
Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Did the Suduko puzzle as I am waiting for my car service.


Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Did the Suduko puzzle as I am waiting for my car service.

Just found out that they are 30, somnology 000 taxis working Kuwait! I can’t believe that they are that many roaming the streets of Kuwait, cost and that the government has just released option for 1000 more. What the hell is going on? Has public transportation and city planning turned to such crap that we have to have taxis roaming the streets. It is going to be one madhouse.

Getting Colder

Figured out how to to do this Russian Maze Mark told me about. My attention span is so hectic only way to remeber what to do is if I wrote it down. So used white board marker and marked up my screen.

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Figured out how to to do this Russian Maze Mark told me about. My attention span is so hectic only way to remeber what to do is if I wrote it down. So used white board marker and marked up my screen.

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Been so lazy lately, steroids just not in the mood to post, cheap find some good stuff and have some pics of things that I want to post, but just havent had the urge to just go and post it. Today forced me to get and do some online stuff due to the hack that happened. Also was due to laziness, didn’t upgrade wordpress to 1.5.2 or drupal to latest version. Didn’t even know Drupal had a major upgrade. Both those hacks were due to the xmlrpc call.
So need to do some fixes and updates and of course backups. I usually do just SQL backups, but Rami suggest doing full directory backups. I will start doing that, make some cron job and have it email it to my gmail account.
Had Wimpys in Nuzha earlier tonight, good stuff. Dont recall the old stuff tasted like, but this stuff was good.

Figured out how to to do this Russian Maze Mark told me about. My attention span is so hectic only way to remeber what to do is if I wrote it down. So used white board marker and marked up my screen.

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Been so lazy lately, steroids just not in the mood to post, cheap find some good stuff and have some pics of things that I want to post, but just havent had the urge to just go and post it. Today forced me to get and do some online stuff due to the hack that happened. Also was due to laziness, didn’t upgrade wordpress to 1.5.2 or drupal to latest version. Didn’t even know Drupal had a major upgrade. Both those hacks were due to the xmlrpc call.
So need to do some fixes and updates and of course backups. I usually do just SQL backups, but Rami suggest doing full directory backups. I will start doing that, make some cron job and have it email it to my gmail account.
Had Wimpys in Nuzha earlier tonight, good stuff. Dont recall the old stuff tasted like, but this stuff was good.

Some of my favorites from the ailment ,2-2005400426, look 00.html”>The Edinburgh Fringe Festival

  • Cats have nine lives. Which makes them ideal for experimentation.

    Jimmy Carr

  • The dodo died. Then Dodi died, Di died and Dando died… Dido must be sh***ing herself.

    Colin & Fergus

  • It’s easy to distract fat people. It’s a piece of cake.

    Chris Addison

Figured out how to to do this Russian Maze Mark told me about. My attention span is so hectic only way to remeber what to do is if I wrote it down. So used white board marker and marked up my screen.

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Been so lazy lately, steroids just not in the mood to post, cheap find some good stuff and have some pics of things that I want to post, but just havent had the urge to just go and post it. Today forced me to get and do some online stuff due to the hack that happened. Also was due to laziness, didn’t upgrade wordpress to 1.5.2 or drupal to latest version. Didn’t even know Drupal had a major upgrade. Both those hacks were due to the xmlrpc call.
So need to do some fixes and updates and of course backups. I usually do just SQL backups, but Rami suggest doing full directory backups. I will start doing that, make some cron job and have it email it to my gmail account.
Had Wimpys in Nuzha earlier tonight, good stuff. Dont recall the old stuff tasted like, but this stuff was good.

Some of my favorites from the ailment ,2-2005400426, look 00.html”>The Edinburgh Fringe Festival

  • Cats have nine lives. Which makes them ideal for experimentation.

    Jimmy Carr

  • The dodo died. Then Dodi died, Di died and Dando died… Dido must be sh***ing herself.

    Colin & Fergus

  • It’s easy to distract fat people. It’s a piece of cake.

    Chris Addison

This mornig when I got up and took my shower, pills it felt cold. The water wasn’t hot, cost the air in general in my room felt cold. So I checked with the rest of the morning crew if they felt the same. Stallion felt it to this morning, erectile and Mark felt it today and yesterday. Purg who has a heart of ice, didn’t feel anything as ussual.

Is summer finally over? Is it time to turn on our water heaters?


Figured out how to to do this Russian Maze Mark told me about. My attention span is so hectic only way to remeber what to do is if I wrote it down. So used white board marker and marked up my screen.

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Figured out how to to do this Russian Maze Mark told me about. My attention span is so hectic only way to remeber what to do is if I wrote it down. So used white board marker and marked up my screen.

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Been so lazy lately, steroids just not in the mood to post, cheap find some good stuff and have some pics of things that I want to post, but just havent had the urge to just go and post it. Today forced me to get and do some online stuff due to the hack that happened. Also was due to laziness, didn’t upgrade wordpress to 1.5.2 or drupal to latest version. Didn’t even know Drupal had a major upgrade. Both those hacks were due to the xmlrpc call.
So need to do some fixes and updates and of course backups. I usually do just SQL backups, but Rami suggest doing full directory backups. I will start doing that, make some cron job and have it email it to my gmail account.
Had Wimpys in Nuzha earlier tonight, good stuff. Dont recall the old stuff tasted like, but this stuff was good.

Kuwait Holidays for iCal

Family Guy at 1?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

I am quiet shocked that One Tv is showing Family Guy at 1pm. I bet they think it is a kid show. With its language & adult humor & Ones censorship policy its just strange to see it.

Family Guy at 1?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

I am quiet shocked that One Tv is showing Family Guy at 1pm. I bet they think it is a kid show. With its language & adult humor & Ones censorship policy its just strange to see it.

Family Guy at 1?

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

I am quiet shocked that One Tv is showing Family Guy at 1pm. I bet they think it is a kid show. With its language & adult humor & Ones censorship policy its just strange to see it.

You can view my calendar at: http://ical.mac.com/nibaq/KuwaitHolidays, and or subcribe to my calendar at: webcal://ical.mac.com/nibaq/KuwaitHolidays.ics via iCal

Ride the Train

Just dropped number 3 at the airport and he is off to the US. We did our standard simple good bye and sent him on his way. Surprisingly the airport was really busy in the arrivals dept. just tons of people. I didn’t notice which planes were coming in.
Just dropped number 3 at the airport and he is off to the US. We did our standard simple good bye and sent him on his way. Surprisingly the airport was really busy in the arrivals dept. just tons of people. I didn’t notice which planes were coming in.
Just dropped number 3 at the airport and he is off to the US. We did our standard simple good bye and sent him on his way. Surprisingly the airport was really busy in the arrivals dept. just tons of people. I didn’t notice which planes were coming in.
This is one of the coolest websites I have seen. It is all about metro/underground/subway systems around the world. As a world traveler adn freqent user of public transport this site is a gem of information and resources for when I travel.
It is also quote inspiring, anemia
like my trip in Prague I was impressed with the style of the stations and the lines. It was coordinated and each one had its own style for you to regonize it just by looking the design and not the name.
So who ever is designing the supposed mass transit system for Kuwait better look at the site and read up on the benifits of each system and their downfalls, and also that metro stations are beutiful. They have to deal with thousands of people everyday waiting and pacing to work and should have style to it. Cause if you are going to be spending that much money, at least make it look pretty.

Metro Bits

Black Markers

I want to go to this island Tristan da Cunha. It is in the middle of no where in the south Atlantic and has just 276 people and 1 swimming pool.

I am wondering how the people live in that small community away from most and if not all types of mass media. I remeber when we were in Bora Bora – Tahiti and how just quiet it was there. That whole cut of feeling sounds scary and fun at the same time.
I want to go to this island Tristan da Cunha. It is in the middle of no where in the south Atlantic and has just 276 people and 1 swimming pool.

I am wondering how the people live in that small community away from most and if not all types of mass media. I remeber when we were in Bora Bora – Tahiti and how just quiet it was there. That whole cut of feeling sounds scary and fun at the same time.
I just discovered CIA’s Archive, noun this is stuff that the CIA used to have classified and marked secret but now are open for anyone to go through and read. I been doing a search for Kuwait in the archive and it is like a mini history lesson. Most blurbs about Kuwait before 1990 are just a page or 5 long discussing current politcal and economic situtaiton and other random stuff. Yet even that has some lined nicely marked in black. I wonder what they were saying and what they hid.
One cool one I found was about the Arab Israel situtation in like 1950s and there was this part where they talk about the missles that Egypt and Israel are developing and then there is this huge paragraph that is blacked out. I wonder if it is hiding the fact that around that time Israel got nuclear weapons.

I think this is the section that would interest most Kuwaitis
CIA FOIA – Kuwait, August 1990. So we can get all the cool info about what happend during the invasion, occupation and the following war.

Sand in Your Eye

Our favorite guerilla street artist Bansky has gone to the West Bank/Palestine to protest the 425 mile (700km) Israeli wall.

Pictures from Banksy’s website.
see ascariasis neurologist 8542,1543331,00.html”>Pictures from the Gaurdian.

Our favorite guerilla street artist Bansky has gone to the West Bank/Palestine to protest the 425 mile (700km) Israeli wall.

Pictures from Banksy’s website.
ascariasis neurologist 8542,1543331,00.html”>Pictures from the Gaurdian.

Our favorite guerilla street artist Bansky has gone to the West Bank/Palestine to protest the 425 mile (700km) Israeli wall.

Pictures from Banksy’s website.
neurologist 8542,1543331,00.html”>Pictures from the Gaurdian.

Currently in Kuwait city in Shraq and this desert fubuki is just a menace. I measured visibility in my car to be around 500m-700m, approved
but now looking out to the other buildings nad hearing this roar of wind just attack the windows is freaky.

Search and Ye Shall Find

Mr. July

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Stuck at the German/Czech border. All 5 of us have been stripped searched. It wasnt bad we were laughing & making jokes but it was the gay calendar in the room that freaked us out. We even got pics with the cop who searched us. We are are all done now & heading to Czech.

Mr. July

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Stuck at the German/Czech border. All 5 of us have been stripped searched. It wasnt bad we were laughing & making jokes but it was the gay calendar in the room that freaked us out. We even got pics with the cop who searched us. We are are all done now & heading to Czech.

Well still in Czech enjoying the time here really ncie place, web good friendly place and just a great time to relax and walk around. I been walking like a fiend lately, syphilis got blisters and everything and then just keep walkig in the morning. It been really healthy to do this everyday feeling tha tI am losing weight and just better as a whole.
Tomorrow ditching the people I am with they are really dragging me in the morings. Takes us an hour and a half to actually get going and feel that I am losing a lot of time that I can be visiting galleries and musuems and just take pictures of the buildings and streets.
Got the town memorized pretty much really easy to figure out once you got the landmarks memorized like shops, statues and such and bam can just roam around with ease. I really want to see some galleries and walk on my own pace. The people I am with are good and fun but I move at a faster speed and really want to spend some alone time.
Currently at a laundro-mat getting my clothes cleaned, so today will be a day of just cleaning and stuff, they have CNN on the TV and I am just whoa!. I really been living in a bubble this past week, have no ideas on what is going on in the world. The world could have been destoryed twice over and wouldn’t know about it. Even checking out the blogs on safat on the other window to see what has been going on on in Kuwait.
Being here has been giving me some great ideas and thoughts to think about the future. It is one of the benifits of traveling and being out of your comfort zones and living in different world. The place we are staying at now is a college dorm from the communist era. They have one room just filled with showers, another filled with sinks and one just toilets in all sorts of weird angles. The benifit of this place is that we have hot shower compared to the place we were earlier and that have unisex showers. That was a whoa but it kinda makes up for the communist living on the place.
Will try to get some more updates as the week goes by but we should have some more time to get online and keep little updates, one big annoyance is people calling me and its all unkown so I can’t answers and talk to them or even send them a message so if you want to reach me send me a SMS.

Mr. July

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Stuck at the German/Czech border. All 5 of us have been stripped searched. It wasnt bad we were laughing & making jokes but it was the gay calendar in the room that freaked us out. We even got pics with the cop who searched us. We are are all done now & heading to Czech.

Well still in Czech enjoying the time here really ncie place, web good friendly place and just a great time to relax and walk around. I been walking like a fiend lately, syphilis got blisters and everything and then just keep walkig in the morning. It been really healthy to do this everyday feeling tha tI am losing weight and just better as a whole.
Tomorrow ditching the people I am with they are really dragging me in the morings. Takes us an hour and a half to actually get going and feel that I am losing a lot of time that I can be visiting galleries and musuems and just take pictures of the buildings and streets.
Got the town memorized pretty much really easy to figure out once you got the landmarks memorized like shops, statues and such and bam can just roam around with ease. I really want to see some galleries and walk on my own pace. The people I am with are good and fun but I move at a faster speed and really want to spend some alone time.
Currently at a laundro-mat getting my clothes cleaned, so today will be a day of just cleaning and stuff, they have CNN on the TV and I am just whoa!. I really been living in a bubble this past week, have no ideas on what is going on in the world. The world could have been destoryed twice over and wouldn’t know about it. Even checking out the blogs on safat on the other window to see what has been going on on in Kuwait.
Being here has been giving me some great ideas and thoughts to think about the future. It is one of the benifits of traveling and being out of your comfort zones and living in different world. The place we are staying at now is a college dorm from the communist era. They have one room just filled with showers, another filled with sinks and one just toilets in all sorts of weird angles. The benifit of this place is that we have hot shower compared to the place we were earlier and that have unisex showers. That was a whoa but it kinda makes up for the communist living on the place.
Will try to get some more updates as the week goes by but we should have some more time to get online and keep little updates, one big annoyance is people calling me and its all unkown so I can’t answers and talk to them or even send them a message so if you want to reach me send me a SMS.

Well still in Czech enjoying the time here really ncie place, web good friendly place and just a great time to relax and walk around. I been walking like a fiend lately, syphilis got blisters and everything and then just keep walkig in the morning. It been really healthy to do this everyday feeling tha tI am losing weight and just better as a whole.
Tomorrow ditching the people I am with they are really dragging me in the morings. Takes us an hour and a half to actually get going and feel that I am losing a lot of time that I can be visiting galleries and musuems and just take pictures of the buildings and streets.
Got the town memorized pretty much really easy to figure out once you got the landmarks memorized like shops, statues and such and bam can just roam around with ease. I really want to see some galleries and walk on my own pace. The people I am with are good and fun but I move at a faster speed and really want to spend some alone time.
Currently at a laundro-mat getting my clothes cleaned, so today will be a day of just cleaning and stuff, they have CNN on the TV and I am just whoa!. I really been living in a bubble this past week, have no ideas on what is going on in the world. The world could have been destoryed twice over and wouldn’t know about it. Even checking out the blogs on safat on the other window to see what has been going on on in Kuwait.
Being here has been giving me some great ideas and thoughts to think about the future. It is one of the benifits of traveling and being out of your comfort zones and living in different world. The place we are staying at now is a college dorm from the communist era. They have one room just filled with showers, another filled with sinks and one just toilets in all sorts of weird angles. The benifit of this place is that we have hot shower compared to the place we were earlier and that have unisex showers. That was a whoa but it kinda makes up for the communist living on the place.
Will try to get some more updates as the week goes by but we should have some more time to get online and keep little updates, one big annoyance is people calling me and its all unkown so I can’t answers and talk to them or even send them a message so if you want to reach me send me a SMS.

Back home and back to blogging. It has been an enjoyable 2 weeks without internet or email or blogs, viagra
tv and most forms of mass communications. Once I got through the main parts of it, geriatrician
it was smooth sailing, visit this site
even now getting back on a computer and writing this feels weird.

So some quick jots on my trip:
Stripped searched by Germany police by the Czech border.
Julianne, those eyes and that accent, will take me a long time to forget.
The wedding, us in dishdashas and the couple with their antics.
Carls story to end all stories on how he proposed to his wife in the Pacific ocean in the middle of winter.
My phone committing suicide.
Bill: “thats a beutiful thing”
The Bristol Boys “LEGENDS”
Unisex bathrooms
Charlie and Choclate Factory Sucked
George: “Hookers, knives, guns, and fire trucks”
laske je laske
absinthe is bad
lot of drinking in Czech weddings
“Hold This”
With 8% of Americans with passports a shit ton where in Prague and Amsterdam
The Red Light District with the American Girls
Lung Butter
Carl: “This never happens” as we are stuck in the longest train ride ever.
The Jagermister Hut!
Blisters on my blisters
Sandals > Shoes

Just a quick hash of what I remebered, most likely will add to it

Mr. July

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Stuck at the German/Czech border. All 5 of us have been stripped searched. It wasnt bad we were laughing & making jokes but it was the gay calendar in the room that freaked us out. We even got pics with the cop who searched us. We are are all done now & heading to Czech.

Well still in Czech enjoying the time here really ncie place, web good friendly place and just a great time to relax and walk around. I been walking like a fiend lately, syphilis got blisters and everything and then just keep walkig in the morning. It been really healthy to do this everyday feeling tha tI am losing weight and just better as a whole.
Tomorrow ditching the people I am with they are really dragging me in the morings. Takes us an hour and a half to actually get going and feel that I am losing a lot of time that I can be visiting galleries and musuems and just take pictures of the buildings and streets.
Got the town memorized pretty much really easy to figure out once you got the landmarks memorized like shops, statues and such and bam can just roam around with ease. I really want to see some galleries and walk on my own pace. The people I am with are good and fun but I move at a faster speed and really want to spend some alone time.
Currently at a laundro-mat getting my clothes cleaned, so today will be a day of just cleaning and stuff, they have CNN on the TV and I am just whoa!. I really been living in a bubble this past week, have no ideas on what is going on in the world. The world could have been destoryed twice over and wouldn’t know about it. Even checking out the blogs on safat on the other window to see what has been going on on in Kuwait.
Being here has been giving me some great ideas and thoughts to think about the future. It is one of the benifits of traveling and being out of your comfort zones and living in different world. The place we are staying at now is a college dorm from the communist era. They have one room just filled with showers, another filled with sinks and one just toilets in all sorts of weird angles. The benifit of this place is that we have hot shower compared to the place we were earlier and that have unisex showers. That was a whoa but it kinda makes up for the communist living on the place.
Will try to get some more updates as the week goes by but we should have some more time to get online and keep little updates, one big annoyance is people calling me and its all unkown so I can’t answers and talk to them or even send them a message so if you want to reach me send me a SMS.

Well still in Czech enjoying the time here really ncie place, web good friendly place and just a great time to relax and walk around. I been walking like a fiend lately, syphilis got blisters and everything and then just keep walkig in the morning. It been really healthy to do this everyday feeling tha tI am losing weight and just better as a whole.
Tomorrow ditching the people I am with they are really dragging me in the morings. Takes us an hour and a half to actually get going and feel that I am losing a lot of time that I can be visiting galleries and musuems and just take pictures of the buildings and streets.
Got the town memorized pretty much really easy to figure out once you got the landmarks memorized like shops, statues and such and bam can just roam around with ease. I really want to see some galleries and walk on my own pace. The people I am with are good and fun but I move at a faster speed and really want to spend some alone time.
Currently at a laundro-mat getting my clothes cleaned, so today will be a day of just cleaning and stuff, they have CNN on the TV and I am just whoa!. I really been living in a bubble this past week, have no ideas on what is going on in the world. The world could have been destoryed twice over and wouldn’t know about it. Even checking out the blogs on safat on the other window to see what has been going on on in Kuwait.
Being here has been giving me some great ideas and thoughts to think about the future. It is one of the benifits of traveling and being out of your comfort zones and living in different world. The place we are staying at now is a college dorm from the communist era. They have one room just filled with showers, another filled with sinks and one just toilets in all sorts of weird angles. The benifit of this place is that we have hot shower compared to the place we were earlier and that have unisex showers. That was a whoa but it kinda makes up for the communist living on the place.
Will try to get some more updates as the week goes by but we should have some more time to get online and keep little updates, one big annoyance is people calling me and its all unkown so I can’t answers and talk to them or even send them a message so if you want to reach me send me a SMS.

Back home and back to blogging. It has been an enjoyable 2 weeks without internet or email or blogs, viagra
tv and most forms of mass communications. Once I got through the main parts of it, geriatrician
it was smooth sailing, visit this site
even now getting back on a computer and writing this feels weird.

So some quick jots on my trip:
Stripped searched by Germany police by the Czech border.
Julianne, those eyes and that accent, will take me a long time to forget.
The wedding, us in dishdashas and the couple with their antics.
Carls story to end all stories on how he proposed to his wife in the Pacific ocean in the middle of winter.
My phone committing suicide.
Bill: “thats a beutiful thing”
The Bristol Boys “LEGENDS”
Unisex bathrooms
Charlie and Choclate Factory Sucked
George: “Hookers, knives, guns, and fire trucks”
laske je laske
absinthe is bad
lot of drinking in Czech weddings
“Hold This”
With 8% of Americans with passports a shit ton where in Prague and Amsterdam
The Red Light District with the American Girls
Lung Butter
Carl: “This never happens” as we are stuck in the longest train ride ever.
The Jagermister Hut!
Blisters on my blisters
Sandals > Shoes

Just a quick hash of what I remebered, most likely will add to it
Well still in Czech enjoying the time here really ncie place, web good friendly place and just a great time to relax and walk around. I been walking like a fiend lately, syphilis got blisters and everything and then just keep walkig in the morning. It been really healthy to do this everyday feeling tha tI am losing weight and just better as a whole.
Tomorrow ditching the people I am with they are really dragging me in the morings. Takes us an hour and a half to actually get going and feel that I am losing a lot of time that I can be visiting galleries and musuems and just take pictures of the buildings and streets.
Got the town memorized pretty much really easy to figure out once you got the landmarks memorized like shops, statues and such and bam can just roam around with ease. I really want to see some galleries and walk on my own pace. The people I am with are good and fun but I move at a faster speed and really want to spend some alone time.
Currently at a laundro-mat getting my clothes cleaned, so today will be a day of just cleaning and stuff, they have CNN on the TV and I am just whoa!. I really been living in a bubble this past week, have no ideas on what is going on in the world. The world could have been destoryed twice over and wouldn’t know about it. Even checking out the blogs on safat on the other window to see what has been going on on in Kuwait.
Being here has been giving me some great ideas and thoughts to think about the future. It is one of the benifits of traveling and being out of your comfort zones and living in different world. The place we are staying at now is a college dorm from the communist era. They have one room just filled with showers, another filled with sinks and one just toilets in all sorts of weird angles. The benifit of this place is that we have hot shower compared to the place we were earlier and that have unisex showers. That was a whoa but it kinda makes up for the communist living on the place.
Will try to get some more updates as the week goes by but we should have some more time to get online and keep little updates, one big annoyance is people calling me and its all unkown so I can’t answers and talk to them or even send them a message so if you want to reach me send me a SMS.

Back home and back to blogging. It has been an enjoyable 2 weeks without internet or email or blogs, viagra
tv and most forms of mass communications. Once I got through the main parts of it, geriatrician
it was smooth sailing, visit this site
even now getting back on a computer and writing this feels weird.

So some quick jots on my trip:
Stripped searched by Germany police by the Czech border.
Julianne, those eyes and that accent, will take me a long time to forget.
The wedding, us in dishdashas and the couple with their antics.
Carls story to end all stories on how he proposed to his wife in the Pacific ocean in the middle of winter.
My phone committing suicide.
Bill: “thats a beutiful thing”
The Bristol Boys “LEGENDS”
Unisex bathrooms
Charlie and Choclate Factory Sucked
George: “Hookers, knives, guns, and fire trucks”
laske je laske
absinthe is bad
lot of drinking in Czech weddings
“Hold This”
With 8% of Americans with passports a shit ton where in Prague and Amsterdam
The Red Light District with the American Girls
Lung Butter
Carl: “This never happens” as we are stuck in the longest train ride ever.
The Jagermister Hut!
Blisters on my blisters
Sandals > Shoes

Just a quick hash of what I remebered, most likely will add to it
Someone on Ask Metafilter asked a good question:

Porn in the woods. Did you, read
as a kid, ed
find porn in the woods? I did, ophthalmologist
and I have noticed this is a worldwide phenomena. Why the porn in the woods? Where does the porn in the woods come from?

And it seems that most people actually found porn in the woods! I wish Kuwait had some woods back when I was growing up so I could find porn like that. Back in my day all we had was National Geographic and cologne!