Making Money via Twitter in Kuwait

When you ban something you just make that much sweeter. Bahrain Ministry of Information has done just that by banning their own Their version of Safat

I am sure this will be a big boost for blogging and freedom of speech in the island Kingdom.
When you ban something you just make that much sweeter. Bahrain Ministry of Information has done just that by banning their own Their version of Safat

I am sure this will be a big boost for blogging and freedom of speech in the island Kingdom.
I been on Twitter for a while and seeing many Kuwaiti companies making a account and not knowing how to use it for their benefit. Thinking just opening an account will simply generate sales. Well here are some pointers you can use for your advantage.

Dont Spam
I can’t stress this enough. Just repeating the same statement over and over again will annoy us and will simply block you. You aren’t doing anything to make you different.

You have to engage your followers. Dont just offer the latest sales promotion. Give them updates on what you are planning to do, psychotherapist and working on. Reply to their tweets. Their feedback is important. Twitter is giving you a direct access to them and vice-versa. If you ignore them they will ignore you in return.

Link to other sites with tips and trick as well as reviews of new products as well as features and options you dont and see if they are interested in them.

Have other members of the company also participate with their on Twitter accounts. Have each department have their own offer their own take on whats happening. Also if you are a big company have a dedicated customer support team for dealing with problems and solving them on spot.

These are just some basic guidelines. Each company, restaurant, shop etc is different. Once you start dont stop because you dont have immediate results. It take time to build a following and figure out what works best.

Oh this just came to me. Restaurants can post if they are full or not and how long the wait will be. I am sure many people would enjoy that during busy weekends. Bakeries can tweet how many cakes or muffins they have left if anyone wants to make a quick order before they get sold out.

Getting Arabic in You P990i and M600

The new Midas in Dujeej/Farwaniya is huge and very well designed and with some great stuff. Really a sight to see.

The new Midas in Dujeej/Farwaniya is huge and very well designed and with some great stuff. Really a sight to see.

Barrack and other Sony Ericsson retailers in Kuwait are currently charging 10kd for bad Arabic support on your P990i and M600 phones, prosthetic when all they are doing it copying over some Window fonts and that you can do it at home for FREE.

So after reading this post change the system font for P990/M600 to find out where to place the fonts folder in the memory card like how it was on UIQ2/P910i.

You just take took the Tahoma.ttf font from Windows Fonts directory (or just search for tahoma.ttg) and copy it 4 times and then rename each file to:


Then placed them in your memory card under the directory of Resource/Fonts (You may have to create it).



This will give you the ability to read Arabic. The only problem is that you lose Bold and Italic font styles and the font is bigger in the system.

It isn’t a perfect fix, but a quick one till I can find a font that has the 4 font styles and Arabic structure in it.

Emacs is an evil creation.

Our own Wataniya Telecom is joing up with some other companies to form Bravo in Saudi Arabia as a mobile telecom provider. Yet they are not going to provide GSM service, viagra 40mg but Motorola’s iDen system. The iDen system is the stuff that Nextel uses for their network, drugs so this new company will most likely be providing services to the business in that region, order especially the trucks that pass through the country.

This is a good investment for Wataniya since Saudi Arabia is the main transport section of the Gulf, everything passes through Saudi and I know that keeping track of trucks where abouts is a pain in the ass. So if it is implemented strongly in Saudi then it will eventually move to the other countries in the region so that they can all share the same network when moving around.

I believe once the coverage map for this network reaches Kuwait, it won’t be too long before Wataniya will start to offer this service in Kuwait.
. iDEN launched in Saudi Arabia
Our own Wataniya Telecom is joing up with some other companies to form Bravo in Saudi Arabia as a mobile telecom provider. Yet they are not going to provide GSM service, viagra 40mg but Motorola’s iDen system. The iDen system is the stuff that Nextel uses for their network, drugs so this new company will most likely be providing services to the business in that region, order especially the trucks that pass through the country.

This is a good investment for Wataniya since Saudi Arabia is the main transport section of the Gulf, everything passes through Saudi and I know that keeping track of trucks where abouts is a pain in the ass. So if it is implemented strongly in Saudi then it will eventually move to the other countries in the region so that they can all share the same network when moving around.

I believe once the coverage map for this network reaches Kuwait, it won’t be too long before Wataniya will start to offer this service in Kuwait.
. iDEN launched in Saudi Arabia
Our own Wataniya Telecom is joing up with some other companies to form Bravo in Saudi Arabia as a mobile telecom provider. Yet they are not going to provide GSM service, viagra 40mg but Motorola’s iDen system. The iDen system is the stuff that Nextel uses for their network, drugs so this new company will most likely be providing services to the business in that region, order especially the trucks that pass through the country.

This is a good investment for Wataniya since Saudi Arabia is the main transport section of the Gulf, everything passes through Saudi and I know that keeping track of trucks where abouts is a pain in the ass. So if it is implemented strongly in Saudi then it will eventually move to the other countries in the region so that they can all share the same network when moving around.

I believe once the coverage map for this network reaches Kuwait, it won’t be too long before Wataniya will start to offer this service in Kuwait.
. iDEN launched in Saudi Arabia
Finally decided to learn vi using vilearn. It is pretty neat allows, ambulance
it gives me this text file that is open in vi and has all the commands as a tutorial that I run through and damn I didnt know vi could do all this. I am in lesson two and already feel ready to start using it fully.

It really is so simple and powerful, pills
makes it so easy to read, here
edit and manipulate files.

After using PICO for so long it is nice to see something with more powerful editing abilities

Playing witih Fire

This is a clip from The Goddess Bunny movie. I am really lost for words with this one. This is one of the most disturbing videos I have ever seen.
This is a clip from The Goddess Bunny movie. I am really lost for words with this one. This is one of the most disturbing videos I have ever seen.
So after much time and random other stuff (laziness) I have finally moved to Tiger on my pbook. It didn’t take long at all thanks to firewire and bozwayed’s pbook where I dumped my whole home directory, see formated then installed Tiger, price and copied it back over so I can pick and choose what I need and backup the rest for later refrence.
I am trying to get rid of the legacy stuff that I been carrying on my laptop for like 5 years. I been thinking of just getting rid of my old mail messages, sildenafil but not sure will sleep on it and think about it in the morning. I think I might just import them all back in Mail they are good refrence for some old stuff like emails and other conversations since I dont have any other place to access them later quickly and efficiently.
Currently redownloading latest things of everything and I can see my bandwidth just getting a beatdown currently. I will also need to do a software update and some other stuff.
Also once TextWrangler is installed created a todo list of sorts to keep track of what I added, deleted and changed.
So far tiger rocks my socks, need to get rid of Dashboard, taking up space in my dock and really dont need it at all. It seems like a big lag on my system.
This is a clip from The Goddess Bunny movie. I am really lost for words with this one. This is one of the most disturbing videos I have ever seen.
So after much time and random other stuff (laziness) I have finally moved to Tiger on my pbook. It didn’t take long at all thanks to firewire and bozwayed’s pbook where I dumped my whole home directory, see formated then installed Tiger, price and copied it back over so I can pick and choose what I need and backup the rest for later refrence.
I am trying to get rid of the legacy stuff that I been carrying on my laptop for like 5 years. I been thinking of just getting rid of my old mail messages, sildenafil but not sure will sleep on it and think about it in the morning. I think I might just import them all back in Mail they are good refrence for some old stuff like emails and other conversations since I dont have any other place to access them later quickly and efficiently.
Currently redownloading latest things of everything and I can see my bandwidth just getting a beatdown currently. I will also need to do a software update and some other stuff.
Also once TextWrangler is installed created a todo list of sorts to keep track of what I added, deleted and changed.
So far tiger rocks my socks, need to get rid of Dashboard, taking up space in my dock and really dont need it at all. It seems like a big lag on my system.
Ever wondered where Sony got its name? Or Apple Computers?

Well seems that Sony is fom the Latin word ‘sonus’ meaning sound, allergist and ‘sonny’ a slang used by Americans to refer to a bright youngster.

Apple got theirs because Steve Jobs needed to file a name for the company if no one had anything better he would file it under Apple his favorite fruit.

Some other cool tidbits of company names like Red Hat, Cisco, Yahoo and others at Company Names
This is a clip from The Goddess Bunny movie. I am really lost for words with this one. This is one of the most disturbing videos I have ever seen.
So after much time and random other stuff (laziness) I have finally moved to Tiger on my pbook. It didn’t take long at all thanks to firewire and bozwayed’s pbook where I dumped my whole home directory, see formated then installed Tiger, price and copied it back over so I can pick and choose what I need and backup the rest for later refrence.
I am trying to get rid of the legacy stuff that I been carrying on my laptop for like 5 years. I been thinking of just getting rid of my old mail messages, sildenafil but not sure will sleep on it and think about it in the morning. I think I might just import them all back in Mail they are good refrence for some old stuff like emails and other conversations since I dont have any other place to access them later quickly and efficiently.
Currently redownloading latest things of everything and I can see my bandwidth just getting a beatdown currently. I will also need to do a software update and some other stuff.
Also once TextWrangler is installed created a todo list of sorts to keep track of what I added, deleted and changed.
So far tiger rocks my socks, need to get rid of Dashboard, taking up space in my dock and really dont need it at all. It seems like a big lag on my system.
Ever wondered where Sony got its name? Or Apple Computers?

Well seems that Sony is fom the Latin word ‘sonus’ meaning sound, allergist and ‘sonny’ a slang used by Americans to refer to a bright youngster.

Apple got theirs because Steve Jobs needed to file a name for the company if no one had anything better he would file it under Apple his favorite fruit.

Some other cool tidbits of company names like Red Hat, Cisco, Yahoo and others at Company Names
Been having some major issues with connecting to GPRS via my SE P910i and OSX Tiger. It connects for a second then just disconnects due to some error in settings or some crap, arthritis and it was pissing me off, pancreatitis tried different passwords, and logins, and PPP options.

Finally after searching on the net found this website: Ross Barkman’s Apple Modem Scripts. I downloaded the ones for Sony Ericsson, read the READ ME (Always Important) and picked the Sony Ericsson GPRS CID1 modem and it worked on the first try.

Connection is stable and been so far connected for 8 minutes and no problems, let me do a speed test on this thing.
Download at 42.6 KB
Upload at 17.2 KB

Not bad, well got it setup so I am happy now
This is a clip from The Goddess Bunny movie. I am really lost for words with this one. This is one of the most disturbing videos I have ever seen.
So after much time and random other stuff (laziness) I have finally moved to Tiger on my pbook. It didn’t take long at all thanks to firewire and bozwayed’s pbook where I dumped my whole home directory, see formated then installed Tiger, price and copied it back over so I can pick and choose what I need and backup the rest for later refrence.
I am trying to get rid of the legacy stuff that I been carrying on my laptop for like 5 years. I been thinking of just getting rid of my old mail messages, sildenafil but not sure will sleep on it and think about it in the morning. I think I might just import them all back in Mail they are good refrence for some old stuff like emails and other conversations since I dont have any other place to access them later quickly and efficiently.
Currently redownloading latest things of everything and I can see my bandwidth just getting a beatdown currently. I will also need to do a software update and some other stuff.
Also once TextWrangler is installed created a todo list of sorts to keep track of what I added, deleted and changed.
So far tiger rocks my socks, need to get rid of Dashboard, taking up space in my dock and really dont need it at all. It seems like a big lag on my system.
Ever wondered where Sony got its name? Or Apple Computers?

Well seems that Sony is fom the Latin word ‘sonus’ meaning sound, allergist and ‘sonny’ a slang used by Americans to refer to a bright youngster.

Apple got theirs because Steve Jobs needed to file a name for the company if no one had anything better he would file it under Apple his favorite fruit.

Some other cool tidbits of company names like Red Hat, Cisco, Yahoo and others at Company Names
Been having some major issues with connecting to GPRS via my SE P910i and OSX Tiger. It connects for a second then just disconnects due to some error in settings or some crap, arthritis and it was pissing me off, pancreatitis tried different passwords, and logins, and PPP options.

Finally after searching on the net found this website: Ross Barkman’s Apple Modem Scripts. I downloaded the ones for Sony Ericsson, read the READ ME (Always Important) and picked the Sony Ericsson GPRS CID1 modem and it worked on the first try.

Connection is stable and been so far connected for 8 minutes and no problems, let me do a speed test on this thing.
Download at 42.6 KB
Upload at 17.2 KB

Not bad, well got it setup so I am happy now
Been having some major issues with connecting to GPRS via my SE P910i and OSX Tiger. It connects for a second then just disconnects due to some error in settings or some crap, arthritis and it was pissing me off, pancreatitis tried different passwords, and logins, and PPP options.

Finally after searching on the net found this website: Ross Barkman’s Apple Modem Scripts. I downloaded the ones for Sony Ericsson, read the READ ME (Always Important) and picked the Sony Ericsson GPRS CID1 modem and it worked on the first try.

Connection is stable and been so far connected for 8 minutes and no problems, let me do a speed test on this thing.
Download at 42.6 KB
Upload at 17.2 KB

Not bad, well got it setup so I am happy now
This looks like something out of A-Team or Macguyer cause some kid built his own flame thrower out of stuff he picked up from his local hardware store.

This thing is pretty impressive, hospital and works. He lists the steps on how to make it and has some cool pictures and animated gif of it in action.

chaff sites

GPRS, P910i and OSX

This is a clip from The Goddess Bunny movie. I am really lost for words with this one. This is one of the most disturbing videos I have ever seen.
This is a clip from The Goddess Bunny movie. I am really lost for words with this one. This is one of the most disturbing videos I have ever seen.
So after much time and random other stuff (laziness) I have finally moved to Tiger on my pbook. It didn’t take long at all thanks to firewire and bozwayed’s pbook where I dumped my whole home directory, see formated then installed Tiger, price and copied it back over so I can pick and choose what I need and backup the rest for later refrence.
I am trying to get rid of the legacy stuff that I been carrying on my laptop for like 5 years. I been thinking of just getting rid of my old mail messages, sildenafil but not sure will sleep on it and think about it in the morning. I think I might just import them all back in Mail they are good refrence for some old stuff like emails and other conversations since I dont have any other place to access them later quickly and efficiently.
Currently redownloading latest things of everything and I can see my bandwidth just getting a beatdown currently. I will also need to do a software update and some other stuff.
Also once TextWrangler is installed created a todo list of sorts to keep track of what I added, deleted and changed.
So far tiger rocks my socks, need to get rid of Dashboard, taking up space in my dock and really dont need it at all. It seems like a big lag on my system.
This is a clip from The Goddess Bunny movie. I am really lost for words with this one. This is one of the most disturbing videos I have ever seen.
So after much time and random other stuff (laziness) I have finally moved to Tiger on my pbook. It didn’t take long at all thanks to firewire and bozwayed’s pbook where I dumped my whole home directory, see formated then installed Tiger, price and copied it back over so I can pick and choose what I need and backup the rest for later refrence.
I am trying to get rid of the legacy stuff that I been carrying on my laptop for like 5 years. I been thinking of just getting rid of my old mail messages, sildenafil but not sure will sleep on it and think about it in the morning. I think I might just import them all back in Mail they are good refrence for some old stuff like emails and other conversations since I dont have any other place to access them later quickly and efficiently.
Currently redownloading latest things of everything and I can see my bandwidth just getting a beatdown currently. I will also need to do a software update and some other stuff.
Also once TextWrangler is installed created a todo list of sorts to keep track of what I added, deleted and changed.
So far tiger rocks my socks, need to get rid of Dashboard, taking up space in my dock and really dont need it at all. It seems like a big lag on my system.
Ever wondered where Sony got its name? Or Apple Computers?

Well seems that Sony is fom the Latin word ‘sonus’ meaning sound, allergist and ‘sonny’ a slang used by Americans to refer to a bright youngster.

Apple got theirs because Steve Jobs needed to file a name for the company if no one had anything better he would file it under Apple his favorite fruit.

Some other cool tidbits of company names like Red Hat, Cisco, Yahoo and others at Company Names
This is a clip from The Goddess Bunny movie. I am really lost for words with this one. This is one of the most disturbing videos I have ever seen.
So after much time and random other stuff (laziness) I have finally moved to Tiger on my pbook. It didn’t take long at all thanks to firewire and bozwayed’s pbook where I dumped my whole home directory, see formated then installed Tiger, price and copied it back over so I can pick and choose what I need and backup the rest for later refrence.
I am trying to get rid of the legacy stuff that I been carrying on my laptop for like 5 years. I been thinking of just getting rid of my old mail messages, sildenafil but not sure will sleep on it and think about it in the morning. I think I might just import them all back in Mail they are good refrence for some old stuff like emails and other conversations since I dont have any other place to access them later quickly and efficiently.
Currently redownloading latest things of everything and I can see my bandwidth just getting a beatdown currently. I will also need to do a software update and some other stuff.
Also once TextWrangler is installed created a todo list of sorts to keep track of what I added, deleted and changed.
So far tiger rocks my socks, need to get rid of Dashboard, taking up space in my dock and really dont need it at all. It seems like a big lag on my system.
Ever wondered where Sony got its name? Or Apple Computers?

Well seems that Sony is fom the Latin word ‘sonus’ meaning sound, allergist and ‘sonny’ a slang used by Americans to refer to a bright youngster.

Apple got theirs because Steve Jobs needed to file a name for the company if no one had anything better he would file it under Apple his favorite fruit.

Some other cool tidbits of company names like Red Hat, Cisco, Yahoo and others at Company Names
Been having some major issues with connecting to GPRS via my SE P910i and OSX Tiger. It connects for a second then just disconnects due to some error in settings or some crap, arthritis and it was pissing me off, pancreatitis tried different passwords, and logins, and PPP options.

Finally after searching on the net found this website: Ross Barkman’s Apple Modem Scripts. I downloaded the ones for Sony Ericsson, read the READ ME (Always Important) and picked the Sony Ericsson GPRS CID1 modem and it worked on the first try.

Connection is stable and been so far connected for 8 minutes and no problems, let me do a speed test on this thing.
Download at 42.6 KB
Upload at 17.2 KB

Not bad, well got it setup so I am happy now

MySql, WordPress and PHP

Big Mango!

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

KDD has made their Mango Juice bigger size for more satisfying thirst! This is the greatest day in Kuwaiti beverage history.

Big Mango!

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

KDD has made their Mango Juice bigger size for more satisfying thirst! This is the greatest day in Kuwaiti beverage history.

Finally got Connie running Wordpres. My main problem was that I was following this MacZealot’s WordPress Tutorial and it does a great job but I kept ending up with the same error:

“Error establishing a database connection”

I didnt notice that the tutorial was written almost a year ago, visit and the MySql they were using was the version that was available at the time. While I use the latest version. So after RTFM after RTFM and trying out different MySql queries I figured out I just need to upgrade PHP.

Seems that my MySql was the new version 4.1.10a-max, and my PHP was the standard with OSX 10.3 and knew how to communicate to MySql 4.0.20. So had to upgrade my PHP and I wasn’t about to try many random ones, like the one from the Apple site, but those wouldn’t do and glad I didn’t install it blindly like I usually do and read the README. I had to install Mark Liyange’s PHP Package for OSX 10.3 it was a quick and painless upgrade and my WordPress finally worked!

I put WordPress on my laptop so I can do some themes and hacks to my blog and other stuff with out screwing this main site. This is so when I move to I wont be carrying the bloat thats in my current install.