Damn You Internet!

Just for the record I am talking to Purgatory again just because of the NFL Draft and once that is over not until World Cup. Then after that preseason NFL.

Just for the record I am talking to Purgatory again just because of the NFL Draft and once that is over not until World Cup. Then after that preseason NFL.

Just for the record I am talking to Purgatory again just because of the NFL Draft and once that is over not until World Cup. Then after that preseason NFL.

Just for the record I am talking to Purgatory again just because of the NFL Draft and once that is over not until World Cup. Then after that preseason NFL.

Just for the record I am talking to Purgatory again just because of the NFL Draft and once that is over not until World Cup. Then after that preseason NFL.

Today is not my day. Last night at diwaniya we wanted to see the C-Span Boodai interview either transcript of video. I did a couple searches and couldn’t only find the C-Span Archive Program page, more about with an option to order it for $29.95. Since I couldn’t find it and it had some merit on finding out the truth I ordered it.

As soon as I order it. I see that is available on YouTube (people need to tag and describe their files better). Then I check my phone and see an sms from my friend with the website of Jboodai.com where the whole thing is available as a download!

So annoyed and pissed that I spent that money, cause it has no real merit. It is not like a movie that I can forget about and see it later, or a book. I guess once I get it I will donate it to a university library or something. They could make some use of it in their catalog.

You know there is a lesson to be learned here. Just pirate movies and dvds. It really isn’t worth buying them, cause once you buy it you will find it available for free online.

The Drain

Al Kuwait 1955 (3)

I just found some old pics of Kuwait taken by amkoffee‘s Dad when he was here with the Navy back in 1950.

They are really good quality pics and has me wondering who was there and what was going on.


Found out who the pictures of the people are:
Abduallah Mubarka
Sabah Al-Nasser
Ezzat Jaffer

Al Kuwait 1955 (3)

I just found some old pics of Kuwait taken by amkoffee‘s Dad when he was here with the Navy back in 1950.

They are really good quality pics and has me wondering who was there and what was going on.


Found out who the pictures of the people are:
Abduallah Mubarka
Sabah Al-Nasser
Ezzat Jaffer

I dont know what is wrong with me today. I just feel drained. It is like I had no sleep or something. I know I had my standard 6-7 hours of sleep, and I woke up fine and naturally at 7ish, injection had my regular frosted flake breakfast. Then work as usual, yet feel just out of it.

When I left work I stopped by the baqala and picked up my super supplement that always fixes me up when I am tried or hungry. Bounty bar, Pepsi and Kitco chips. They were ok for a short time, but really didn’t fix the problem.

I dont know, it is just Sunday, and I feel like this. I hate to see what Tuesday brings.

A Blade Runner

A blade runner is a movie that you can never finish because as soon as you start it you pass out.

This started when I was watching the movie Blade Runner last summer. I think it took me about 3 weeks to finish it. I would watch it every night, epilepsy cystitis
see about 5 minutes and just pass out. It was a long and hard battle but I finished it eventually.

So my latest Blade Runner is the movie Solyaris . I have been watching at nights and afternoons and fall asleep after just mere minutes. It is a hard struggle to watch and understand due to that the subtitles do not match the english over dubbing. So I am pay attention to two different dialouges. They sometimes match, website and other times just go off in different ways, side effects or one has less information than the other.

Overall I am enjoying the movie, well the parts I remember and recall where I left off. Got to appreciate DVDs and their chapter selection system. It is a very visual movie, and has some interesting thoughts on what goes on in the mind of a person.

Hopefully when I finish watching it I will have time to watch it fully and see it with all its glory.

Crowbars and Sour Cream

I ussually dont know where to put posts like these, look should they belong in KuwaitBlogs.com, here or just not post them at all. So figure just put it here.

Been working on Safatoo so that we can have a complete switch from Safat. Yet been facing some crazy weird upgrade issues with Safatoo with the MySQL stuff and it has been really annoying. Some of you may have noticed some issues with it on Wed.

It is really tough finding a good web based aggregator that just places stuff on a page based on time. Most are oriented for personal aggregators and have their own system. I been using Drupal as the base for Safat and really it is the best I’ve seen, complicated and annoying at times but it is a work horse.

Hopefully I plan to get some hack working for Safatoo “soon” so that I can do some more upgrades on it and have it stable. One issue we been having is the update problem it just doesn’t do it. That is one of the reasons I removed that shiny /aggregator/ look and have it more ugly looking on the address bar. I think that solved the problem but still need to do an upgrade.

One thing I been thinking about is that Drupal has some great features in it and I just use one, the aggregator. So been thinking of using some more. Like creating a Kuwait Blogs forum in it as well as giving users a personal space for things.

I have been bouncing the idea via some friends and not getting a real positive response. Also is it something that I want to focus on, and that is it part of the core competencies of Kuwait Blogs? Some of you may have tested my chat server for Kuwait Blogs. It was an interesting experiment but I really didn’t find it viable for people cause then you’d have people chatting and not blogging. As well as if people want to chat with each other they figure out how to do it via MSN mass chats and just meeting each other.

There are some other things I need to free up some time on and dedicate a good couple hours to set it up. One is moving from MT to WP Yet I plan to do that after the Safatoo->Safat thing and readd the blogs on the blog roll from Safatoo’s list since that is the newly update and authenticated list.

There some other stuff that I am thinking about working on, doing some research on it and playing with it in my brain. This one is more for Arab community more than the Kuwait one.

So there it a quick synopsis on what I been working on and what I am planning. Any insights of suggestion I am up for. Also a big thanks to my Safatoo Goddesses for adding the blogs on there and dealing all those add blog requests. I dont know what I would have done with out you guys.

Home Alone

One of my hobbines and
3G mobiles ‘change social habits’
One of my hobbines and
3G mobiles ‘change social habits’
I dont know why, page but I enjoy the home quiet and well no one here. Not sure why exactly, online could be due that it is always full and this something different. So maybe I am appreciating the quietness of it, or know how the quiet and alone feels so I can appreciate the noise and crowds when they are here.
Could be also cause it reminds me of my college years where I lived alone and this was a regular occurrence, me being alone in my apartment. Watching a movie, or something or other. Truth be told that I never did spend much time in my apartment. It was more of a way point more than anything, stop there to do laundry, change clothes , sleep, eat rest up and move out again. Even sleep was rare there. I mostly slept at my friends place near school to avoid traffic and get to my early classes on time or was out and about in the city.

A friend left today, I didn’t get a chance to say good bye to him, but thats just us in some sort of weird way. I really just wanted to call him and saying he is an idiot for going back there again especially if he hated it so much. I guess he missed it in some sort of weird way. This time I plan to visit and make him suffer.

I guess that is what has been bothering me and well thinking about for a while. Spending time with people (I like using that tag). There are people I spend time with on a regular basis and accepted to it. Then there are ones I rarely see at all, we just drifted apart in some sort of weird way (3). Some I hate spending time with but do it anyway. Some I want to see but our schedules dont match, or they are just too far away. Some that I just want to spend time with them and no one else but them. Then there are others that are just there.

Is there some sort of magic formula to define it, or rules to explain it. How do you pick and choose? Or do you just not and spend time alone.

Think I will sleep with AC on tonight.

No More Archives

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There are not more archives for this blog, troche its now simply content. It has been bothering me for a long time the whole concept of archives. I just dont like that feeling of the word, to me it means old buried, and forgotten. The internet has changed our view of information and the ability to access it via search engines, socail bookmarks etc. Nothing is forgotten or put a away it is always there ready to be accessed.

This is mostly steming on how I am defining the world.

I see the world in 3 defined groups: content, resources, and rules.

Basically resources is the place which holds/creates/provides the content based rules provided.