I Miss Crime

Security requires a particular mindset. Security professionals — at least the good ones — see the world differently. They can’t walk into a store without noticing how they might shoplift. They can’t use a computer without wondering about the security vulnerabilities. They can’t vote without trying to figure out how to vote twice. They just can’t help it.

Schneier on Security: The Security Mindset

Goonies Never Say Die

Here is the supposed worst theme park in the world in Alexandria Egypt: Fantazy Land. I dont know how this place is ever open, remedy
it just looks bad and simply forgotten and someone forgot to tell the employees they can leave.

Check out his pictures and their attached descriptions.

Here is the supposed worst theme park in the world in Alexandria Egypt: Fantazy Land. I dont know how this place is ever open, remedy
it just looks bad and simply forgotten and someone forgot to tell the employees they can leave.

Check out his pictures and their attached descriptions.

Here is the supposed worst theme park in the world in Alexandria Egypt: Fantazy Land. I dont know how this place is ever open, remedy
it just looks bad and simply forgotten and someone forgot to tell the employees they can leave.

Check out his pictures and their attached descriptions.
This troubles me:

[Keira Knightley] also claims magazine publishers in the US ban stars from appearing on their front covers unless they have at least a C-cup size, malady or are willing to be digitally enhanced to make it appear as if they have.

says Keira | the Daily Mail

I knew magazine covers and such were always touched up, but the digital breast implants to that degree? Makes you really wonder what is real or not in Hollywood.

Here is the supposed worst theme park in the world in Alexandria Egypt: Fantazy Land. I dont know how this place is ever open, remedy
it just looks bad and simply forgotten and someone forgot to tell the employees they can leave.

Check out his pictures and their attached descriptions.

Here is the supposed worst theme park in the world in Alexandria Egypt: Fantazy Land. I dont know how this place is ever open, remedy
it just looks bad and simply forgotten and someone forgot to tell the employees they can leave.

Check out his pictures and their attached descriptions.
This troubles me:

[Keira Knightley] also claims magazine publishers in the US ban stars from appearing on their front covers unless they have at least a C-cup size, malady or are willing to be digitally enhanced to make it appear as if they have.

says Keira | the Daily Mail

I knew magazine covers and such were always touched up, but the digital breast implants to that degree? Makes you really wonder what is real or not in Hollywood.

Here is the supposed worst theme park in the world in Alexandria Egypt: Fantazy Land. I dont know how this place is ever open, remedy
it just looks bad and simply forgotten and someone forgot to tell the employees they can leave.

Check out his pictures and their attached descriptions.
This troubles me:

[Keira Knightley] also claims magazine publishers in the US ban stars from appearing on their front covers unless they have at least a C-cup size, malady or are willing to be digitally enhanced to make it appear as if they have.

says Keira | the Daily Mail

I knew magazine covers and such were always touched up, but the digital breast implants to that degree? Makes you really wonder what is real or not in Hollywood.
I will never betray my goon dock friends
We will stick together until the whole world ends
Through heaven and hell, rx
and nuclear war
Good pals like us, pharm
will stick like tar
In the city, or the country, or the forest, or the boonies
I am proudly declared a fellow Goony.

The Goonies Oath

Feeling Invisible

One of the greatest car videos I have ever seen.

  • 1978
  • Paris
  • Ferrari
  • Running red lights
  • Driving on sidewalks
  • The director was arrested after showing this
  • The film went underground

You really have to just see it. Compare to the latest offerings of drag races of super cars in the middle east this is pure pleasure.


One of the greatest car videos I have ever seen.

  • 1978
  • Paris
  • Ferrari
  • Running red lights
  • Driving on sidewalks
  • The director was arrested after showing this
  • The film went underground

You really have to just see it. Compare to the latest offerings of drag races of super cars in the middle east this is pure pleasure.


One of the greatest car videos I have ever seen.

  • 1978
  • Paris
  • Ferrari
  • Running red lights
  • Driving on sidewalks
  • The director was arrested after showing this
  • The film went underground

You really have to just see it. Compare to the latest offerings of drag races of super cars in the middle east this is pure pleasure.


One of the greatest car videos I have ever seen.

  • 1978
  • Paris
  • Ferrari
  • Running red lights
  • Driving on sidewalks
  • The director was arrested after showing this
  • The film went underground

You really have to just see it. Compare to the latest offerings of drag races of super cars in the middle east this is pure pleasure.


If you see the Buddha, rx
kill the Buddha

Remember together remember forever

The easiest way to never forget, sickness
is to have nothing to remember
delegate to other, epilepsy
to technology.

Jan Chipchase Mobile Essentials