We’re Jamming

They are slowing getting rid of those old building down in Kuwait city. This is a mixed thing. Its good to get rid of those decaying buildings and bad cause they been there so long we kinda got used to them.

So I went there and took pan pictures of it from behind and some from infront. So that there be some history of it.

The Location is behind Jashalmall across the street from Muthana Complex or N 29 21’53” E 47 57’52”.

N 29 21’53” E 47 57’52” – a photoset on Flickr

They are slowing getting rid of those old building down in Kuwait city. This is a mixed thing. Its good to get rid of those decaying buildings and bad cause they been there so long we kinda got used to them.

So I went there and took pan pictures of it from behind and some from infront. So that there be some history of it.

The Location is behind Jashalmall across the street from Muthana Complex or N 29 21’53” E 47 57’52”.

N 29 21’53” E 47 57’52” – a photoset on Flickr

Earlier tonight my dad took me to those new shop that opened in Shuwaik near Ikea and stuff. It is right next to, decease or part of Homes R Us. The place is called Daiso, help it sells everything Japanese, and for only 500fil.

And I mean everything for 500fils. They have some cool stuff there, from the kitchen to the office, even for outdoors. I didn’t venture to the womens section but I did see some make up stuff.

If you are into Japanese stuff, go check it out, and if your into cheap stuff (500fils) go check it out, you will find something that you want or dont want but will get just cause of the price.

I really suggest there stationary section and the kitcen section, those were cool things. Also you find those random stuff that only Japan makes and you go “what the hell is this?” Cause everything on the packaging is in Japanese.
They are slowing getting rid of those old building down in Kuwait city. This is a mixed thing. Its good to get rid of those decaying buildings and bad cause they been there so long we kinda got used to them.

So I went there and took pan pictures of it from behind and some from infront. So that there be some history of it.

The Location is behind Jashalmall across the street from Muthana Complex or N 29 21’53” E 47 57’52”.

N 29 21’53” E 47 57’52” – a photoset on Flickr

Earlier tonight my dad took me to those new shop that opened in Shuwaik near Ikea and stuff. It is right next to, decease or part of Homes R Us. The place is called Daiso, help it sells everything Japanese, and for only 500fil.

And I mean everything for 500fils. They have some cool stuff there, from the kitchen to the office, even for outdoors. I didn’t venture to the womens section but I did see some make up stuff.

If you are into Japanese stuff, go check it out, and if your into cheap stuff (500fils) go check it out, you will find something that you want or dont want but will get just cause of the price.

I really suggest there stationary section and the kitcen section, those were cool things. Also you find those random stuff that only Japan makes and you go “what the hell is this?” Cause everything on the packaging is in Japanese.
Seems MBC2 has become MBC4.

We all enjoyed MBC2 choice of movies and sitcoms, ampoule and now with OneTV we get double the pleasure, pestilence but now MBC not to be out down has gone and made MBC2 an all movie channel, viagra dosage and MBC4 a sitcom channel.

What does this mean? More TV that I will not watch. I myself enjoyed One at first but got annoyed when they were censoring shows by getting rid of questionable scenes and beeping out swear words. They have done this with Devil’s Advocate and even Everybody Loves Raymond. MBC from what I seen has not done this and been showing shows in their original format. But like I said I dont watch much TV.

Yet with all this free stuff I think we will still have Orbit and Showtime at home. I like the ability to watch movies and shows uncut and uncensored. I am old enough to make my own choices.
They are slowing getting rid of those old building down in Kuwait city. This is a mixed thing. Its good to get rid of those decaying buildings and bad cause they been there so long we kinda got used to them.

So I went there and took pan pictures of it from behind and some from infront. So that there be some history of it.

The Location is behind Jashalmall across the street from Muthana Complex or N 29 21’53” E 47 57’52”.

N 29 21’53” E 47 57’52” – a photoset on Flickr

Earlier tonight my dad took me to those new shop that opened in Shuwaik near Ikea and stuff. It is right next to, decease or part of Homes R Us. The place is called Daiso, help it sells everything Japanese, and for only 500fil.

And I mean everything for 500fils. They have some cool stuff there, from the kitchen to the office, even for outdoors. I didn’t venture to the womens section but I did see some make up stuff.

If you are into Japanese stuff, go check it out, and if your into cheap stuff (500fils) go check it out, you will find something that you want or dont want but will get just cause of the price.

I really suggest there stationary section and the kitcen section, those were cool things. Also you find those random stuff that only Japan makes and you go “what the hell is this?” Cause everything on the packaging is in Japanese.
Seems MBC2 has become MBC4.

We all enjoyed MBC2 choice of movies and sitcoms, ampoule and now with OneTV we get double the pleasure, pestilence but now MBC not to be out down has gone and made MBC2 an all movie channel, viagra dosage and MBC4 a sitcom channel.

What does this mean? More TV that I will not watch. I myself enjoyed One at first but got annoyed when they were censoring shows by getting rid of questionable scenes and beeping out swear words. They have done this with Devil’s Advocate and even Everybody Loves Raymond. MBC from what I seen has not done this and been showing shows in their original format. But like I said I dont watch much TV.

Yet with all this free stuff I think we will still have Orbit and Showtime at home. I like the ability to watch movies and shows uncut and uncensored. I am old enough to make my own choices.
Seem in New York people are using cell phone jammers in public places to get some quiet time.

I feel mixed about this, dosage I really get annoyed when the few time I went to the cinema in Kuwait and have no cell service even when my phone is on silent. Yet hate it when I am in a public place or even with my friends and hear other people’s phone conversation.

I always try not to answer my phone, this and if I have to I will walk away to a spot where I dont bother anyone with it.

I think it will be cool to see in Kuwait in the Starbucks in Malls, see how people can live without their phones ringing all the time and yakiting with their bluetooth headset and walking with their phone in their hand.

I wouldn’t mind getting one for some fun in Kuwait.

Bluetoothing in Kuwait

Reason: Neal Stephenson talk about the Future

Reason: Neal Stephenson talk about the Future

I could never figure out bluetoothing in Kuwait, anaemia it just seems too complicated and confusing. Just sending messages and files to random names on your bluetooth search looking for a reaction in the crowd then repeating it to make sure and have some fake conversation with someone you aren’t sure if is a guy or girl. Then when you finally thing your getting somewhere, online they disappear. I dont get how people do it on a constant basis.

I thought it would be really practical to have some codes in your name like MF for Male Seeking Female then your name so people can learn to avoid you. But I am sure hte ones that are FM (female seeking male) would get tons of messages. But also listing how far you want to go like:

  • Casual Chat [C]
  • Dating [D]
  • One time Sex [S]

So you would get something like this MFC-SLk230
Male Seeeking Female for Casual Chat

I think that would make things much easier in terms of hooking up. Or you can pay for this program :Proxidatin. Which lets you create a profile with what your looking for, and add a picture of yourself and will search for people meeting your criteria and whe it does, it will ring and show your their picture.

I think my idea is cheaper and easier.

Tagging Email

49G60009.jpg The Burger King kids meal toy. Dexter flys real high. Really one
of best toys Ive seen.
49G60009.jpg The Burger King kids meal toy. Dexter flys real high. Really one
of best toys Ive seen.
49G60009.jpg The Burger King kids meal toy. Dexter flys real high. Really one
of best toys Ive seen.
To me this is scary: sanitary
cure caffeine” href=”http://www.indystar.co
m/articles/9/183885-1109-223.html”>New drink mixes beer with herbs, health system
caffeine, order
it actually makes t
he Cellphone Barbie seem log
ical and thought out.

Anheuser-Busch is unveiling a new concoction — a fruity-smelling beer, spiked with caffei
ne, guarana and ginseng.

Who would drink this? It sounds like stuff kids would mix and dare each other to drink. I like how the
article mentions “pending governmental approval” just adds more fear and uncertainty to it.
49G60009.jpg The Burger King kids meal toy. Dexter flys real high. Really one
of best toys Ive seen.
49G60009.jpg The Burger King kids meal toy. Dexter flys real high. Really one
of best toys Ive seen.
To me this is scary: sanitary
cure caffeine” href=”http://www.indystar.co
m/articles/9/183885-1109-223.html”>New drink mixes beer with herbs, health system
caffeine, order
it actually makes t
he Cellphone Barbie seem log
ical and thought out.

Anheuser-Busch is unveiling a new concoction — a fruity-smelling beer, spiked with caffei
ne, guarana and ginseng.

Who would drink this? It sounds like stuff kids would mix and dare each other to drink. I like how the
article mentions “pending governmental approval” just adds more fear and uncertainty to it.
I need to stop borrowing cars and just buy a new one.

Already today I had a flat tire in Wafra (This is the 3rd with this car). Then at night when I was abo
ut ot go home from friends Diwaniya the car wouldn’t start (battery died) and when we were doing the j
ump when my friend locked the keys in the car (I was by the engine).

So screw this crap, case Saturday I am buying a new car.
49G60009.jpg The Burger King kids meal toy. Dexter flys real high. Really one
of best toys Ive seen.
49G60009.jpg The Burger King kids meal toy. Dexter flys real high. Really one
of best toys Ive seen.
To me this is scary: sanitary
cure caffeine” href=”http://www.indystar.co
m/articles/9/183885-1109-223.html”>New drink mixes beer with herbs, health system
caffeine, order
it actually makes t
he Cellphone Barbie seem log
ical and thought out.

Anheuser-Busch is unveiling a new concoction — a fruity-smelling beer, spiked with caffei
ne, guarana and ginseng.

Who would drink this? It sounds like stuff kids would mix and dare each other to drink. I like how the
article mentions “pending governmental approval” just adds more fear and uncertainty to it.
I need to stop borrowing cars and just buy a new one.

Already today I had a flat tire in Wafra (This is the 3rd with this car). Then at night when I was abo
ut ot go home from friends Diwaniya the car wouldn’t start (battery died) and when we were doing the j
ump when my friend locked the keys in the car (I was by the engine).

So screw this crap, case Saturday I am buying a new car.
I found this at the sheesha place. It was a shock to see it just there. Questions of where did it come
from, bulimics how did it get there, rx and why is it here!

49G60009.jpg The Burger King kids meal toy. Dexter flys real high. Really one
of best toys Ive seen.
49G60009.jpg The Burger King kids meal toy. Dexter flys real high. Really one
of best toys Ive seen.
To me this is scary: sanitary
cure caffeine” href=”http://www.indystar.co
m/articles/9/183885-1109-223.html”>New drink mixes beer with herbs, health system
caffeine, order
it actually makes t
he Cellphone Barbie seem log
ical and thought out.

Anheuser-Busch is unveiling a new concoction — a fruity-smelling beer, spiked with caffei
ne, guarana and ginseng.

Who would drink this? It sounds like stuff kids would mix and dare each other to drink. I like how the
article mentions “pending governmental approval” just adds more fear and uncertainty to it.
I need to stop borrowing cars and just buy a new one.

Already today I had a flat tire in Wafra (This is the 3rd with this car). Then at night when I was abo
ut ot go home from friends Diwaniya the car wouldn’t start (battery died) and when we were doing the j
ump when my friend locked the keys in the car (I was by the engine).

So screw this crap, case Saturday I am buying a new car.
I found this at the sheesha place. It was a shock to see it just there. Questions of where did it come
from, bulimics how did it get there, rx and why is it here!

I found this at the sheesha place. It was a shock to see it just there. Questions of where did it come
from, bulimics how did it get there, rx and why is it here!

One of my favorite books is _ it talks about how plants mutate and grow. It is a fascinating read into the lives of apples, more about
potatoes, public health
tulips, marijuana and. The way they mutate and trick humans to protect and spread them.

So with this past week with the living room being painted my brother and I retreated to the garden. Thankfully our weather lately has been just right so spending time outside was very pleasent. Just sitting outside with nature and the greenry sourounding you just takes you to a different world.

One thing of not being outside is how are garden grows teh way the trees fight with the palm trees for sun light, and the
49G60009.jpg The Burger King kids meal toy. Dexter flys real high. Really one
of best toys Ive seen.
49G60009.jpg The Burger King kids meal toy. Dexter flys real high. Really one
of best toys Ive seen.
To me this is scary: sanitary
cure caffeine” href=”http://www.indystar.co
m/articles/9/183885-1109-223.html”>New drink mixes beer with herbs, health system
caffeine, order
it actually makes t
he Cellphone Barbie seem log
ical and thought out.

Anheuser-Busch is unveiling a new concoction — a fruity-smelling beer, spiked with caffei
ne, guarana and ginseng.

Who would drink this? It sounds like stuff kids would mix and dare each other to drink. I like how the
article mentions “pending governmental approval” just adds more fear and uncertainty to it.
I need to stop borrowing cars and just buy a new one.

Already today I had a flat tire in Wafra (This is the 3rd with this car). Then at night when I was abo
ut ot go home from friends Diwaniya the car wouldn’t start (battery died) and when we were doing the j
ump when my friend locked the keys in the car (I was by the engine).

So screw this crap, case Saturday I am buying a new car.
I found this at the sheesha place. It was a shock to see it just there. Questions of where did it come
from, bulimics how did it get there, rx and why is it here!

I found this at the sheesha place. It was a shock to see it just there. Questions of where did it come
from, bulimics how did it get there, rx and why is it here!

One of my favorite books is _ it talks about how plants mutate and grow. It is a fascinating read into the lives of apples, more about
potatoes, public health
tulips, marijuana and. The way they mutate and trick humans to protect and spread them.

So with this past week with the living room being painted my brother and I retreated to the garden. Thankfully our weather lately has been just right so spending time outside was very pleasent. Just sitting outside with nature and the greenry sourounding you just takes you to a different world.

One thing of not being outside is how are garden grows teh way the trees fight with the palm trees for sun light, and the
Lately this week I have been staying home at nights. I did go out for dinner and some family obligations, anaemia but those nights I just wanted to get home and get some rest. Yet that wasn’t fully possible since they were painting the living room, diagnosis so I didn’t have any place just to relax. I would spend time in the garden and been enjoying it
49G60009.jpg The Burger King kids meal toy. Dexter flys real high. Really one
of best toys Ive seen.
49G60009.jpg The Burger King kids meal toy. Dexter flys real high. Really one
of best toys Ive seen.
To me this is scary: sanitary
cure caffeine” href=”http://www.indystar.co
m/articles/9/183885-1109-223.html”>New drink mixes beer with herbs, health system
caffeine, order
it actually makes t
he Cellphone Barbie seem log
ical and thought out.

Anheuser-Busch is unveiling a new concoction — a fruity-smelling beer, spiked with caffei
ne, guarana and ginseng.

Who would drink this? It sounds like stuff kids would mix and dare each other to drink. I like how the
article mentions “pending governmental approval” just adds more fear and uncertainty to it.
I need to stop borrowing cars and just buy a new one.

Already today I had a flat tire in Wafra (This is the 3rd with this car). Then at night when I was abo
ut ot go home from friends Diwaniya the car wouldn’t start (battery died) and when we were doing the j
ump when my friend locked the keys in the car (I was by the engine).

So screw this crap, case Saturday I am buying a new car.
I found this at the sheesha place. It was a shock to see it just there. Questions of where did it come
from, bulimics how did it get there, rx and why is it here!

I found this at the sheesha place. It was a shock to see it just there. Questions of where did it come
from, bulimics how did it get there, rx and why is it here!

One of my favorite books is _ it talks about how plants mutate and grow. It is a fascinating read into the lives of apples, more about
potatoes, public health
tulips, marijuana and. The way they mutate and trick humans to protect and spread them.

So with this past week with the living room being painted my brother and I retreated to the garden. Thankfully our weather lately has been just right so spending time outside was very pleasent. Just sitting outside with nature and the greenry sourounding you just takes you to a different world.

One thing of not being outside is how are garden grows teh way the trees fight with the palm trees for sun light, and the
Lately this week I have been staying home at nights. I did go out for dinner and some family obligations, anaemia but those nights I just wanted to get home and get some rest. Yet that wasn’t fully possible since they were painting the living room, diagnosis so I didn’t have any place just to relax. I would spend time in the garden and been enjoying it
I am one of the worst people when it comes to replying to email, urticaria even just organizing it I suck at. I just leave in my box and just let is sit there taking up space. My current inbox is 219 unread messages and It was 654 total messages.
So as I am sorting my emails one by one, drugs reading and deciding where to put them I thought why can’t I use tags on these babies. It would be so practical and useful.

I got an email of some new price quotes from a company called Bhutan Trading Co. (BTC) that deals in pencil sharpeners. I can tag that email with “btc” “quotes” “offer” and “MUSTreply“pencil sharpeners”.

This would give me the ability to track back on all my tags that concern btc and price quotes and resharpens. So later I want to find all offers I have for pencil sharpeners. I just choose to show tags that are “offers” and “pencil sharpeners” and give me a nice list of emails that are tagged with that.

Just tossed this idea to someone he said it can be easily done by placing the stuff in the header. I would love to see this in action cause I would defiantly be using it.

Life Syndicated

I signed up for this service called Email Roulette. Basicly you create an account and you send an email and it goes to someone random who also subscribed to the service and they have the option to either reply or not. Its all anonymous and its like a message in a bottle pen pal system.

I will see what happens with it but seems it will be fun if people reply and stuff.

I signed up for this service called Email Roulette. Basicly you create an account and you send an email and it goes to someone random who also subscribed to the service and they have the option to either reply or not. Its all anonymous and its like a message in a bottle pen pal system.

I will see what happens with it but seems it will be fun if people reply and stuff.

I signed up for this service called Email Roulette. Basicly you create an account and you send an email and it goes to someone random who also subscribed to the service and they have the option to either reply or not. Its all anonymous and its like a message in a bottle pen pal system.

I will see what happens with it but seems it will be fun if people reply and stuff.

I am sick of social networks like Orkut Friendster, order
and Tribe. They have a great idea, purchase
of just connecting people and showing who is connected to who, and a place for people to get together. But they have one crutch, its centralized so you have to log in to actually check on messages and people, and no one has time for that.

I think the future of networking is blogs and syndication.

With blogs you have a quick glance of the persons life, you can see who they know by their links. Their links can have tons of meta data using XFN. Which allows you to saw who you are close to, neighbors, friend, business associate etc. I think it needs more work in the linking options but its simple and basic so thats a plus for it.

Also in a blog you can have other information with syndication system. With people using Amazon and Netflix they can get a feed showing what they just rented, read, got etc. Like how I have my listening and reading on the right. Thats just an rss feed from del.icio.us. Also my Flickr pics are there on what I am seeing.

But we can take it on step further with a complete syndication. My friends can just subscribe to my feed, and without visiting my blog. Friends can get my zeitgeist of what I am doing, reading, watch, listening, and taking picture of. Also I can attach some sort of “where am I” so it updates it on my location when I am traveling or just in town.

They are lots of options and ideas, but the main focus is sharing your life with your friends easily. I think slowly we are going to be reaching there.

Its all Meta

Mozilla Update :: Extensions — More Info: User Agent Switcher

Mozilla Update :: Extensions — More Info: User Agent Switcher

I just got me a nice stack of some Playboys from 1974-1982. These things are great I love old magazines I see them as a zeitgesit of our life and times. But Playboys is what I love to collect in terms of magazines, more about they had the best articles, interviews and commentary. The pictures they showed then are so tame compared to what is available in new stands now and this is just comparing them to Maxim and FHM. But Bo Derek is still a 10 in my book.

All of them have the centerfold still in them, which makes them extra valuable. One or two I already have, some I’ve seen in the stores before but just browsed through them. Some really good stuff in these things. I dont think I will find a better one than the interview with Stanley Kubrick I got, thats my pride and joy.
Mozilla Update :: Extensions — More Info: User Agent Switcher

I just got me a nice stack of some Playboys from 1974-1982. These things are great I love old magazines I see them as a zeitgesit of our life and times. But Playboys is what I love to collect in terms of magazines, more about they had the best articles, interviews and commentary. The pictures they showed then are so tame compared to what is available in new stands now and this is just comparing them to Maxim and FHM. But Bo Derek is still a 10 in my book.

All of them have the centerfold still in them, which makes them extra valuable. One or two I already have, some I’ve seen in the stores before but just browsed through them. Some really good stuff in these things. I dont think I will find a better one than the interview with Stanley Kubrick I got, thats my pride and joy.
What a quiet day, viagra sale I can’t pin point it just has this strange feeling to it. The roads were empty on the way to work this morning, physician even some shops didn’t even bother opening up. It really gets annoying when government and commerical sectors conflict on vacations. It just not good for business. Only benifit it gives companies that are open time to clean their desks and arrange stuff in peace.

I had a good weekend. A weekend of sex, phthisiatrician sleep and html. Which is what I planned, there were other plans that didn’t come out that well, but it was enjoyable.

I checked out the Life Mall in Shuwaik next to Ikea. Nice place its has Eureka and Midas there, so if you looking for stuff for the home thats where to one stop shop. One plus it has nice underground parking, which was great on Saturday with that rain.

Eid was quiet and festive in its own way. It is not the same as Eid Al-Fitr with the people and the just this confused look on people’s faces when someone offers them something to drink forgeting that ramadan is over.
Mozilla Update :: Extensions — More Info: User Agent Switcher

I just got me a nice stack of some Playboys from 1974-1982. These things are great I love old magazines I see them as a zeitgesit of our life and times. But Playboys is what I love to collect in terms of magazines, more about they had the best articles, interviews and commentary. The pictures they showed then are so tame compared to what is available in new stands now and this is just comparing them to Maxim and FHM. But Bo Derek is still a 10 in my book.

All of them have the centerfold still in them, which makes them extra valuable. One or two I already have, some I’ve seen in the stores before but just browsed through them. Some really good stuff in these things. I dont think I will find a better one than the interview with Stanley Kubrick I got, thats my pride and joy.
What a quiet day, viagra sale I can’t pin point it just has this strange feeling to it. The roads were empty on the way to work this morning, physician even some shops didn’t even bother opening up. It really gets annoying when government and commerical sectors conflict on vacations. It just not good for business. Only benifit it gives companies that are open time to clean their desks and arrange stuff in peace.

I had a good weekend. A weekend of sex, phthisiatrician sleep and html. Which is what I planned, there were other plans that didn’t come out that well, but it was enjoyable.

I checked out the Life Mall in Shuwaik next to Ikea. Nice place its has Eureka and Midas there, so if you looking for stuff for the home thats where to one stop shop. One plus it has nice underground parking, which was great on Saturday with that rain.

Eid was quiet and festive in its own way. It is not the same as Eid Al-Fitr with the people and the just this confused look on people’s faces when someone offers them something to drink forgeting that ramadan is over.
What a quiet day, viagra sale I can’t pin point it just has this strange feeling to it. The roads were empty on the way to work this morning, physician even some shops didn’t even bother opening up. It really gets annoying when government and commerical sectors conflict on vacations. It just not good for business. Only benifit it gives companies that are open time to clean their desks and arrange stuff in peace.

I had a good weekend. A weekend of sex, phthisiatrician sleep and html. Which is what I planned, there were other plans that didn’t come out that well, but it was enjoyable.

I checked out the Life Mall in Shuwaik next to Ikea. Nice place its has Eureka and Midas there, so if you looking for stuff for the home thats where to one stop shop. One plus it has nice underground parking, which was great on Saturday with that rain.

Eid was quiet and festive in its own way. It is not the same as Eid Al-Fitr with the people and the just this confused look on people’s faces when someone offers them something to drink forgeting that ramadan is over.
We are doomed, treatment there is going be no more questions in the future. I thought Kuwait GIS with the option to see pictures of certain buildings was cool. Now Amazon.com does this. You can put an address and it will show you the picture of it, price
and the neighbor buildings and shops around it. And you can also upload your own.

I thought Flickr with their tags was amazing, and how Technorati tagswas cool with it getting pics from Flickr and del.icio.us links.

I tell you once cameras start having full implementation of the standards so it can remeber GPS coords, its just going to go crazy. So when I upload my pics from Sharm El Shiek, it will remeber every point I took that picture. So if someone were to search for an address. It will show pics located near it. Youll be able to have a real view of locations by looking at other peoples pictures when you are thinking of travel destinations, or lost and trying to find where this place is you can access pictures around that area so you can use as landmarks.

I am scared and amazed at the same time with what the future holds.

Keep Track of Comments

I signed up for this service called Email Roulette. Basicly you create an account and you send an email and it goes to someone random who also subscribed to the service and they have the option to either reply or not. Its all anonymous and its like a message in a bottle pen pal system.

I will see what happens with it but seems it will be fun if people reply and stuff.

I signed up for this service called Email Roulette. Basicly you create an account and you send an email and it goes to someone random who also subscribed to the service and they have the option to either reply or not. Its all anonymous and its like a message in a bottle pen pal system.

I will see what happens with it but seems it will be fun if people reply and stuff.

I signed up for this service called Email Roulette. Basicly you create an account and you send an email and it goes to someone random who also subscribed to the service and they have the option to either reply or not. Its all anonymous and its like a message in a bottle pen pal system.

I will see what happens with it but seems it will be fun if people reply and stuff.

I am sick of social networks like Orkut Friendster, order
and Tribe. They have a great idea, purchase
of just connecting people and showing who is connected to who, and a place for people to get together. But they have one crutch, its centralized so you have to log in to actually check on messages and people, and no one has time for that.

I think the future of networking is blogs and syndication.

With blogs you have a quick glance of the persons life, you can see who they know by their links. Their links can have tons of meta data using XFN. Which allows you to saw who you are close to, neighbors, friend, business associate etc. I think it needs more work in the linking options but its simple and basic so thats a plus for it.

Also in a blog you can have other information with syndication system. With people using Amazon and Netflix they can get a feed showing what they just rented, read, got etc. Like how I have my listening and reading on the right. Thats just an rss feed from del.icio.us. Also my Flickr pics are there on what I am seeing.

But we can take it on step further with a complete syndication. My friends can just subscribe to my feed, and without visiting my blog. Friends can get my zeitgeist of what I am doing, reading, watch, listening, and taking picture of. Also I can attach some sort of “where am I” so it updates it on my location when I am traveling or just in town.

They are lots of options and ideas, but the main focus is sharing your life with your friends easily. I think slowly we are going to be reaching there.
I signed up for this service called Email Roulette. Basicly you create an account and you send an email and it goes to someone random who also subscribed to the service and they have the option to either reply or not. Its all anonymous and its like a message in a bottle pen pal system.

I will see what happens with it but seems it will be fun if people reply and stuff.

I signed up for this service called Email Roulette. Basicly you create an account and you send an email and it goes to someone random who also subscribed to the service and they have the option to either reply or not. Its all anonymous and its like a message in a bottle pen pal system.

I will see what happens with it but seems it will be fun if people reply and stuff.

I am sick of social networks like Orkut Friendster, order
and Tribe. They have a great idea, purchase
of just connecting people and showing who is connected to who, and a place for people to get together. But they have one crutch, its centralized so you have to log in to actually check on messages and people, and no one has time for that.

I think the future of networking is blogs and syndication.

With blogs you have a quick glance of the persons life, you can see who they know by their links. Their links can have tons of meta data using XFN. Which allows you to saw who you are close to, neighbors, friend, business associate etc. I think it needs more work in the linking options but its simple and basic so thats a plus for it.

Also in a blog you can have other information with syndication system. With people using Amazon and Netflix they can get a feed showing what they just rented, read, got etc. Like how I have my listening and reading on the right. Thats just an rss feed from del.icio.us. Also my Flickr pics are there on what I am seeing.

But we can take it on step further with a complete syndication. My friends can just subscribe to my feed, and without visiting my blog. Friends can get my zeitgeist of what I am doing, reading, watch, listening, and taking picture of. Also I can attach some sort of “where am I” so it updates it on my location when I am traveling or just in town.

They are lots of options and ideas, but the main focus is sharing your life with your friends easily. I think slowly we are going to be reaching there.
I noticed something about myself lately, viagra I have strange routines. Well its more like routes.

Like today for example:

I went to the airport twice, and both times picking someone up from Sheraton Hotel.
Both just happened. It wasn’t planned or coordinated.

Or days where I roam around certain areas. Its like I am stuck there. Like when I have work in Shuwaik and just hover and roam around that area all day going back to certain locations again and again but for totally different reasons like someone calling me to get sent there.

Its all very strange, I need to figure out a way to place breadcrumbs on the street to keep track of the places I went that day and see if there is some large patern in my life I dont know about. Like if I dont spend X amount of time in Kuwait City my body goes through weird withdrawls, so it drags me back there to get my fix.

I signed up for this service called Email Roulette. Basicly you create an account and you send an email and it goes to someone random who also subscribed to the service and they have the option to either reply or not. Its all anonymous and its like a message in a bottle pen pal system.

I will see what happens with it but seems it will be fun if people reply and stuff.

I signed up for this service called Email Roulette. Basicly you create an account and you send an email and it goes to someone random who also subscribed to the service and they have the option to either reply or not. Its all anonymous and its like a message in a bottle pen pal system.

I will see what happens with it but seems it will be fun if people reply and stuff.

I am sick of social networks like Orkut Friendster, order
and Tribe. They have a great idea, purchase
of just connecting people and showing who is connected to who, and a place for people to get together. But they have one crutch, its centralized so you have to log in to actually check on messages and people, and no one has time for that.

I think the future of networking is blogs and syndication.

With blogs you have a quick glance of the persons life, you can see who they know by their links. Their links can have tons of meta data using XFN. Which allows you to saw who you are close to, neighbors, friend, business associate etc. I think it needs more work in the linking options but its simple and basic so thats a plus for it.

Also in a blog you can have other information with syndication system. With people using Amazon and Netflix they can get a feed showing what they just rented, read, got etc. Like how I have my listening and reading on the right. Thats just an rss feed from del.icio.us. Also my Flickr pics are there on what I am seeing.

But we can take it on step further with a complete syndication. My friends can just subscribe to my feed, and without visiting my blog. Friends can get my zeitgeist of what I am doing, reading, watch, listening, and taking picture of. Also I can attach some sort of “where am I” so it updates it on my location when I am traveling or just in town.

They are lots of options and ideas, but the main focus is sharing your life with your friends easily. I think slowly we are going to be reaching there.
I noticed something about myself lately, viagra I have strange routines. Well its more like routes.

Like today for example:

I went to the airport twice, and both times picking someone up from Sheraton Hotel.
Both just happened. It wasn’t planned or coordinated.

Or days where I roam around certain areas. Its like I am stuck there. Like when I have work in Shuwaik and just hover and roam around that area all day going back to certain locations again and again but for totally different reasons like someone calling me to get sent there.

Its all very strange, I need to figure out a way to place breadcrumbs on the street to keep track of the places I went that day and see if there is some large patern in my life I dont know about. Like if I dont spend X amount of time in Kuwait City my body goes through weird withdrawls, so it drags me back there to get my fix.

Everyone is looking for some way to keep track of the comments they post, neurologist sometimes it just too tough to remeber where you even posted it.

I started using a system that is working pretty good. I am using Firefox’s Live Bookmarks and del.icio.us bookmarklet on Firefox. So when ever I post a comments I just hit on that bookmarklet and put the tag: comments and maybe some short describtion in the extended so I remeber what I posted about.

Then I visit my del.icio.us page and look at the comments tags [del.icio.us/YOURUSERNAME/comments]. There I see on the bottom right of Firefox an orange square with white dashes. I click on it and subscibe to that feed, view and name it Comments.

And there we go. Just look at your Bookmarks and check out the Comments part and you will see the latest tags that you have placed in there. The benifit of this is that I can go access any computer and will have that information. Which is great for spending time at the computer at work and at home.

I hope that made some sense, its late and I am tired. And you will need to make a del.icio.us account to use it btw.

Where are the intellectuals?

32 Hours 7
is the true story behind The Cannonball Run
32 Hours 7
is the true story behind The Cannonball Run
I was talking to bozwayed tonight, healthful and we talked about
politics, surgeon life, religion, art, love, friends, family and everything and nothing in between. One thing
that centered around our myriad of topics and stuff was intellectuals.

We were taught different, we went out and explored. We saw life outside our protective bubble. We actu
ally experienced things that gave us the ability to make our own opinions and judgments and have reaso
ns and knowledge behind them. It wasn’t based on what was force fed to us. It was based on what we wer
e taught and learned.

We want to be mind fucked.

We enjoy it love it. To us having someone who makes us think, and just think of things differently is
what we look for. Dont tell us this is the way things are done. We dont adhere to that thought, cause
we know that isn’t true. We know that they are shades of grey, and colors in a rainbow.

And thats the problem in Kuwait, there isn’t anyone to mind fuck us. We come and become drones, follow
steps that make no sense and have no reason or concept behind them besides thats how things are done.

We look around us in Kuwait and see drones. There isn’t a culture that supports the arts, that encoura
ges people to learn, innovate and explore the world around us.

We are censored, held back and tied up.

This is in our schools, our religion, our government and the people around us.

So where are the intellectuals? The ones that stimulate our minds and thoughts in Kuwait. That encoura
ge the people to create and think.

I want to be able to visit art museums, to see movies that are compelling and controversial, I want to
read a book that excites me. I want to be able to say “wow that is fucking amazing”. I want to have s
omeone tell me “you know you have a good point, but let me tell you mine”. I want to.. I want a lot of

I want to be mind fucked.

Linked Address Book

With the elections coming up and the varied news sources and content that is out there it would be tough to keep track of everything as well as the World Cup. So this blog should make it easier to keep track of election coverage, ailment
and offer some commentary on what is going on.

It is an open registration so that everyone can input links, pictures, and their own commentary.
With the Kuwait election going on I felt it would be great to have a blog that would serve as a directory of news sources (blogs, look articles, illness
stats) as well provide orignal content for the elections.

How you can contribute:

Write a post about the elections on your blog, make a link for it as a post.

Find a great article, write about it and link to it.

Took some pictures tag them with kuwaitvote2006 so they can appear on the banner.
Kuwait Times have an article on Election costs detailing the amount pepole will pay for elections such as the tents and hospitality can cost candidates anywhere from KD 27, recipe cure 900 to KD 61, illness 500. Then for the advertising in news papers and other media it can range from KD 60,000 KD to even 100,000.
Welcome to WordPress. This is the first post!.

I have moved to WordPress, online
Movable Type has been annoing me lately and with a new year it is time for a change.

I have imported all of my old posts, medical
but they are some problems in them in terms of links and spaces, sales
but overall they are readable. I have made a backup of my old blog located here http://www.kuwaitblogs.com/users/nibaq.mt/

I am sure the search engines will like that.

Expect some more random changes as I tweak all of this, style and adding links and stuff.
With the elections coming up and the varied news sources and content that is out there it would be tough to keep track of everything as well as the World Cup. So this blog should make it easier to keep track of election coverage, ailment
and offer some commentary on what is going on.

It is an open registration so that everyone can input links, pictures, and their own commentary.
With the Kuwait election going on I felt it would be great to have a blog that would serve as a directory of news sources (blogs, look articles, illness
stats) as well provide orignal content for the elections.

How you can contribute:

Write a post about the elections on your blog, make a link for it as a post.

Find a great article, write about it and link to it.

Took some pictures tag them with kuwaitvote2006 so they can appear on the banner.
Kuwait Times have an article on Election costs detailing the amount pepole will pay for elections such as the tents and hospitality can cost candidates anywhere from KD 27, recipe cure 900 to KD 61, illness 500. Then for the advertising in news papers and other media it can range from KD 60,000 KD to even 100,000.
Welcome to WordPress. This is the first post!.

I have moved to WordPress, online
Movable Type has been annoing me lately and with a new year it is time for a change.

I have imported all of my old posts, medical
but they are some problems in them in terms of links and spaces, sales
but overall they are readable. I have made a backup of my old blog located here http://www.kuwaitblogs.com/users/nibaq.mt/

I am sure the search engines will like that.

Expect some more random changes as I tweak all of this, style and adding links and stuff.
With the elections coming up and the varied news sources and content that is out there it would be tough to keep track of everything as well as the World Cup. So this blog should make it easier to keep track of election coverage, ailment
and offer some commentary on what is going on.

It is an open registration so that everyone can input links, pictures, and their own commentary.
With the Kuwait election going on I felt it would be great to have a blog that would serve as a directory of news sources (blogs, look articles, illness
stats) as well provide orignal content for the elections.

How you can contribute:

Write a post about the elections on your blog, make a link for it as a post.

Find a great article, write about it and link to it.

Took some pictures tag them with kuwaitvote2006 so they can appear on the banner.
Kuwait Times have an article on Election costs detailing the amount pepole will pay for elections such as the tents and hospitality can cost candidates anywhere from KD 27, recipe cure 900 to KD 61, illness 500. Then for the advertising in news papers and other media it can range from KD 60,000 KD to even 100,000.
Welcome to WordPress. This is the first post!.

I have moved to WordPress, online
Movable Type has been annoing me lately and with a new year it is time for a change.

I have imported all of my old posts, medical
but they are some problems in them in terms of links and spaces, sales
but overall they are readable. I have made a backup of my old blog located here http://www.kuwaitblogs.com/users/nibaq.mt/

I am sure the search engines will like that.

Expect some more random changes as I tweak all of this, style and adding links and stuff.
With the elections coming up and the varied news sources and content that is out there it would be tough to keep track of everything as well as the World Cup. So this blog should make it easier to keep track of election coverage, ailment
and offer some commentary on what is going on.

It is an open registration so that everyone can input links, pictures, and their own commentary.
With the Kuwait election going on I felt it would be great to have a blog that would serve as a directory of news sources (blogs, look articles, illness
stats) as well provide orignal content for the elections.

How you can contribute:

Write a post about the elections on your blog, make a link for it as a post.

Find a great article, write about it and link to it.

Took some pictures tag them with kuwaitvote2006 so they can appear on the banner.
Kuwait Times have an article on Election costs detailing the amount pepole will pay for elections such as the tents and hospitality can cost candidates anywhere from KD 27, recipe cure 900 to KD 61, illness 500. Then for the advertising in news papers and other media it can range from KD 60,000 KD to even 100,000.
Welcome to WordPress. This is the first post!.

I have moved to WordPress, online
Movable Type has been annoing me lately and with a new year it is time for a change.

I have imported all of my old posts, medical
but they are some problems in them in terms of links and spaces, sales
but overall they are readable. I have made a backup of my old blog located here http://www.kuwaitblogs.com/users/nibaq.mt/

I am sure the search engines will like that.

Expect some more random changes as I tweak all of this, style and adding links and stuff.
So after setting up Kuwaitblogs.com, approved
thought to myself I dont have a blog. So here is mine.
With the elections coming up and the varied news sources and content that is out there it would be tough to keep track of everything as well as the World Cup. So this blog should make it easier to keep track of election coverage, ailment
and offer some commentary on what is going on.

It is an open registration so that everyone can input links, pictures, and their own commentary.
With the Kuwait election going on I felt it would be great to have a blog that would serve as a directory of news sources (blogs, look articles, illness
stats) as well provide orignal content for the elections.

How you can contribute:

Write a post about the elections on your blog, make a link for it as a post.

Find a great article, write about it and link to it.

Took some pictures tag them with kuwaitvote2006 so they can appear on the banner.
Kuwait Times have an article on Election costs detailing the amount pepole will pay for elections such as the tents and hospitality can cost candidates anywhere from KD 27, recipe cure 900 to KD 61, illness 500. Then for the advertising in news papers and other media it can range from KD 60,000 KD to even 100,000.
Welcome to WordPress. This is the first post!.

I have moved to WordPress, online
Movable Type has been annoing me lately and with a new year it is time for a change.

I have imported all of my old posts, medical
but they are some problems in them in terms of links and spaces, sales
but overall they are readable. I have made a backup of my old blog located here http://www.kuwaitblogs.com/users/nibaq.mt/

I am sure the search engines will like that.

Expect some more random changes as I tweak all of this, style and adding links and stuff.
With the elections coming up and the varied news sources and content that is out there it would be tough to keep track of everything as well as the World Cup. So this blog should make it easier to keep track of election coverage, ailment
and offer some commentary on what is going on.

It is an open registration so that everyone can input links, pictures, and their own commentary.
With the Kuwait election going on I felt it would be great to have a blog that would serve as a directory of news sources (blogs, look articles, illness
stats) as well provide orignal content for the elections.

How you can contribute:

Write a post about the elections on your blog, make a link for it as a post.

Find a great article, write about it and link to it.

Took some pictures tag them with kuwaitvote2006 so they can appear on the banner.
Kuwait Times have an article on Election costs detailing the amount pepole will pay for elections such as the tents and hospitality can cost candidates anywhere from KD 27, recipe cure 900 to KD 61, illness 500. Then for the advertising in news papers and other media it can range from KD 60,000 KD to even 100,000.
Welcome to WordPress. This is the first post!.

I have moved to WordPress, online
Movable Type has been annoing me lately and with a new year it is time for a change.

I have imported all of my old posts, medical
but they are some problems in them in terms of links and spaces, sales
but overall they are readable. I have made a backup of my old blog located here http://www.kuwaitblogs.com/users/nibaq.mt/

I am sure the search engines will like that.

Expect some more random changes as I tweak all of this, style and adding links and stuff.
With the elections coming up and the varied news sources and content that is out there it would be tough to keep track of everything as well as the World Cup. So this blog should make it easier to keep track of election coverage, ailment
and offer some commentary on what is going on.

It is an open registration so that everyone can input links, pictures, and their own commentary.
With the Kuwait election going on I felt it would be great to have a blog that would serve as a directory of news sources (blogs, look articles, illness
stats) as well provide orignal content for the elections.

How you can contribute:

Write a post about the elections on your blog, make a link for it as a post.

Find a great article, write about it and link to it.

Took some pictures tag them with kuwaitvote2006 so they can appear on the banner.
Kuwait Times have an article on Election costs detailing the amount pepole will pay for elections such as the tents and hospitality can cost candidates anywhere from KD 27, recipe cure 900 to KD 61, illness 500. Then for the advertising in news papers and other media it can range from KD 60,000 KD to even 100,000.
Welcome to WordPress. This is the first post!.

I have moved to WordPress, online
Movable Type has been annoing me lately and with a new year it is time for a change.

I have imported all of my old posts, medical
but they are some problems in them in terms of links and spaces, sales
but overall they are readable. I have made a backup of my old blog located here http://www.kuwaitblogs.com/users/nibaq.mt/

I am sure the search engines will like that.

Expect some more random changes as I tweak all of this, style and adding links and stuff.
So after setting up Kuwaitblogs.com, approved
thought to myself I dont have a blog. So here is mine.
With the elections coming up and the varied news sources and content that is out there it would be tough to keep track of everything as well as the World Cup. So this blog should make it easier to keep track of election coverage, ailment
and offer some commentary on what is going on.

It is an open registration so that everyone can input links, pictures, and their own commentary.
With the Kuwait election going on I felt it would be great to have a blog that would serve as a directory of news sources (blogs, look articles, illness
stats) as well provide orignal content for the elections.

How you can contribute:

Write a post about the elections on your blog, make a link for it as a post.

Find a great article, write about it and link to it.

Took some pictures tag them with kuwaitvote2006 so they can appear on the banner.
Kuwait Times have an article on Election costs detailing the amount pepole will pay for elections such as the tents and hospitality can cost candidates anywhere from KD 27, recipe cure 900 to KD 61, illness 500. Then for the advertising in news papers and other media it can range from KD 60,000 KD to even 100,000.
Welcome to WordPress. This is the first post!.

I have moved to WordPress, online
Movable Type has been annoing me lately and with a new year it is time for a change.

I have imported all of my old posts, medical
but they are some problems in them in terms of links and spaces, sales
but overall they are readable. I have made a backup of my old blog located here http://www.kuwaitblogs.com/users/nibaq.mt/

I am sure the search engines will like that.

Expect some more random changes as I tweak all of this, style and adding links and stuff.
With the elections coming up and the varied news sources and content that is out there it would be tough to keep track of everything as well as the World Cup. So this blog should make it easier to keep track of election coverage, ailment
and offer some commentary on what is going on.

It is an open registration so that everyone can input links, pictures, and their own commentary.
With the Kuwait election going on I felt it would be great to have a blog that would serve as a directory of news sources (blogs, look articles, illness
stats) as well provide orignal content for the elections.

How you can contribute:

Write a post about the elections on your blog, make a link for it as a post.

Find a great article, write about it and link to it.

Took some pictures tag them with kuwaitvote2006 so they can appear on the banner.
Kuwait Times have an article on Election costs detailing the amount pepole will pay for elections such as the tents and hospitality can cost candidates anywhere from KD 27, recipe cure 900 to KD 61, illness 500. Then for the advertising in news papers and other media it can range from KD 60,000 KD to even 100,000.
Welcome to WordPress. This is the first post!.

I have moved to WordPress, online
Movable Type has been annoing me lately and with a new year it is time for a change.

I have imported all of my old posts, medical
but they are some problems in them in terms of links and spaces, sales
but overall they are readable. I have made a backup of my old blog located here http://www.kuwaitblogs.com/users/nibaq.mt/

I am sure the search engines will like that.

Expect some more random changes as I tweak all of this, style and adding links and stuff.
So after setting up Kuwaitblogs.com, approved
thought to myself I dont have a blog. So here is mine.
HKWK has this post
on democracy and how it is just crap in Kuwait.

But we are not a democracy. When you
have hand full of men voting for the rest of the population, phthisiatrician that is not a majority.
Continue reading Linked Address Book

An Adult Gym

With the elections coming up and the varied news sources and content that is out there it would be tough to keep track of everything as well as the World Cup. So this blog should make it easier to keep track of election coverage, ailment
and offer some commentary on what is going on.

It is an open registration so that everyone can input links, pictures, and their own commentary.
With the Kuwait election going on I felt it would be great to have a blog that would serve as a directory of news sources (blogs, look articles, illness
stats) as well provide orignal content for the elections.

How you can contribute:

Write a post about the elections on your blog, make a link for it as a post.

Find a great article, write about it and link to it.

Took some pictures tag them with kuwaitvote2006 so they can appear on the banner.
Kuwait Times have an article on Election costs detailing the amount pepole will pay for elections such as the tents and hospitality can cost candidates anywhere from KD 27, recipe cure 900 to KD 61, illness 500. Then for the advertising in news papers and other media it can range from KD 60,000 KD to even 100,000.
Welcome to WordPress. This is the first post!.

I have moved to WordPress, online
Movable Type has been annoing me lately and with a new year it is time for a change.

I have imported all of my old posts, medical
but they are some problems in them in terms of links and spaces, sales
but overall they are readable. I have made a backup of my old blog located here http://www.kuwaitblogs.com/users/nibaq.mt/

I am sure the search engines will like that.

Expect some more random changes as I tweak all of this, style and adding links and stuff.
With the elections coming up and the varied news sources and content that is out there it would be tough to keep track of everything as well as the World Cup. So this blog should make it easier to keep track of election coverage, ailment
and offer some commentary on what is going on.

It is an open registration so that everyone can input links, pictures, and their own commentary.
With the Kuwait election going on I felt it would be great to have a blog that would serve as a directory of news sources (blogs, look articles, illness
stats) as well provide orignal content for the elections.

How you can contribute:

Write a post about the elections on your blog, make a link for it as a post.

Find a great article, write about it and link to it.

Took some pictures tag them with kuwaitvote2006 so they can appear on the banner.
Kuwait Times have an article on Election costs detailing the amount pepole will pay for elections such as the tents and hospitality can cost candidates anywhere from KD 27, recipe cure 900 to KD 61, illness 500. Then for the advertising in news papers and other media it can range from KD 60,000 KD to even 100,000.
Welcome to WordPress. This is the first post!.

I have moved to WordPress, online
Movable Type has been annoing me lately and with a new year it is time for a change.

I have imported all of my old posts, medical
but they are some problems in them in terms of links and spaces, sales
but overall they are readable. I have made a backup of my old blog located here http://www.kuwaitblogs.com/users/nibaq.mt/

I am sure the search engines will like that.

Expect some more random changes as I tweak all of this, style and adding links and stuff.
With the elections coming up and the varied news sources and content that is out there it would be tough to keep track of everything as well as the World Cup. So this blog should make it easier to keep track of election coverage, ailment
and offer some commentary on what is going on.

It is an open registration so that everyone can input links, pictures, and their own commentary.
With the Kuwait election going on I felt it would be great to have a blog that would serve as a directory of news sources (blogs, look articles, illness
stats) as well provide orignal content for the elections.

How you can contribute:

Write a post about the elections on your blog, make a link for it as a post.

Find a great article, write about it and link to it.

Took some pictures tag them with kuwaitvote2006 so they can appear on the banner.
Kuwait Times have an article on Election costs detailing the amount pepole will pay for elections such as the tents and hospitality can cost candidates anywhere from KD 27, recipe cure 900 to KD 61, illness 500. Then for the advertising in news papers and other media it can range from KD 60,000 KD to even 100,000.
Welcome to WordPress. This is the first post!.

I have moved to WordPress, online
Movable Type has been annoing me lately and with a new year it is time for a change.

I have imported all of my old posts, medical
but they are some problems in them in terms of links and spaces, sales
but overall they are readable. I have made a backup of my old blog located here http://www.kuwaitblogs.com/users/nibaq.mt/

I am sure the search engines will like that.

Expect some more random changes as I tweak all of this, style and adding links and stuff.
With the elections coming up and the varied news sources and content that is out there it would be tough to keep track of everything as well as the World Cup. So this blog should make it easier to keep track of election coverage, ailment
and offer some commentary on what is going on.

It is an open registration so that everyone can input links, pictures, and their own commentary.
With the Kuwait election going on I felt it would be great to have a blog that would serve as a directory of news sources (blogs, look articles, illness
stats) as well provide orignal content for the elections.

How you can contribute:

Write a post about the elections on your blog, make a link for it as a post.

Find a great article, write about it and link to it.

Took some pictures tag them with kuwaitvote2006 so they can appear on the banner.
Kuwait Times have an article on Election costs detailing the amount pepole will pay for elections such as the tents and hospitality can cost candidates anywhere from KD 27, recipe cure 900 to KD 61, illness 500. Then for the advertising in news papers and other media it can range from KD 60,000 KD to even 100,000.
Welcome to WordPress. This is the first post!.

I have moved to WordPress, online
Movable Type has been annoing me lately and with a new year it is time for a change.

I have imported all of my old posts, medical
but they are some problems in them in terms of links and spaces, sales
but overall they are readable. I have made a backup of my old blog located here http://www.kuwaitblogs.com/users/nibaq.mt/

I am sure the search engines will like that.

Expect some more random changes as I tweak all of this, style and adding links and stuff.
With the elections coming up and the varied news sources and content that is out there it would be tough to keep track of everything as well as the World Cup. So this blog should make it easier to keep track of election coverage, ailment
and offer some commentary on what is going on.

It is an open registration so that everyone can input links, pictures, and their own commentary.
With the Kuwait election going on I felt it would be great to have a blog that would serve as a directory of news sources (blogs, look articles, illness
stats) as well provide orignal content for the elections.

How you can contribute:

Write a post about the elections on your blog, make a link for it as a post.

Find a great article, write about it and link to it.

Took some pictures tag them with kuwaitvote2006 so they can appear on the banner.
Kuwait Times have an article on Election costs detailing the amount pepole will pay for elections such as the tents and hospitality can cost candidates anywhere from KD 27, recipe cure 900 to KD 61, illness 500. Then for the advertising in news papers and other media it can range from KD 60,000 KD to even 100,000.
Welcome to WordPress. This is the first post!.

I have moved to WordPress, online
Movable Type has been annoing me lately and with a new year it is time for a change.

I have imported all of my old posts, medical
but they are some problems in them in terms of links and spaces, sales
but overall they are readable. I have made a backup of my old blog located here http://www.kuwaitblogs.com/users/nibaq.mt/

I am sure the search engines will like that.

Expect some more random changes as I tweak all of this, style and adding links and stuff.
With the elections coming up and the varied news sources and content that is out there it would be tough to keep track of everything as well as the World Cup. So this blog should make it easier to keep track of election coverage, ailment
and offer some commentary on what is going on.

It is an open registration so that everyone can input links, pictures, and their own commentary.
With the Kuwait election going on I felt it would be great to have a blog that would serve as a directory of news sources (blogs, look articles, illness
stats) as well provide orignal content for the elections.

How you can contribute:

Write a post about the elections on your blog, make a link for it as a post.

Find a great article, write about it and link to it.

Took some pictures tag them with kuwaitvote2006 so they can appear on the banner.
Kuwait Times have an article on Election costs detailing the amount pepole will pay for elections such as the tents and hospitality can cost candidates anywhere from KD 27, recipe cure 900 to KD 61, illness 500. Then for the advertising in news papers and other media it can range from KD 60,000 KD to even 100,000.
Welcome to WordPress. This is the first post!.

I have moved to WordPress, online
Movable Type has been annoing me lately and with a new year it is time for a change.

I have imported all of my old posts, medical
but they are some problems in them in terms of links and spaces, sales
but overall they are readable. I have made a backup of my old blog located here http://www.kuwaitblogs.com/users/nibaq.mt/

I am sure the search engines will like that.

Expect some more random changes as I tweak all of this, style and adding links and stuff.
So after setting up Kuwaitblogs.com, approved
thought to myself I dont have a blog. So here is mine.
With the elections coming up and the varied news sources and content that is out there it would be tough to keep track of everything as well as the World Cup. So this blog should make it easier to keep track of election coverage, ailment
and offer some commentary on what is going on.

It is an open registration so that everyone can input links, pictures, and their own commentary.
With the Kuwait election going on I felt it would be great to have a blog that would serve as a directory of news sources (blogs, look articles, illness
stats) as well provide orignal content for the elections.

How you can contribute:

Write a post about the elections on your blog, make a link for it as a post.

Find a great article, write about it and link to it.

Took some pictures tag them with kuwaitvote2006 so they can appear on the banner.
Kuwait Times have an article on Election costs detailing the amount pepole will pay for elections such as the tents and hospitality can cost candidates anywhere from KD 27, recipe cure 900 to KD 61, illness 500. Then for the advertising in news papers and other media it can range from KD 60,000 KD to even 100,000.
Welcome to WordPress. This is the first post!.

I have moved to WordPress, online
Movable Type has been annoing me lately and with a new year it is time for a change.

I have imported all of my old posts, medical
but they are some problems in them in terms of links and spaces, sales
but overall they are readable. I have made a backup of my old blog located here http://www.kuwaitblogs.com/users/nibaq.mt/

I am sure the search engines will like that.

Expect some more random changes as I tweak all of this, style and adding links and stuff.
With the elections coming up and the varied news sources and content that is out there it would be tough to keep track of everything as well as the World Cup. So this blog should make it easier to keep track of election coverage, ailment
and offer some commentary on what is going on.

It is an open registration so that everyone can input links, pictures, and their own commentary.
With the Kuwait election going on I felt it would be great to have a blog that would serve as a directory of news sources (blogs, look articles, illness
stats) as well provide orignal content for the elections.

How you can contribute:

Write a post about the elections on your blog, make a link for it as a post.

Find a great article, write about it and link to it.

Took some pictures tag them with kuwaitvote2006 so they can appear on the banner.
Kuwait Times have an article on Election costs detailing the amount pepole will pay for elections such as the tents and hospitality can cost candidates anywhere from KD 27, recipe cure 900 to KD 61, illness 500. Then for the advertising in news papers and other media it can range from KD 60,000 KD to even 100,000.
Welcome to WordPress. This is the first post!.

I have moved to WordPress, online
Movable Type has been annoing me lately and with a new year it is time for a change.

I have imported all of my old posts, medical
but they are some problems in them in terms of links and spaces, sales
but overall they are readable. I have made a backup of my old blog located here http://www.kuwaitblogs.com/users/nibaq.mt/

I am sure the search engines will like that.

Expect some more random changes as I tweak all of this, style and adding links and stuff.
With the elections coming up and the varied news sources and content that is out there it would be tough to keep track of everything as well as the World Cup. So this blog should make it easier to keep track of election coverage, ailment
and offer some commentary on what is going on.

It is an open registration so that everyone can input links, pictures, and their own commentary.
With the Kuwait election going on I felt it would be great to have a blog that would serve as a directory of news sources (blogs, look articles, illness
stats) as well provide orignal content for the elections.

How you can contribute:

Write a post about the elections on your blog, make a link for it as a post.

Find a great article, write about it and link to it.

Took some pictures tag them with kuwaitvote2006 so they can appear on the banner.
Kuwait Times have an article on Election costs detailing the amount pepole will pay for elections such as the tents and hospitality can cost candidates anywhere from KD 27, recipe cure 900 to KD 61, illness 500. Then for the advertising in news papers and other media it can range from KD 60,000 KD to even 100,000.
Welcome to WordPress. This is the first post!.

I have moved to WordPress, online
Movable Type has been annoing me lately and with a new year it is time for a change.

I have imported all of my old posts, medical
but they are some problems in them in terms of links and spaces, sales
but overall they are readable. I have made a backup of my old blog located here http://www.kuwaitblogs.com/users/nibaq.mt/

I am sure the search engines will like that.

Expect some more random changes as I tweak all of this, style and adding links and stuff.
With the elections coming up and the varied news sources and content that is out there it would be tough to keep track of everything as well as the World Cup. So this blog should make it easier to keep track of election coverage, ailment
and offer some commentary on what is going on.

It is an open registration so that everyone can input links, pictures, and their own commentary.
With the Kuwait election going on I felt it would be great to have a blog that would serve as a directory of news sources (blogs, look articles, illness
stats) as well provide orignal content for the elections.

How you can contribute:

Write a post about the elections on your blog, make a link for it as a post.

Find a great article, write about it and link to it.

Took some pictures tag them with kuwaitvote2006 so they can appear on the banner.
Kuwait Times have an article on Election costs detailing the amount pepole will pay for elections such as the tents and hospitality can cost candidates anywhere from KD 27, recipe cure 900 to KD 61, illness 500. Then for the advertising in news papers and other media it can range from KD 60,000 KD to even 100,000.
Welcome to WordPress. This is the first post!.

I have moved to WordPress, online
Movable Type has been annoing me lately and with a new year it is time for a change.

I have imported all of my old posts, medical
but they are some problems in them in terms of links and spaces, sales
but overall they are readable. I have made a backup of my old blog located here http://www.kuwaitblogs.com/users/nibaq.mt/

I am sure the search engines will like that.

Expect some more random changes as I tweak all of this, style and adding links and stuff.
With the elections coming up and the varied news sources and content that is out there it would be tough to keep track of everything as well as the World Cup. So this blog should make it easier to keep track of election coverage, ailment
and offer some commentary on what is going on.

It is an open registration so that everyone can input links, pictures, and their own commentary.
With the Kuwait election going on I felt it would be great to have a blog that would serve as a directory of news sources (blogs, look articles, illness
stats) as well provide orignal content for the elections.

How you can contribute:

Write a post about the elections on your blog, make a link for it as a post.

Find a great article, write about it and link to it.

Took some pictures tag them with kuwaitvote2006 so they can appear on the banner.
Kuwait Times have an article on Election costs detailing the amount pepole will pay for elections such as the tents and hospitality can cost candidates anywhere from KD 27, recipe cure 900 to KD 61, illness 500. Then for the advertising in news papers and other media it can range from KD 60,000 KD to even 100,000.
Welcome to WordPress. This is the first post!.

I have moved to WordPress, online
Movable Type has been annoing me lately and with a new year it is time for a change.

I have imported all of my old posts, medical
but they are some problems in them in terms of links and spaces, sales
but overall they are readable. I have made a backup of my old blog located here http://www.kuwaitblogs.com/users/nibaq.mt/

I am sure the search engines will like that.

Expect some more random changes as I tweak all of this, style and adding links and stuff.
So after setting up Kuwaitblogs.com, approved
thought to myself I dont have a blog. So here is mine.
With the elections coming up and the varied news sources and content that is out there it would be tough to keep track of everything as well as the World Cup. So this blog should make it easier to keep track of election coverage, ailment
and offer some commentary on what is going on.

It is an open registration so that everyone can input links, pictures, and their own commentary.
With the Kuwait election going on I felt it would be great to have a blog that would serve as a directory of news sources (blogs, look articles, illness
stats) as well provide orignal content for the elections.

How you can contribute:

Write a post about the elections on your blog, make a link for it as a post.

Find a great article, write about it and link to it.

Took some pictures tag them with kuwaitvote2006 so they can appear on the banner.
Kuwait Times have an article on Election costs detailing the amount pepole will pay for elections such as the tents and hospitality can cost candidates anywhere from KD 27, recipe cure 900 to KD 61, illness 500. Then for the advertising in news papers and other media it can range from KD 60,000 KD to even 100,000.
Welcome to WordPress. This is the first post!.

I have moved to WordPress, online
Movable Type has been annoing me lately and with a new year it is time for a change.

I have imported all of my old posts, medical
but they are some problems in them in terms of links and spaces, sales
but overall they are readable. I have made a backup of my old blog located here http://www.kuwaitblogs.com/users/nibaq.mt/

I am sure the search engines will like that.

Expect some more random changes as I tweak all of this, style and adding links and stuff.
With the elections coming up and the varied news sources and content that is out there it would be tough to keep track of everything as well as the World Cup. So this blog should make it easier to keep track of election coverage, ailment
and offer some commentary on what is going on.

It is an open registration so that everyone can input links, pictures, and their own commentary.
With the Kuwait election going on I felt it would be great to have a blog that would serve as a directory of news sources (blogs, look articles, illness
stats) as well provide orignal content for the elections.

How you can contribute:

Write a post about the elections on your blog, make a link for it as a post.

Find a great article, write about it and link to it.

Took some pictures tag them with kuwaitvote2006 so they can appear on the banner.
Kuwait Times have an article on Election costs detailing the amount pepole will pay for elections such as the tents and hospitality can cost candidates anywhere from KD 27, recipe cure 900 to KD 61, illness 500. Then for the advertising in news papers and other media it can range from KD 60,000 KD to even 100,000.
Welcome to WordPress. This is the first post!.

I have moved to WordPress, online
Movable Type has been annoing me lately and with a new year it is time for a change.

I have imported all of my old posts, medical
but they are some problems in them in terms of links and spaces, sales
but overall they are readable. I have made a backup of my old blog located here http://www.kuwaitblogs.com/users/nibaq.mt/

I am sure the search engines will like that.

Expect some more random changes as I tweak all of this, style and adding links and stuff.
With the elections coming up and the varied news sources and content that is out there it would be tough to keep track of everything as well as the World Cup. So this blog should make it easier to keep track of election coverage, ailment
and offer some commentary on what is going on.

It is an open registration so that everyone can input links, pictures, and their own commentary.
With the Kuwait election going on I felt it would be great to have a blog that would serve as a directory of news sources (blogs, look articles, illness
stats) as well provide orignal content for the elections.

How you can contribute:

Write a post about the elections on your blog, make a link for it as a post.

Find a great article, write about it and link to it.

Took some pictures tag them with kuwaitvote2006 so they can appear on the banner.
Kuwait Times have an article on Election costs detailing the amount pepole will pay for elections such as the tents and hospitality can cost candidates anywhere from KD 27, recipe cure 900 to KD 61, illness 500. Then for the advertising in news papers and other media it can range from KD 60,000 KD to even 100,000.
Welcome to WordPress. This is the first post!.

I have moved to WordPress, online
Movable Type has been annoing me lately and with a new year it is time for a change.

I have imported all of my old posts, medical
but they are some problems in them in terms of links and spaces, sales
but overall they are readable. I have made a backup of my old blog located here http://www.kuwaitblogs.com/users/nibaq.mt/

I am sure the search engines will like that.

Expect some more random changes as I tweak all of this, style and adding links and stuff.
With the elections coming up and the varied news sources and content that is out there it would be tough to keep track of everything as well as the World Cup. So this blog should make it easier to keep track of election coverage, ailment
and offer some commentary on what is going on.

It is an open registration so that everyone can input links, pictures, and their own commentary.
With the Kuwait election going on I felt it would be great to have a blog that would serve as a directory of news sources (blogs, look articles, illness
stats) as well provide orignal content for the elections.

How you can contribute:

Write a post about the elections on your blog, make a link for it as a post.

Find a great article, write about it and link to it.

Took some pictures tag them with kuwaitvote2006 so they can appear on the banner.
Kuwait Times have an article on Election costs detailing the amount pepole will pay for elections such as the tents and hospitality can cost candidates anywhere from KD 27, recipe cure 900 to KD 61, illness 500. Then for the advertising in news papers and other media it can range from KD 60,000 KD to even 100,000.
Welcome to WordPress. This is the first post!.

I have moved to WordPress, online
Movable Type has been annoing me lately and with a new year it is time for a change.

I have imported all of my old posts, medical
but they are some problems in them in terms of links and spaces, sales
but overall they are readable. I have made a backup of my old blog located here http://www.kuwaitblogs.com/users/nibaq.mt/

I am sure the search engines will like that.

Expect some more random changes as I tweak all of this, style and adding links and stuff.
So after setting up Kuwaitblogs.com, approved
thought to myself I dont have a blog. So here is mine.
With the elections coming up and the varied news sources and content that is out there it would be tough to keep track of everything as well as the World Cup. So this blog should make it easier to keep track of election coverage, ailment
and offer some commentary on what is going on.

It is an open registration so that everyone can input links, pictures, and their own commentary.
With the Kuwait election going on I felt it would be great to have a blog that would serve as a directory of news sources (blogs, look articles, illness
stats) as well provide orignal content for the elections.

How you can contribute:

Write a post about the elections on your blog, make a link for it as a post.

Find a great article, write about it and link to it.

Took some pictures tag them with kuwaitvote2006 so they can appear on the banner.
Kuwait Times have an article on Election costs detailing the amount pepole will pay for elections such as the tents and hospitality can cost candidates anywhere from KD 27, recipe cure 900 to KD 61, illness 500. Then for the advertising in news papers and other media it can range from KD 60,000 KD to even 100,000.
Welcome to WordPress. This is the first post!.

I have moved to WordPress, online
Movable Type has been annoing me lately and with a new year it is time for a change.

I have imported all of my old posts, medical
but they are some problems in them in terms of links and spaces, sales
but overall they are readable. I have made a backup of my old blog located here http://www.kuwaitblogs.com/users/nibaq.mt/

I am sure the search engines will like that.

Expect some more random changes as I tweak all of this, style and adding links and stuff.
With the elections coming up and the varied news sources and content that is out there it would be tough to keep track of everything as well as the World Cup. So this blog should make it easier to keep track of election coverage, ailment
and offer some commentary on what is going on.

It is an open registration so that everyone can input links, pictures, and their own commentary.
With the Kuwait election going on I felt it would be great to have a blog that would serve as a directory of news sources (blogs, look articles, illness
stats) as well provide orignal content for the elections.

How you can contribute:

Write a post about the elections on your blog, make a link for it as a post.

Find a great article, write about it and link to it.

Took some pictures tag them with kuwaitvote2006 so they can appear on the banner.
Kuwait Times have an article on Election costs detailing the amount pepole will pay for elections such as the tents and hospitality can cost candidates anywhere from KD 27, recipe cure 900 to KD 61, illness 500. Then for the advertising in news papers and other media it can range from KD 60,000 KD to even 100,000.
Welcome to WordPress. This is the first post!.

I have moved to WordPress, online
Movable Type has been annoing me lately and with a new year it is time for a change.

I have imported all of my old posts, medical
but they are some problems in them in terms of links and spaces, sales
but overall they are readable. I have made a backup of my old blog located here http://www.kuwaitblogs.com/users/nibaq.mt/

I am sure the search engines will like that.

Expect some more random changes as I tweak all of this, style and adding links and stuff.
With the elections coming up and the varied news sources and content that is out there it would be tough to keep track of everything as well as the World Cup. So this blog should make it easier to keep track of election coverage, ailment
and offer some commentary on what is going on.

It is an open registration so that everyone can input links, pictures, and their own commentary.
With the Kuwait election going on I felt it would be great to have a blog that would serve as a directory of news sources (blogs, look articles, illness
stats) as well provide orignal content for the elections.

How you can contribute:

Write a post about the elections on your blog, make a link for it as a post.

Find a great article, write about it and link to it.

Took some pictures tag them with kuwaitvote2006 so they can appear on the banner.
Kuwait Times have an article on Election costs detailing the amount pepole will pay for elections such as the tents and hospitality can cost candidates anywhere from KD 27, recipe cure 900 to KD 61, illness 500. Then for the advertising in news papers and other media it can range from KD 60,000 KD to even 100,000.
Welcome to WordPress. This is the first post!.

I have moved to WordPress, online
Movable Type has been annoing me lately and with a new year it is time for a change.

I have imported all of my old posts, medical
but they are some problems in them in terms of links and spaces, sales
but overall they are readable. I have made a backup of my old blog located here http://www.kuwaitblogs.com/users/nibaq.mt/

I am sure the search engines will like that.

Expect some more random changes as I tweak all of this, style and adding links and stuff.
So after setting up Kuwaitblogs.com, approved
thought to myself I dont have a blog. So here is mine.
With the elections coming up and the varied news sources and content that is out there it would be tough to keep track of everything as well as the World Cup. So this blog should make it easier to keep track of election coverage, ailment
and offer some commentary on what is going on.

It is an open registration so that everyone can input links, pictures, and their own commentary.
With the Kuwait election going on I felt it would be great to have a blog that would serve as a directory of news sources (blogs, look articles, illness
stats) as well provide orignal content for the elections.

How you can contribute:

Write a post about the elections on your blog, make a link for it as a post.

Find a great article, write about it and link to it.

Took some pictures tag them with kuwaitvote2006 so they can appear on the banner.
Kuwait Times have an article on Election costs detailing the amount pepole will pay for elections such as the tents and hospitality can cost candidates anywhere from KD 27, recipe cure 900 to KD 61, illness 500. Then for the advertising in news papers and other media it can range from KD 60,000 KD to even 100,000.
Welcome to WordPress. This is the first post!.

I have moved to WordPress, online
Movable Type has been annoing me lately and with a new year it is time for a change.

I have imported all of my old posts, medical
but they are some problems in them in terms of links and spaces, sales
but overall they are readable. I have made a backup of my old blog located here http://www.kuwaitblogs.com/users/nibaq.mt/

I am sure the search engines will like that.

Expect some more random changes as I tweak all of this, style and adding links and stuff.
With the elections coming up and the varied news sources and content that is out there it would be tough to keep track of everything as well as the World Cup. So this blog should make it easier to keep track of election coverage, ailment
and offer some commentary on what is going on.

It is an open registration so that everyone can input links, pictures, and their own commentary.
With the Kuwait election going on I felt it would be great to have a blog that would serve as a directory of news sources (blogs, look articles, illness
stats) as well provide orignal content for the elections.

How you can contribute:

Write a post about the elections on your blog, make a link for it as a post.

Find a great article, write about it and link to it.

Took some pictures tag them with kuwaitvote2006 so they can appear on the banner.
Kuwait Times have an article on Election costs detailing the amount pepole will pay for elections such as the tents and hospitality can cost candidates anywhere from KD 27, recipe cure 900 to KD 61, illness 500. Then for the advertising in news papers and other media it can range from KD 60,000 KD to even 100,000.
Welcome to WordPress. This is the first post!.

I have moved to WordPress, online
Movable Type has been annoing me lately and with a new year it is time for a change.

I have imported all of my old posts, medical
but they are some problems in them in terms of links and spaces, sales
but overall they are readable. I have made a backup of my old blog located here http://www.kuwaitblogs.com/users/nibaq.mt/

I am sure the search engines will like that.

Expect some more random changes as I tweak all of this, style and adding links and stuff.
So after setting up Kuwaitblogs.com, approved
thought to myself I dont have a blog. So here is mine.
HKWK has this post
on democracy and how it is just crap in Kuwait.

But we are not a democracy. When you
have hand full of men voting for the rest of the population, phthisiatrician that is not a majority.
Continue reading An Adult Gym