Yippy KI Yay

With the release of Die Hard 4 and people saying how 24 is better it got me thinking who would win in a fight. John McLane or Jack Bauer. Both have single handedly taken down terrorist groups and saved the world from danger against all odds.

Yet I will have to say hands down John McLane.

For these reasons:
John doesn’t have CTU PDAs.
John isn’t trained in military tactics yet still kicks ass.
John never lost a family member to terrorists.
John knows how to get on the terrorists nerves.
John doesn’t need to torture he just kills them.
John never requested backup.

Jack wouldn’t have a chance.
With the release of Die Hard 4 and people saying how 24 is better it got me thinking who would win in a fight. John McLane or Jack Bauer. Both have single handedly taken down terrorist groups and saved the world from danger against all odds.

Yet I will have to say hands down John McLane.

For these reasons:
John doesn’t have CTU PDAs.
John isn’t trained in military tactics yet still kicks ass.
John never lost a family member to terrorists.
John knows how to get on the terrorists nerves.
John doesn’t need to torture he just kills them.
John never requested backup.

Jack wouldn’t have a chance.
Just saw Die Hard 4.0 with some friends earlier today in the Kuwait cinema. It was a really pleasant experience not much was cut from the movie, rx try
and it was a really good movie. In the days of special effects and super heroes. It is great to get back to something simpler. Die Hard 4.0 is a call back to the good ol days of movies when it was bad guys vs the good and filled with fist fights and loud explosions.

Also for people who watched it the beginning credits mention this article A Farewell to Arms
By John Carlin
as the inspiration.

Oh and the best part was waiting for John McLane to say “Yippie-ki-yay”.

Super Long Feelings Movie

Taking my brain to get fixed.

Taking my brain to get fixed.

I just came back from watching the latest Superman movie, there Superman Returns and have to say it was just way to long and way too many feelings and just didn’t make me feel all warm and gooey inside.

There something about movies involving super heroes or any hero for that matter. You should always leave the movie theater saying “__Hero Name_ KICKS ASS”. Think about it, when you left the Batman Begins you were saying Batman KICKS ASS, when you left Spider-man, you said Spider-man KICKS ASS,

Cause when the final credits starts rolling, you have this feelings of amazement, admiration and respect for our hero.

Superman sadly gave me none of those feelings at the end. All I felt was like screw this I am going home. Which is sad cause the characters were great and even the beginning of the movie had so much promise and options but the producers/writers/director just let all these feelings get in the way and forgot that we came to see Superman kick some ass.

The only hope I had at the end of the movie was they left lots of options for a sequel and hoping they do it a lot better than this one.

Go Anywhere with Body Groom

The Heat is On

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We are hitting high 40s!

The Heat is On

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We are hitting high 40s!

Mark just mentioned the Philips/Norelco Body Groom.

I have been using one for over 3 weeks now and have to say it is amazing. I got it from the recommendation of 10 other guys that are using it and all swear by the ease of use, sildenafil comfort and all round quality of this product.

So far I know of over 40 guys who are using it now on a regular basis and not a single complaint, it doesn’t heat up, it doesn’t snag any hair. It has made body grooming a simple, relaxing part of the day.

If you are sick of regular blades, chemicals and everything else go for this cause it works. Go pick one up from Amazon now

Lebanon Arrival

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Seems everyone leaving Kuwait this holiday. Have fun, geriatrician
be safe & avoid the Gulf Road.

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Are We Sheep or Chicken?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We been stuck in the bus waiting to get out for 15 minutes for the plane to fuel. They got 3 full buses of people just locked in here.

Got to love Kuwait Airways.

Seems everyone leaving Kuwait this holiday. Have fun, geriatrician
be safe & avoid the Gulf Road.

Well in Lebanon the plane trip was annoying. It has been a while since I flown Kuwait Airways and remembered why after this. Luckily I am returning via MEA so will avoid this mess.

Strange thing about this trip I am not brining my MP3 player. I was contimplating it when I was packing and decided against it. Not sure what to put on it and really didn’t think I will be listening to it at all.


  • Jennifer Government: Pretty cool book, here reminds me of Snow Crash but has this tinge to it that I am enjoying.
  • Counter-BlastI got this at the last second McLauhan is a visionary in terms of ways of communication where it is headed. I been thinking a lot of the future of communication and interaction lately ao wanted to catch up on his writings to get a better perspective of it all.
  • Vintage Maurakami I got this book ages ago but just haven’t had time to start reading it, buy or will start the first page and just put it down. I started reading one of the stories on the plane and really dove deep in his writings. Their is some rich imagery and feelings. This will be a real joy in reading.

The only electronic thing I am carrying with me is my phone and my bluetooth keyboard to write with. I rarely use it but its good to have when I need it. I much rather write in my trusty yellow notepad that I always carry with me. Like a camera. I decided to take my Minolta on this trip easy simple camer and a nice lens. The only problem is that I dont have any film! I went to the airport duty free and they dont keep any more regular film! It is a travesty! I hope to pick some up from the hotel bookstore thing tomorrow morning.

I really want to take pictures of Lebanon. It look so scenic when we were landing that I want to see more of it. Tomorrow we are going to the mountains so that will be exciting and want to get some pictures there, but really want to get a feel for the city and the mix of old and new.

Angel Interceptor

From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
I rarely tell people what I want for a present or any of that sort. I even dont like asking people what they want for their birthday. I figure if you know the person well enough you can figure things out and be able to get stuff for them that you know they will like and enjoy.

So I am dropping a big hint to everyone if they want to get my stuff. Get it from here Entertainment Earth, website like this
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
I rarely tell people what I want for a present or any of that sort. I even dont like asking people what they want for their birthday. I figure if you know the person well enough you can figure things out and be able to get stuff for them that you know they will like and enjoy.

So I am dropping a big hint to everyone if they want to get my stuff. Get it from here Entertainment Earth, website like this
I got this spam email a week ago and it was actually something pretty cool. It was for We Love Kuwait, click which is a website for children’s books.

I am really attracted to their work, it is very simple and you can tell they do it with love.

From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
I rarely tell people what I want for a present or any of that sort. I even dont like asking people what they want for their birthday. I figure if you know the person well enough you can figure things out and be able to get stuff for them that you know they will like and enjoy.

So I am dropping a big hint to everyone if they want to get my stuff. Get it from here Entertainment Earth, website like this
I got this spam email a week ago and it was actually something pretty cool. It was for We Love Kuwait, click which is a website for children’s books.

I am really attracted to their work, it is very simple and you can tell they do it with love.

From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
I rarely tell people what I want for a present or any of that sort. I even dont like asking people what they want for their birthday. I figure if you know the person well enough you can figure things out and be able to get stuff for them that you know they will like and enjoy.

So I am dropping a big hint to everyone if they want to get my stuff. Get it from here Entertainment Earth, website like this
I got this spam email a week ago and it was actually something pretty cool. It was for We Love Kuwait, click which is a website for children’s books.

I am really attracted to their work, it is very simple and you can tell they do it with love.

Well we are all taking it easy today on this lazy Sunday reflecting, illness
remembering and rejoicing. So what better day to just watch this amazing SNL skit called Lazy Sunday aka The Chronic-les of Narnia Rap.

Cause it is crazy delicious like Mr Pibb and Red Vines.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
I rarely tell people what I want for a present or any of that sort. I even dont like asking people what they want for their birthday. I figure if you know the person well enough you can figure things out and be able to get stuff for them that you know they will like and enjoy.

So I am dropping a big hint to everyone if they want to get my stuff. Get it from here Entertainment Earth, website like this
I got this spam email a week ago and it was actually something pretty cool. It was for We Love Kuwait, click which is a website for children’s books.

I am really attracted to their work, it is very simple and you can tell they do it with love.

Well we are all taking it easy today on this lazy Sunday reflecting, illness
remembering and rejoicing. So what better day to just watch this amazing SNL skit called Lazy Sunday aka The Chronic-les of Narnia Rap.

Cause it is crazy delicious like Mr Pibb and Red Vines.

From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
I rarely tell people what I want for a present or any of that sort. I even dont like asking people what they want for their birthday. I figure if you know the person well enough you can figure things out and be able to get stuff for them that you know they will like and enjoy.

So I am dropping a big hint to everyone if they want to get my stuff. Get it from here Entertainment Earth, website like this
I got this spam email a week ago and it was actually something pretty cool. It was for We Love Kuwait, click which is a website for children’s books.

I am really attracted to their work, it is very simple and you can tell they do it with love.

Well we are all taking it easy today on this lazy Sunday reflecting, illness
remembering and rejoicing. So what better day to just watch this amazing SNL skit called Lazy Sunday aka The Chronic-les of Narnia Rap.

Cause it is crazy delicious like Mr Pibb and Red Vines.

This morning I wanted to listen to Ash – 1977. This is some dusty CD from my collection. The main reason I wanted to hear it was for the song Girl from Mars. Loved this song when it was from back in the day and was reading some horoscope reading and mentioned Mars and was like “oh” cool. My brain works very strange ways at times. Tangents galore.

Yet hearing the album today introduced me to another song. Lost in You. The song is emo, website like this
but they were out before emo was being bitch slapped. Ash is old school garage punk band and love them for it. So yeah that song is pretty cool, sick
I like guitar feel for it and his whiny voice with the lyrics.


Start the Riot

As Christmas season is coming and presents galore its time to think of presents. So what better than presents than the most dangerous ones.

World Against Toys Causing Harm has a llist of the 10 worst toys that they consider dangerous. So far my favorite isKickaroos Anti-Grav Boots. I dont know about you but that is cool.
As Christmas season is coming and presents galore its time to think of presents. So what better than presents than the most dangerous ones.

World Against Toys Causing Harm has a llist of the 10 worst toys that they consider dangerous. So far my favorite isKickaroos Anti-Grav Boots. I dont know about you but that is cool.
As Christmas season is coming and presents galore its time to think of presents. So what better than presents than the most dangerous ones.

World Against Toys Causing Harm has a llist of the 10 worst toys that they consider dangerous. So far my favorite isKickaroos Anti-Grav Boots. I dont know about you but that is cool.
Wanted to listen to this album yesterday but got sidetracked with leaving for work totally missed out on getting it. Frank Sinatra – Come Fly With Me.

I call this the honey moon album for every song on here is about a different country/city and about love. The title song alone just sets the whole base and feeling of taking your loved one and flying away to some far off place just to expereince it together. He just takes you on a whirlwind adventure form Paris to Mandaly, artificial
and the Island of Capri and even Vermont.

Frank Sinatra – Come Fly With Me

Come Fly With Me
As Christmas season is coming and presents galore its time to think of presents. So what better than presents than the most dangerous ones.

World Against Toys Causing Harm has a llist of the 10 worst toys that they consider dangerous. So far my favorite isKickaroos Anti-Grav Boots. I dont know about you but that is cool.
As Christmas season is coming and presents galore its time to think of presents. So what better than presents than the most dangerous ones.

World Against Toys Causing Harm has a llist of the 10 worst toys that they consider dangerous. So far my favorite isKickaroos Anti-Grav Boots. I dont know about you but that is cool.
Wanted to listen to this album yesterday but got sidetracked with leaving for work totally missed out on getting it. Frank Sinatra – Come Fly With Me.

I call this the honey moon album for every song on here is about a different country/city and about love. The title song alone just sets the whole base and feeling of taking your loved one and flying away to some far off place just to expereince it together. He just takes you on a whirlwind adventure form Paris to Mandaly, artificial
and the Island of Capri and even Vermont.

Frank Sinatra – Come Fly With Me

Come Fly With Me
Just recently someone told me about writing notes on your books. To me this was a big “no no” since I was taught by that books are to be cherished, impotent read and respected. So that the next person down the line can enjoy them and appreciate the book. It took a big mind duck for me to actually write in a book and underline passages and points, but I finally did it.
I rebelled against 20 years of thought programming and it felt good. I enjoyed doing it, it made it fun and more than that I made notes for future reference and ideas that I want to look at later.

So just when I want to write about it and say how cool it is someone already did:
Lifehack Your Books: Dogear, Writing In Books, and Apologizing to Librarians
. The only issue I have with this is the dog ears part. I dont know if I can actually do that. I’ve trained myself over the years to memorize where I left off either my remembering page number, or location.
As Christmas season is coming and presents galore its time to think of presents. So what better than presents than the most dangerous ones.

World Against Toys Causing Harm has a llist of the 10 worst toys that they consider dangerous. So far my favorite isKickaroos Anti-Grav Boots. I dont know about you but that is cool.
As Christmas season is coming and presents galore its time to think of presents. So what better than presents than the most dangerous ones.

World Against Toys Causing Harm has a llist of the 10 worst toys that they consider dangerous. So far my favorite isKickaroos Anti-Grav Boots. I dont know about you but that is cool.
Wanted to listen to this album yesterday but got sidetracked with leaving for work totally missed out on getting it. Frank Sinatra – Come Fly With Me.

I call this the honey moon album for every song on here is about a different country/city and about love. The title song alone just sets the whole base and feeling of taking your loved one and flying away to some far off place just to expereince it together. He just takes you on a whirlwind adventure form Paris to Mandaly, artificial
and the Island of Capri and even Vermont.

Frank Sinatra – Come Fly With Me

Come Fly With Me
Just recently someone told me about writing notes on your books. To me this was a big “no no” since I was taught by that books are to be cherished, impotent read and respected. So that the next person down the line can enjoy them and appreciate the book. It took a big mind duck for me to actually write in a book and underline passages and points, but I finally did it.
I rebelled against 20 years of thought programming and it felt good. I enjoyed doing it, it made it fun and more than that I made notes for future reference and ideas that I want to look at later.

So just when I want to write about it and say how cool it is someone already did:
Lifehack Your Books: Dogear, Writing In Books, and Apologizing to Librarians
. The only issue I have with this is the dog ears part. I dont know if I can actually do that. I’ve trained myself over the years to memorize where I left off either my remembering page number, or location.
So this morning was thinking of what album I should listen to today. Just wasn’t sure on my whole feel of the day and what I needed. So I get to my phone and see a sms from my friend Carl in Seattle completing the Perfect Day lyrics I sent him I think a week ago when someone mentioned sangria.
Carl and I would do amazing duets of this song in Spain and well everywhere, viagra buy we drove his then fiance (wife) crazy in Spain singing it. So I went to the album collection and busted out Lou Reed – Transformer.

This is a great album, pharmacy a real New York album. Drugs, viagra 100mg pimps, hustlers, spending a day in Central Park, just so much imagery and life in it, makes me remeber New York with a tear in my eye. I recall going to New York to see Tibet House Tribute Concenert in 2003 and one of the highlights was Lou Reed and we are all waiting backstage of the Carnegie Music Hall waiting for all the people to come so we can get pictures and autographs. I remeber when Lou came and just was mesmerized this guy was like a war hero. Face filled with wrinkles and lines, black leather jacket. The pictures dont do him justice for his presence was shock and awe. This was Lou Reed, Mr. New York.

As Christmas season is coming and presents galore its time to think of presents. So what better than presents than the most dangerous ones.

World Against Toys Causing Harm has a llist of the 10 worst toys that they consider dangerous. So far my favorite isKickaroos Anti-Grav Boots. I dont know about you but that is cool.
As Christmas season is coming and presents galore its time to think of presents. So what better than presents than the most dangerous ones.

World Against Toys Causing Harm has a llist of the 10 worst toys that they consider dangerous. So far my favorite isKickaroos Anti-Grav Boots. I dont know about you but that is cool.
Wanted to listen to this album yesterday but got sidetracked with leaving for work totally missed out on getting it. Frank Sinatra – Come Fly With Me.

I call this the honey moon album for every song on here is about a different country/city and about love. The title song alone just sets the whole base and feeling of taking your loved one and flying away to some far off place just to expereince it together. He just takes you on a whirlwind adventure form Paris to Mandaly, artificial
and the Island of Capri and even Vermont.

Frank Sinatra – Come Fly With Me

Come Fly With Me
Just recently someone told me about writing notes on your books. To me this was a big “no no” since I was taught by that books are to be cherished, impotent read and respected. So that the next person down the line can enjoy them and appreciate the book. It took a big mind duck for me to actually write in a book and underline passages and points, but I finally did it.
I rebelled against 20 years of thought programming and it felt good. I enjoyed doing it, it made it fun and more than that I made notes for future reference and ideas that I want to look at later.

So just when I want to write about it and say how cool it is someone already did:
Lifehack Your Books: Dogear, Writing In Books, and Apologizing to Librarians
. The only issue I have with this is the dog ears part. I dont know if I can actually do that. I’ve trained myself over the years to memorize where I left off either my remembering page number, or location.
So this morning was thinking of what album I should listen to today. Just wasn’t sure on my whole feel of the day and what I needed. So I get to my phone and see a sms from my friend Carl in Seattle completing the Perfect Day lyrics I sent him I think a week ago when someone mentioned sangria.
Carl and I would do amazing duets of this song in Spain and well everywhere, viagra buy we drove his then fiance (wife) crazy in Spain singing it. So I went to the album collection and busted out Lou Reed – Transformer.

This is a great album, pharmacy a real New York album. Drugs, viagra 100mg pimps, hustlers, spending a day in Central Park, just so much imagery and life in it, makes me remeber New York with a tear in my eye. I recall going to New York to see Tibet House Tribute Concenert in 2003 and one of the highlights was Lou Reed and we are all waiting backstage of the Carnegie Music Hall waiting for all the people to come so we can get pictures and autographs. I remeber when Lou came and just was mesmerized this guy was like a war hero. Face filled with wrinkles and lines, black leather jacket. The pictures dont do him justice for his presence was shock and awe. This was Lou Reed, Mr. New York.

I heard this album Atari Teenage Riot – Burn Berlin Burn in the summer of 97 in Vegas. A guy from Chicago had their bootleg CD and I was blown away. You had your evil house break beats, malady mixed in with punk lyrics and Japanese animation samples just for good measure then having the whole thing taken to 11. They still were released in Europe but not in US yet but damn did I want to get that CD as soon as it came out.

This is the music to start a revolution with. It is hard and entrances you to go out and Destory 2000 years of culture. I remeber seeing them when they opened for Rage Against the Machine and the kids were not in to it at all. This was so strange and weird for them. Also to note this was before Limp Bizkit or Korn really became popular for this sound of music was totaly in a whole new playing feild and they took down a couple notches.
I remeber that guy telling me how the band was big in Germany and some how got the Neo Nazi movement behind them due to their early songs about destruction, more about revolution and starting riots. So this one show in Berlin with Neo Nazi kids they released their new material totally against them and what they stand for and that started a riot in the show. But it did its work and proved what they really stood for.

This album wouldn’t be in my top 5 but is in my top 10. The raw emotion and music that is in it really pumps me up and just riles me and has me doing strange things in the car. I was listening to Delete Yourself at a traffic light and windows rolled down and head nodding, look left leg moving up and down hands in ready mosh pit fighting positions and this guy next to me just all confused and scared not sure what to make of what I was doing. Think he was trying to listen to pansy ass rock.

Which reminds me I need to get Alec Empire’s latest album.

Burn, Berlin, Burn

Jesse Reklaw draws your dreams at Slow Wave. I think this is the coolest visual way to convey your dreams to other people as weird and scary they might be.

Jesse Reklaw draws your dreams at Slow Wave. I think this is the coolest visual way to convey your dreams to other people as weird and scary they might be.

Jesse Reklaw draws your dreams at Slow Wave. I think this is the coolest visual way to convey your dreams to other people as weird and scary they might be.

Foreign Policy has released a new index of Failed States. It list countries that have internal and external struggles that are causing trouble to the government and failing as a provider for their people.

They use 12 social and economic, generic
political and military indicators to bring this list of 60 countries.

Arab Countries on the list:
4) Iraq
28) Syria
36) Lebanon
38) Egypt
45) Saudi Arabia
51) Bahrain

I am really suprised that Bahrain on the list, story
but according to them they have high marks in the Uneven Development, Delegitimization of State, and Security Apparatus.

I would really like to see a complete list and see where Kuwait is on the list.
Jesse Reklaw draws your dreams at Slow Wave. I think this is the coolest visual way to convey your dreams to other people as weird and scary they might be.

Jesse Reklaw draws your dreams at Slow Wave. I think this is the coolest visual way to convey your dreams to other people as weird and scary they might be.

Foreign Policy has released a new index of Failed States. It list countries that have internal and external struggles that are causing trouble to the government and failing as a provider for their people.

They use 12 social and economic, generic
political and military indicators to bring this list of 60 countries.

Arab Countries on the list:
4) Iraq
28) Syria
36) Lebanon
38) Egypt
45) Saudi Arabia
51) Bahrain

I am really suprised that Bahrain on the list, story
but according to them they have high marks in the Uneven Development, Delegitimization of State, and Security Apparatus.

I would really like to see a complete list and see where Kuwait is on the list.
Jesse Reklaw draws your dreams at Slow Wave. I think this is the coolest visual way to convey your dreams to other people as weird and scary they might be.

Foreign Policy has released a new index of Failed States. It list countries that have internal and external struggles that are causing trouble to the government and failing as a provider for their people.

They use 12 social and economic, generic
political and military indicators to bring this list of 60 countries.

Arab Countries on the list:
4) Iraq
28) Syria
36) Lebanon
38) Egypt
45) Saudi Arabia
51) Bahrain

I am really suprised that Bahrain on the list, story
but according to them they have high marks in the Uneven Development, Delegitimization of State, and Security Apparatus.

I would really like to see a complete list and see where Kuwait is on the list.
I need to write a simple about me section for this website, viagra
and some others, about it
but I have no idea what to write. I am really not good at all with self promotion. So I am putting out to you guys to help me out. I will give out a tshirt to the best entry or even entries.

Write what ever you want, but keep it like under 100/150 words.
Jesse Reklaw draws your dreams at Slow Wave. I think this is the coolest visual way to convey your dreams to other people as weird and scary they might be.

Jesse Reklaw draws your dreams at Slow Wave. I think this is the coolest visual way to convey your dreams to other people as weird and scary they might be.

Foreign Policy has released a new index of Failed States. It list countries that have internal and external struggles that are causing trouble to the government and failing as a provider for their people.

They use 12 social and economic, generic
political and military indicators to bring this list of 60 countries.

Arab Countries on the list:
4) Iraq
28) Syria
36) Lebanon
38) Egypt
45) Saudi Arabia
51) Bahrain

I am really suprised that Bahrain on the list, story
but according to them they have high marks in the Uneven Development, Delegitimization of State, and Security Apparatus.

I would really like to see a complete list and see where Kuwait is on the list.
Jesse Reklaw draws your dreams at Slow Wave. I think this is the coolest visual way to convey your dreams to other people as weird and scary they might be.

Foreign Policy has released a new index of Failed States. It list countries that have internal and external struggles that are causing trouble to the government and failing as a provider for their people.

They use 12 social and economic, generic
political and military indicators to bring this list of 60 countries.

Arab Countries on the list:
4) Iraq
28) Syria
36) Lebanon
38) Egypt
45) Saudi Arabia
51) Bahrain

I am really suprised that Bahrain on the list, story
but according to them they have high marks in the Uneven Development, Delegitimization of State, and Security Apparatus.

I would really like to see a complete list and see where Kuwait is on the list.
I need to write a simple about me section for this website, viagra
and some others, about it
but I have no idea what to write. I am really not good at all with self promotion. So I am putting out to you guys to help me out. I will give out a tshirt to the best entry or even entries.

Write what ever you want, but keep it like under 100/150 words.
Sheet One

The music for today is Plastikman’s Sheet One.

Now go learn about Plastikman and how amazing this album was when it came out.

On a side note I really need to organize my CD collection, rehabilitation its turned to a mess, good thing Eid is around the corner time to sit at home and do nothing much of something.

The 25 [Somewhat] Shocking Moments in Movie History

Yesterday when walking down the coast by the Parliment building in Kuwait City my friends and I noticed two very large rats roaming around. I wonder what the Majlis al Umma is feeding them?
Yesterday when walking down the coast by the Parliment building in Kuwait City my friends and I noticed two very large rats roaming around. I wonder what the Majlis al Umma is feeding them?
I just did a quiz for myIslam Knowledge. It is pretty easy and straight forward for people who dont know about Islam for it really asks some insightful questions in order to teach.

I got two wrong in it. One was the population of Muslims in the US, eczema stomach
and one about Ramadan (doh).

Give it a try.
Yesterday when walking down the coast by the Parliment building in Kuwait City my friends and I noticed two very large rats roaming around. I wonder what the Majlis al Umma is feeding them?
I just did a quiz for myIslam Knowledge. It is pretty easy and straight forward for people who dont know about Islam for it really asks some insightful questions in order to teach.

I got two wrong in it. One was the population of Muslims in the US, eczema stomach
and one about Ramadan (doh).

Give it a try.
Yesterday when walking down the coast by the Parliment building in Kuwait City my friends and I noticed two very large rats roaming around. I wonder what the Majlis al Umma is feeding them?
I just did a quiz for myIslam Knowledge. It is pretty easy and straight forward for people who dont know about Islam for it really asks some insightful questions in order to teach.

I got two wrong in it. One was the population of Muslims in the US, stomach
and one about Ramadan (doh).

Give it a try.
I just saw this on Metafilter and I know am I in trouble. It is riddle game that is embdeded in html. So basicly you have to figure out what the next level URL is by looking at the clues hidden in the page.

So far I have reached level 10, discount
but thats cause in finding level 5, I found level 10. I will deal with it later when I am at home.

Good Luck.

Yesterday when walking down the coast by the Parliment building in Kuwait City my friends and I noticed two very large rats roaming around. I wonder what the Majlis al Umma is feeding them?
I just did a quiz for myIslam Knowledge. It is pretty easy and straight forward for people who dont know about Islam for it really asks some insightful questions in order to teach.

I got two wrong in it. One was the population of Muslims in the US, eczema stomach
and one about Ramadan (doh).

Give it a try.
Yesterday when walking down the coast by the Parliment building in Kuwait City my friends and I noticed two very large rats roaming around. I wonder what the Majlis al Umma is feeding them?
I just did a quiz for myIslam Knowledge. It is pretty easy and straight forward for people who dont know about Islam for it really asks some insightful questions in order to teach.

I got two wrong in it. One was the population of Muslims in the US, stomach
and one about Ramadan (doh).

Give it a try.
I just saw this on Metafilter and I know am I in trouble. It is riddle game that is embdeded in html. So basicly you have to figure out what the next level URL is by looking at the clues hidden in the page.

So far I have reached level 10, discount
but thats cause in finding level 5, I found level 10. I will deal with it later when I am at home.

Good Luck.

Yesterday when walking down the coast by the Parliment building in Kuwait City my friends and I noticed two very large rats roaming around. I wonder what the Majlis al Umma is feeding them?
I just did a quiz for myIslam Knowledge. It is pretty easy and straight forward for people who dont know about Islam for it really asks some insightful questions in order to teach.

I got two wrong in it. One was the population of Muslims in the US, stomach
and one about Ramadan (doh).

Give it a try.
I just saw this on Metafilter and I know am I in trouble. It is riddle game that is embdeded in html. So basicly you have to figure out what the next level URL is by looking at the clues hidden in the page.

So far I have reached level 10, discount
but thats cause in finding level 5, I found level 10. I will deal with it later when I am at home.

Good Luck.

Premiere Magazine has just released a list of their 25 Most Shocking Moments in Movie History, prostate and have to say some of it is just quite lame and just in there cause they got star power, or just really memorable.

Muscles Don’t Buy Maddog


Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We got hydro!


Originally uploaded by nibaq.

We got hydro!

Just finished watching “My Name Is Earl” staring Jason Lee as Earl. It is a sitcom around Earl, anemia whose life pretty much sucks. Then one day in a hospital bed he sees Carson Daly talk about karma, impotent and decides to fix his life by undoing his 258(?) wrongs.

The show has some great humor, pharm and some great writing. It doesn’t do that old tried “what is the worse that could happen” and does it. It gives you something completely different and entertaining. The cast of characters they got are great and have great chemistry.

So go download it and watch it.

Apple Video Store?

And Them

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

And Them

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Seems some inspiring invidivudal decided to take a peak under the hood of the new iTunes 5.0 and found icons and images for an Apple video store. This could be related to that Morgan Freeman/Intel online video store that they were planning.

I am sure like their music store they will be shoving tons of DRM on those things to make sure I can’t play them on other computers. But if the price is right I won’t mind. Although there are rumors that NetFlix is going to be coming out with the same thing soon.

Like I stated earlier, tablets if the price is right I dont mind using it compared to the annoyances of BitTorrent at times (0 seeds), physician and it gives me the ability to watch shows like regular people, instead of dealing with the censorship in the Kuwait Cinemas, or Hawalli DVD stores.

I really dont know why the Ministry of Information censorship dept still exists. They lost, openly and publicly. We can get books, magazines, dvds uncensored via Aramex, we have circumvented their online censorship system. Satellites are on the top of every house in Kuwait giving them access to every type of channel available with all sorts of content and news.

It reminds me of those Japanese soldiers who after WW2 were still hiding out in the Pacific islands waiting for the Allies to attack, when the rest of the world just moved on.