A Blade Runner

A blade runner is a movie that you can never finish because as soon as you start it you pass out.

This started when I was watching the movie Blade Runner last summer. I think it took me about 3 weeks to finish it. I would watch it every night, epilepsy cystitis
see about 5 minutes and just pass out. It was a long and hard battle but I finished it eventually.

So my latest Blade Runner is the movie Solyaris . I have been watching at nights and afternoons and fall asleep after just mere minutes. It is a hard struggle to watch and understand due to that the subtitles do not match the english over dubbing. So I am pay attention to two different dialouges. They sometimes match, website and other times just go off in different ways, side effects or one has less information than the other.

Overall I am enjoying the movie, well the parts I remember and recall where I left off. Got to appreciate DVDs and their chapter selection system. It is a very visual movie, and has some interesting thoughts on what goes on in the mind of a person.

Hopefully when I finish watching it I will have time to watch it fully and see it with all its glory.

Protest the Anti

History of coffee and music culture

Echelon how the USA can listen to everything that is being said anywhere around the world.

If you made a phone call today or sent an e-mail to a friend, surgeon sanitary there’s a good chance what you said or wrote was captured and screened by the country’s largest int

Echelon how the USA can listen to everything that is being said anywhere around the world.

If you made a phone call today or sent an e-mail to a friend, surgeon sanitary there’s a good chance what you said or wrote was captured and screened by the country’s largest int

This I think the second night this “work week” that I am home after work. Yesterday I was just tired and wanted to relax at home, decease I tried to leave, stomatology even got dressed to leave and see some people and get food but someone came over so that changed things. It was good stuff but was so tired afterwards didn’t want to go get food, or even make me something and just went to bed.

Today is the same at work I was just tired and felt all icky and had some mad ass road rage on the way home. Just idiots all over the place honking and over reacting over some stupid stuff. It just made me annoyed and want to get home quicker.

It is good to relax and unwind at home for a bit and get some alone time.

Echelon how the USA can listen to everything that is being said anywhere around the world.

If you made a phone call today or sent an e-mail to a friend, surgeon sanitary there’s a good chance what you said or wrote was captured and screened by the country’s largest int

This I think the second night this “work week” that I am home after work. Yesterday I was just tired and wanted to relax at home, decease I tried to leave, stomatology even got dressed to leave and see some people and get food but someone came over so that changed things. It was good stuff but was so tired afterwards didn’t want to go get food, or even make me something and just went to bed.

Today is the same at work I was just tired and felt all icky and had some mad ass road rage on the way home. Just idiots all over the place honking and over reacting over some stupid stuff. It just made me annoyed and want to get home quicker.

It is good to relax and unwind at home for a bit and get some alone time.
This I think the second night this “work week” that I am home after work. Yesterday I was just tired and wanted to relax at home, decease I tried to leave, stomatology even got dressed to leave and see some people and get food but someone came over so that changed things. It was good stuff but was so tired afterwards didn’t want to go get food, or even make me something and just went to bed.

Today is the same at work I was just tired and felt all icky and had some mad ass road rage on the way home. Just idiots all over the place honking and over reacting over some stupid stuff. It just made me annoyed and want to get home quicker.

It is good to relax and unwind at home for a bit and get some alone time.

Echelon how the USA can listen to everything that is being said anywhere around the world.

If you made a phone call today or sent an e-mail to a friend, surgeon sanitary there’s a good chance what you said or wrote was captured and screened by the country’s largest int

This I think the second night this “work week” that I am home after work. Yesterday I was just tired and wanted to relax at home, decease I tried to leave, stomatology even got dressed to leave and see some people and get food but someone came over so that changed things. It was good stuff but was so tired afterwards didn’t want to go get food, or even make me something and just went to bed.

Today is the same at work I was just tired and felt all icky and had some mad ass road rage on the way home. Just idiots all over the place honking and over reacting over some stupid stuff. It just made me annoyed and want to get home quicker.

It is good to relax and unwind at home for a bit and get some alone time.
This I think the second night this “work week” that I am home after work. Yesterday I was just tired and wanted to relax at home, decease I tried to leave, stomatology even got dressed to leave and see some people and get food but someone came over so that changed things. It was good stuff but was so tired afterwards didn’t want to go get food, or even make me something and just went to bed.

Today is the same at work I was just tired and felt all icky and had some mad ass road rage on the way home. Just idiots all over the place honking and over reacting over some stupid stuff. It just made me annoyed and want to get home quicker.

It is good to relax and unwind at home for a bit and get some alone time.

This I think the second night this “work week” that I am home after work. Yesterday I was just tired and wanted to relax at home, decease I tried to leave, stomatology even got dressed to leave and see some people and get food but someone came over so that changed things. It was good stuff but was so tired afterwards didn’t want to go get food, or even make me something and just went to bed.

Today is the same at work I was just tired and felt all icky and had some mad ass road rage on the way home. Just idiots all over the place honking and over reacting over some stupid stuff. It just made me annoyed and want to get home quicker.

It is good to relax and unwind at home for a bit and get some alone time.

Echelon how the USA can listen to everything that is being said anywhere around the world.

If you made a phone call today or sent an e-mail to a friend, surgeon sanitary there’s a good chance what you said or wrote was captured and screened by the country’s largest int

This I think the second night this “work week” that I am home after work. Yesterday I was just tired and wanted to relax at home, decease I tried to leave, stomatology even got dressed to leave and see some people and get food but someone came over so that changed things. It was good stuff but was so tired afterwards didn’t want to go get food, or even make me something and just went to bed.

Today is the same at work I was just tired and felt all icky and had some mad ass road rage on the way home. Just idiots all over the place honking and over reacting over some stupid stuff. It just made me annoyed and want to get home quicker.

It is good to relax and unwind at home for a bit and get some alone time.
This I think the second night this “work week” that I am home after work. Yesterday I was just tired and wanted to relax at home, decease I tried to leave, stomatology even got dressed to leave and see some people and get food but someone came over so that changed things. It was good stuff but was so tired afterwards didn’t want to go get food, or even make me something and just went to bed.

Today is the same at work I was just tired and felt all icky and had some mad ass road rage on the way home. Just idiots all over the place honking and over reacting over some stupid stuff. It just made me annoyed and want to get home quicker.

It is good to relax and unwind at home for a bit and get some alone time.

This I think the second night this “work week” that I am home after work. Yesterday I was just tired and wanted to relax at home, decease I tried to leave, stomatology even got dressed to leave and see some people and get food but someone came over so that changed things. It was good stuff but was so tired afterwards didn’t want to go get food, or even make me something and just went to bed.

Today is the same at work I was just tired and felt all icky and had some mad ass road rage on the way home. Just idiots all over the place honking and over reacting over some stupid stuff. It just made me annoyed and want to get home quicker.

It is good to relax and unwind at home for a bit and get some alone time.

I just finished watching the movie Syriana and have to say “eh”. It is a nice visual movies, more about beginning was kinda slow in introducing the players, illness middle had some interesting parts, salve and end was a slow fade. My American friend highly recommended it to me and said I should watch it, and the story behind it was also tempting. That whole what happens behind closed doors and hotel rooms over oil and the Middle East.
Yet as I was telling my brother when he was walking in and out of the movie asking what is going on I replied “it is just telling what we live”. Yes they took some artistic liberties in some parts, but overall .

Ok this is amusing just finished watching the end credits and had a link to this site http://www.participate.net/oilchange. Very interesting, I am sure that is the goal of the film makers and producers of the film. This is from the site:

Oil addiction. It saps America’s economic strength, pollutes our environment, and jeopardizes national security. Breaking that addiction begins with the choices we make as individuals. Instead of oil dependence, let’s choose Oil Change!

Time for a tangent.

I was at the WTO protest in Seattle and went there with an open mind listening to the protesters, reading their pamphlets and all that stuff. I got tear gassed and ran way from cops shooting at me and have to say those protesters were a bunch of fucking idiots. I swear these people knew nothing of the world economy, or the concept of trade or really how other people lived on the other side of the world. They just believe was is fed to them and think to themselves “I want to save the planet” or what ever latest trend would get them laid.

I recall this one guy telling me how the people in Thailand are suffering, and I asked him “have you been there? Did you ask this person yourself” he of course replied “no” and went to I remember this one guy have this “Stop Nike” sign wearing Nike shoes. I for one have not worn Nike shoes since Rebok pumps first came out, I also dont drink Starbucks coffee, havent done for over 2 years. I dont do this because I dont like their commercial practices, but a personal choice as a consumer not liking what they provide me.

So as I was saying, they dont know what they were protesting against. I remember how it was just before Christmas season and the big shopping spree people do and as we were marching downtown Seattle right by all the shops and stores and rows of Starbucks coffee shops that tomorrow all these people will be back here wearing Nike sneakers and drinking their lattes, buying goods they are protesting against today, and complaining why the prices are so high.

Well simply because they didn’t let trade happen. They didn’t let market forces balance out and make things cheaper for them, because they keep buying stuff they are supposedly against.

Trade, for lack of a better word, is good. trade is right. trade works. Trade clarifies, cuts through and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Trade, in all of it’s forms – trade for life, for money, knowledge – has marked the upward surge of mankind and trade.

So Syriana, decent movie, I’d give it a 6/10 it is a bit slow, and “eh” but overall a decent waste of time.

Lets Go Out to Dinner and See a Movie

Why Are They Here?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

I counted 50 of these porters hanging around. They are so pointless to have. I think I saw maybe 10 working the others sitting around doing nothing. I hate how they are demanding.

They will run to your car & even if you are arriving & pushing your cart from the bagge to the car they will shadow you. Then when you reach your car & open the trunk he jumps out & decides to help. Like wtf dont you ask? & where were you when I got the bags?

Who is makinq money from them being here?

Just saw this article on Wired: this treatment 1283, more about 69873,00.html”>2005 May Be Warmest Year Ever

NASA’s Goddard Institute projected that 2005 will surpass 1998 to end as the hottest year globally in the 125 years since reliable records have been kept.

So like dont expect a winter this year.
Just saw this article on Wired: this treatment 1283, more about 69873,00.html”>2005 May Be Warmest Year Ever

NASA’s Goddard Institute projected that 2005 will surpass 1998 to end as the hottest year globally in the 125 years since reliable records have been kept.

So like dont expect a winter this year.
Saw King Kong tonight and have to say it was amazing. There have been mixed reviews about the movie, cheap on the story, treatment the length and other random stuff, prostate but have to say that it all makes for a really good movie. I can see why people can have issues with it cause they are used to watching movies in the comfort of their own homes. Which makes perfect sense now a days. Either we get the DVD or download it and watch it at our own pace.

What I loved about the movie Kong is that unlike other remakes that just sucked with the director’s “re-imagination” of the movies, Peter Jackson kept true to the original feeling and emotion of the movie. This to me made it more appealing and enjoyable. I really got sucked in to the whole story and visuals. You really felt a connection to the characters and their struggles and this includes Kong.

Also the music for today is “>Phish – Junta


You really have to see the band live to get the full effect yet this is a great album to enjoy with a lot of the their big hits and can’t be missed.

The 25 [Somewhat] Shocking Moments in Movie History

Yesterday when walking down the coast by the Parliment building in Kuwait City my friends and I noticed two very large rats roaming around. I wonder what the Majlis al Umma is feeding them?
Yesterday when walking down the coast by the Parliment building in Kuwait City my friends and I noticed two very large rats roaming around. I wonder what the Majlis al Umma is feeding them?
I just did a quiz for myIslam Knowledge. It is pretty easy and straight forward for people who dont know about Islam for it really asks some insightful questions in order to teach.

I got two wrong in it. One was the population of Muslims in the US, eczema stomach
and one about Ramadan (doh).

Give it a try.
Yesterday when walking down the coast by the Parliment building in Kuwait City my friends and I noticed two very large rats roaming around. I wonder what the Majlis al Umma is feeding them?
I just did a quiz for myIslam Knowledge. It is pretty easy and straight forward for people who dont know about Islam for it really asks some insightful questions in order to teach.

I got two wrong in it. One was the population of Muslims in the US, eczema stomach
and one about Ramadan (doh).

Give it a try.
Yesterday when walking down the coast by the Parliment building in Kuwait City my friends and I noticed two very large rats roaming around. I wonder what the Majlis al Umma is feeding them?
I just did a quiz for myIslam Knowledge. It is pretty easy and straight forward for people who dont know about Islam for it really asks some insightful questions in order to teach.

I got two wrong in it. One was the population of Muslims in the US, stomach
and one about Ramadan (doh).

Give it a try.
I just saw this on Metafilter and I know am I in trouble. It is riddle game that is embdeded in html. So basicly you have to figure out what the next level URL is by looking at the clues hidden in the page.

So far I have reached level 10, discount
but thats cause in finding level 5, I found level 10. I will deal with it later when I am at home.

Good Luck.

Yesterday when walking down the coast by the Parliment building in Kuwait City my friends and I noticed two very large rats roaming around. I wonder what the Majlis al Umma is feeding them?
I just did a quiz for myIslam Knowledge. It is pretty easy and straight forward for people who dont know about Islam for it really asks some insightful questions in order to teach.

I got two wrong in it. One was the population of Muslims in the US, eczema stomach
and one about Ramadan (doh).

Give it a try.
Yesterday when walking down the coast by the Parliment building in Kuwait City my friends and I noticed two very large rats roaming around. I wonder what the Majlis al Umma is feeding them?
I just did a quiz for myIslam Knowledge. It is pretty easy and straight forward for people who dont know about Islam for it really asks some insightful questions in order to teach.

I got two wrong in it. One was the population of Muslims in the US, stomach
and one about Ramadan (doh).

Give it a try.
I just saw this on Metafilter and I know am I in trouble. It is riddle game that is embdeded in html. So basicly you have to figure out what the next level URL is by looking at the clues hidden in the page.

So far I have reached level 10, discount
but thats cause in finding level 5, I found level 10. I will deal with it later when I am at home.

Good Luck.

Yesterday when walking down the coast by the Parliment building in Kuwait City my friends and I noticed two very large rats roaming around. I wonder what the Majlis al Umma is feeding them?
I just did a quiz for myIslam Knowledge. It is pretty easy and straight forward for people who dont know about Islam for it really asks some insightful questions in order to teach.

I got two wrong in it. One was the population of Muslims in the US, stomach
and one about Ramadan (doh).

Give it a try.
I just saw this on Metafilter and I know am I in trouble. It is riddle game that is embdeded in html. So basicly you have to figure out what the next level URL is by looking at the clues hidden in the page.

So far I have reached level 10, discount
but thats cause in finding level 5, I found level 10. I will deal with it later when I am at home.

Good Luck.

Premiere Magazine has just released a list of their 25 Most Shocking Moments in Movie History, prostate and have to say some of it is just quite lame and just in there cause they got star power, or just really memorable.

Apple Video Store?

And Them

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

And Them

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Seems some inspiring invidivudal decided to take a peak under the hood of the new iTunes 5.0 and found icons and images for an Apple video store. This could be related to that Morgan Freeman/Intel online video store that they were planning.

I am sure like their music store they will be shoving tons of DRM on those things to make sure I can’t play them on other computers. But if the price is right I won’t mind. Although there are rumors that NetFlix is going to be coming out with the same thing soon.

Like I stated earlier, tablets if the price is right I dont mind using it compared to the annoyances of BitTorrent at times (0 seeds), physician and it gives me the ability to watch shows like regular people, instead of dealing with the censorship in the Kuwait Cinemas, or Hawalli DVD stores.

I really dont know why the Ministry of Information censorship dept still exists. They lost, openly and publicly. We can get books, magazines, dvds uncensored via Aramex, we have circumvented their online censorship system. Satellites are on the top of every house in Kuwait giving them access to every type of channel available with all sorts of content and news.

It reminds me of those Japanese soldiers who after WW2 were still hiding out in the Pacific islands waiting for the Allies to attack, when the rest of the world just moved on.

We Can Do This


Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Did the Suduko puzzle as I am waiting for my car service.


Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Did the Suduko puzzle as I am waiting for my car service.

Just found out that they are 30, somnology 000 taxis working Kuwait! I can’t believe that they are that many roaming the streets of Kuwait, cost and that the government has just released option for 1000 more. What the hell is going on? Has public transportation and city planning turned to such crap that we have to have taxis roaming the streets. It is going to be one madhouse.


Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Did the Suduko puzzle as I am waiting for my car service.

Just found out that they are 30, somnology 000 taxis working Kuwait! I can’t believe that they are that many roaming the streets of Kuwait, cost and that the government has just released option for 1000 more. What the hell is going on? Has public transportation and city planning turned to such crap that we have to have taxis roaming the streets. It is going to be one madhouse.
Just found out that they are 30, somnology 000 taxis working Kuwait! I can’t believe that they are that many roaming the streets of Kuwait, cost and that the government has just released option for 1000 more. What the hell is going on? Has public transportation and city planning turned to such crap that we have to have taxis roaming the streets. It is going to be one madhouse.
This year for Eid I am going to make a list. I always end up forgetting someone so making a list seems the best way to remember and even save it for next Eid. Yet I will have two lists one for people I will just SMS the other to actually call. We are really gotten impersonal with this SMS thing over the years it is a great way to keep contact with people, order
but sometimes it is nice to give em a call and say it with your voice.


Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Did the Suduko puzzle as I am waiting for my car service.

Just found out that they are 30, somnology 000 taxis working Kuwait! I can’t believe that they are that many roaming the streets of Kuwait, cost and that the government has just released option for 1000 more. What the hell is going on? Has public transportation and city planning turned to such crap that we have to have taxis roaming the streets. It is going to be one madhouse.
Just found out that they are 30, somnology 000 taxis working Kuwait! I can’t believe that they are that many roaming the streets of Kuwait, cost and that the government has just released option for 1000 more. What the hell is going on? Has public transportation and city planning turned to such crap that we have to have taxis roaming the streets. It is going to be one madhouse.
This year for Eid I am going to make a list. I always end up forgetting someone so making a list seems the best way to remember and even save it for next Eid. Yet I will have two lists one for people I will just SMS the other to actually call. We are really gotten impersonal with this SMS thing over the years it is a great way to keep contact with people, order
but sometimes it is nice to give em a call and say it with your voice.
This is one of the greatest ideas I’ve seen in a while in terms of guerilla style.

Guerilla Drive-Ins

Can be done in Kuwait using a car, pharmacy with a digital projector and one of those fancy car to regular power adaptor. I like their AM system instead of FM since most of you iTrip people know how much of a pain of an ass it is to setup your iPod. And locations I know a few quiet places.

Batman Training

Todays answers for everything are:

  • burn out
  • got caught
  • bored
  • sex
  • lots of reasons

Todays answers for everything are:

  • burn out
  • got caught
  • bored
  • sex
  • lots of reasons

Purg’s post this morning talking about something called “mandates, bronchi and wanted to know what he meant so looked up some definitions that might be of interest.

  • In Christian theology, a mandate is an order given from God that must be obeyed without question.
  • Instruction, order, permission to allow or permit something to happen.
  • A contract by which one party agrees to perform services for another without payment.

An order giving from God? Could that mean the holy penguin like some sort of saving angel?

Oh then I found this article on “man dates”. Seems the American male has gone super homophone or just really gay. According to the article that men after leaving college have a hard time getting together in a setting where it doesn’t concern sports, beer or women and forgot how to hang out with other guys.

[T]hese scholars say, two things changed during the last century: an increased public awareness of homosexuality created a stigma around male intimacy, and at the same time women began encroaching on traditionally male spheres, causing men to become more defensive about notions of masculinity.

They would have a real issue in Kuwait then when hanging out with other guys is like the social norm. We really embraced the whole male bonding thing in Kuwait with our Diwaniyas, hell we even go shopping together! I remember when I was in the US and my brother came to visit and we went shopping. Some American friends were confused and weirded out by how can I go shopping with another male.

Well what ever it is that the American male needs to do to get his balls back, cause those feminazis have done a great job of ripping them off.
Todays answers for everything are:

  • burn out
  • got caught
  • bored
  • sex
  • lots of reasons

Purg’s post this morning talking about something called “mandates, bronchi and wanted to know what he meant so looked up some definitions that might be of interest.

  • In Christian theology, a mandate is an order given from God that must be obeyed without question.
  • Instruction, order, permission to allow or permit something to happen.
  • A contract by which one party agrees to perform services for another without payment.

An order giving from God? Could that mean the holy penguin like some sort of saving angel?

Oh then I found this article on “man dates”. Seems the American male has gone super homophone or just really gay. According to the article that men after leaving college have a hard time getting together in a setting where it doesn’t concern sports, beer or women and forgot how to hang out with other guys.

[T]hese scholars say, two things changed during the last century: an increased public awareness of homosexuality created a stigma around male intimacy, and at the same time women began encroaching on traditionally male spheres, causing men to become more defensive about notions of masculinity.

They would have a real issue in Kuwait then when hanging out with other guys is like the social norm. We really embraced the whole male bonding thing in Kuwait with our Diwaniyas, hell we even go shopping together! I remember when I was in the US and my brother came to visit and we went shopping. Some American friends were confused and weirded out by how can I go shopping with another male.

Well what ever it is that the American male needs to do to get his balls back, cause those feminazis have done a great job of ripping them off.
Purg’s post this morning talking about something called “mandates, bronchi and wanted to know what he meant so looked up some definitions that might be of interest.

  • In Christian theology, a mandate is an order given from God that must be obeyed without question.
  • Instruction, order, permission to allow or permit something to happen.
  • A contract by which one party agrees to perform services for another without payment.

An order giving from God? Could that mean the holy penguin like some sort of saving angel?

Oh then I found this article on “man dates”. Seems the American male has gone super homophone or just really gay. According to the article that men after leaving college have a hard time getting together in a setting where it doesn’t concern sports, beer or women and forgot how to hang out with other guys.

[T]hese scholars say, two things changed during the last century: an increased public awareness of homosexuality created a stigma around male intimacy, and at the same time women began encroaching on traditionally male spheres, causing men to become more defensive about notions of masculinity.

They would have a real issue in Kuwait then when hanging out with other guys is like the social norm. We really embraced the whole male bonding thing in Kuwait with our Diwaniyas, hell we even go shopping together! I remember when I was in the US and my brother came to visit and we went shopping. Some American friends were confused and weirded out by how can I go shopping with another male.

Well what ever it is that the American male needs to do to get his balls back, cause those feminazis have done a great job of ripping them off.
Well thing I am almost done with tweaking my blog. Got the theme kinda where I want it, stomach
there are some issues still but that something that will be fixed when I move to 2by4.org. Was working on the archives and the colophon just now and its all good.

Oh if you want to be added to my link list put a comment. This is going to be your one chance to get added before I get lazy again and just lag on it, unless you offer me sexual favors or ice cream.

Saw Batman finally! I feel mixed about the movie I liked it, and also had some issues with it. The timeline stuff annoyed me and characters. Thats mostly cause I read the comic and when you been reading a story for a couple years you get annoyed when they start changing stuff for movies. The action was great, but I really wanted to see Christian Bale act more without the costume. It was nice to see a comic character with more focus on his personal stuff then them running around in tights and beating people up. Cause at the end its all about the killer origin story.

Video Friday

It is 20:34: and I am still at home.
OK I am outta here need to go out before I get cabin fever.
It is 20:34: and I am still at home.
OK I am outta here need to go out before I get cabin fever.
It is 20:34: and I am still at home.
OK I am outta here need to go out before I get cabin fever.

Man bring back memories of New York and seeing him live at Roseland and then at the Tibet concert at Carnegie Hall.

Wow this crowd rocks they are singing Rebel Rebel with him and just doing it loud.

But nothing beats seeing him in Roseland and he does the whole Low album LIVE! One of my dreams in life when I went to the US was to see him live and play Always Crashing in the Same Car, youth health
and meeting up with random Bowie fans.

Good time, good times.
It is 20:34: and I am still at home.
OK I am outta here need to go out before I get cabin fever.
It is 20:34: and I am still at home.
OK I am outta here need to go out before I get cabin fever.

Man bring back memories of New York and seeing him live at Roseland and then at the Tibet concert at Carnegie Hall.

Wow this crowd rocks they are singing Rebel Rebel with him and just doing it loud.

But nothing beats seeing him in Roseland and he does the whole Low album LIVE! One of my dreams in life when I went to the US was to see him live and play Always Crashing in the Same Car, youth health
and meeting up with random Bowie fans.

Good time, good times.
It is 20:34: and I am still at home.
OK I am outta here need to go out before I get cabin fever.

Man bring back memories of New York and seeing him live at Roseland and then at the Tibet concert at Carnegie Hall.

Wow this crowd rocks they are singing Rebel Rebel with him and just doing it loud.

But nothing beats seeing him in Roseland and he does the whole Low album LIVE! One of my dreams in life when I went to the US was to see him live and play Always Crashing in the Same Car, youth health
and meeting up with random Bowie fans.

Good time, good times.

Definitly Black Orchid

The Heat is On!

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Just got in my car &the temp hit 50 C.

The Heat is On!

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Just got in my car &the temp hit 50 C.

The Heat is On!

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Just got in my car &the temp hit 50 C.

They are showing West Side Story on MBC2. This movie is just good, information pills
I need to see the stage production of it. My Dad and I were annoyed we missed the Jets/Sharks bit but we got to see the I Feel Pretty part.

It is still not done, but they just had the rumble.