Kuwait Blogs under the Microscope

If you recall a couple months ago we were all asked to do a survey by Noor Ali-Hasan for help on her thesis. Well I am happy to say that she has finally posted it: Analyzing the Social Patters and Behaviors Associated with Blogrolls and Blog comments.

I casually glanced through it this morning and have to say if it some fascinating stuff. She compares our Kuwait blogosphere, drug with UAE’s and Dallas Fortworth/Texas (DFW) and has come up with some interesting observations on the data.

While I was reading it I couldn’t help getting this feeling that I was on a psychologists couch asking if I have sexual thoughts about gophers as Noor is smoking a cigar.

I am really happy about this paper for it gives Kuwait Blogs a stronger identity by defining our interactions. One thing that I found intriguing in the study, buy more about is that we had more similarities to the DFW blogosphere compared to the UAE one. I think they could be due to the homogeneity of our blogospheres.


Figured out how to to do this Russian Maze Mark told me about. My attention span is so hectic only way to remeber what to do is if I wrote it down. So used white board marker and marked up my screen.

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Figured out how to to do this Russian Maze Mark told me about. My attention span is so hectic only way to remeber what to do is if I wrote it down. So used white board marker and marked up my screen.

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Been so lazy lately, steroids just not in the mood to post, cheap find some good stuff and have some pics of things that I want to post, but just havent had the urge to just go and post it. Today forced me to get and do some online stuff due to the hack that happened. Also was due to laziness, didn’t upgrade wordpress to 1.5.2 or drupal to latest version. Didn’t even know Drupal had a major upgrade. Both those hacks were due to the xmlrpc call.
So need to do some fixes and updates and of course backups. I usually do just SQL backups, but Rami suggest doing full directory backups. I will start doing that, make some cron job and have it email it to my gmail account.
Had Wimpys in Nuzha earlier tonight, good stuff. Dont recall the old stuff tasted like, but this stuff was good.

Kuwait Holidays for iCal

Family Guy at 1?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

I am quiet shocked that One Tv is showing Family Guy at 1pm. I bet they think it is a kid show. With its language & adult humor & Ones censorship policy its just strange to see it.

Family Guy at 1?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

I am quiet shocked that One Tv is showing Family Guy at 1pm. I bet they think it is a kid show. With its language & adult humor & Ones censorship policy its just strange to see it.

Family Guy at 1?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

I am quiet shocked that One Tv is showing Family Guy at 1pm. I bet they think it is a kid show. With its language & adult humor & Ones censorship policy its just strange to see it.

You can view my calendar at: http://ical.mac.com/nibaq/KuwaitHolidays, and or subcribe to my calendar at: webcal://ical.mac.com/nibaq/KuwaitHolidays.ics via iCal

Tagging System

I will like to send a big congrats to the new member of our excusive elite extraordinary club. Jacqui has just gotten an Apple Powerbook.

Mabrook Jacqui!
So what you name it?
I will like to send a big congrats to the new member of our excusive elite extraordinary club. Jacqui has just gotten an Apple Powerbook.

Mabrook Jacqui!
So what you name it?
Integrated a tagging plugin system to replace my category system that I been using. I really want to add more categories but it really is a pain with the plethora of topics that I discuss and feel that having a category for 1 or 2 enteries would be more work than needed and not serve it’s purpose well. So now you will see a new tagging structure in my posts. I still have some more work to do with it in terms of related tags, ophthalmologist and having a tag cloud in the bottom of the page and in my archives.