Alan Johnston is a BBC reporter that has been missing in Gaza since March 12th.
Alan Johnston is a BBC reporter that has been missing in Gaza since March 12th.
Off to England for the week. Arrived earlier today via Qatar Air. Slowly becoming my favorite/standard airline for trips. Just there connections availability and their services are great. Since I had to be in Manchester and it was the best option.
Currently in a place about 120km from Manchester in the country and it has been bliss. The weather here is just amazing cool and sunny. Really wonderful and such a change from the weather we been having in Kuwait. My lunch was outside and was just a wonderful experience, viagra order my body and brain just relaxed in ways I haven’t felt in ages.
There is some culture shock since the last time I was in England was around 20 years ago. So basing what I see from TV (news and shows) and what people have said. I can’t wait to get back to London and see what has changed there over the years, physiotherapy but that won’t be after I am done with work here.
Also update my blog theme, will be adding a LifeStream feature soon, but need some time to work on that and get out the bugs from the plugin.