See Star Wars Again!

Yoshitomo Nara in Kuwait

At the Japan Exhibition in Dahiya & was shocked to see Yoshitomo Naras painting facing me then turning around to see other artists I recognize. It is a thrill to see them in Kuwait & should not be missed!

Yoshitomo Nara in Kuwait

At the Japan Exhibition in Dahiya & was shocked to see Yoshitomo Naras painting facing me then turning around to see other artists I recognize. It is a thrill to see them in Kuwait & should not be missed!

Yoshitomo Nara in Kuwait

At the Japan Exhibition in Dahiya & was shocked to see Yoshitomo Naras painting facing me then turning around to see other artists I recognize. It is a thrill to see them in Kuwait & should not be missed!

So now that most of us have seen Star Wars it is time to go see it again, rx so we can check out all the easter eggs they put in it. Like the Millennium Falcon, and a kitchen sink!.

Yet if we are going to go see it again we better dress the part and what better than as Jedi Knights! with simple instructions to make the robe, hood and the inner tunic!

So, MadM you want to join me in dressing up as Jedi Knights and seeing the movie again?

Viva Chavez

My Brother Studying

2nd Cup in the City is one of the greatest spots in Kuwait.

My Brother Studying

2nd Cup in the City is one of the greatest spots in Kuwait.

I just finished watching The Revolution will not be Televised. This was supposed to be a simple documentary on President Chavez of Venezuela, illness but the documentary crew got caught in the middle of a coup against him and how it failed.

It really shows how history repeats itself. Chavez was trying to nationalize the oil industry and share the wealth with the people. Same as Mossadegh the elected Prime Minister of Iran tried to do in 1950s but had the CIA come in and have him thrown out and that nationalization reveresed. Yet it didn’t work this time and Chavez got his presidency back. I guess the CIA coup machine doesn’t work as it used to, bronchitis and Bush’s talk of democracy is just when it suits his benifit.

This documentry may not show the full and whole truth of what happened before, case during and after the event. I am sure there are lots of misconceptions and staged events, but either way I am quite impressed with this documentary. Cause it shows that sometimes democracy just doesn’t work as it is planned, but if your going to use it you better stick with it or the people who voted for that elected president or passed law are going to get pissed.

The Force is Strong in Kuwait

I Bent My Wookie

About to see Star Wars!!

I Bent My Wookie

About to see Star Wars!!

I Bent My Wookie

About to see Star Wars!!

Just got back from watching Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith and have to say it is a pretty good movie. It really is better than the previous two and it does what it was suppose to in telling the story. This one really dove into the whole change from Anikin to Darth Vader. Natalie Portman was more of a cameo in this movie, viagra order
you only had her in a couple scenes and most of those were cut cause of the kissing.

The fight scenes were pretty good the and were bit tame in the beginning, but I think that was on purpose to make the final battle between Darth Vader and Obi Wan Kenobi stronger.

Special effects, also good, ILM can do no wrong.

Even the whole experience of going to see it was great, meeting up with friends before the movie talking and catching up then getting the pop corn and candy and even the seats. Souq Sharq has a nice theater a bit small compared to the ones in Salmiya but comfy. The theater was pretty much full and what was funny no one was talking or being annoying in the audience. Actually I take that back, my friends and I were talking and cracking jokes during it. I even took out my wookie when they showed Chewbaka.

What disturbed me was the commercials before the movie, they had child pornography! I am not kidding They had these kids swim wear ad with this techno song that you would be listening to in Ibiza and had these kids around 7-8 dancing and stuff. It was really sickening, they had close up of asses and other flesh. Just very wrong.

If you are a Star Wars fan, go see it, dont miss out on it, go watch it with your friend in a large group or even the family. It is worth it to see it in the big screen. And I have to say going to see a movie in Kuwait has become a pretty good experience, and I am glad to see this change. Only thing left for them to do is allow me to sit where ever I want and stop the censoring!

Damn, now I want to go watch the rest of the movies and see what happens!

Cinema Time in Kuwait

My New Watch

Been wanting a classic Swatch for ages & its finally mine!!

My New Watch

Been wanting a classic Swatch for ages & its finally mine!!

So tired, check just want to relax, therapist watch some TV and get numb, but can’t do that at home. The house smell of paint sitting outside in the garden and just feel drained. Thinking of going to see Kingdom of Heaven with my brother later tonight. Not sure on it, will see if we have any strength for it later.

My New Watch

Been wanting a classic Swatch for ages & its finally mine!!

So tired, check just want to relax, therapist watch some TV and get numb, but can’t do that at home. The house smell of paint sitting outside in the garden and just feel drained. Thinking of going to see Kingdom of Heaven with my brother later tonight. Not sure on it, will see if we have any strength for it later.

Just returned form Kingdom of Heaven from Fanar, approved and have to say it was a very pleasant experience. I know I have bitched and moaned about the Kuwait Cinema culture in Kuwait, try but today was different. We saw the time at 9, patient and just went there luckily got a nice place, got tons of popcorn and candy, as well as pepsi and some sweets, sat in our seats and watched a nice movie in a quiet surrounding. Yes, there was some ol fashion cutting up of the film and it was annoying, but overall the whole thing was very good.

The movie was great, I really enjoyed it and so did my brother. It had war, love and some history and you can’t go wrong there. Ridley Scott should just do a historical epic next.


My New Watch

Been wanting a classic Swatch for ages & its finally mine!!

My New Watch

Been wanting a classic Swatch for ages & its finally mine!!

So tired, check just want to relax, therapist watch some TV and get numb, but can’t do that at home. The house smell of paint sitting outside in the garden and just feel drained. Thinking of going to see Kingdom of Heaven with my brother later tonight. Not sure on it, will see if we have any strength for it later.

So Shall We All

It is time we get some equal rights.

Christina Hoff Sommers on The Penis Monologues on National Review Online

It is time we get some equal rights.

Christina Hoff Sommers on The Penis Monologues on National Review Online

I just finished watching the Battlestar Galactica mini series and have to say GOD DAMN thats good TV. It has been a real long while since I have seen a sci-fi show that really captures you with the charachters, nurse plot and just everything.

There is just so much to say about it, basicly I just put it on to watch and then fall asleep on the couch. I couldn’t it just took me on a roller coaster rider keeping awake all night.

This is not your old classic one, but totally redefined and advanced. It really feels like a new show.

I highly recommend sci fi fans to order this DVD. DVD: Battlestar Galactica (2003 Miniseries) (2003)

Lazy Lover

Playing Cards

In Wafra

Playing Cards

In Wafra

Last night I had another attack of bad service at a food establishment.

First let me say how much I feel about service. To me it is one of the breakers or makers at a place that I wish to eat at and will frequent. What I consider good service is promptness, ailment respect and my main thing is acknowledgment. I hate it when I go to a place and they just ignore you, price and this is anytime during my visit.

For me when an establishment, like a restaurant where I am going to be giving them money for the services they render feels they can slack off or just ignore me makes me feel that they dont deserve my money. I get this feeling that I should just walk out and not even pay for anything.

This happened to me yesterday with Burj Al-Hamam. I felt the service was lousy cause they weren’t acknowledge me. They have this reputation for being a good place to eat with excellent food, decor etc. This I believe has gotten to their head and ignore their customers since they feel if they lose me someone else will take my place.

With their arrogance they forget that word of mouth is one of the greatest marketing tools, and bad reviews people remember more than the good ones.

So back to last night it was with Hagen Daaz at Souq Sharq. The service their just sucked, we were waiting outside for someone to notice us, nothing. My dad went inside to get their attention, they came out with a menu and then forgot about us. The waitress came around us, past us, but no look. Didn’t even bother asking if we were ready to order.

Now what is different between these to places was that Hagen Daaz is a simple place and the employees there just really dont know any better. So Even though I was annoyed and told them I couldn’t hold it against them. Burj Al-Hamam on the other hand is a reputable place and which strive to a better and higher level of service.

Customer service seems to be a problem in Kuwait. Many places are focusing on marketing campaigns and decor etc and neglecting their customers. Yet I believe what all these customers are looking for is acknowledgment.

Wrote this Wed. just didn’t have time to post it.

Playing Cards

In Wafra

Last night I had another attack of bad service at a food establishment.

First let me say how much I feel about service. To me it is one of the breakers or makers at a place that I wish to eat at and will frequent. What I consider good service is promptness, ailment respect and my main thing is acknowledgment. I hate it when I go to a place and they just ignore you, price and this is anytime during my visit.

For me when an establishment, like a restaurant where I am going to be giving them money for the services they render feels they can slack off or just ignore me makes me feel that they dont deserve my money. I get this feeling that I should just walk out and not even pay for anything.

This happened to me yesterday with Burj Al-Hamam. I felt the service was lousy cause they weren’t acknowledge me. They have this reputation for being a good place to eat with excellent food, decor etc. This I believe has gotten to their head and ignore their customers since they feel if they lose me someone else will take my place.

With their arrogance they forget that word of mouth is one of the greatest marketing tools, and bad reviews people remember more than the good ones.

So back to last night it was with Hagen Daaz at Souq Sharq. The service their just sucked, we were waiting outside for someone to notice us, nothing. My dad went inside to get their attention, they came out with a menu and then forgot about us. The waitress came around us, past us, but no look. Didn’t even bother asking if we were ready to order.

Now what is different between these to places was that Hagen Daaz is a simple place and the employees there just really dont know any better. So Even though I was annoyed and told them I couldn’t hold it against them. Burj Al-Hamam on the other hand is a reputable place and which strive to a better and higher level of service.

Customer service seems to be a problem in Kuwait. Many places are focusing on marketing campaigns and decor etc and neglecting their customers. Yet I believe what all these customers are looking for is acknowledgment.

Wrote this Wed. just didn’t have time to post it.
I love good design, shop scratch that I love good functional design.
For me design isn’t just something that looks pretty it has to serve a function too. When objects have a dual purpose but do it some wonderfully together and just are seamlessly together you can’t think of how they can be apart or even existed before.

One such object that has really caught my eye and can’t wait to have it on myself is the Targets new perscription bottles. WOW, allergy Deborah Adler has designed it right! She took all the wrong thigns with the old bottles and made it useful functional and also look good. I just love how she created this system for the information. It really makes sense and very practical. My favorite part from it is that it is upside down:

Klaus Rosburg, infection a Brooklyn-based industrial designer hired by Target, came up with an upside-down version that stands on its cap, so that the label can be wrapped around the top. Every piece of paper in the package adds up to one eight-and-a-half-by-fourteen-inch perforated sheet, which eliminates waste and makes life easier for pharmacists.

Wonder how long before we see those in Kuwait?

Another great design with function is these pizza cutters. They are ussually bland and with a straight handle. These just take them to a whole new level of comfort with that handle grip but then just takes breaks all barriers when he pimps them out like choppers!

Playing Cards

In Wafra

Last night I had another attack of bad service at a food establishment.

First let me say how much I feel about service. To me it is one of the breakers or makers at a place that I wish to eat at and will frequent. What I consider good service is promptness, ailment respect and my main thing is acknowledgment. I hate it when I go to a place and they just ignore you, price and this is anytime during my visit.

For me when an establishment, like a restaurant where I am going to be giving them money for the services they render feels they can slack off or just ignore me makes me feel that they dont deserve my money. I get this feeling that I should just walk out and not even pay for anything.

This happened to me yesterday with Burj Al-Hamam. I felt the service was lousy cause they weren’t acknowledge me. They have this reputation for being a good place to eat with excellent food, decor etc. This I believe has gotten to their head and ignore their customers since they feel if they lose me someone else will take my place.

With their arrogance they forget that word of mouth is one of the greatest marketing tools, and bad reviews people remember more than the good ones.

So back to last night it was with Hagen Daaz at Souq Sharq. The service their just sucked, we were waiting outside for someone to notice us, nothing. My dad went inside to get their attention, they came out with a menu and then forgot about us. The waitress came around us, past us, but no look. Didn’t even bother asking if we were ready to order.

Now what is different between these to places was that Hagen Daaz is a simple place and the employees there just really dont know any better. So Even though I was annoyed and told them I couldn’t hold it against them. Burj Al-Hamam on the other hand is a reputable place and which strive to a better and higher level of service.

Customer service seems to be a problem in Kuwait. Many places are focusing on marketing campaigns and decor etc and neglecting their customers. Yet I believe what all these customers are looking for is acknowledgment.

Wrote this Wed. just didn’t have time to post it.
I love good design, shop scratch that I love good functional design.
For me design isn’t just something that looks pretty it has to serve a function too. When objects have a dual purpose but do it some wonderfully together and just are seamlessly together you can’t think of how they can be apart or even existed before.

One such object that has really caught my eye and can’t wait to have it on myself is the Targets new perscription bottles. WOW, allergy Deborah Adler has designed it right! She took all the wrong thigns with the old bottles and made it useful functional and also look good. I just love how she created this system for the information. It really makes sense and very practical. My favorite part from it is that it is upside down:

Klaus Rosburg, infection a Brooklyn-based industrial designer hired by Target, came up with an upside-down version that stands on its cap, so that the label can be wrapped around the top. Every piece of paper in the package adds up to one eight-and-a-half-by-fourteen-inch perforated sheet, which eliminates waste and makes life easier for pharmacists.

Wonder how long before we see those in Kuwait?

Another great design with function is these pizza cutters. They are ussually bland and with a straight handle. These just take them to a whole new level of comfort with that handle grip but then just takes breaks all barriers when he pimps them out like choppers!

I love good design, shop scratch that I love good functional design.
For me design isn’t just something that looks pretty it has to serve a function too. When objects have a dual purpose but do it some wonderfully together and just are seamlessly together you can’t think of how they can be apart or even existed before.

One such object that has really caught my eye and can’t wait to have it on myself is the Targets new perscription bottles. WOW, allergy Deborah Adler has designed it right! She took all the wrong thigns with the old bottles and made it useful functional and also look good. I just love how she created this system for the information. It really makes sense and very practical. My favorite part from it is that it is upside down:

Klaus Rosburg, infection a Brooklyn-based industrial designer hired by Target, came up with an upside-down version that stands on its cap, so that the label can be wrapped around the top. Every piece of paper in the package adds up to one eight-and-a-half-by-fourteen-inch perforated sheet, which eliminates waste and makes life easier for pharmacists.

Wonder how long before we see those in Kuwait?

Another great design with function is these pizza cutters. They are ussually bland and with a straight handle. These just take them to a whole new level of comfort with that handle grip but then just takes breaks all barriers when he pimps them out like choppers!

Last week was just long and tough, stomach
I must have racked over 1000km on my car. My schedule last week was:

Monday: Wafra
Tues: Sulabiya, Amghara
Wed. : Shagaya
Thursday: Wafra

There was also the side trip to Mutlaq on Wed to get high.

It was just one thing after another this past week, and since I been out of the office with these runs when I came in today I was confused on what to do. Need to write a todo list of stuff for this week and stuff that I need to complete from last week.

Need a vacation from vacation to actually catch up on stuff.

Playing Cards

In Wafra

Last night I had another attack of bad service at a food establishment.

First let me say how much I feel about service. To me it is one of the breakers or makers at a place that I wish to eat at and will frequent. What I consider good service is promptness, ailment respect and my main thing is acknowledgment. I hate it when I go to a place and they just ignore you, price and this is anytime during my visit.

For me when an establishment, like a restaurant where I am going to be giving them money for the services they render feels they can slack off or just ignore me makes me feel that they dont deserve my money. I get this feeling that I should just walk out and not even pay for anything.

This happened to me yesterday with Burj Al-Hamam. I felt the service was lousy cause they weren’t acknowledge me. They have this reputation for being a good place to eat with excellent food, decor etc. This I believe has gotten to their head and ignore their customers since they feel if they lose me someone else will take my place.

With their arrogance they forget that word of mouth is one of the greatest marketing tools, and bad reviews people remember more than the good ones.

So back to last night it was with Hagen Daaz at Souq Sharq. The service their just sucked, we were waiting outside for someone to notice us, nothing. My dad went inside to get their attention, they came out with a menu and then forgot about us. The waitress came around us, past us, but no look. Didn’t even bother asking if we were ready to order.

Now what is different between these to places was that Hagen Daaz is a simple place and the employees there just really dont know any better. So Even though I was annoyed and told them I couldn’t hold it against them. Burj Al-Hamam on the other hand is a reputable place and which strive to a better and higher level of service.

Customer service seems to be a problem in Kuwait. Many places are focusing on marketing campaigns and decor etc and neglecting their customers. Yet I believe what all these customers are looking for is acknowledgment.

Wrote this Wed. just didn’t have time to post it.
I love good design, shop scratch that I love good functional design.
For me design isn’t just something that looks pretty it has to serve a function too. When objects have a dual purpose but do it some wonderfully together and just are seamlessly together you can’t think of how they can be apart or even existed before.

One such object that has really caught my eye and can’t wait to have it on myself is the Targets new perscription bottles. WOW, allergy Deborah Adler has designed it right! She took all the wrong thigns with the old bottles and made it useful functional and also look good. I just love how she created this system for the information. It really makes sense and very practical. My favorite part from it is that it is upside down:

Klaus Rosburg, infection a Brooklyn-based industrial designer hired by Target, came up with an upside-down version that stands on its cap, so that the label can be wrapped around the top. Every piece of paper in the package adds up to one eight-and-a-half-by-fourteen-inch perforated sheet, which eliminates waste and makes life easier for pharmacists.

Wonder how long before we see those in Kuwait?

Another great design with function is these pizza cutters. They are ussually bland and with a straight handle. These just take them to a whole new level of comfort with that handle grip but then just takes breaks all barriers when he pimps them out like choppers!

I love good design, shop scratch that I love good functional design.
For me design isn’t just something that looks pretty it has to serve a function too. When objects have a dual purpose but do it some wonderfully together and just are seamlessly together you can’t think of how they can be apart or even existed before.

One such object that has really caught my eye and can’t wait to have it on myself is the Targets new perscription bottles. WOW, allergy Deborah Adler has designed it right! She took all the wrong thigns with the old bottles and made it useful functional and also look good. I just love how she created this system for the information. It really makes sense and very practical. My favorite part from it is that it is upside down:

Klaus Rosburg, infection a Brooklyn-based industrial designer hired by Target, came up with an upside-down version that stands on its cap, so that the label can be wrapped around the top. Every piece of paper in the package adds up to one eight-and-a-half-by-fourteen-inch perforated sheet, which eliminates waste and makes life easier for pharmacists.

Wonder how long before we see those in Kuwait?

Another great design with function is these pizza cutters. They are ussually bland and with a straight handle. These just take them to a whole new level of comfort with that handle grip but then just takes breaks all barriers when he pimps them out like choppers!

Last week was just long and tough, stomach
I must have racked over 1000km on my car. My schedule last week was:

Monday: Wafra
Tues: Sulabiya, Amghara
Wed. : Shagaya
Thursday: Wafra

There was also the side trip to Mutlaq on Wed to get high.

It was just one thing after another this past week, and since I been out of the office with these runs when I came in today I was confused on what to do. Need to write a todo list of stuff for this week and stuff that I need to complete from last week.

Need a vacation from vacation to actually catch up on stuff.
I love good design, shop scratch that I love good functional design.
For me design isn’t just something that looks pretty it has to serve a function too. When objects have a dual purpose but do it some wonderfully together and just are seamlessly together you can’t think of how they can be apart or even existed before.

One such object that has really caught my eye and can’t wait to have it on myself is the Targets new perscription bottles. WOW, allergy Deborah Adler has designed it right! She took all the wrong thigns with the old bottles and made it useful functional and also look good. I just love how she created this system for the information. It really makes sense and very practical. My favorite part from it is that it is upside down:

Klaus Rosburg, infection a Brooklyn-based industrial designer hired by Target, came up with an upside-down version that stands on its cap, so that the label can be wrapped around the top. Every piece of paper in the package adds up to one eight-and-a-half-by-fourteen-inch perforated sheet, which eliminates waste and makes life easier for pharmacists.

Wonder how long before we see those in Kuwait?

Another great design with function is these pizza cutters. They are ussually bland and with a straight handle. These just take them to a whole new level of comfort with that handle grip but then just takes breaks all barriers when he pimps them out like choppers!

Last week was just long and tough, stomach
I must have racked over 1000km on my car. My schedule last week was:

Monday: Wafra
Tues: Sulabiya, Amghara
Wed. : Shagaya
Thursday: Wafra

There was also the side trip to Mutlaq on Wed to get high.

It was just one thing after another this past week, and since I been out of the office with these runs when I came in today I was confused on what to do. Need to write a todo list of stuff for this week and stuff that I need to complete from last week.

Need a vacation from vacation to actually catch up on stuff.
I let Rampurple borrow some books of Marshall McLuhan for her research paper.And I actually had a hard time giving them to her cause just opening them up and reading passages from the pages just makes me want to take them home and read them again.

McLuhan was a pioneer when it came to this stuff, decease his works really changed my outlook on media and content. I think it was cause he wrote it around the 60s and this was before internet and satelites and just his form of writing and the style of the book. He was really ahead of his time.

If you want to know how new forms of communications like internet and blogging are changing our world and what we can expect read his books.

Anyways the 2 books I leant her were:

Medium is the Massage

I am actually on Amazon now getting more of his books.

Playing Cards

In Wafra

Last night I had another attack of bad service at a food establishment.

First let me say how much I feel about service. To me it is one of the breakers or makers at a place that I wish to eat at and will frequent. What I consider good service is promptness, ailment respect and my main thing is acknowledgment. I hate it when I go to a place and they just ignore you, price and this is anytime during my visit.

For me when an establishment, like a restaurant where I am going to be giving them money for the services they render feels they can slack off or just ignore me makes me feel that they dont deserve my money. I get this feeling that I should just walk out and not even pay for anything.

This happened to me yesterday with Burj Al-Hamam. I felt the service was lousy cause they weren’t acknowledge me. They have this reputation for being a good place to eat with excellent food, decor etc. This I believe has gotten to their head and ignore their customers since they feel if they lose me someone else will take my place.

With their arrogance they forget that word of mouth is one of the greatest marketing tools, and bad reviews people remember more than the good ones.

So back to last night it was with Hagen Daaz at Souq Sharq. The service their just sucked, we were waiting outside for someone to notice us, nothing. My dad went inside to get their attention, they came out with a menu and then forgot about us. The waitress came around us, past us, but no look. Didn’t even bother asking if we were ready to order.

Now what is different between these to places was that Hagen Daaz is a simple place and the employees there just really dont know any better. So Even though I was annoyed and told them I couldn’t hold it against them. Burj Al-Hamam on the other hand is a reputable place and which strive to a better and higher level of service.

Customer service seems to be a problem in Kuwait. Many places are focusing on marketing campaigns and decor etc and neglecting their customers. Yet I believe what all these customers are looking for is acknowledgment.

Wrote this Wed. just didn’t have time to post it.
I love good design, shop scratch that I love good functional design.
For me design isn’t just something that looks pretty it has to serve a function too. When objects have a dual purpose but do it some wonderfully together and just are seamlessly together you can’t think of how they can be apart or even existed before.

One such object that has really caught my eye and can’t wait to have it on myself is the Targets new perscription bottles. WOW, allergy Deborah Adler has designed it right! She took all the wrong thigns with the old bottles and made it useful functional and also look good. I just love how she created this system for the information. It really makes sense and very practical. My favorite part from it is that it is upside down:

Klaus Rosburg, infection a Brooklyn-based industrial designer hired by Target, came up with an upside-down version that stands on its cap, so that the label can be wrapped around the top. Every piece of paper in the package adds up to one eight-and-a-half-by-fourteen-inch perforated sheet, which eliminates waste and makes life easier for pharmacists.

Wonder how long before we see those in Kuwait?

Another great design with function is these pizza cutters. They are ussually bland and with a straight handle. These just take them to a whole new level of comfort with that handle grip but then just takes breaks all barriers when he pimps them out like choppers!

I love good design, shop scratch that I love good functional design.
For me design isn’t just something that looks pretty it has to serve a function too. When objects have a dual purpose but do it some wonderfully together and just are seamlessly together you can’t think of how they can be apart or even existed before.

One such object that has really caught my eye and can’t wait to have it on myself is the Targets new perscription bottles. WOW, allergy Deborah Adler has designed it right! She took all the wrong thigns with the old bottles and made it useful functional and also look good. I just love how she created this system for the information. It really makes sense and very practical. My favorite part from it is that it is upside down:

Klaus Rosburg, infection a Brooklyn-based industrial designer hired by Target, came up with an upside-down version that stands on its cap, so that the label can be wrapped around the top. Every piece of paper in the package adds up to one eight-and-a-half-by-fourteen-inch perforated sheet, which eliminates waste and makes life easier for pharmacists.

Wonder how long before we see those in Kuwait?

Another great design with function is these pizza cutters. They are ussually bland and with a straight handle. These just take them to a whole new level of comfort with that handle grip but then just takes breaks all barriers when he pimps them out like choppers!

Last week was just long and tough, stomach
I must have racked over 1000km on my car. My schedule last week was:

Monday: Wafra
Tues: Sulabiya, Amghara
Wed. : Shagaya
Thursday: Wafra

There was also the side trip to Mutlaq on Wed to get high.

It was just one thing after another this past week, and since I been out of the office with these runs when I came in today I was confused on what to do. Need to write a todo list of stuff for this week and stuff that I need to complete from last week.

Need a vacation from vacation to actually catch up on stuff.
I love good design, shop scratch that I love good functional design.
For me design isn’t just something that looks pretty it has to serve a function too. When objects have a dual purpose but do it some wonderfully together and just are seamlessly together you can’t think of how they can be apart or even existed before.

One such object that has really caught my eye and can’t wait to have it on myself is the Targets new perscription bottles. WOW, allergy Deborah Adler has designed it right! She took all the wrong thigns with the old bottles and made it useful functional and also look good. I just love how she created this system for the information. It really makes sense and very practical. My favorite part from it is that it is upside down:

Klaus Rosburg, infection a Brooklyn-based industrial designer hired by Target, came up with an upside-down version that stands on its cap, so that the label can be wrapped around the top. Every piece of paper in the package adds up to one eight-and-a-half-by-fourteen-inch perforated sheet, which eliminates waste and makes life easier for pharmacists.

Wonder how long before we see those in Kuwait?

Another great design with function is these pizza cutters. They are ussually bland and with a straight handle. These just take them to a whole new level of comfort with that handle grip but then just takes breaks all barriers when he pimps them out like choppers!

Last week was just long and tough, stomach
I must have racked over 1000km on my car. My schedule last week was:

Monday: Wafra
Tues: Sulabiya, Amghara
Wed. : Shagaya
Thursday: Wafra

There was also the side trip to Mutlaq on Wed to get high.

It was just one thing after another this past week, and since I been out of the office with these runs when I came in today I was confused on what to do. Need to write a todo list of stuff for this week and stuff that I need to complete from last week.

Need a vacation from vacation to actually catch up on stuff.
I let Rampurple borrow some books of Marshall McLuhan for her research paper.And I actually had a hard time giving them to her cause just opening them up and reading passages from the pages just makes me want to take them home and read them again.

McLuhan was a pioneer when it came to this stuff, decease his works really changed my outlook on media and content. I think it was cause he wrote it around the 60s and this was before internet and satelites and just his form of writing and the style of the book. He was really ahead of his time.

If you want to know how new forms of communications like internet and blogging are changing our world and what we can expect read his books.

Anyways the 2 books I leant her were:

Medium is the Massage

I am actually on Amazon now getting more of his books.

I love good design, shop scratch that I love good functional design.
For me design isn’t just something that looks pretty it has to serve a function too. When objects have a dual purpose but do it some wonderfully together and just are seamlessly together you can’t think of how they can be apart or even existed before.

One such object that has really caught my eye and can’t wait to have it on myself is the Targets new perscription bottles. WOW, allergy Deborah Adler has designed it right! She took all the wrong thigns with the old bottles and made it useful functional and also look good. I just love how she created this system for the information. It really makes sense and very practical. My favorite part from it is that it is upside down:

Klaus Rosburg, infection a Brooklyn-based industrial designer hired by Target, came up with an upside-down version that stands on its cap, so that the label can be wrapped around the top. Every piece of paper in the package adds up to one eight-and-a-half-by-fourteen-inch perforated sheet, which eliminates waste and makes life easier for pharmacists.

Wonder how long before we see those in Kuwait?

Another great design with function is these pizza cutters. They are ussually bland and with a straight handle. These just take them to a whole new level of comfort with that handle grip but then just takes breaks all barriers when he pimps them out like choppers!

Last week was just long and tough, stomach
I must have racked over 1000km on my car. My schedule last week was:

Monday: Wafra
Tues: Sulabiya, Amghara
Wed. : Shagaya
Thursday: Wafra

There was also the side trip to Mutlaq on Wed to get high.

It was just one thing after another this past week, and since I been out of the office with these runs when I came in today I was confused on what to do. Need to write a todo list of stuff for this week and stuff that I need to complete from last week.

Need a vacation from vacation to actually catch up on stuff.
I let Rampurple borrow some books of Marshall McLuhan for her research paper.And I actually had a hard time giving them to her cause just opening them up and reading passages from the pages just makes me want to take them home and read them again.

McLuhan was a pioneer when it came to this stuff, decease his works really changed my outlook on media and content. I think it was cause he wrote it around the 60s and this was before internet and satelites and just his form of writing and the style of the book. He was really ahead of his time.

If you want to know how new forms of communications like internet and blogging are changing our world and what we can expect read his books.

Anyways the 2 books I leant her were:

Medium is the Massage

I am actually on Amazon now getting more of his books.

What happened to the weather today? I was awake at 7:30 nice weather outside birds chirping, ampoule
cat lounging in the sun it was all nice good day, view
by the time I leave and go with my brother for his paperwork stuff it turns to an all our dust storm. Then traffic just goes crazy, purchase
I was going to take the 5th ring and saw traffic stopped on the King Fahad/Magreb road, so go and take the 6th. Then then as I am going on the 6th I see traffic stopped on the King Fahad/Riyadh road.

The streets have turned to a mad house with this weather.

Playing Cards

In Wafra

Last night I had another attack of bad service at a food establishment.

First let me say how much I feel about service. To me it is one of the breakers or makers at a place that I wish to eat at and will frequent. What I consider good service is promptness, ailment respect and my main thing is acknowledgment. I hate it when I go to a place and they just ignore you, price and this is anytime during my visit.

For me when an establishment, like a restaurant where I am going to be giving them money for the services they render feels they can slack off or just ignore me makes me feel that they dont deserve my money. I get this feeling that I should just walk out and not even pay for anything.

This happened to me yesterday with Burj Al-Hamam. I felt the service was lousy cause they weren’t acknowledge me. They have this reputation for being a good place to eat with excellent food, decor etc. This I believe has gotten to their head and ignore their customers since they feel if they lose me someone else will take my place.

With their arrogance they forget that word of mouth is one of the greatest marketing tools, and bad reviews people remember more than the good ones.

So back to last night it was with Hagen Daaz at Souq Sharq. The service their just sucked, we were waiting outside for someone to notice us, nothing. My dad went inside to get their attention, they came out with a menu and then forgot about us. The waitress came around us, past us, but no look. Didn’t even bother asking if we were ready to order.

Now what is different between these to places was that Hagen Daaz is a simple place and the employees there just really dont know any better. So Even though I was annoyed and told them I couldn’t hold it against them. Burj Al-Hamam on the other hand is a reputable place and which strive to a better and higher level of service.

Customer service seems to be a problem in Kuwait. Many places are focusing on marketing campaigns and decor etc and neglecting their customers. Yet I believe what all these customers are looking for is acknowledgment.

Wrote this Wed. just didn’t have time to post it.
I love good design, shop scratch that I love good functional design.
For me design isn’t just something that looks pretty it has to serve a function too. When objects have a dual purpose but do it some wonderfully together and just are seamlessly together you can’t think of how they can be apart or even existed before.

One such object that has really caught my eye and can’t wait to have it on myself is the Targets new perscription bottles. WOW, allergy Deborah Adler has designed it right! She took all the wrong thigns with the old bottles and made it useful functional and also look good. I just love how she created this system for the information. It really makes sense and very practical. My favorite part from it is that it is upside down:

Klaus Rosburg, infection a Brooklyn-based industrial designer hired by Target, came up with an upside-down version that stands on its cap, so that the label can be wrapped around the top. Every piece of paper in the package adds up to one eight-and-a-half-by-fourteen-inch perforated sheet, which eliminates waste and makes life easier for pharmacists.

Wonder how long before we see those in Kuwait?

Another great design with function is these pizza cutters. They are ussually bland and with a straight handle. These just take them to a whole new level of comfort with that handle grip but then just takes breaks all barriers when he pimps them out like choppers!

I love good design, shop scratch that I love good functional design.
For me design isn’t just something that looks pretty it has to serve a function too. When objects have a dual purpose but do it some wonderfully together and just are seamlessly together you can’t think of how they can be apart or even existed before.

One such object that has really caught my eye and can’t wait to have it on myself is the Targets new perscription bottles. WOW, allergy Deborah Adler has designed it right! She took all the wrong thigns with the old bottles and made it useful functional and also look good. I just love how she created this system for the information. It really makes sense and very practical. My favorite part from it is that it is upside down:

Klaus Rosburg, infection a Brooklyn-based industrial designer hired by Target, came up with an upside-down version that stands on its cap, so that the label can be wrapped around the top. Every piece of paper in the package adds up to one eight-and-a-half-by-fourteen-inch perforated sheet, which eliminates waste and makes life easier for pharmacists.

Wonder how long before we see those in Kuwait?

Another great design with function is these pizza cutters. They are ussually bland and with a straight handle. These just take them to a whole new level of comfort with that handle grip but then just takes breaks all barriers when he pimps them out like choppers!

Last week was just long and tough, stomach
I must have racked over 1000km on my car. My schedule last week was:

Monday: Wafra
Tues: Sulabiya, Amghara
Wed. : Shagaya
Thursday: Wafra

There was also the side trip to Mutlaq on Wed to get high.

It was just one thing after another this past week, and since I been out of the office with these runs when I came in today I was confused on what to do. Need to write a todo list of stuff for this week and stuff that I need to complete from last week.

Need a vacation from vacation to actually catch up on stuff.
I love good design, shop scratch that I love good functional design.
For me design isn’t just something that looks pretty it has to serve a function too. When objects have a dual purpose but do it some wonderfully together and just are seamlessly together you can’t think of how they can be apart or even existed before.

One such object that has really caught my eye and can’t wait to have it on myself is the Targets new perscription bottles. WOW, allergy Deborah Adler has designed it right! She took all the wrong thigns with the old bottles and made it useful functional and also look good. I just love how she created this system for the information. It really makes sense and very practical. My favorite part from it is that it is upside down:

Klaus Rosburg, infection a Brooklyn-based industrial designer hired by Target, came up with an upside-down version that stands on its cap, so that the label can be wrapped around the top. Every piece of paper in the package adds up to one eight-and-a-half-by-fourteen-inch perforated sheet, which eliminates waste and makes life easier for pharmacists.

Wonder how long before we see those in Kuwait?

Another great design with function is these pizza cutters. They are ussually bland and with a straight handle. These just take them to a whole new level of comfort with that handle grip but then just takes breaks all barriers when he pimps them out like choppers!

Last week was just long and tough, stomach
I must have racked over 1000km on my car. My schedule last week was:

Monday: Wafra
Tues: Sulabiya, Amghara
Wed. : Shagaya
Thursday: Wafra

There was also the side trip to Mutlaq on Wed to get high.

It was just one thing after another this past week, and since I been out of the office with these runs when I came in today I was confused on what to do. Need to write a todo list of stuff for this week and stuff that I need to complete from last week.

Need a vacation from vacation to actually catch up on stuff.
I let Rampurple borrow some books of Marshall McLuhan for her research paper.And I actually had a hard time giving them to her cause just opening them up and reading passages from the pages just makes me want to take them home and read them again.

McLuhan was a pioneer when it came to this stuff, decease his works really changed my outlook on media and content. I think it was cause he wrote it around the 60s and this was before internet and satelites and just his form of writing and the style of the book. He was really ahead of his time.

If you want to know how new forms of communications like internet and blogging are changing our world and what we can expect read his books.

Anyways the 2 books I leant her were:

Medium is the Massage

I am actually on Amazon now getting more of his books.

I love good design, shop scratch that I love good functional design.
For me design isn’t just something that looks pretty it has to serve a function too. When objects have a dual purpose but do it some wonderfully together and just are seamlessly together you can’t think of how they can be apart or even existed before.

One such object that has really caught my eye and can’t wait to have it on myself is the Targets new perscription bottles. WOW, allergy Deborah Adler has designed it right! She took all the wrong thigns with the old bottles and made it useful functional and also look good. I just love how she created this system for the information. It really makes sense and very practical. My favorite part from it is that it is upside down:

Klaus Rosburg, infection a Brooklyn-based industrial designer hired by Target, came up with an upside-down version that stands on its cap, so that the label can be wrapped around the top. Every piece of paper in the package adds up to one eight-and-a-half-by-fourteen-inch perforated sheet, which eliminates waste and makes life easier for pharmacists.

Wonder how long before we see those in Kuwait?

Another great design with function is these pizza cutters. They are ussually bland and with a straight handle. These just take them to a whole new level of comfort with that handle grip but then just takes breaks all barriers when he pimps them out like choppers!

Last week was just long and tough, stomach
I must have racked over 1000km on my car. My schedule last week was:

Monday: Wafra
Tues: Sulabiya, Amghara
Wed. : Shagaya
Thursday: Wafra

There was also the side trip to Mutlaq on Wed to get high.

It was just one thing after another this past week, and since I been out of the office with these runs when I came in today I was confused on what to do. Need to write a todo list of stuff for this week and stuff that I need to complete from last week.

Need a vacation from vacation to actually catch up on stuff.
I let Rampurple borrow some books of Marshall McLuhan for her research paper.And I actually had a hard time giving them to her cause just opening them up and reading passages from the pages just makes me want to take them home and read them again.

McLuhan was a pioneer when it came to this stuff, decease his works really changed my outlook on media and content. I think it was cause he wrote it around the 60s and this was before internet and satelites and just his form of writing and the style of the book. He was really ahead of his time.

If you want to know how new forms of communications like internet and blogging are changing our world and what we can expect read his books.

Anyways the 2 books I leant her were:

Medium is the Massage

I am actually on Amazon now getting more of his books.

What happened to the weather today? I was awake at 7:30 nice weather outside birds chirping, ampoule
cat lounging in the sun it was all nice good day, view
by the time I leave and go with my brother for his paperwork stuff it turns to an all our dust storm. Then traffic just goes crazy, purchase
I was going to take the 5th ring and saw traffic stopped on the King Fahad/Magreb road, so go and take the 6th. Then then as I am going on the 6th I see traffic stopped on the King Fahad/Riyadh road.

The streets have turned to a mad house with this weather.
When checking out Mahmood’s blog I saw this post that Bahraini website have to register with the Ministry and will face legal actions based on the countries laws and regulations concerning the press.

I am mixed about this.

First I think it is a good thing for websites that consider themselves journalists and run a media site. This can have them considered a company and also some what protection. A lot of US bloggers are actually working on having their blogs considered a journalistic site, pharm and giving them equal status to print media companies.

Why it is bad, adiposity well it is forced and we know that the Bahraini Ministry is just doing this to keep track of the anonymous people that are posting about the problems and issues they are having with the government. Just look at what they did to people who were and could be found. So automatically their motives are not for the benefit of the people. Another thing what is considered a “Bahraini” website? Websites run by Bahrainis? Or what about expats living in Bahrain, will they be under this law? Or is it just for the websites they they dont like?

Our problem in the Gulf is that governments still think they can control what we read, watch and listen to. They act like they are waging an on going battle, but the truth is we already won the war. They have tried on numerous occasions to censor internet, ban satellites, black out magazines etc and that information still gets through to us. These aren’t black boxes that you can stop at borders, but ideas and thoughts that are going to shared, discussed and shared again.

Mahmood is setting up a good program for this situation in order to deal with it accordingly. And I pledge my full support to the Bahraini bloggers, this is not just their fight but ours as well. If this succeeds in Bahrain, who says we aren’t next?

Playing Cards

In Wafra

Last night I had another attack of bad service at a food establishment.

First let me say how much I feel about service. To me it is one of the breakers or makers at a place that I wish to eat at and will frequent. What I consider good service is promptness, ailment respect and my main thing is acknowledgment. I hate it when I go to a place and they just ignore you, price and this is anytime during my visit.

For me when an establishment, like a restaurant where I am going to be giving them money for the services they render feels they can slack off or just ignore me makes me feel that they dont deserve my money. I get this feeling that I should just walk out and not even pay for anything.

This happened to me yesterday with Burj Al-Hamam. I felt the service was lousy cause they weren’t acknowledge me. They have this reputation for being a good place to eat with excellent food, decor etc. This I believe has gotten to their head and ignore their customers since they feel if they lose me someone else will take my place.

With their arrogance they forget that word of mouth is one of the greatest marketing tools, and bad reviews people remember more than the good ones.

So back to last night it was with Hagen Daaz at Souq Sharq. The service their just sucked, we were waiting outside for someone to notice us, nothing. My dad went inside to get their attention, they came out with a menu and then forgot about us. The waitress came around us, past us, but no look. Didn’t even bother asking if we were ready to order.

Now what is different between these to places was that Hagen Daaz is a simple place and the employees there just really dont know any better. So Even though I was annoyed and told them I couldn’t hold it against them. Burj Al-Hamam on the other hand is a reputable place and which strive to a better and higher level of service.

Customer service seems to be a problem in Kuwait. Many places are focusing on marketing campaigns and decor etc and neglecting their customers. Yet I believe what all these customers are looking for is acknowledgment.

Wrote this Wed. just didn’t have time to post it.
I love good design, shop scratch that I love good functional design.
For me design isn’t just something that looks pretty it has to serve a function too. When objects have a dual purpose but do it some wonderfully together and just are seamlessly together you can’t think of how they can be apart or even existed before.

One such object that has really caught my eye and can’t wait to have it on myself is the Targets new perscription bottles. WOW, allergy Deborah Adler has designed it right! She took all the wrong thigns with the old bottles and made it useful functional and also look good. I just love how she created this system for the information. It really makes sense and very practical. My favorite part from it is that it is upside down:

Klaus Rosburg, infection a Brooklyn-based industrial designer hired by Target, came up with an upside-down version that stands on its cap, so that the label can be wrapped around the top. Every piece of paper in the package adds up to one eight-and-a-half-by-fourteen-inch perforated sheet, which eliminates waste and makes life easier for pharmacists.

Wonder how long before we see those in Kuwait?

Another great design with function is these pizza cutters. They are ussually bland and with a straight handle. These just take them to a whole new level of comfort with that handle grip but then just takes breaks all barriers when he pimps them out like choppers!

I love good design, shop scratch that I love good functional design.
For me design isn’t just something that looks pretty it has to serve a function too. When objects have a dual purpose but do it some wonderfully together and just are seamlessly together you can’t think of how they can be apart or even existed before.

One such object that has really caught my eye and can’t wait to have it on myself is the Targets new perscription bottles. WOW, allergy Deborah Adler has designed it right! She took all the wrong thigns with the old bottles and made it useful functional and also look good. I just love how she created this system for the information. It really makes sense and very practical. My favorite part from it is that it is upside down:

Klaus Rosburg, infection a Brooklyn-based industrial designer hired by Target, came up with an upside-down version that stands on its cap, so that the label can be wrapped around the top. Every piece of paper in the package adds up to one eight-and-a-half-by-fourteen-inch perforated sheet, which eliminates waste and makes life easier for pharmacists.

Wonder how long before we see those in Kuwait?

Another great design with function is these pizza cutters. They are ussually bland and with a straight handle. These just take them to a whole new level of comfort with that handle grip but then just takes breaks all barriers when he pimps them out like choppers!

Last week was just long and tough, stomach
I must have racked over 1000km on my car. My schedule last week was:

Monday: Wafra
Tues: Sulabiya, Amghara
Wed. : Shagaya
Thursday: Wafra

There was also the side trip to Mutlaq on Wed to get high.

It was just one thing after another this past week, and since I been out of the office with these runs when I came in today I was confused on what to do. Need to write a todo list of stuff for this week and stuff that I need to complete from last week.

Need a vacation from vacation to actually catch up on stuff.
I love good design, shop scratch that I love good functional design.
For me design isn’t just something that looks pretty it has to serve a function too. When objects have a dual purpose but do it some wonderfully together and just are seamlessly together you can’t think of how they can be apart or even existed before.

One such object that has really caught my eye and can’t wait to have it on myself is the Targets new perscription bottles. WOW, allergy Deborah Adler has designed it right! She took all the wrong thigns with the old bottles and made it useful functional and also look good. I just love how she created this system for the information. It really makes sense and very practical. My favorite part from it is that it is upside down:

Klaus Rosburg, infection a Brooklyn-based industrial designer hired by Target, came up with an upside-down version that stands on its cap, so that the label can be wrapped around the top. Every piece of paper in the package adds up to one eight-and-a-half-by-fourteen-inch perforated sheet, which eliminates waste and makes life easier for pharmacists.

Wonder how long before we see those in Kuwait?

Another great design with function is these pizza cutters. They are ussually bland and with a straight handle. These just take them to a whole new level of comfort with that handle grip but then just takes breaks all barriers when he pimps them out like choppers!

Last week was just long and tough, stomach
I must have racked over 1000km on my car. My schedule last week was:

Monday: Wafra
Tues: Sulabiya, Amghara
Wed. : Shagaya
Thursday: Wafra

There was also the side trip to Mutlaq on Wed to get high.

It was just one thing after another this past week, and since I been out of the office with these runs when I came in today I was confused on what to do. Need to write a todo list of stuff for this week and stuff that I need to complete from last week.

Need a vacation from vacation to actually catch up on stuff.
I let Rampurple borrow some books of Marshall McLuhan for her research paper.And I actually had a hard time giving them to her cause just opening them up and reading passages from the pages just makes me want to take them home and read them again.

McLuhan was a pioneer when it came to this stuff, decease his works really changed my outlook on media and content. I think it was cause he wrote it around the 60s and this was before internet and satelites and just his form of writing and the style of the book. He was really ahead of his time.

If you want to know how new forms of communications like internet and blogging are changing our world and what we can expect read his books.

Anyways the 2 books I leant her were:

Medium is the Massage

I am actually on Amazon now getting more of his books.

I love good design, shop scratch that I love good functional design.
For me design isn’t just something that looks pretty it has to serve a function too. When objects have a dual purpose but do it some wonderfully together and just are seamlessly together you can’t think of how they can be apart or even existed before.

One such object that has really caught my eye and can’t wait to have it on myself is the Targets new perscription bottles. WOW, allergy Deborah Adler has designed it right! She took all the wrong thigns with the old bottles and made it useful functional and also look good. I just love how she created this system for the information. It really makes sense and very practical. My favorite part from it is that it is upside down:

Klaus Rosburg, infection a Brooklyn-based industrial designer hired by Target, came up with an upside-down version that stands on its cap, so that the label can be wrapped around the top. Every piece of paper in the package adds up to one eight-and-a-half-by-fourteen-inch perforated sheet, which eliminates waste and makes life easier for pharmacists.

Wonder how long before we see those in Kuwait?

Another great design with function is these pizza cutters. They are ussually bland and with a straight handle. These just take them to a whole new level of comfort with that handle grip but then just takes breaks all barriers when he pimps them out like choppers!

Last week was just long and tough, stomach
I must have racked over 1000km on my car. My schedule last week was:

Monday: Wafra
Tues: Sulabiya, Amghara
Wed. : Shagaya
Thursday: Wafra

There was also the side trip to Mutlaq on Wed to get high.

It was just one thing after another this past week, and since I been out of the office with these runs when I came in today I was confused on what to do. Need to write a todo list of stuff for this week and stuff that I need to complete from last week.

Need a vacation from vacation to actually catch up on stuff.
I let Rampurple borrow some books of Marshall McLuhan for her research paper.And I actually had a hard time giving them to her cause just opening them up and reading passages from the pages just makes me want to take them home and read them again.

McLuhan was a pioneer when it came to this stuff, decease his works really changed my outlook on media and content. I think it was cause he wrote it around the 60s and this was before internet and satelites and just his form of writing and the style of the book. He was really ahead of his time.

If you want to know how new forms of communications like internet and blogging are changing our world and what we can expect read his books.

Anyways the 2 books I leant her were:

Medium is the Massage

I am actually on Amazon now getting more of his books.

What happened to the weather today? I was awake at 7:30 nice weather outside birds chirping, ampoule
cat lounging in the sun it was all nice good day, view
by the time I leave and go with my brother for his paperwork stuff it turns to an all our dust storm. Then traffic just goes crazy, purchase
I was going to take the 5th ring and saw traffic stopped on the King Fahad/Magreb road, so go and take the 6th. Then then as I am going on the 6th I see traffic stopped on the King Fahad/Riyadh road.

The streets have turned to a mad house with this weather.
When checking out Mahmood’s blog I saw this post that Bahraini website have to register with the Ministry and will face legal actions based on the countries laws and regulations concerning the press.

I am mixed about this.

First I think it is a good thing for websites that consider themselves journalists and run a media site. This can have them considered a company and also some what protection. A lot of US bloggers are actually working on having their blogs considered a journalistic site, pharm and giving them equal status to print media companies.

Why it is bad, adiposity well it is forced and we know that the Bahraini Ministry is just doing this to keep track of the anonymous people that are posting about the problems and issues they are having with the government. Just look at what they did to people who were and could be found. So automatically their motives are not for the benefit of the people. Another thing what is considered a “Bahraini” website? Websites run by Bahrainis? Or what about expats living in Bahrain, will they be under this law? Or is it just for the websites they they dont like?

Our problem in the Gulf is that governments still think they can control what we read, watch and listen to. They act like they are waging an on going battle, but the truth is we already won the war. They have tried on numerous occasions to censor internet, ban satellites, black out magazines etc and that information still gets through to us. These aren’t black boxes that you can stop at borders, but ideas and thoughts that are going to shared, discussed and shared again.

Mahmood is setting up a good program for this situation in order to deal with it accordingly. And I pledge my full support to the Bahraini bloggers, this is not just their fight but ours as well. If this succeeds in Bahrain, who says we aren’t next?
When checking out Mahmood’s blog I saw this post that Bahraini website have to register with the Ministry and will face legal actions based on the countries laws and regulations concerning the press.

I am mixed about this.

First I think it is a good thing for websites that consider themselves journalists and run a media site. This can have them considered a company and also some what protection. A lot of US bloggers are actually working on having their blogs considered a journalistic site, pharm and giving them equal status to print media companies.

Why it is bad, adiposity well it is forced and we know that the Bahraini Ministry is just doing this to keep track of the anonymous people that are posting about the problems and issues they are having with the government. Just look at what they did to people who were and could be found. So automatically their motives are not for the benefit of the people. Another thing what is considered a “Bahraini” website? Websites run by Bahrainis? Or what about expats living in Bahrain, will they be under this law? Or is it just for the websites they they dont like?

Our problem in the Gulf is that governments still think they can control what we read, watch and listen to. They act like they are waging an on going battle, but the truth is we already won the war. They have tried on numerous occasions to censor internet, ban satellites, black out magazines etc and that information still gets through to us. These aren’t black boxes that you can stop at borders, but ideas and thoughts that are going to shared, discussed and shared again.

Mahmood is setting up a good program for this situation in order to deal with it accordingly. And I pledge my full support to the Bahraini bloggers, this is not just their fight but ours as well. If this succeeds in Bahrain, who says we aren’t next?
Temptations of late:

This weekend I am so going to splurge on goodies for myself.

~I am going to push the button

Playing Cards

In Wafra

Last night I had another attack of bad service at a food establishment.

First let me say how much I feel about service. To me it is one of the breakers or makers at a place that I wish to eat at and will frequent. What I consider good service is promptness, ailment respect and my main thing is acknowledgment. I hate it when I go to a place and they just ignore you, price and this is anytime during my visit.

For me when an establishment, like a restaurant where I am going to be giving them money for the services they render feels they can slack off or just ignore me makes me feel that they dont deserve my money. I get this feeling that I should just walk out and not even pay for anything.

This happened to me yesterday with Burj Al-Hamam. I felt the service was lousy cause they weren’t acknowledge me. They have this reputation for being a good place to eat with excellent food, decor etc. This I believe has gotten to their head and ignore their customers since they feel if they lose me someone else will take my place.

With their arrogance they forget that word of mouth is one of the greatest marketing tools, and bad reviews people remember more than the good ones.

So back to last night it was with Hagen Daaz at Souq Sharq. The service their just sucked, we were waiting outside for someone to notice us, nothing. My dad went inside to get their attention, they came out with a menu and then forgot about us. The waitress came around us, past us, but no look. Didn’t even bother asking if we were ready to order.

Now what is different between these to places was that Hagen Daaz is a simple place and the employees there just really dont know any better. So Even though I was annoyed and told them I couldn’t hold it against them. Burj Al-Hamam on the other hand is a reputable place and which strive to a better and higher level of service.

Customer service seems to be a problem in Kuwait. Many places are focusing on marketing campaigns and decor etc and neglecting their customers. Yet I believe what all these customers are looking for is acknowledgment.

Wrote this Wed. just didn’t have time to post it.
I love good design, shop scratch that I love good functional design.
For me design isn’t just something that looks pretty it has to serve a function too. When objects have a dual purpose but do it some wonderfully together and just are seamlessly together you can’t think of how they can be apart or even existed before.

One such object that has really caught my eye and can’t wait to have it on myself is the Targets new perscription bottles. WOW, allergy Deborah Adler has designed it right! She took all the wrong thigns with the old bottles and made it useful functional and also look good. I just love how she created this system for the information. It really makes sense and very practical. My favorite part from it is that it is upside down:

Klaus Rosburg, infection a Brooklyn-based industrial designer hired by Target, came up with an upside-down version that stands on its cap, so that the label can be wrapped around the top. Every piece of paper in the package adds up to one eight-and-a-half-by-fourteen-inch perforated sheet, which eliminates waste and makes life easier for pharmacists.

Wonder how long before we see those in Kuwait?

Another great design with function is these pizza cutters. They are ussually bland and with a straight handle. These just take them to a whole new level of comfort with that handle grip but then just takes breaks all barriers when he pimps them out like choppers!

I love good design, shop scratch that I love good functional design.
For me design isn’t just something that looks pretty it has to serve a function too. When objects have a dual purpose but do it some wonderfully together and just are seamlessly together you can’t think of how they can be apart or even existed before.

One such object that has really caught my eye and can’t wait to have it on myself is the Targets new perscription bottles. WOW, allergy Deborah Adler has designed it right! She took all the wrong thigns with the old bottles and made it useful functional and also look good. I just love how she created this system for the information. It really makes sense and very practical. My favorite part from it is that it is upside down:

Klaus Rosburg, infection a Brooklyn-based industrial designer hired by Target, came up with an upside-down version that stands on its cap, so that the label can be wrapped around the top. Every piece of paper in the package adds up to one eight-and-a-half-by-fourteen-inch perforated sheet, which eliminates waste and makes life easier for pharmacists.

Wonder how long before we see those in Kuwait?

Another great design with function is these pizza cutters. They are ussually bland and with a straight handle. These just take them to a whole new level of comfort with that handle grip but then just takes breaks all barriers when he pimps them out like choppers!

Last week was just long and tough, stomach
I must have racked over 1000km on my car. My schedule last week was:

Monday: Wafra
Tues: Sulabiya, Amghara
Wed. : Shagaya
Thursday: Wafra

There was also the side trip to Mutlaq on Wed to get high.

It was just one thing after another this past week, and since I been out of the office with these runs when I came in today I was confused on what to do. Need to write a todo list of stuff for this week and stuff that I need to complete from last week.

Need a vacation from vacation to actually catch up on stuff.
I love good design, shop scratch that I love good functional design.
For me design isn’t just something that looks pretty it has to serve a function too. When objects have a dual purpose but do it some wonderfully together and just are seamlessly together you can’t think of how they can be apart or even existed before.

One such object that has really caught my eye and can’t wait to have it on myself is the Targets new perscription bottles. WOW, allergy Deborah Adler has designed it right! She took all the wrong thigns with the old bottles and made it useful functional and also look good. I just love how she created this system for the information. It really makes sense and very practical. My favorite part from it is that it is upside down:

Klaus Rosburg, infection a Brooklyn-based industrial designer hired by Target, came up with an upside-down version that stands on its cap, so that the label can be wrapped around the top. Every piece of paper in the package adds up to one eight-and-a-half-by-fourteen-inch perforated sheet, which eliminates waste and makes life easier for pharmacists.

Wonder how long before we see those in Kuwait?

Another great design with function is these pizza cutters. They are ussually bland and with a straight handle. These just take them to a whole new level of comfort with that handle grip but then just takes breaks all barriers when he pimps them out like choppers!

Last week was just long and tough, stomach
I must have racked over 1000km on my car. My schedule last week was:

Monday: Wafra
Tues: Sulabiya, Amghara
Wed. : Shagaya
Thursday: Wafra

There was also the side trip to Mutlaq on Wed to get high.

It was just one thing after another this past week, and since I been out of the office with these runs when I came in today I was confused on what to do. Need to write a todo list of stuff for this week and stuff that I need to complete from last week.

Need a vacation from vacation to actually catch up on stuff.
I let Rampurple borrow some books of Marshall McLuhan for her research paper.And I actually had a hard time giving them to her cause just opening them up and reading passages from the pages just makes me want to take them home and read them again.

McLuhan was a pioneer when it came to this stuff, decease his works really changed my outlook on media and content. I think it was cause he wrote it around the 60s and this was before internet and satelites and just his form of writing and the style of the book. He was really ahead of his time.

If you want to know how new forms of communications like internet and blogging are changing our world and what we can expect read his books.

Anyways the 2 books I leant her were:

Medium is the Massage

I am actually on Amazon now getting more of his books.

I love good design, shop scratch that I love good functional design.
For me design isn’t just something that looks pretty it has to serve a function too. When objects have a dual purpose but do it some wonderfully together and just are seamlessly together you can’t think of how they can be apart or even existed before.

One such object that has really caught my eye and can’t wait to have it on myself is the Targets new perscription bottles. WOW, allergy Deborah Adler has designed it right! She took all the wrong thigns with the old bottles and made it useful functional and also look good. I just love how she created this system for the information. It really makes sense and very practical. My favorite part from it is that it is upside down:

Klaus Rosburg, infection a Brooklyn-based industrial designer hired by Target, came up with an upside-down version that stands on its cap, so that the label can be wrapped around the top. Every piece of paper in the package adds up to one eight-and-a-half-by-fourteen-inch perforated sheet, which eliminates waste and makes life easier for pharmacists.

Wonder how long before we see those in Kuwait?

Another great design with function is these pizza cutters. They are ussually bland and with a straight handle. These just take them to a whole new level of comfort with that handle grip but then just takes breaks all barriers when he pimps them out like choppers!

Last week was just long and tough, stomach
I must have racked over 1000km on my car. My schedule last week was:

Monday: Wafra
Tues: Sulabiya, Amghara
Wed. : Shagaya
Thursday: Wafra

There was also the side trip to Mutlaq on Wed to get high.

It was just one thing after another this past week, and since I been out of the office with these runs when I came in today I was confused on what to do. Need to write a todo list of stuff for this week and stuff that I need to complete from last week.

Need a vacation from vacation to actually catch up on stuff.
I let Rampurple borrow some books of Marshall McLuhan for her research paper.And I actually had a hard time giving them to her cause just opening them up and reading passages from the pages just makes me want to take them home and read them again.

McLuhan was a pioneer when it came to this stuff, decease his works really changed my outlook on media and content. I think it was cause he wrote it around the 60s and this was before internet and satelites and just his form of writing and the style of the book. He was really ahead of his time.

If you want to know how new forms of communications like internet and blogging are changing our world and what we can expect read his books.

Anyways the 2 books I leant her were:

Medium is the Massage

I am actually on Amazon now getting more of his books.

What happened to the weather today? I was awake at 7:30 nice weather outside birds chirping, ampoule
cat lounging in the sun it was all nice good day, view
by the time I leave and go with my brother for his paperwork stuff it turns to an all our dust storm. Then traffic just goes crazy, purchase
I was going to take the 5th ring and saw traffic stopped on the King Fahad/Magreb road, so go and take the 6th. Then then as I am going on the 6th I see traffic stopped on the King Fahad/Riyadh road.

The streets have turned to a mad house with this weather.
When checking out Mahmood’s blog I saw this post that Bahraini website have to register with the Ministry and will face legal actions based on the countries laws and regulations concerning the press.

I am mixed about this.

First I think it is a good thing for websites that consider themselves journalists and run a media site. This can have them considered a company and also some what protection. A lot of US bloggers are actually working on having their blogs considered a journalistic site, pharm and giving them equal status to print media companies.

Why it is bad, adiposity well it is forced and we know that the Bahraini Ministry is just doing this to keep track of the anonymous people that are posting about the problems and issues they are having with the government. Just look at what they did to people who were and could be found. So automatically their motives are not for the benefit of the people. Another thing what is considered a “Bahraini” website? Websites run by Bahrainis? Or what about expats living in Bahrain, will they be under this law? Or is it just for the websites they they dont like?

Our problem in the Gulf is that governments still think they can control what we read, watch and listen to. They act like they are waging an on going battle, but the truth is we already won the war. They have tried on numerous occasions to censor internet, ban satellites, black out magazines etc and that information still gets through to us. These aren’t black boxes that you can stop at borders, but ideas and thoughts that are going to shared, discussed and shared again.

Mahmood is setting up a good program for this situation in order to deal with it accordingly. And I pledge my full support to the Bahraini bloggers, this is not just their fight but ours as well. If this succeeds in Bahrain, who says we aren’t next?
When checking out Mahmood’s blog I saw this post that Bahraini website have to register with the Ministry and will face legal actions based on the countries laws and regulations concerning the press.

I am mixed about this.

First I think it is a good thing for websites that consider themselves journalists and run a media site. This can have them considered a company and also some what protection. A lot of US bloggers are actually working on having their blogs considered a journalistic site, pharm and giving them equal status to print media companies.

Why it is bad, adiposity well it is forced and we know that the Bahraini Ministry is just doing this to keep track of the anonymous people that are posting about the problems and issues they are having with the government. Just look at what they did to people who were and could be found. So automatically their motives are not for the benefit of the people. Another thing what is considered a “Bahraini” website? Websites run by Bahrainis? Or what about expats living in Bahrain, will they be under this law? Or is it just for the websites they they dont like?

Our problem in the Gulf is that governments still think they can control what we read, watch and listen to. They act like they are waging an on going battle, but the truth is we already won the war. They have tried on numerous occasions to censor internet, ban satellites, black out magazines etc and that information still gets through to us. These aren’t black boxes that you can stop at borders, but ideas and thoughts that are going to shared, discussed and shared again.

Mahmood is setting up a good program for this situation in order to deal with it accordingly. And I pledge my full support to the Bahraini bloggers, this is not just their fight but ours as well. If this succeeds in Bahrain, who says we aren’t next?
Temptations of late:

This weekend I am so going to splurge on goodies for myself.

~I am going to push the button
When checking out Mahmood’s blog I saw this post that Bahraini website have to register with the Ministry and will face legal actions based on the countries laws and regulations concerning the press.

I am mixed about this.

First I think it is a good thing for websites that consider themselves journalists and run a media site. This can have them considered a company and also some what protection. A lot of US bloggers are actually working on having their blogs considered a journalistic site, pharm and giving them equal status to print media companies.

Why it is bad, adiposity well it is forced and we know that the Bahraini Ministry is just doing this to keep track of the anonymous people that are posting about the problems and issues they are having with the government. Just look at what they did to people who were and could be found. So automatically their motives are not for the benefit of the people. Another thing what is considered a “Bahraini” website? Websites run by Bahrainis? Or what about expats living in Bahrain, will they be under this law? Or is it just for the websites they they dont like?

Our problem in the Gulf is that governments still think they can control what we read, watch and listen to. They act like they are waging an on going battle, but the truth is we already won the war. They have tried on numerous occasions to censor internet, ban satellites, black out magazines etc and that information still gets through to us. These aren’t black boxes that you can stop at borders, but ideas and thoughts that are going to shared, discussed and shared again.

Mahmood is setting up a good program for this situation in order to deal with it accordingly. And I pledge my full support to the Bahraini bloggers, this is not just their fight but ours as well. If this succeeds in Bahrain, who says we aren’t next?
Temptations of late:

This weekend I am so going to splurge on goodies for myself.

~I am going to push the button
Lately with computer animation getting better and better it is now harder to guess which is real or fake.

So why dont you test your skills with this: Fake or Foto?

I got 6 right, dosage
can you spot the fake?

Playing Cards

In Wafra

Last night I had another attack of bad service at a food establishment.

First let me say how much I feel about service. To me it is one of the breakers or makers at a place that I wish to eat at and will frequent. What I consider good service is promptness, ailment respect and my main thing is acknowledgment. I hate it when I go to a place and they just ignore you, price and this is anytime during my visit.

For me when an establishment, like a restaurant where I am going to be giving them money for the services they render feels they can slack off or just ignore me makes me feel that they dont deserve my money. I get this feeling that I should just walk out and not even pay for anything.

This happened to me yesterday with Burj Al-Hamam. I felt the service was lousy cause they weren’t acknowledge me. They have this reputation for being a good place to eat with excellent food, decor etc. This I believe has gotten to their head and ignore their customers since they feel if they lose me someone else will take my place.

With their arrogance they forget that word of mouth is one of the greatest marketing tools, and bad reviews people remember more than the good ones.

So back to last night it was with Hagen Daaz at Souq Sharq. The service their just sucked, we were waiting outside for someone to notice us, nothing. My dad went inside to get their attention, they came out with a menu and then forgot about us. The waitress came around us, past us, but no look. Didn’t even bother asking if we were ready to order.

Now what is different between these to places was that Hagen Daaz is a simple place and the employees there just really dont know any better. So Even though I was annoyed and told them I couldn’t hold it against them. Burj Al-Hamam on the other hand is a reputable place and which strive to a better and higher level of service.

Customer service seems to be a problem in Kuwait. Many places are focusing on marketing campaigns and decor etc and neglecting their customers. Yet I believe what all these customers are looking for is acknowledgment.

Wrote this Wed. just didn’t have time to post it.
I love good design, shop scratch that I love good functional design.
For me design isn’t just something that looks pretty it has to serve a function too. When objects have a dual purpose but do it some wonderfully together and just are seamlessly together you can’t think of how they can be apart or even existed before.

One such object that has really caught my eye and can’t wait to have it on myself is the Targets new perscription bottles. WOW, allergy Deborah Adler has designed it right! She took all the wrong thigns with the old bottles and made it useful functional and also look good. I just love how she created this system for the information. It really makes sense and very practical. My favorite part from it is that it is upside down:

Klaus Rosburg, infection a Brooklyn-based industrial designer hired by Target, came up with an upside-down version that stands on its cap, so that the label can be wrapped around the top. Every piece of paper in the package adds up to one eight-and-a-half-by-fourteen-inch perforated sheet, which eliminates waste and makes life easier for pharmacists.

Wonder how long before we see those in Kuwait?

Another great design with function is these pizza cutters. They are ussually bland and with a straight handle. These just take them to a whole new level of comfort with that handle grip but then just takes breaks all barriers when he pimps them out like choppers!

I love good design, shop scratch that I love good functional design.
For me design isn’t just something that looks pretty it has to serve a function too. When objects have a dual purpose but do it some wonderfully together and just are seamlessly together you can’t think of how they can be apart or even existed before.

One such object that has really caught my eye and can’t wait to have it on myself is the Targets new perscription bottles. WOW, allergy Deborah Adler has designed it right! She took all the wrong thigns with the old bottles and made it useful functional and also look good. I just love how she created this system for the information. It really makes sense and very practical. My favorite part from it is that it is upside down:

Klaus Rosburg, infection a Brooklyn-based industrial designer hired by Target, came up with an upside-down version that stands on its cap, so that the label can be wrapped around the top. Every piece of paper in the package adds up to one eight-and-a-half-by-fourteen-inch perforated sheet, which eliminates waste and makes life easier for pharmacists.

Wonder how long before we see those in Kuwait?

Another great design with function is these pizza cutters. They are ussually bland and with a straight handle. These just take them to a whole new level of comfort with that handle grip but then just takes breaks all barriers when he pimps them out like choppers!

Last week was just long and tough, stomach
I must have racked over 1000km on my car. My schedule last week was:

Monday: Wafra
Tues: Sulabiya, Amghara
Wed. : Shagaya
Thursday: Wafra

There was also the side trip to Mutlaq on Wed to get high.

It was just one thing after another this past week, and since I been out of the office with these runs when I came in today I was confused on what to do. Need to write a todo list of stuff for this week and stuff that I need to complete from last week.

Need a vacation from vacation to actually catch up on stuff.
I love good design, shop scratch that I love good functional design.
For me design isn’t just something that looks pretty it has to serve a function too. When objects have a dual purpose but do it some wonderfully together and just are seamlessly together you can’t think of how they can be apart or even existed before.

One such object that has really caught my eye and can’t wait to have it on myself is the Targets new perscription bottles. WOW, allergy Deborah Adler has designed it right! She took all the wrong thigns with the old bottles and made it useful functional and also look good. I just love how she created this system for the information. It really makes sense and very practical. My favorite part from it is that it is upside down:

Klaus Rosburg, infection a Brooklyn-based industrial designer hired by Target, came up with an upside-down version that stands on its cap, so that the label can be wrapped around the top. Every piece of paper in the package adds up to one eight-and-a-half-by-fourteen-inch perforated sheet, which eliminates waste and makes life easier for pharmacists.

Wonder how long before we see those in Kuwait?

Another great design with function is these pizza cutters. They are ussually bland and with a straight handle. These just take them to a whole new level of comfort with that handle grip but then just takes breaks all barriers when he pimps them out like choppers!

Last week was just long and tough, stomach
I must have racked over 1000km on my car. My schedule last week was:

Monday: Wafra
Tues: Sulabiya, Amghara
Wed. : Shagaya
Thursday: Wafra

There was also the side trip to Mutlaq on Wed to get high.

It was just one thing after another this past week, and since I been out of the office with these runs when I came in today I was confused on what to do. Need to write a todo list of stuff for this week and stuff that I need to complete from last week.

Need a vacation from vacation to actually catch up on stuff.
I let Rampurple borrow some books of Marshall McLuhan for her research paper.And I actually had a hard time giving them to her cause just opening them up and reading passages from the pages just makes me want to take them home and read them again.

McLuhan was a pioneer when it came to this stuff, decease his works really changed my outlook on media and content. I think it was cause he wrote it around the 60s and this was before internet and satelites and just his form of writing and the style of the book. He was really ahead of his time.

If you want to know how new forms of communications like internet and blogging are changing our world and what we can expect read his books.

Anyways the 2 books I leant her were:

Medium is the Massage

I am actually on Amazon now getting more of his books.

I love good design, shop scratch that I love good functional design.
For me design isn’t just something that looks pretty it has to serve a function too. When objects have a dual purpose but do it some wonderfully together and just are seamlessly together you can’t think of how they can be apart or even existed before.

One such object that has really caught my eye and can’t wait to have it on myself is the Targets new perscription bottles. WOW, allergy Deborah Adler has designed it right! She took all the wrong thigns with the old bottles and made it useful functional and also look good. I just love how she created this system for the information. It really makes sense and very practical. My favorite part from it is that it is upside down:

Klaus Rosburg, infection a Brooklyn-based industrial designer hired by Target, came up with an upside-down version that stands on its cap, so that the label can be wrapped around the top. Every piece of paper in the package adds up to one eight-and-a-half-by-fourteen-inch perforated sheet, which eliminates waste and makes life easier for pharmacists.

Wonder how long before we see those in Kuwait?

Another great design with function is these pizza cutters. They are ussually bland and with a straight handle. These just take them to a whole new level of comfort with that handle grip but then just takes breaks all barriers when he pimps them out like choppers!

Last week was just long and tough, stomach
I must have racked over 1000km on my car. My schedule last week was:

Monday: Wafra
Tues: Sulabiya, Amghara
Wed. : Shagaya
Thursday: Wafra

There was also the side trip to Mutlaq on Wed to get high.

It was just one thing after another this past week, and since I been out of the office with these runs when I came in today I was confused on what to do. Need to write a todo list of stuff for this week and stuff that I need to complete from last week.

Need a vacation from vacation to actually catch up on stuff.
I let Rampurple borrow some books of Marshall McLuhan for her research paper.And I actually had a hard time giving them to her cause just opening them up and reading passages from the pages just makes me want to take them home and read them again.

McLuhan was a pioneer when it came to this stuff, decease his works really changed my outlook on media and content. I think it was cause he wrote it around the 60s and this was before internet and satelites and just his form of writing and the style of the book. He was really ahead of his time.

If you want to know how new forms of communications like internet and blogging are changing our world and what we can expect read his books.

Anyways the 2 books I leant her were:

Medium is the Massage

I am actually on Amazon now getting more of his books.

What happened to the weather today? I was awake at 7:30 nice weather outside birds chirping, ampoule
cat lounging in the sun it was all nice good day, view
by the time I leave and go with my brother for his paperwork stuff it turns to an all our dust storm. Then traffic just goes crazy, purchase
I was going to take the 5th ring and saw traffic stopped on the King Fahad/Magreb road, so go and take the 6th. Then then as I am going on the 6th I see traffic stopped on the King Fahad/Riyadh road.

The streets have turned to a mad house with this weather.
When checking out Mahmood’s blog I saw this post that Bahraini website have to register with the Ministry and will face legal actions based on the countries laws and regulations concerning the press.

I am mixed about this.

First I think it is a good thing for websites that consider themselves journalists and run a media site. This can have them considered a company and also some what protection. A lot of US bloggers are actually working on having their blogs considered a journalistic site, pharm and giving them equal status to print media companies.

Why it is bad, adiposity well it is forced and we know that the Bahraini Ministry is just doing this to keep track of the anonymous people that are posting about the problems and issues they are having with the government. Just look at what they did to people who were and could be found. So automatically their motives are not for the benefit of the people. Another thing what is considered a “Bahraini” website? Websites run by Bahrainis? Or what about expats living in Bahrain, will they be under this law? Or is it just for the websites they they dont like?

Our problem in the Gulf is that governments still think they can control what we read, watch and listen to. They act like they are waging an on going battle, but the truth is we already won the war. They have tried on numerous occasions to censor internet, ban satellites, black out magazines etc and that information still gets through to us. These aren’t black boxes that you can stop at borders, but ideas and thoughts that are going to shared, discussed and shared again.

Mahmood is setting up a good program for this situation in order to deal with it accordingly. And I pledge my full support to the Bahraini bloggers, this is not just their fight but ours as well. If this succeeds in Bahrain, who says we aren’t next?
When checking out Mahmood’s blog I saw this post that Bahraini website have to register with the Ministry and will face legal actions based on the countries laws and regulations concerning the press.

I am mixed about this.

First I think it is a good thing for websites that consider themselves journalists and run a media site. This can have them considered a company and also some what protection. A lot of US bloggers are actually working on having their blogs considered a journalistic site, pharm and giving them equal status to print media companies.

Why it is bad, adiposity well it is forced and we know that the Bahraini Ministry is just doing this to keep track of the anonymous people that are posting about the problems and issues they are having with the government. Just look at what they did to people who were and could be found. So automatically their motives are not for the benefit of the people. Another thing what is considered a “Bahraini” website? Websites run by Bahrainis? Or what about expats living in Bahrain, will they be under this law? Or is it just for the websites they they dont like?

Our problem in the Gulf is that governments still think they can control what we read, watch and listen to. They act like they are waging an on going battle, but the truth is we already won the war. They have tried on numerous occasions to censor internet, ban satellites, black out magazines etc and that information still gets through to us. These aren’t black boxes that you can stop at borders, but ideas and thoughts that are going to shared, discussed and shared again.

Mahmood is setting up a good program for this situation in order to deal with it accordingly. And I pledge my full support to the Bahraini bloggers, this is not just their fight but ours as well. If this succeeds in Bahrain, who says we aren’t next?
Temptations of late:

This weekend I am so going to splurge on goodies for myself.

~I am going to push the button
When checking out Mahmood’s blog I saw this post that Bahraini website have to register with the Ministry and will face legal actions based on the countries laws and regulations concerning the press.

I am mixed about this.

First I think it is a good thing for websites that consider themselves journalists and run a media site. This can have them considered a company and also some what protection. A lot of US bloggers are actually working on having their blogs considered a journalistic site, pharm and giving them equal status to print media companies.

Why it is bad, adiposity well it is forced and we know that the Bahraini Ministry is just doing this to keep track of the anonymous people that are posting about the problems and issues they are having with the government. Just look at what they did to people who were and could be found. So automatically their motives are not for the benefit of the people. Another thing what is considered a “Bahraini” website? Websites run by Bahrainis? Or what about expats living in Bahrain, will they be under this law? Or is it just for the websites they they dont like?

Our problem in the Gulf is that governments still think they can control what we read, watch and listen to. They act like they are waging an on going battle, but the truth is we already won the war. They have tried on numerous occasions to censor internet, ban satellites, black out magazines etc and that information still gets through to us. These aren’t black boxes that you can stop at borders, but ideas and thoughts that are going to shared, discussed and shared again.

Mahmood is setting up a good program for this situation in order to deal with it accordingly. And I pledge my full support to the Bahraini bloggers, this is not just their fight but ours as well. If this succeeds in Bahrain, who says we aren’t next?
Temptations of late:

This weekend I am so going to splurge on goodies for myself.

~I am going to push the button
Lately with computer animation getting better and better it is now harder to guess which is real or fake.

So why dont you test your skills with this: Fake or Foto?

I got 6 right, dosage
can you spot the fake?
Ah the tiredness of long days and work, drugs I really have been busy lately at work I usually find time during the day to blog about stuff or even just comment on random things, ailment but lately there hasn’t been time.

The past two weeks I haven’t really been in my office more than a total of 30 minutes. And that is if I walk in the office. It has been really quick in then a quick out, information pills mostly to sign papers or to pick or drop something off.

Something things I will maybe write more detail later

Marina Hotel – This place is NICE, the decor, location etc everything.

Cafe Blanc – The food is decent, but their presentation and service and location makes up for it.

Shateh Watiya (or how ever you spell it) – If you ever have some guests from out of town and want to eat Kuwaiti food just take them here. The food is bland compared to home cooked meals but then you can’t take them there. The use of the old Kuwaiti building gives it ambiance and makes them feel its traditional food.

Amazon Prime – Thanks Mark!

City Planning – Basically Kuwait city needs to implode not explode

The Weather – I thought I would die yesterday with allergy attacks with the dust storm but luckily I had no severe sneeze attacks, either I got immune or this was a cleaner dust.

Digital SLRs – Been thinking of getting one lately, but quite annoyed with that whole preview system and there hasn’t been one that made me go WOW I want now!. I played wit the Nikon D70 and Canon 350, both nice and full of features. But all of my cameras are so manual that I love em. I really dont know how to use auto focus or any of that additional functions like auto rewind. My second gen Canon F1 that I got from my dad takes amazing pictures and I have lots of great lenses for it; same with my Minolta X570. I enjoy the process of it, focusing imaging what the picture will look like at different F-Stops and speeds then when I know I am ready, I hold my breath push the button and wait for that shutter to go snap. I think I will wait for the next gen of DSLRS I just dont feel that they are ready yet they still feel rough and not up to their full potential.

Miranda IM – A nice simple IM client for windows.

Abdaly – That is where I will be tomorrow.

Music that is in my car:
Beck – Guerro – sounds like Odely with Sea Change
Mars Volata – I liked them better when they were At the Drive In
Cyndi Laupers Greatest Hits – Girls Just want to have is one of the greatest songs ever, and so is She Bop.
Brazilian Girls – Brazilian Girls – This album is a must have for this summer I dont think I will be taking it out of my car for a while, been having it on repeat for a couple days.
Miles Davis – Tribute to Jack Johnson – Miles, ’nuff said.
Uncut Complication – Best of 2005

I got Beck and Mars Volata from tata, big thanks!

Robot Chicken – This show is just too funny, thanks oilrig!

Guess that is about it for now.

Oh and going to renew my gym membership even though I haven’t been there since January.

Short film review

Google Accounts - Login. This is the second time I noticed this when logging into Gmail. I am not sure what to make of it. Is Google creating their own system for all thier new projects? One login for us all?
Google Accounts - Login. This is the second time I noticed this when logging into Gmail. I am not sure what to make of it. Is Google creating their own system for all thier new projects? One login for us all?
I am a big fan of Douglas Adam’s Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series. The wit and dialogue in it is impressive and has to laughing and chuckling all the way through the book. So when I heard about the movie they were making I was quite excited and thought it would be a good adaptation, anaemia was even dreaming that it was going to be on par with Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Sadly after reading this review on it I dont think I will bother seeing it. Basically in a nutshell:

To put it bluntly, buy they have cut most of the jokes out. I’m not being metaphorical here, they really have, in a very literal sense, removed the jokes from the story.

I guess I am going to read it again this week. The books are such an easy read and once you start you can’t put them down, I think my brother has the first one, if not I will go buy it from any of the book store in Kuwait.