Which Way?

Never question the intelligence of children.

A bunch of preschoolers were asked “In which direction is the bus pictured below traveling?”, abortion the only possible answers being “left” or “right.”

They all answered “left.” When asked why, they said because you can’t see the door. And suddenly you feel pretty dumb. You and me both.

It just makes perfect sense

From: I Guess We’ll Just Have To Adjust

The Boy Who Went Forth to Learn Pain

We are all some what familiar with the story The Boy Who Went Forth to Learn Fear and it is many variations. Yet there does exist a boy who does not know pain. Seems there is this rare medical disorder that doesn’t allow him to feel pain, salve and he doesn’t cry when he is hungry, symptoms or needs changing since it doesnt’ physically bother him.

This is just the strangest and freakiest thing:

According to Axelrod, levels of pain vary.

“For some children it’s a mild degree such as breaking a leg, they’ll get up and walk on the leg. They feel that something is uncomfortable but they keep on moving,” she said. “For other children, the pain loss is so severe that they can injure themselves repetitively and actually mutilate themselves because they don’t know when to stop.”

The boy even mutiliated his own tongue when he was teething cause well he felt no pain when he bit it.

This is actually scary to imagine a child’s life like that. Really gives you a glimpse on what pain does to the human body, it sets limits and well it is a better understanding of your body and life.

We Love Kuwait

From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
I rarely tell people what I want for a present or any of that sort. I even dont like asking people what they want for their birthday. I figure if you know the person well enough you can figure things out and be able to get stuff for them that you know they will like and enjoy.

So I am dropping a big hint to everyone if they want to get my stuff. Get it from here Entertainment Earth, website like this
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
From Dec 11 to Dec 28
In : 241
Out: 253

I think thats a good ratio.
I rarely tell people what I want for a present or any of that sort. I even dont like asking people what they want for their birthday. I figure if you know the person well enough you can figure things out and be able to get stuff for them that you know they will like and enjoy.

So I am dropping a big hint to everyone if they want to get my stuff. Get it from here Entertainment Earth, website like this
I got this spam email a week ago and it was actually something pretty cool. It was for We Love Kuwait, click which is a website for children’s books.

I am really attracted to their work, it is very simple and you can tell they do it with love.

Dealing with Kids


Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Did the Suduko puzzle as I am waiting for my car service.


Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Did the Suduko puzzle as I am waiting for my car service.

Just found out that they are 30, somnology 000 taxis working Kuwait! I can’t believe that they are that many roaming the streets of Kuwait, cost and that the government has just released option for 1000 more. What the hell is going on? Has public transportation and city planning turned to such crap that we have to have taxis roaming the streets. It is going to be one madhouse.


Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Did the Suduko puzzle as I am waiting for my car service.

Just found out that they are 30, somnology 000 taxis working Kuwait! I can’t believe that they are that many roaming the streets of Kuwait, cost and that the government has just released option for 1000 more. What the hell is going on? Has public transportation and city planning turned to such crap that we have to have taxis roaming the streets. It is going to be one madhouse.
Just found out that they are 30, somnology 000 taxis working Kuwait! I can’t believe that they are that many roaming the streets of Kuwait, cost and that the government has just released option for 1000 more. What the hell is going on? Has public transportation and city planning turned to such crap that we have to have taxis roaming the streets. It is going to be one madhouse.
This year for Eid I am going to make a list. I always end up forgetting someone so making a list seems the best way to remember and even save it for next Eid. Yet I will have two lists one for people I will just SMS the other to actually call. We are really gotten impersonal with this SMS thing over the years it is a great way to keep contact with people, order
but sometimes it is nice to give em a call and say it with your voice.


Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Did the Suduko puzzle as I am waiting for my car service.

Just found out that they are 30, somnology 000 taxis working Kuwait! I can’t believe that they are that many roaming the streets of Kuwait, cost and that the government has just released option for 1000 more. What the hell is going on? Has public transportation and city planning turned to such crap that we have to have taxis roaming the streets. It is going to be one madhouse.
Just found out that they are 30, somnology 000 taxis working Kuwait! I can’t believe that they are that many roaming the streets of Kuwait, cost and that the government has just released option for 1000 more. What the hell is going on? Has public transportation and city planning turned to such crap that we have to have taxis roaming the streets. It is going to be one madhouse.
This year for Eid I am going to make a list. I always end up forgetting someone so making a list seems the best way to remember and even save it for next Eid. Yet I will have two lists one for people I will just SMS the other to actually call. We are really gotten impersonal with this SMS thing over the years it is a great way to keep contact with people, order
but sometimes it is nice to give em a call and say it with your voice.
This is one of the greatest ideas I’ve seen in a while in terms of guerilla style.

Guerilla Drive-Ins

Can be done in Kuwait using a car, pharmacy with a digital projector and one of those fancy car to regular power adaptor. I like their AM system instead of FM since most of you iTrip people know how much of a pain of an ass it is to setup your iPod. And locations I know a few quiet places.


Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Did the Suduko puzzle as I am waiting for my car service.

Just found out that they are 30, somnology 000 taxis working Kuwait! I can’t believe that they are that many roaming the streets of Kuwait, cost and that the government has just released option for 1000 more. What the hell is going on? Has public transportation and city planning turned to such crap that we have to have taxis roaming the streets. It is going to be one madhouse.
Just found out that they are 30, somnology 000 taxis working Kuwait! I can’t believe that they are that many roaming the streets of Kuwait, cost and that the government has just released option for 1000 more. What the hell is going on? Has public transportation and city planning turned to such crap that we have to have taxis roaming the streets. It is going to be one madhouse.
This year for Eid I am going to make a list. I always end up forgetting someone so making a list seems the best way to remember and even save it for next Eid. Yet I will have two lists one for people I will just SMS the other to actually call. We are really gotten impersonal with this SMS thing over the years it is a great way to keep contact with people, order
but sometimes it is nice to give em a call and say it with your voice.
This is one of the greatest ideas I’ve seen in a while in terms of guerilla style.

Guerilla Drive-Ins

Can be done in Kuwait using a car, pharmacy with a digital projector and one of those fancy car to regular power adaptor. I like their AM system instead of FM since most of you iTrip people know how much of a pain of an ass it is to setup your iPod. And locations I know a few quiet places.
Today at my grandparents house for lunch I had an episode on child rearing.

I was up stairs in the living room watching my cousins play video games and on the couch trying to get a quick nap when my Dad called me asking for his car keys. I really didn’t feel like going downstairs to give them to him but knew I had. So I saw my little cousin sitting down by the couch eating cake. So I went to him gave him the key and told him to give it to my father. He held it in his hand for a second then threw it on the floor saying “no” and went back to eating cake. I tried again this time with bribery tht there is more cake downstairs. And again he threw the key saying “no”.

I was in a quagmire. What to do? My father wanted his car keys to go home, link and I was fighting a brick wall with this kids stubbornness. If I go down with the key then he would have won, read and this would have reenforced this behavior.

So I grabbed the key and him as well. He fought me going down grabbing on doors and trying to fight, but he wasn’t being aggressive more annoyed. We got down and put him down in front of my Dad and gave him the key. My cousin looked defeated as he gave my father the key. I was happy knowing I didnt back down. Then ran back up stairs to the couch.