other things you didn’t know.
I work in the import/export business. We import um stuff, pestilence and export…nothing.

I believe in a community, viagra here and my goals for my many random web development projects are to form a community in Kuwait.
My Past and Present Projects:

qHate – This originally was suppose to be a group blog with people from around the world with connections to Kuwait and to talk about their love and hate for it. Then we had that whole war thing happened and that became our main focus and turned to a war blog. Sadly that wasn’t the main thing I was strive for, troche so after the war ended I pulled the plug on it cause we strayed from our mission.

KuwaitBlogs – After qHate.com went down I started noticing many blogs from Kuwait starting to form but there wasn’t some thing connecting them together and listing them beyond the standard mini blog roll on individual sites. So opened that site, to connect the Kuwaiti blogs together.

KuWiki.org – It is really tough to get any good information about Kuwait, so many things are there but are all hidden. So getting inspiration from wikipedia KuWiki was formed as Kuwait’s collaborative information source. From being a directory to a place where people can contribute information Kuwait’s history and culture.

I have others on the way once I get time and the right resources for it, but my focus has always been to form a community.

My passions:
I love taking pictures, for me its just the joy of the sound of the shutter when capturing that momment. As techn freak I am, my favorite cameras to use are standard film SLRs, my camers of choce are the Canon F1, Minolta X570 and a Polaroid. I do have a digital one which I also use Nikon 995.

I am also an avid collector of magazines. I consider magazine a zietgiest of what is going on in our lives, in terms of culture music and what people are feeling. I enjoy collecting old Playboys for their interviews and commentary.

I collect is toys. This ranges from your standard action figures, to the ones they give out in kids meals.

My other collection that has been stagnant of late is my comics, but I think I filled that void with collecting magazines.

I work in the import/export business. We import um stuff, pestilence and export…nothing.

I believe in a community, viagra here and my goals for my many random web development projects are to form a community in Kuwait.
My Past and Present Projects:

qHate – This originally was suppose to be a group blog with people from around the world with connections to Kuwait and to talk about their love and hate for it. Then we had that whole war thing happened and that became our main focus and turned to a war blog. Sadly that wasn’t the main thing I was strive for, troche so after the war ended I pulled the plug on it cause we strayed from our mission.

KuwaitBlogs – After qHate.com went down I started noticing many blogs from Kuwait starting to form but there wasn’t some thing connecting them together and listing them beyond the standard mini blog roll on individual sites. So opened that site, to connect the Kuwaiti blogs together.

KuWiki.org – It is really tough to get any good information about Kuwait, so many things are there but are all hidden. So getting inspiration from wikipedia KuWiki was formed as Kuwait’s collaborative information source. From being a directory to a place where people can contribute information Kuwait’s history and culture.

I have others on the way once I get time and the right resources for it, but my focus has always been to form a community.

My passions:
I love taking pictures, for me its just the joy of the sound of the shutter when capturing that momment. As techn freak I am, my favorite cameras to use are standard film SLRs, my camers of choce are the Canon F1, Minolta X570 and a Polaroid. I do have a digital one which I also use Nikon 995.

I am also an avid collector of magazines. I consider magazine a zietgiest of what is going on in our lives, in terms of culture music and what people are feeling. I enjoy collecting old Playboys for their interviews and commentary.

I collect is toys. This ranges from your standard action figures, to the ones they give out in kids meals.

My other collection that has been stagnant of late is my comics, but I think I filled that void with collecting magazines.

WordPress 1.5 is released

I have really become a big fan of WordPress after making the switch from MT and I its been great. I been waiting on edge for 1.5 and glad it is finally here.

Expect to see little changes here now and then as I tweak the theme, no rx
and personalize the new stuff on here.