The Medium Is

Playing Cards

In Wafra

Playing Cards

In Wafra

Last night I had another attack of bad service at a food establishment.

First let me say how much I feel about service. To me it is one of the breakers or makers at a place that I wish to eat at and will frequent. What I consider good service is promptness, ailment respect and my main thing is acknowledgment. I hate it when I go to a place and they just ignore you, price and this is anytime during my visit.

For me when an establishment, like a restaurant where I am going to be giving them money for the services they render feels they can slack off or just ignore me makes me feel that they dont deserve my money. I get this feeling that I should just walk out and not even pay for anything.

This happened to me yesterday with Burj Al-Hamam. I felt the service was lousy cause they weren’t acknowledge me. They have this reputation for being a good place to eat with excellent food, decor etc. This I believe has gotten to their head and ignore their customers since they feel if they lose me someone else will take my place.

With their arrogance they forget that word of mouth is one of the greatest marketing tools, and bad reviews people remember more than the good ones.

So back to last night it was with Hagen Daaz at Souq Sharq. The service their just sucked, we were waiting outside for someone to notice us, nothing. My dad went inside to get their attention, they came out with a menu and then forgot about us. The waitress came around us, past us, but no look. Didn’t even bother asking if we were ready to order.

Now what is different between these to places was that Hagen Daaz is a simple place and the employees there just really dont know any better. So Even though I was annoyed and told them I couldn’t hold it against them. Burj Al-Hamam on the other hand is a reputable place and which strive to a better and higher level of service.

Customer service seems to be a problem in Kuwait. Many places are focusing on marketing campaigns and decor etc and neglecting their customers. Yet I believe what all these customers are looking for is acknowledgment.

Wrote this Wed. just didn’t have time to post it.

Playing Cards

In Wafra

Last night I had another attack of bad service at a food establishment.

First let me say how much I feel about service. To me it is one of the breakers or makers at a place that I wish to eat at and will frequent. What I consider good service is promptness, ailment respect and my main thing is acknowledgment. I hate it when I go to a place and they just ignore you, price and this is anytime during my visit.

For me when an establishment, like a restaurant where I am going to be giving them money for the services they render feels they can slack off or just ignore me makes me feel that they dont deserve my money. I get this feeling that I should just walk out and not even pay for anything.

This happened to me yesterday with Burj Al-Hamam. I felt the service was lousy cause they weren’t acknowledge me. They have this reputation for being a good place to eat with excellent food, decor etc. This I believe has gotten to their head and ignore their customers since they feel if they lose me someone else will take my place.

With their arrogance they forget that word of mouth is one of the greatest marketing tools, and bad reviews people remember more than the good ones.

So back to last night it was with Hagen Daaz at Souq Sharq. The service their just sucked, we were waiting outside for someone to notice us, nothing. My dad went inside to get their attention, they came out with a menu and then forgot about us. The waitress came around us, past us, but no look. Didn’t even bother asking if we were ready to order.

Now what is different between these to places was that Hagen Daaz is a simple place and the employees there just really dont know any better. So Even though I was annoyed and told them I couldn’t hold it against them. Burj Al-Hamam on the other hand is a reputable place and which strive to a better and higher level of service.

Customer service seems to be a problem in Kuwait. Many places are focusing on marketing campaigns and decor etc and neglecting their customers. Yet I believe what all these customers are looking for is acknowledgment.

Wrote this Wed. just didn’t have time to post it.
I love good design, shop scratch that I love good functional design.
For me design isn’t just something that looks pretty it has to serve a function too. When objects have a dual purpose but do it some wonderfully together and just are seamlessly together you can’t think of how they can be apart or even existed before.

One such object that has really caught my eye and can’t wait to have it on myself is the Targets new perscription bottles. WOW, allergy Deborah Adler has designed it right! She took all the wrong thigns with the old bottles and made it useful functional and also look good. I just love how she created this system for the information. It really makes sense and very practical. My favorite part from it is that it is upside down:

Klaus Rosburg, infection a Brooklyn-based industrial designer hired by Target, came up with an upside-down version that stands on its cap, so that the label can be wrapped around the top. Every piece of paper in the package adds up to one eight-and-a-half-by-fourteen-inch perforated sheet, which eliminates waste and makes life easier for pharmacists.

Wonder how long before we see those in Kuwait?

Another great design with function is these pizza cutters. They are ussually bland and with a straight handle. These just take them to a whole new level of comfort with that handle grip but then just takes breaks all barriers when he pimps them out like choppers!

Playing Cards

In Wafra

Last night I had another attack of bad service at a food establishment.

First let me say how much I feel about service. To me it is one of the breakers or makers at a place that I wish to eat at and will frequent. What I consider good service is promptness, ailment respect and my main thing is acknowledgment. I hate it when I go to a place and they just ignore you, price and this is anytime during my visit.

For me when an establishment, like a restaurant where I am going to be giving them money for the services they render feels they can slack off or just ignore me makes me feel that they dont deserve my money. I get this feeling that I should just walk out and not even pay for anything.

This happened to me yesterday with Burj Al-Hamam. I felt the service was lousy cause they weren’t acknowledge me. They have this reputation for being a good place to eat with excellent food, decor etc. This I believe has gotten to their head and ignore their customers since they feel if they lose me someone else will take my place.

With their arrogance they forget that word of mouth is one of the greatest marketing tools, and bad reviews people remember more than the good ones.

So back to last night it was with Hagen Daaz at Souq Sharq. The service their just sucked, we were waiting outside for someone to notice us, nothing. My dad went inside to get their attention, they came out with a menu and then forgot about us. The waitress came around us, past us, but no look. Didn’t even bother asking if we were ready to order.

Now what is different between these to places was that Hagen Daaz is a simple place and the employees there just really dont know any better. So Even though I was annoyed and told them I couldn’t hold it against them. Burj Al-Hamam on the other hand is a reputable place and which strive to a better and higher level of service.

Customer service seems to be a problem in Kuwait. Many places are focusing on marketing campaigns and decor etc and neglecting their customers. Yet I believe what all these customers are looking for is acknowledgment.

Wrote this Wed. just didn’t have time to post it.
I love good design, shop scratch that I love good functional design.
For me design isn’t just something that looks pretty it has to serve a function too. When objects have a dual purpose but do it some wonderfully together and just are seamlessly together you can’t think of how they can be apart or even existed before.

One such object that has really caught my eye and can’t wait to have it on myself is the Targets new perscription bottles. WOW, allergy Deborah Adler has designed it right! She took all the wrong thigns with the old bottles and made it useful functional and also look good. I just love how she created this system for the information. It really makes sense and very practical. My favorite part from it is that it is upside down:

Klaus Rosburg, infection a Brooklyn-based industrial designer hired by Target, came up with an upside-down version that stands on its cap, so that the label can be wrapped around the top. Every piece of paper in the package adds up to one eight-and-a-half-by-fourteen-inch perforated sheet, which eliminates waste and makes life easier for pharmacists.

Wonder how long before we see those in Kuwait?

Another great design with function is these pizza cutters. They are ussually bland and with a straight handle. These just take them to a whole new level of comfort with that handle grip but then just takes breaks all barriers when he pimps them out like choppers!

I love good design, shop scratch that I love good functional design.
For me design isn’t just something that looks pretty it has to serve a function too. When objects have a dual purpose but do it some wonderfully together and just are seamlessly together you can’t think of how they can be apart or even existed before.

One such object that has really caught my eye and can’t wait to have it on myself is the Targets new perscription bottles. WOW, allergy Deborah Adler has designed it right! She took all the wrong thigns with the old bottles and made it useful functional and also look good. I just love how she created this system for the information. It really makes sense and very practical. My favorite part from it is that it is upside down:

Klaus Rosburg, infection a Brooklyn-based industrial designer hired by Target, came up with an upside-down version that stands on its cap, so that the label can be wrapped around the top. Every piece of paper in the package adds up to one eight-and-a-half-by-fourteen-inch perforated sheet, which eliminates waste and makes life easier for pharmacists.

Wonder how long before we see those in Kuwait?

Another great design with function is these pizza cutters. They are ussually bland and with a straight handle. These just take them to a whole new level of comfort with that handle grip but then just takes breaks all barriers when he pimps them out like choppers!

Last week was just long and tough, stomach
I must have racked over 1000km on my car. My schedule last week was:

Monday: Wafra
Tues: Sulabiya, Amghara
Wed. : Shagaya
Thursday: Wafra

There was also the side trip to Mutlaq on Wed to get high.

It was just one thing after another this past week, and since I been out of the office with these runs when I came in today I was confused on what to do. Need to write a todo list of stuff for this week and stuff that I need to complete from last week.

Need a vacation from vacation to actually catch up on stuff.

Playing Cards

In Wafra

Last night I had another attack of bad service at a food establishment.

First let me say how much I feel about service. To me it is one of the breakers or makers at a place that I wish to eat at and will frequent. What I consider good service is promptness, ailment respect and my main thing is acknowledgment. I hate it when I go to a place and they just ignore you, price and this is anytime during my visit.

For me when an establishment, like a restaurant where I am going to be giving them money for the services they render feels they can slack off or just ignore me makes me feel that they dont deserve my money. I get this feeling that I should just walk out and not even pay for anything.

This happened to me yesterday with Burj Al-Hamam. I felt the service was lousy cause they weren’t acknowledge me. They have this reputation for being a good place to eat with excellent food, decor etc. This I believe has gotten to their head and ignore their customers since they feel if they lose me someone else will take my place.

With their arrogance they forget that word of mouth is one of the greatest marketing tools, and bad reviews people remember more than the good ones.

So back to last night it was with Hagen Daaz at Souq Sharq. The service their just sucked, we were waiting outside for someone to notice us, nothing. My dad went inside to get their attention, they came out with a menu and then forgot about us. The waitress came around us, past us, but no look. Didn’t even bother asking if we were ready to order.

Now what is different between these to places was that Hagen Daaz is a simple place and the employees there just really dont know any better. So Even though I was annoyed and told them I couldn’t hold it against them. Burj Al-Hamam on the other hand is a reputable place and which strive to a better and higher level of service.

Customer service seems to be a problem in Kuwait. Many places are focusing on marketing campaigns and decor etc and neglecting their customers. Yet I believe what all these customers are looking for is acknowledgment.

Wrote this Wed. just didn’t have time to post it.
I love good design, shop scratch that I love good functional design.
For me design isn’t just something that looks pretty it has to serve a function too. When objects have a dual purpose but do it some wonderfully together and just are seamlessly together you can’t think of how they can be apart or even existed before.

One such object that has really caught my eye and can’t wait to have it on myself is the Targets new perscription bottles. WOW, allergy Deborah Adler has designed it right! She took all the wrong thigns with the old bottles and made it useful functional and also look good. I just love how she created this system for the information. It really makes sense and very practical. My favorite part from it is that it is upside down:

Klaus Rosburg, infection a Brooklyn-based industrial designer hired by Target, came up with an upside-down version that stands on its cap, so that the label can be wrapped around the top. Every piece of paper in the package adds up to one eight-and-a-half-by-fourteen-inch perforated sheet, which eliminates waste and makes life easier for pharmacists.

Wonder how long before we see those in Kuwait?

Another great design with function is these pizza cutters. They are ussually bland and with a straight handle. These just take them to a whole new level of comfort with that handle grip but then just takes breaks all barriers when he pimps them out like choppers!

I love good design, shop scratch that I love good functional design.
For me design isn’t just something that looks pretty it has to serve a function too. When objects have a dual purpose but do it some wonderfully together and just are seamlessly together you can’t think of how they can be apart or even existed before.

One such object that has really caught my eye and can’t wait to have it on myself is the Targets new perscription bottles. WOW, allergy Deborah Adler has designed it right! She took all the wrong thigns with the old bottles and made it useful functional and also look good. I just love how she created this system for the information. It really makes sense and very practical. My favorite part from it is that it is upside down:

Klaus Rosburg, infection a Brooklyn-based industrial designer hired by Target, came up with an upside-down version that stands on its cap, so that the label can be wrapped around the top. Every piece of paper in the package adds up to one eight-and-a-half-by-fourteen-inch perforated sheet, which eliminates waste and makes life easier for pharmacists.

Wonder how long before we see those in Kuwait?

Another great design with function is these pizza cutters. They are ussually bland and with a straight handle. These just take them to a whole new level of comfort with that handle grip but then just takes breaks all barriers when he pimps them out like choppers!

Last week was just long and tough, stomach
I must have racked over 1000km on my car. My schedule last week was:

Monday: Wafra
Tues: Sulabiya, Amghara
Wed. : Shagaya
Thursday: Wafra

There was also the side trip to Mutlaq on Wed to get high.

It was just one thing after another this past week, and since I been out of the office with these runs when I came in today I was confused on what to do. Need to write a todo list of stuff for this week and stuff that I need to complete from last week.

Need a vacation from vacation to actually catch up on stuff.
I love good design, shop scratch that I love good functional design.
For me design isn’t just something that looks pretty it has to serve a function too. When objects have a dual purpose but do it some wonderfully together and just are seamlessly together you can’t think of how they can be apart or even existed before.

One such object that has really caught my eye and can’t wait to have it on myself is the Targets new perscription bottles. WOW, allergy Deborah Adler has designed it right! She took all the wrong thigns with the old bottles and made it useful functional and also look good. I just love how she created this system for the information. It really makes sense and very practical. My favorite part from it is that it is upside down:

Klaus Rosburg, infection a Brooklyn-based industrial designer hired by Target, came up with an upside-down version that stands on its cap, so that the label can be wrapped around the top. Every piece of paper in the package adds up to one eight-and-a-half-by-fourteen-inch perforated sheet, which eliminates waste and makes life easier for pharmacists.

Wonder how long before we see those in Kuwait?

Another great design with function is these pizza cutters. They are ussually bland and with a straight handle. These just take them to a whole new level of comfort with that handle grip but then just takes breaks all barriers when he pimps them out like choppers!

Last week was just long and tough, stomach
I must have racked over 1000km on my car. My schedule last week was:

Monday: Wafra
Tues: Sulabiya, Amghara
Wed. : Shagaya
Thursday: Wafra

There was also the side trip to Mutlaq on Wed to get high.

It was just one thing after another this past week, and since I been out of the office with these runs when I came in today I was confused on what to do. Need to write a todo list of stuff for this week and stuff that I need to complete from last week.

Need a vacation from vacation to actually catch up on stuff.
I let Rampurple borrow some books of Marshall McLuhan for her research paper.And I actually had a hard time giving them to her cause just opening them up and reading passages from the pages just makes me want to take them home and read them again.

McLuhan was a pioneer when it came to this stuff, decease his works really changed my outlook on media and content. I think it was cause he wrote it around the 60s and this was before internet and satelites and just his form of writing and the style of the book. He was really ahead of his time.

If you want to know how new forms of communications like internet and blogging are changing our world and what we can expect read his books.

Anyways the 2 books I leant her were:

Medium is the Massage

I am actually on Amazon now getting more of his books.

Form & Function

Playing Cards

In Wafra

Playing Cards

In Wafra

Last night I had another attack of bad service at a food establishment.

First let me say how much I feel about service. To me it is one of the breakers or makers at a place that I wish to eat at and will frequent. What I consider good service is promptness, ailment respect and my main thing is acknowledgment. I hate it when I go to a place and they just ignore you, price and this is anytime during my visit.

For me when an establishment, like a restaurant where I am going to be giving them money for the services they render feels they can slack off or just ignore me makes me feel that they dont deserve my money. I get this feeling that I should just walk out and not even pay for anything.

This happened to me yesterday with Burj Al-Hamam. I felt the service was lousy cause they weren’t acknowledge me. They have this reputation for being a good place to eat with excellent food, decor etc. This I believe has gotten to their head and ignore their customers since they feel if they lose me someone else will take my place.

With their arrogance they forget that word of mouth is one of the greatest marketing tools, and bad reviews people remember more than the good ones.

So back to last night it was with Hagen Daaz at Souq Sharq. The service their just sucked, we were waiting outside for someone to notice us, nothing. My dad went inside to get their attention, they came out with a menu and then forgot about us. The waitress came around us, past us, but no look. Didn’t even bother asking if we were ready to order.

Now what is different between these to places was that Hagen Daaz is a simple place and the employees there just really dont know any better. So Even though I was annoyed and told them I couldn’t hold it against them. Burj Al-Hamam on the other hand is a reputable place and which strive to a better and higher level of service.

Customer service seems to be a problem in Kuwait. Many places are focusing on marketing campaigns and decor etc and neglecting their customers. Yet I believe what all these customers are looking for is acknowledgment.

Wrote this Wed. just didn’t have time to post it.

Playing Cards

In Wafra

Last night I had another attack of bad service at a food establishment.

First let me say how much I feel about service. To me it is one of the breakers or makers at a place that I wish to eat at and will frequent. What I consider good service is promptness, ailment respect and my main thing is acknowledgment. I hate it when I go to a place and they just ignore you, price and this is anytime during my visit.

For me when an establishment, like a restaurant where I am going to be giving them money for the services they render feels they can slack off or just ignore me makes me feel that they dont deserve my money. I get this feeling that I should just walk out and not even pay for anything.

This happened to me yesterday with Burj Al-Hamam. I felt the service was lousy cause they weren’t acknowledge me. They have this reputation for being a good place to eat with excellent food, decor etc. This I believe has gotten to their head and ignore their customers since they feel if they lose me someone else will take my place.

With their arrogance they forget that word of mouth is one of the greatest marketing tools, and bad reviews people remember more than the good ones.

So back to last night it was with Hagen Daaz at Souq Sharq. The service their just sucked, we were waiting outside for someone to notice us, nothing. My dad went inside to get their attention, they came out with a menu and then forgot about us. The waitress came around us, past us, but no look. Didn’t even bother asking if we were ready to order.

Now what is different between these to places was that Hagen Daaz is a simple place and the employees there just really dont know any better. So Even though I was annoyed and told them I couldn’t hold it against them. Burj Al-Hamam on the other hand is a reputable place and which strive to a better and higher level of service.

Customer service seems to be a problem in Kuwait. Many places are focusing on marketing campaigns and decor etc and neglecting their customers. Yet I believe what all these customers are looking for is acknowledgment.

Wrote this Wed. just didn’t have time to post it.
I love good design, shop scratch that I love good functional design.
For me design isn’t just something that looks pretty it has to serve a function too. When objects have a dual purpose but do it some wonderfully together and just are seamlessly together you can’t think of how they can be apart or even existed before.

One such object that has really caught my eye and can’t wait to have it on myself is the Targets new perscription bottles. WOW, allergy Deborah Adler has designed it right! She took all the wrong thigns with the old bottles and made it useful functional and also look good. I just love how she created this system for the information. It really makes sense and very practical. My favorite part from it is that it is upside down:

Klaus Rosburg, infection a Brooklyn-based industrial designer hired by Target, came up with an upside-down version that stands on its cap, so that the label can be wrapped around the top. Every piece of paper in the package adds up to one eight-and-a-half-by-fourteen-inch perforated sheet, which eliminates waste and makes life easier for pharmacists.

Wonder how long before we see those in Kuwait?

Another great design with function is these pizza cutters. They are ussually bland and with a straight handle. These just take them to a whole new level of comfort with that handle grip but then just takes breaks all barriers when he pimps them out like choppers!


Playing Cards

In Wafra

Playing Cards

In Wafra

Last night I had another attack of bad service at a food establishment.

First let me say how much I feel about service. To me it is one of the breakers or makers at a place that I wish to eat at and will frequent. What I consider good service is promptness, ailment respect and my main thing is acknowledgment. I hate it when I go to a place and they just ignore you, price and this is anytime during my visit.

For me when an establishment, like a restaurant where I am going to be giving them money for the services they render feels they can slack off or just ignore me makes me feel that they dont deserve my money. I get this feeling that I should just walk out and not even pay for anything.

This happened to me yesterday with Burj Al-Hamam. I felt the service was lousy cause they weren’t acknowledge me. They have this reputation for being a good place to eat with excellent food, decor etc. This I believe has gotten to their head and ignore their customers since they feel if they lose me someone else will take my place.

With their arrogance they forget that word of mouth is one of the greatest marketing tools, and bad reviews people remember more than the good ones.

So back to last night it was with Hagen Daaz at Souq Sharq. The service their just sucked, we were waiting outside for someone to notice us, nothing. My dad went inside to get their attention, they came out with a menu and then forgot about us. The waitress came around us, past us, but no look. Didn’t even bother asking if we were ready to order.

Now what is different between these to places was that Hagen Daaz is a simple place and the employees there just really dont know any better. So Even though I was annoyed and told them I couldn’t hold it against them. Burj Al-Hamam on the other hand is a reputable place and which strive to a better and higher level of service.

Customer service seems to be a problem in Kuwait. Many places are focusing on marketing campaigns and decor etc and neglecting their customers. Yet I believe what all these customers are looking for is acknowledgment.

Wrote this Wed. just didn’t have time to post it.

First Purse

Here is a cool link for history buffs: To Rule the Earth… It lists the largest empires based on the total land area they controlled/ruled. The British Empire is #1 of course “the sun never sets on the British Empire”.

The Islamic/Calphate empire comes in at 7th. This is a good and fair in my opinion. I’ve seen history books that ignore the Islamic empire power and abilities.
Here is a cool link for history buffs: To Rule the Earth… It lists the largest empires based on the total land area they controlled/ruled. The British Empire is #1 of course “the sun never sets on the British Empire”.

The Islamic/Calphate empire comes in at 7th. This is a good and fair in my opinion. I’ve seen history books that ignore the Islamic empire power and abilities.
Here is a cool link for history buffs: To Rule the Earth… It lists the largest empires based on the total land area they controlled/ruled. The British Empire is #1 of course “the sun never sets on the British Empire”.

The Islamic/Calphate empire comes in at 7th. This is a good and fair in my opinion. I’ve seen history books that ignore the Islamic empire power and abilities.
I am a fan of punk rock, prescription and I will stab anyone in the eye that calls Sex Pistols punk. So seeing this:FRONTLINE – Punk Rock in the Holy Land really interested me.

Cause punk is more than just kids in mohawks and chains, clinic
but has always had a politcal lining to it. Just look at songs from Dead Kennedys like Holiday in Cambodia and The Anti Pope or the Clash with London Calling

Here is a cool link for history buffs: To Rule the Earth… It lists the largest empires based on the total land area they controlled/ruled. The British Empire is #1 of course “the sun never sets on the British Empire”.

The Islamic/Calphate empire comes in at 7th. This is a good and fair in my opinion. I’ve seen history books that ignore the Islamic empire power and abilities.
Here is a cool link for history buffs: To Rule the Earth… It lists the largest empires based on the total land area they controlled/ruled. The British Empire is #1 of course “the sun never sets on the British Empire”.

The Islamic/Calphate empire comes in at 7th. This is a good and fair in my opinion. I’ve seen history books that ignore the Islamic empire power and abilities.
I am a fan of punk rock, prescription and I will stab anyone in the eye that calls Sex Pistols punk. So seeing this:FRONTLINE – Punk Rock in the Holy Land really interested me.

Cause punk is more than just kids in mohawks and chains, clinic
but has always had a politcal lining to it. Just look at songs from Dead Kennedys like Holiday in Cambodia and The Anti Pope or the Clash with London Calling

Here is a cool link for history buffs: To Rule the Earth… It lists the largest empires based on the total land area they controlled/ruled. The British Empire is #1 of course “the sun never sets on the British Empire”.

The Islamic/Calphate empire comes in at 7th. This is a good and fair in my opinion. I’ve seen history books that ignore the Islamic empire power and abilities.
I am a fan of punk rock, prescription and I will stab anyone in the eye that calls Sex Pistols punk. So seeing this:FRONTLINE – Punk Rock in the Holy Land really interested me.

Cause punk is more than just kids in mohawks and chains, clinic
but has always had a politcal lining to it. Just look at songs from Dead Kennedys like Holiday in Cambodia and The Anti Pope or the Clash with London Calling

Knuckle Purse I am a fan of bags, vitamin
they way they are designed to fit a purpose and function as well how pretty they look. Well these are just ass kicking, literally.

Their handles are made out of vinyl or aluminum knuckles. So either way you are kicking ass in your looks or with your fist.

Sundae Best Bags

Short film review

Google Accounts - Login. This is the second time I noticed this when logging into Gmail. I am not sure what to make of it. Is Google creating their own system for all thier new projects? One login for us all?
Google Accounts - Login. This is the second time I noticed this when logging into Gmail. I am not sure what to make of it. Is Google creating their own system for all thier new projects? One login for us all?
I am a big fan of Douglas Adam’s Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series. The wit and dialogue in it is impressive and has to laughing and chuckling all the way through the book. So when I heard about the movie they were making I was quite excited and thought it would be a good adaptation, anaemia was even dreaming that it was going to be on par with Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Sadly after reading this review on it I dont think I will bother seeing it. Basically in a nutshell:

To put it bluntly, buy they have cut most of the jokes out. I’m not being metaphorical here, they really have, in a very literal sense, removed the jokes from the story.

I guess I am going to read it again this week. The books are such an easy read and once you start you can’t put them down, I think my brother has the first one, if not I will go buy it from any of the book store in Kuwait.


With authorization from purg I give you tidbits ©

I can do both guys and girls
No naked women this time
Wait till she swallows
Imagine 10cm coming out of me
With authorization from purg I give you tidbits ©

I can do both guys and girls
No naked women this time
Wait till she swallows
Imagine 10cm coming out of me
Watching Snatch on Orbit Super Movies.

What a violent movie, hemophilia but not the guns or blood. It is the dialogue its quick and deadly. I really enjoy this money, erectile but I think I like Guy Ritchie’s earlier one Lock Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels better. I dont own either movie, but I do own both soundtracks.

This is a quick post, going to try to keep track of the things I watch even if its a small entry like this one.

Kung Fu Hustle

I was with some friend earlier in the night and we drove to Apple Bees by going on the 2nd ring road. Since I was driving I decided to bust out Connie and do some war driving. I didn’t find anything on that road expect RoRo.

I found RoRo on the traffic light between Qadsia and Yarmouk Mansouriya. I didn’t have time to connect to it since the light turned green. Later when we reached the 2nd Ring and Istiqlal Highway I found RoRo again and with a very strong signal. So I connected and found it was a computer to computer connection. It just confused me a signal that strong came was from Qadsia to Dasman. I think it could have been another laptop or even a PDA that was in the car next to me. I am going to be going on that road again later to see if I can find it.
I was with some friend earlier in the night and we drove to Apple Bees by going on the 2nd ring road. Since I was driving I decided to bust out Connie and do some war driving. I didn’t find anything on that road expect RoRo.

I found RoRo on the traffic light between Qadsia and Yarmouk Mansouriya. I didn’t have time to connect to it since the light turned green. Later when we reached the 2nd Ring and Istiqlal Highway I found RoRo again and with a very strong signal. So I connected and found it was a computer to computer connection. It just confused me a signal that strong came was from Qadsia to Dasman. I think it could have been another laptop or even a PDA that was in the car next to me. I am going to be going on that road again later to see if I can find it.
I saw the movie Gacy about the serial killer John Wayne Gacy. This movie is indie and shows it in the filming. I think it was a intentional to make it feel that it was set in the 70s.

Basically the movie gives a different view of Gacy showing his life and the events that led to his capture. The movie wasn’t slow, hospital and not boring it was just eh. It was missing something the actors played their roles very well especially Mark Holton as Gacy. I think the direction and maybe the script needed some work. There was no suspense or anticipation. I really didn’t care either way if he killed anyone else or that he was going to get captured.

I think the movie’s focus was how teenage boys who get beaten by their dad or can’t communicate with their parents either become gay or serial killers. Cause the first scene was a teenage Gacy getting beaten up by his father on a fishing trip,. Then later in the movie you see him having heart to heart talks with teenage boys telling them to talk with their dads and that their parents love them and during these scenes you actually see him some what emotional.

So if you are into serial killers watch it, if you aren’t dont bother its not worth it.
I was with some friend earlier in the night and we drove to Apple Bees by going on the 2nd ring road. Since I was driving I decided to bust out Connie and do some war driving. I didn’t find anything on that road expect RoRo.

I found RoRo on the traffic light between Qadsia and Yarmouk Mansouriya. I didn’t have time to connect to it since the light turned green. Later when we reached the 2nd Ring and Istiqlal Highway I found RoRo again and with a very strong signal. So I connected and found it was a computer to computer connection. It just confused me a signal that strong came was from Qadsia to Dasman. I think it could have been another laptop or even a PDA that was in the car next to me. I am going to be going on that road again later to see if I can find it.
I saw the movie Gacy about the serial killer John Wayne Gacy. This movie is indie and shows it in the filming. I think it was a intentional to make it feel that it was set in the 70s.

Basically the movie gives a different view of Gacy showing his life and the events that led to his capture. The movie wasn’t slow, hospital and not boring it was just eh. It was missing something the actors played their roles very well especially Mark Holton as Gacy. I think the direction and maybe the script needed some work. There was no suspense or anticipation. I really didn’t care either way if he killed anyone else or that he was going to get captured.

I think the movie’s focus was how teenage boys who get beaten by their dad or can’t communicate with their parents either become gay or serial killers. Cause the first scene was a teenage Gacy getting beaten up by his father on a fishing trip,. Then later in the movie you see him having heart to heart talks with teenage boys telling them to talk with their dads and that their parents love them and during these scenes you actually see him some what emotional.

So if you are into serial killers watch it, if you aren’t dont bother its not worth it.
I saw the movie Gacy about the serial killer John Wayne Gacy. This movie is indie and shows it in the filming. I think it was a intentional to make it feel that it was set in the 70s.

Basically the movie gives a different view of Gacy showing his life and the events that led to his capture. The movie wasn’t slow, hospital and not boring it was just eh. It was missing something the actors played their roles very well especially Mark Holton as Gacy. I think the direction and maybe the script needed some work. There was no suspense or anticipation. I really didn’t care either way if he killed anyone else or that he was going to get captured.

I think the movie’s focus was how teenage boys who get beaten by their dad or can’t communicate with their parents either become gay or serial killers. Cause the first scene was a teenage Gacy getting beaten up by his father on a fishing trip,. Then later in the movie you see him having heart to heart talks with teenage boys telling them to talk with their dads and that their parents love them and during these scenes you actually see him some what emotional.

So if you are into serial killers watch it, if you aren’t dont bother its not worth it.
MSNBC have an article
How to get that perfect shave. Telling people the way to shave. It was pretty ok, sickness
nothign new or amsuing, but what got to me is how much people in America pay for a barber shave is from $50-$100. Thats insane!

I myself only shave at the barbers, I dont have a shaving kit at home, (which is why sometimes I have a good growth of hair cause I dont have time to go get a shave) and just pay from 500fils to 1Kd.

I know of other barbers that will give you the full treatment of massage, hair removal from ears and cheak bones and even a facail scrub and all for 5kd.

Americans must have forgotten how to pamper themselves and just allowed themselves to get ripped of when they do.
I was with some friend earlier in the night and we drove to Apple Bees by going on the 2nd ring road. Since I was driving I decided to bust out Connie and do some war driving. I didn’t find anything on that road expect RoRo.

I found RoRo on the traffic light between Qadsia and Yarmouk Mansouriya. I didn’t have time to connect to it since the light turned green. Later when we reached the 2nd Ring and Istiqlal Highway I found RoRo again and with a very strong signal. So I connected and found it was a computer to computer connection. It just confused me a signal that strong came was from Qadsia to Dasman. I think it could have been another laptop or even a PDA that was in the car next to me. I am going to be going on that road again later to see if I can find it.
I saw the movie Gacy about the serial killer John Wayne Gacy. This movie is indie and shows it in the filming. I think it was a intentional to make it feel that it was set in the 70s.

Basically the movie gives a different view of Gacy showing his life and the events that led to his capture. The movie wasn’t slow, hospital and not boring it was just eh. It was missing something the actors played their roles very well especially Mark Holton as Gacy. I think the direction and maybe the script needed some work. There was no suspense or anticipation. I really didn’t care either way if he killed anyone else or that he was going to get captured.

I think the movie’s focus was how teenage boys who get beaten by their dad or can’t communicate with their parents either become gay or serial killers. Cause the first scene was a teenage Gacy getting beaten up by his father on a fishing trip,. Then later in the movie you see him having heart to heart talks with teenage boys telling them to talk with their dads and that their parents love them and during these scenes you actually see him some what emotional.

So if you are into serial killers watch it, if you aren’t dont bother its not worth it.
I saw the movie Gacy about the serial killer John Wayne Gacy. This movie is indie and shows it in the filming. I think it was a intentional to make it feel that it was set in the 70s.

Basically the movie gives a different view of Gacy showing his life and the events that led to his capture. The movie wasn’t slow, hospital and not boring it was just eh. It was missing something the actors played their roles very well especially Mark Holton as Gacy. I think the direction and maybe the script needed some work. There was no suspense or anticipation. I really didn’t care either way if he killed anyone else or that he was going to get captured.

I think the movie’s focus was how teenage boys who get beaten by their dad or can’t communicate with their parents either become gay or serial killers. Cause the first scene was a teenage Gacy getting beaten up by his father on a fishing trip,. Then later in the movie you see him having heart to heart talks with teenage boys telling them to talk with their dads and that their parents love them and during these scenes you actually see him some what emotional.

So if you are into serial killers watch it, if you aren’t dont bother its not worth it.
MSNBC have an article
How to get that perfect shave. Telling people the way to shave. It was pretty ok, sickness
nothign new or amsuing, but what got to me is how much people in America pay for a barber shave is from $50-$100. Thats insane!

I myself only shave at the barbers, I dont have a shaving kit at home, (which is why sometimes I have a good growth of hair cause I dont have time to go get a shave) and just pay from 500fils to 1Kd.

I know of other barbers that will give you the full treatment of massage, hair removal from ears and cheak bones and even a facail scrub and all for 5kd.

Americans must have forgotten how to pamper themselves and just allowed themselves to get ripped of when they do.
Talking to Mark on MSN and he mentioned that I should rent a movie:

Mark says:
rent the movie home alone
Nibaq says:
rent a movie?
Mark says:
yeah forgot

I remember back in the 80s going to Video Club in Salmiya and roaming around their shelves and shelves of videos looking for something to rent, capsule picking out movies by name, or just trying to finish a whole shelf. Even in the US going to Blockbuster or Hollywood Video, or one of the indie ones just roaming the rows looking for a movie. It was just an experience on its own roaming and hoping you can think of a movie to rent then hoping that it is still there.

In Kuwait now we just go to Hawalli look at books, pick out a movie, question the guy on it’s quality, have him swear that it is perfect copy and no problems, wait 10 minutes for them to bring it, take it home and see that its not perfect like movie stopping halfway through, or its a cam job and not a DVD copy. Then saying damn that guy and swearing never to buy from him again and going to return the movie. Then just saying screw it and do something else.

Sadly that doesn’t sound as entertaining. I think the rental business will do good in Kuwait, have a flat rate payment. Like NetFlix and even home delivery like Kozmo used to do. People can sit at home get online order a movie maybe have some cross promotional thing with fast food places for special deals. Within 15 minutes you have the movie, and the food you ordered.

Then you return it when you feel like it, but like NetFlix your only allowed 3 at a time. The movie was perfect, you got food and didn’t leave your house to deal with Hawalli or the bad copies you might get.

I think it would be a very viable business. The only hitch that I would see is the censorship and stuff. I am sure there can be work arounds with that by having 18 and up policy.

One other thing that comes to mind is that in Hawalli you never find classic movies, only recent ones. So with the rental shop you can have an archive of movies and serve a wide variety of tastes.
I was with some friend earlier in the night and we drove to Apple Bees by going on the 2nd ring road. Since I was driving I decided to bust out Connie and do some war driving. I didn’t find anything on that road expect RoRo.

I found RoRo on the traffic light between Qadsia and Yarmouk Mansouriya. I didn’t have time to connect to it since the light turned green. Later when we reached the 2nd Ring and Istiqlal Highway I found RoRo again and with a very strong signal. So I connected and found it was a computer to computer connection. It just confused me a signal that strong came was from Qadsia to Dasman. I think it could have been another laptop or even a PDA that was in the car next to me. I am going to be going on that road again later to see if I can find it.
I saw the movie Gacy about the serial killer John Wayne Gacy. This movie is indie and shows it in the filming. I think it was a intentional to make it feel that it was set in the 70s.

Basically the movie gives a different view of Gacy showing his life and the events that led to his capture. The movie wasn’t slow, hospital and not boring it was just eh. It was missing something the actors played their roles very well especially Mark Holton as Gacy. I think the direction and maybe the script needed some work. There was no suspense or anticipation. I really didn’t care either way if he killed anyone else or that he was going to get captured.

I think the movie’s focus was how teenage boys who get beaten by their dad or can’t communicate with their parents either become gay or serial killers. Cause the first scene was a teenage Gacy getting beaten up by his father on a fishing trip,. Then later in the movie you see him having heart to heart talks with teenage boys telling them to talk with their dads and that their parents love them and during these scenes you actually see him some what emotional.

So if you are into serial killers watch it, if you aren’t dont bother its not worth it.
I saw the movie Gacy about the serial killer John Wayne Gacy. This movie is indie and shows it in the filming. I think it was a intentional to make it feel that it was set in the 70s.

Basically the movie gives a different view of Gacy showing his life and the events that led to his capture. The movie wasn’t slow, hospital and not boring it was just eh. It was missing something the actors played their roles very well especially Mark Holton as Gacy. I think the direction and maybe the script needed some work. There was no suspense or anticipation. I really didn’t care either way if he killed anyone else or that he was going to get captured.

I think the movie’s focus was how teenage boys who get beaten by their dad or can’t communicate with their parents either become gay or serial killers. Cause the first scene was a teenage Gacy getting beaten up by his father on a fishing trip,. Then later in the movie you see him having heart to heart talks with teenage boys telling them to talk with their dads and that their parents love them and during these scenes you actually see him some what emotional.

So if you are into serial killers watch it, if you aren’t dont bother its not worth it.
MSNBC have an article
How to get that perfect shave. Telling people the way to shave. It was pretty ok, sickness
nothign new or amsuing, but what got to me is how much people in America pay for a barber shave is from $50-$100. Thats insane!

I myself only shave at the barbers, I dont have a shaving kit at home, (which is why sometimes I have a good growth of hair cause I dont have time to go get a shave) and just pay from 500fils to 1Kd.

I know of other barbers that will give you the full treatment of massage, hair removal from ears and cheak bones and even a facail scrub and all for 5kd.

Americans must have forgotten how to pamper themselves and just allowed themselves to get ripped of when they do.
Talking to Mark on MSN and he mentioned that I should rent a movie:

Mark says:
rent the movie home alone
Nibaq says:
rent a movie?
Mark says:
yeah forgot

I remember back in the 80s going to Video Club in Salmiya and roaming around their shelves and shelves of videos looking for something to rent, capsule picking out movies by name, or just trying to finish a whole shelf. Even in the US going to Blockbuster or Hollywood Video, or one of the indie ones just roaming the rows looking for a movie. It was just an experience on its own roaming and hoping you can think of a movie to rent then hoping that it is still there.

In Kuwait now we just go to Hawalli look at books, pick out a movie, question the guy on it’s quality, have him swear that it is perfect copy and no problems, wait 10 minutes for them to bring it, take it home and see that its not perfect like movie stopping halfway through, or its a cam job and not a DVD copy. Then saying damn that guy and swearing never to buy from him again and going to return the movie. Then just saying screw it and do something else.

Sadly that doesn’t sound as entertaining. I think the rental business will do good in Kuwait, have a flat rate payment. Like NetFlix and even home delivery like Kozmo used to do. People can sit at home get online order a movie maybe have some cross promotional thing with fast food places for special deals. Within 15 minutes you have the movie, and the food you ordered.

Then you return it when you feel like it, but like NetFlix your only allowed 3 at a time. The movie was perfect, you got food and didn’t leave your house to deal with Hawalli or the bad copies you might get.

I think it would be a very viable business. The only hitch that I would see is the censorship and stuff. I am sure there can be work arounds with that by having 18 and up policy.

One other thing that comes to mind is that in Hawalli you never find classic movies, only recent ones. So with the rental shop you can have an archive of movies and serve a wide variety of tastes.
Just last week MTC spent $3.32 billion on its Africa expansion and it had people in diwaniyas and family lunches going “wtf”. Saying how MTC revenue in Kuwait doesn’t even equal all those networks in Africa generate. I tell you know whatI told them then, contagion give them 5 years and Kuwait won’t even equal 10% of the Africa revenue.

You see Africa is growing like crazy, and people dont notice it cause of its size and the many litter wars that occur there. One area that it will grow in is communication. Since they dont have wires there, the Belgiums and other Europeans sucked all the copper out of there and just left them with their drums.

So now those drums are 3G+ wireless networks. Africa will have one of the fastest and more powerful networks in the world. They are going to start fresh and go with what is the latest tech. Also with this tech they are going to have some pretty damn cool phones and I can’t wait to see what they are going to create with them.
I was with some friend earlier in the night and we drove to Apple Bees by going on the 2nd ring road. Since I was driving I decided to bust out Connie and do some war driving. I didn’t find anything on that road expect RoRo.

I found RoRo on the traffic light between Qadsia and Yarmouk Mansouriya. I didn’t have time to connect to it since the light turned green. Later when we reached the 2nd Ring and Istiqlal Highway I found RoRo again and with a very strong signal. So I connected and found it was a computer to computer connection. It just confused me a signal that strong came was from Qadsia to Dasman. I think it could have been another laptop or even a PDA that was in the car next to me. I am going to be going on that road again later to see if I can find it.
I saw the movie Gacy about the serial killer John Wayne Gacy. This movie is indie and shows it in the filming. I think it was a intentional to make it feel that it was set in the 70s.

Basically the movie gives a different view of Gacy showing his life and the events that led to his capture. The movie wasn’t slow, hospital and not boring it was just eh. It was missing something the actors played their roles very well especially Mark Holton as Gacy. I think the direction and maybe the script needed some work. There was no suspense or anticipation. I really didn’t care either way if he killed anyone else or that he was going to get captured.

I think the movie’s focus was how teenage boys who get beaten by their dad or can’t communicate with their parents either become gay or serial killers. Cause the first scene was a teenage Gacy getting beaten up by his father on a fishing trip,. Then later in the movie you see him having heart to heart talks with teenage boys telling them to talk with their dads and that their parents love them and during these scenes you actually see him some what emotional.

So if you are into serial killers watch it, if you aren’t dont bother its not worth it.
I saw the movie Gacy about the serial killer John Wayne Gacy. This movie is indie and shows it in the filming. I think it was a intentional to make it feel that it was set in the 70s.

Basically the movie gives a different view of Gacy showing his life and the events that led to his capture. The movie wasn’t slow, hospital and not boring it was just eh. It was missing something the actors played their roles very well especially Mark Holton as Gacy. I think the direction and maybe the script needed some work. There was no suspense or anticipation. I really didn’t care either way if he killed anyone else or that he was going to get captured.

I think the movie’s focus was how teenage boys who get beaten by their dad or can’t communicate with their parents either become gay or serial killers. Cause the first scene was a teenage Gacy getting beaten up by his father on a fishing trip,. Then later in the movie you see him having heart to heart talks with teenage boys telling them to talk with their dads and that their parents love them and during these scenes you actually see him some what emotional.

So if you are into serial killers watch it, if you aren’t dont bother its not worth it.
MSNBC have an article
How to get that perfect shave. Telling people the way to shave. It was pretty ok, sickness
nothign new or amsuing, but what got to me is how much people in America pay for a barber shave is from $50-$100. Thats insane!

I myself only shave at the barbers, I dont have a shaving kit at home, (which is why sometimes I have a good growth of hair cause I dont have time to go get a shave) and just pay from 500fils to 1Kd.

I know of other barbers that will give you the full treatment of massage, hair removal from ears and cheak bones and even a facail scrub and all for 5kd.

Americans must have forgotten how to pamper themselves and just allowed themselves to get ripped of when they do.
Talking to Mark on MSN and he mentioned that I should rent a movie:

Mark says:
rent the movie home alone
Nibaq says:
rent a movie?
Mark says:
yeah forgot

I remember back in the 80s going to Video Club in Salmiya and roaming around their shelves and shelves of videos looking for something to rent, capsule picking out movies by name, or just trying to finish a whole shelf. Even in the US going to Blockbuster or Hollywood Video, or one of the indie ones just roaming the rows looking for a movie. It was just an experience on its own roaming and hoping you can think of a movie to rent then hoping that it is still there.

In Kuwait now we just go to Hawalli look at books, pick out a movie, question the guy on it’s quality, have him swear that it is perfect copy and no problems, wait 10 minutes for them to bring it, take it home and see that its not perfect like movie stopping halfway through, or its a cam job and not a DVD copy. Then saying damn that guy and swearing never to buy from him again and going to return the movie. Then just saying screw it and do something else.

Sadly that doesn’t sound as entertaining. I think the rental business will do good in Kuwait, have a flat rate payment. Like NetFlix and even home delivery like Kozmo used to do. People can sit at home get online order a movie maybe have some cross promotional thing with fast food places for special deals. Within 15 minutes you have the movie, and the food you ordered.

Then you return it when you feel like it, but like NetFlix your only allowed 3 at a time. The movie was perfect, you got food and didn’t leave your house to deal with Hawalli or the bad copies you might get.

I think it would be a very viable business. The only hitch that I would see is the censorship and stuff. I am sure there can be work arounds with that by having 18 and up policy.

One other thing that comes to mind is that in Hawalli you never find classic movies, only recent ones. So with the rental shop you can have an archive of movies and serve a wide variety of tastes.
Just last week MTC spent $3.32 billion on its Africa expansion and it had people in diwaniyas and family lunches going “wtf”. Saying how MTC revenue in Kuwait doesn’t even equal all those networks in Africa generate. I tell you know whatI told them then, contagion give them 5 years and Kuwait won’t even equal 10% of the Africa revenue.

You see Africa is growing like crazy, and people dont notice it cause of its size and the many litter wars that occur there. One area that it will grow in is communication. Since they dont have wires there, the Belgiums and other Europeans sucked all the copper out of there and just left them with their drums.

So now those drums are 3G+ wireless networks. Africa will have one of the fastest and more powerful networks in the world. They are going to start fresh and go with what is the latest tech. Also with this tech they are going to have some pretty damn cool phones and I can’t wait to see what they are going to create with them.
You know how in Kuwait you have a street with all the phone stores, anabolics or a street with kitchen tiles, men’s health or textiles etc . And just scratch your head an wonder why dont they seperate from each other and avoid the competition.

Well what they are doing is actually a documented economic law called Hotelling’s law. The best part of this law is that with all these shops adn competition the consumer loses because it “results in less variety for the consumer”.

So something to think about when you go buy a new phone, car or anything else in Kuwait. It made be cheaper but your choices are less.
I was with some friend earlier in the night and we drove to Apple Bees by going on the 2nd ring road. Since I was driving I decided to bust out Connie and do some war driving. I didn’t find anything on that road expect RoRo.

I found RoRo on the traffic light between Qadsia and Yarmouk Mansouriya. I didn’t have time to connect to it since the light turned green. Later when we reached the 2nd Ring and Istiqlal Highway I found RoRo again and with a very strong signal. So I connected and found it was a computer to computer connection. It just confused me a signal that strong came was from Qadsia to Dasman. I think it could have been another laptop or even a PDA that was in the car next to me. I am going to be going on that road again later to see if I can find it.
I saw the movie Gacy about the serial killer John Wayne Gacy. This movie is indie and shows it in the filming. I think it was a intentional to make it feel that it was set in the 70s.

Basically the movie gives a different view of Gacy showing his life and the events that led to his capture. The movie wasn’t slow, hospital and not boring it was just eh. It was missing something the actors played their roles very well especially Mark Holton as Gacy. I think the direction and maybe the script needed some work. There was no suspense or anticipation. I really didn’t care either way if he killed anyone else or that he was going to get captured.

I think the movie’s focus was how teenage boys who get beaten by their dad or can’t communicate with their parents either become gay or serial killers. Cause the first scene was a teenage Gacy getting beaten up by his father on a fishing trip,. Then later in the movie you see him having heart to heart talks with teenage boys telling them to talk with their dads and that their parents love them and during these scenes you actually see him some what emotional.

So if you are into serial killers watch it, if you aren’t dont bother its not worth it.
I saw the movie Gacy about the serial killer John Wayne Gacy. This movie is indie and shows it in the filming. I think it was a intentional to make it feel that it was set in the 70s.

Basically the movie gives a different view of Gacy showing his life and the events that led to his capture. The movie wasn’t slow, hospital and not boring it was just eh. It was missing something the actors played their roles very well especially Mark Holton as Gacy. I think the direction and maybe the script needed some work. There was no suspense or anticipation. I really didn’t care either way if he killed anyone else or that he was going to get captured.

I think the movie’s focus was how teenage boys who get beaten by their dad or can’t communicate with their parents either become gay or serial killers. Cause the first scene was a teenage Gacy getting beaten up by his father on a fishing trip,. Then later in the movie you see him having heart to heart talks with teenage boys telling them to talk with their dads and that their parents love them and during these scenes you actually see him some what emotional.

So if you are into serial killers watch it, if you aren’t dont bother its not worth it.
MSNBC have an article
How to get that perfect shave. Telling people the way to shave. It was pretty ok, sickness
nothign new or amsuing, but what got to me is how much people in America pay for a barber shave is from $50-$100. Thats insane!

I myself only shave at the barbers, I dont have a shaving kit at home, (which is why sometimes I have a good growth of hair cause I dont have time to go get a shave) and just pay from 500fils to 1Kd.

I know of other barbers that will give you the full treatment of massage, hair removal from ears and cheak bones and even a facail scrub and all for 5kd.

Americans must have forgotten how to pamper themselves and just allowed themselves to get ripped of when they do.
Talking to Mark on MSN and he mentioned that I should rent a movie:

Mark says:
rent the movie home alone
Nibaq says:
rent a movie?
Mark says:
yeah forgot

I remember back in the 80s going to Video Club in Salmiya and roaming around their shelves and shelves of videos looking for something to rent, capsule picking out movies by name, or just trying to finish a whole shelf. Even in the US going to Blockbuster or Hollywood Video, or one of the indie ones just roaming the rows looking for a movie. It was just an experience on its own roaming and hoping you can think of a movie to rent then hoping that it is still there.

In Kuwait now we just go to Hawalli look at books, pick out a movie, question the guy on it’s quality, have him swear that it is perfect copy and no problems, wait 10 minutes for them to bring it, take it home and see that its not perfect like movie stopping halfway through, or its a cam job and not a DVD copy. Then saying damn that guy and swearing never to buy from him again and going to return the movie. Then just saying screw it and do something else.

Sadly that doesn’t sound as entertaining. I think the rental business will do good in Kuwait, have a flat rate payment. Like NetFlix and even home delivery like Kozmo used to do. People can sit at home get online order a movie maybe have some cross promotional thing with fast food places for special deals. Within 15 minutes you have the movie, and the food you ordered.

Then you return it when you feel like it, but like NetFlix your only allowed 3 at a time. The movie was perfect, you got food and didn’t leave your house to deal with Hawalli or the bad copies you might get.

I think it would be a very viable business. The only hitch that I would see is the censorship and stuff. I am sure there can be work arounds with that by having 18 and up policy.

One other thing that comes to mind is that in Hawalli you never find classic movies, only recent ones. So with the rental shop you can have an archive of movies and serve a wide variety of tastes.
Just last week MTC spent $3.32 billion on its Africa expansion and it had people in diwaniyas and family lunches going “wtf”. Saying how MTC revenue in Kuwait doesn’t even equal all those networks in Africa generate. I tell you know whatI told them then, contagion give them 5 years and Kuwait won’t even equal 10% of the Africa revenue.

You see Africa is growing like crazy, and people dont notice it cause of its size and the many litter wars that occur there. One area that it will grow in is communication. Since they dont have wires there, the Belgiums and other Europeans sucked all the copper out of there and just left them with their drums.

So now those drums are 3G+ wireless networks. Africa will have one of the fastest and more powerful networks in the world. They are going to start fresh and go with what is the latest tech. Also with this tech they are going to have some pretty damn cool phones and I can’t wait to see what they are going to create with them.
You know how in Kuwait you have a street with all the phone stores, anabolics or a street with kitchen tiles, men’s health or textiles etc . And just scratch your head an wonder why dont they seperate from each other and avoid the competition.

Well what they are doing is actually a documented economic law called Hotelling’s law. The best part of this law is that with all these shops adn competition the consumer loses because it “results in less variety for the consumer”.

So something to think about when you go buy a new phone, car or anything else in Kuwait. It made be cheaper but your choices are less.
You know how in Kuwait you have a street with all the phone stores, anabolics or a street with kitchen tiles, men’s health or textiles etc . And just scratch your head an wonder why dont they seperate from each other and avoid the competition.

Well what they are doing is actually a documented economic law called Hotelling’s law. The best part of this law is that with all these shops adn competition the consumer loses because it “results in less variety for the consumer”.

So something to think about when you go buy a new phone, car or anything else in Kuwait. It made be cheaper but your choices are less.
I just wanted to mention that Kung Fu Hustle is the greatest action movie I have seen.

I picked it up in Thailand cause of name alone, sale then when I got back to hotel and saw it was by Stephen Chow I knew I had something good but once I watched it I changed my mind It was great!

In simple terms its the movie Taratinto wishes he could make. It had suspense, dramacomedy and a fight scenes to die for.


I was with some friend earlier in the night and we drove to Apple Bees by going on the 2nd ring road. Since I was driving I decided to bust out Connie and do some war driving. I didn’t find anything on that road expect RoRo.

I found RoRo on the traffic light between Qadsia and Yarmouk Mansouriya. I didn’t have time to connect to it since the light turned green. Later when we reached the 2nd Ring and Istiqlal Highway I found RoRo again and with a very strong signal. So I connected and found it was a computer to computer connection. It just confused me a signal that strong came was from Qadsia to Dasman. I think it could have been another laptop or even a PDA that was in the car next to me. I am going to be going on that road again later to see if I can find it.
I was with some friend earlier in the night and we drove to Apple Bees by going on the 2nd ring road. Since I was driving I decided to bust out Connie and do some war driving. I didn’t find anything on that road expect RoRo.

I found RoRo on the traffic light between Qadsia and Yarmouk Mansouriya. I didn’t have time to connect to it since the light turned green. Later when we reached the 2nd Ring and Istiqlal Highway I found RoRo again and with a very strong signal. So I connected and found it was a computer to computer connection. It just confused me a signal that strong came was from Qadsia to Dasman. I think it could have been another laptop or even a PDA that was in the car next to me. I am going to be going on that road again later to see if I can find it.
I saw the movie Gacy about the serial killer John Wayne Gacy. This movie is indie and shows it in the filming. I think it was a intentional to make it feel that it was set in the 70s.

Basically the movie gives a different view of Gacy showing his life and the events that led to his capture. The movie wasn’t slow, hospital and not boring it was just eh. It was missing something the actors played their roles very well especially Mark Holton as Gacy. I think the direction and maybe the script needed some work. There was no suspense or anticipation. I really didn’t care either way if he killed anyone else or that he was going to get captured.

I think the movie’s focus was how teenage boys who get beaten by their dad or can’t communicate with their parents either become gay or serial killers. Cause the first scene was a teenage Gacy getting beaten up by his father on a fishing trip,. Then later in the movie you see him having heart to heart talks with teenage boys telling them to talk with their dads and that their parents love them and during these scenes you actually see him some what emotional.

So if you are into serial killers watch it, if you aren’t dont bother its not worth it.