Check out this entry on < a href="">Snakeam blog.
I’ve seen that CD case and its and it is totally warped.
Check out this entry on <
a href="">Snakeam blog.
I’ve seen that CD case and its and it is totally warped.
I was talking some people today about the Deleted post and I got confirmation that people have done it, salve and that the Kuwait Police
have used this method to get evidence that has been deleted from people’s phones.
Check out this entry on <
a href="">Snakeam blog.
I’ve seen that CD case and its and it is totally warped.
I was talking some people today about the Deleted post and I got confirmation that people have done it, salve and that the Kuwait Police
have used this method to get evidence that has been deleted from people’s phones.
I was talking some people today about the Deleted post and I got confirmation that people have done it, salve and that the Kuwait Police
have used this method to get evidence that has been deleted from people’s phones.
I am not sure about my sleeping habbits as of late. They been quite erratic and down to 4 hours and I
ussually goto bed aroudn 4-5am.
I think it is down to a couple reasons:
1) I stopped eating a heavy Kuwaiti lunch.
This is a huge factor cause whenever I have a carb bomb of a meal with rice potatoes etc I am so knock
ed out afterwards that I have to go catch some Zs on the couch for a couple hours.
2)My shutter is broken
At nights I would close my shutter making my room pitch black. Now its broken so I am ussualy having t
he shades pulled up allowing all the light in. And even when I have them down the light still comes in
. So instead of waking up to darkness, symptoms
I am waking up with the sunrise. So my body is waking up natura
I dont think this is much of a factor, but I have been doing those spinning classes. Every little bit
does stuff.
Check out this entry on <
a href="">Snakeam blog.
I’ve seen that CD case and its and it is totally warped.
I was talking some people today about the Deleted post and I got confirmation that people have done it, salve and that the Kuwait Police
have used this method to get evidence that has been deleted from people’s phones.
I was talking some people today about the Deleted post and I got confirmation that people have done it, salve and that the Kuwait Police
have used this method to get evidence that has been deleted from people’s phones.
I am not sure about my sleeping habbits as of late. They been quite erratic and down to 4 hours and I
ussually goto bed aroudn 4-5am.
I think it is down to a couple reasons:
1) I stopped eating a heavy Kuwaiti lunch.
This is a huge factor cause whenever I have a carb bomb of a meal with rice potatoes etc I am so knock
ed out afterwards that I have to go catch some Zs on the couch for a couple hours.
2)My shutter is broken
At nights I would close my shutter making my room pitch black. Now its broken so I am ussualy having t
he shades pulled up allowing all the light in. And even when I have them down the light still comes in
. So instead of waking up to darkness, symptoms
I am waking up with the sunrise. So my body is waking up natura
I dont think this is much of a factor, but I have been doing those spinning classes. Every little bit
does stuff.
I was talking some people today about the Deleted post and I got confirmation that people have done it, salve and that the Kuwait Police
have used this method to get evidence that has been deleted from people’s phones.
I am not sure about my sleeping habbits as of late. They been quite erratic and down to 4 hours and I
ussually goto bed aroudn 4-5am.
I think it is down to a couple reasons:
1) I stopped eating a heavy Kuwaiti lunch.
This is a huge factor cause whenever I have a carb bomb of a meal with rice potatoes etc I am so knock
ed out afterwards that I have to go catch some Zs on the couch for a couple hours.
2)My shutter is broken
At nights I would close my shutter making my room pitch black. Now its broken so I am ussualy having t
he shades pulled up allowing all the light in. And even when I have them down the light still comes in
. So instead of waking up to darkness, symptoms
I am waking up with the sunrise. So my body is waking up natura
I dont think this is much of a factor, but I have been doing those spinning classes. Every little bit
does stuff.
My back hurts, read
feel stressed & just angry. Very angry just one thing after another not sure why all th
is is building up.
But my music is here. A bag full memmories & music. It has been 2 years since Ive seen them going to b
e great.
May take a chill tonight.
Check out this entry on <
a href="">Snakeam blog.
I’ve seen that CD case and its and it is totally warped.
I was talking some people today about the Deleted post and I got confirmation that people have done it, salve and that the Kuwait Police
have used this method to get evidence that has been deleted from people’s phones.
I was talking some people today about the Deleted post and I got confirmation that people have done it, salve and that the Kuwait Police
have used this method to get evidence that has been deleted from people’s phones.
I am not sure about my sleeping habbits as of late. They been quite erratic and down to 4 hours and I
ussually goto bed aroudn 4-5am.
I think it is down to a couple reasons:
1) I stopped eating a heavy Kuwaiti lunch.
This is a huge factor cause whenever I have a carb bomb of a meal with rice potatoes etc I am so knock
ed out afterwards that I have to go catch some Zs on the couch for a couple hours.
2)My shutter is broken
At nights I would close my shutter making my room pitch black. Now its broken so I am ussualy having t
he shades pulled up allowing all the light in. And even when I have them down the light still comes in
. So instead of waking up to darkness, symptoms
I am waking up with the sunrise. So my body is waking up natura
I dont think this is much of a factor, but I have been doing those spinning classes. Every little bit
does stuff.
I was talking some people today about the Deleted post and I got confirmation that people have done it, salve and that the Kuwait Police
have used this method to get evidence that has been deleted from people’s phones.
I am not sure about my sleeping habbits as of late. They been quite erratic and down to 4 hours and I
ussually goto bed aroudn 4-5am.
I think it is down to a couple reasons:
1) I stopped eating a heavy Kuwaiti lunch.
This is a huge factor cause whenever I have a carb bomb of a meal with rice potatoes etc I am so knock
ed out afterwards that I have to go catch some Zs on the couch for a couple hours.
2)My shutter is broken
At nights I would close my shutter making my room pitch black. Now its broken so I am ussualy having t
he shades pulled up allowing all the light in. And even when I have them down the light still comes in
. So instead of waking up to darkness, symptoms
I am waking up with the sunrise. So my body is waking up natura
I dont think this is much of a factor, but I have been doing those spinning classes. Every little bit
does stuff.
My back hurts, read
feel stressed & just angry. Very angry just one thing after another not sure why all th
is is building up.
But my music is here. A bag full memmories & music. It has been 2 years since Ive seen them going to b
e great.
May take a chill tonight.
cost ‘popup’,’width=640,height=480,scrollbars=no,res
izable=no,toolbar=no,directories=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,left=0,top=0′); return false”>
rom Pat Boone in a Metal Mood to German Big Band radio advertisements from 60 & 70s then we got some n
o name punk bands next to Om Kalthom, NWA, Frank Zappa, the complete David Bowie discography, Mozart,
Joy Division, Norwegian Death Metal, Pink Floyd, Ella Fitzgerald, Coldcut, gothic-pop Japanese bands,
Phish, Willie Nelson, Johny Cash. Just ons of soundtracks and compilations. Its like a treasure trove
of sound.
Sigh the list just goes on, and this isn’t the stuff I have on mp3, or my stuff on tape and on LPs.
Now I can listen to my music, whenever I am in the mood for a certain song or style I can access it. B
efore I would say damnit I dont have my stuff and regret not having it and finding a subsititue to dis
tract me.
So next step ripping all these cds, then figuring out how many iPods I need so I can take my music wit
h me when I travel.