Call Me

Just got this SMS from Zajil

Enjoy your holidays with the Fastest WiFi Internet Service in the Middle East at over 60 Hot spots for only 200fils per hour

So visited their that link and see that they have updated their rates and the 200fils is a special 5kd card that will give you an all day pass.

Their other rates are:

  • 1.5KD for 1 Hour (1.5KD per hour)
  • 5KD for 6 Hours (833 fils per hour)
  • 10Kd for 15 Hours (666 file per hour)
  • 5KD 1 Day pass (200 fils per hour)

I dont know about you but that 1.5KD per hour sound like a really bad scam. They should move their rates to:

  • 1.5Kd for 3 Hours
  • 5Kd for 10 Hours
  • 10Kd for a week pass
  • 15 for a monthly pass

That will actually create more differentiation in their pricing structure and be suitable for both regular coffee drinkers and traveling business men. Oh and coffee shops can hand out 30minute cards to their customers.
Just got this SMS from Zajil

Enjoy your holidays with the Fastest WiFi Internet Service in the Middle East at over 60 Hot spots for only 200fils per hour

So visited their that link and see that they have updated their rates and the 200fils is a special 5kd card that will give you an all day pass.

Their other rates are:

  • 1.5KD for 1 Hour (1.5KD per hour)
  • 5KD for 6 Hours (833 fils per hour)
  • 10Kd for 15 Hours (666 file per hour)
  • 5KD 1 Day pass (200 fils per hour)

I dont know about you but that 1.5KD per hour sound like a really bad scam. They should move their rates to:

  • 1.5Kd for 3 Hours
  • 5Kd for 10 Hours
  • 10Kd for a week pass
  • 15 for a monthly pass

That will actually create more differentiation in their pricing structure and be suitable for both regular coffee drinkers and traveling business men. Oh and coffee shops can hand out 30minute cards to their customers.
I am the company’s IT, capsule Marketing, Adveritsing and any other department heads, one of the things I deal by having this title is people who call and want to sell me stuff. I deal with advertisers nicely enough that they have stopped harrasing me. I recall once 3 different Yellow Pages came to my office and each saying they are the offical one.

Today I got a phone call from someone asking the IT department. He was a “solutions provider” in terms of web development, and other things and just recieved some new agencies and asked if we had a web site. I said yes and that we use WordPress for its maintance, and asked “did you know wordpress” he replied ofcourse it is a good software and some other bullshit so he doesn’t prove stupid. Then he said something about development and technology, and started going on my diatribe on opensource and recent Apple developments and how Longhorn is delayed.

I ussually do this with the people who call, I find it a ncie way to vent my annoyances with what is going on and they have to listen to me hoping that they will get a sale. I did this once from some guy selling advertising space in the Eksan guide, and bitched about howcan I trust this government body when they are people still waiting for homes and that ones with wasta get it quicker. That was a good phone call.

Beached Whale

blog: Morse Texter

blog: Morse Texter

I am so lazy today, just doing nothing much of anything, youth health woke up for Friday prayer zoned out during the khotba like I usually zoned in when the guy started couple words that caught my ears, then zoned out again when he was still not making any sense and repeating the same stuff he says every Friday.

Saw this kid who had the cutest fro. It was like one of mine circa 1980s I was impressed nice and fluffy, big curls that kept it up and well rounded. I mentioned to my brother after the prayers and he said it was a friend of his brothers and then he popped up and got to meet his fro kid brother told me not to cut it and keep it pimpy, and I had one much larger than his.

It was kinda hot and we walked to the mosque and really didn’t feel like walking back so we stopped by a friends house that was near by so he can drive us home. That just turned to one big trap and got sucked in to his basement watching college football (OSU-ND) it was a classic game buy OSU were pretty good, then watched some other random shows on Orbit and didn’t leave till we got hungry and went home got Texas chicken and just watched more TV.

I am such a lazy lover, really into that song by Brazilian Girls, making copies for my car so I can hand out to people, going to make this the official summer album one way or another.

Going to get out of the house now, get in my car and just drive out of the 500m radius I have stayed in today. Make a couple phone call and wander around most likely come back early and watch Blade Runner..

Been Around the World

Suck never Sucked.
Suck never Sucked.
Suck never Sucked.
Finally done with my ISO:9001:2000 Lead Auditor class. It was a great time and very educational, treatment
really taught me a lot about the ISO philosophy and the reasons behind it.I always thought it was about paperwork and other random documentation but thats just a small part of it. The best way I can explain it is that is about getting quality from your work to better serve your customers. I know that sounds generic and silly but when you get in to it, plague
it does work.

You create an environment with ISO that allows your customers, works and management communicate better and in practice create a better product that meets customer satisfaction.
Suck never Sucked.
Suck never Sucked.
Finally done with my ISO:9001:2000 Lead Auditor class. It was a great time and very educational, treatment
really taught me a lot about the ISO philosophy and the reasons behind it.I always thought it was about paperwork and other random documentation but thats just a small part of it. The best way I can explain it is that is about getting quality from your work to better serve your customers. I know that sounds generic and silly but when you get in to it, plague
it does work.

You create an environment with ISO that allows your customers, works and management communicate better and in practice create a better product that meets customer satisfaction.
Suck never Sucked.
Finally done with my ISO:9001:2000 Lead Auditor class. It was a great time and very educational, treatment
really taught me a lot about the ISO philosophy and the reasons behind it.I always thought it was about paperwork and other random documentation but thats just a small part of it. The best way I can explain it is that is about getting quality from your work to better serve your customers. I know that sounds generic and silly but when you get in to it, plague
it does work.

You create an environment with ISO that allows your customers, works and management communicate better and in practice create a better product that meets customer satisfaction.
Join this thing called salve
and check out the places you want to visit.

nibaq on 43 Places

Dead Tired

Tire Reaper

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

I like how they keep it to the point in english & a long story in arabic.

Just got home from a ten hour ISO training class and just brain dead. My brain offical stopped working around 2:30, case prescription lunch was heavy at the Lebanese restauratn Ayam Zaman at the Holiday Inn. Good food and nice place, dosage worth visiting again. So like as son as we got back to the meeting room it was a slow brain drain to napping. I think I took a quick 30 minute nap in the class, hemorrhoids I’d wake up flip the page then just nod back to sleep. I’d look around and see other people in the same situation as I was. That nap got me enough energy to stay awake for the rest of the day, but my brain was just dead. No more information could get in. I really tried to write notes and pay attention but after 8 hours you can’t handle it anymore.

There was this one guy before the thing started in the morning saying we should just gun it. Be really quick, no breaks and quick lunch. He was nuts! No breaks and just rushing it would have killed us sooner.

So once home I was just annoyed, parents were asking me random stuff that they should have already had the answesr for and I would reply back to their simple question with simple answers. Need to go out and get some RnR, someplace outside where I can see the sky. Being stuck in that small room with the windows shades down really gets to you.

Speak Easy

It is 20:34: and I am still at home.
OK I am outta here need to go out before I get cabin fever.
It is 20:34: and I am still at home.
OK I am outta here need to go out before I get cabin fever.
It is 20:34: and I am still at home.
OK I am outta here need to go out before I get cabin fever.

Man bring back memories of New York and seeing him live at Roseland and then at the Tibet concert at Carnegie Hall.

Wow this crowd rocks they are singing Rebel Rebel with him and just doing it loud.

But nothing beats seeing him in Roseland and he does the whole Low album LIVE! One of my dreams in life when I went to the US was to see him live and play Always Crashing in the Same Car, youth health
and meeting up with random Bowie fans.

Good time, good times.
It is 20:34: and I am still at home.
OK I am outta here need to go out before I get cabin fever.
It is 20:34: and I am still at home.
OK I am outta here need to go out before I get cabin fever.

Man bring back memories of New York and seeing him live at Roseland and then at the Tibet concert at Carnegie Hall.

Wow this crowd rocks they are singing Rebel Rebel with him and just doing it loud.

But nothing beats seeing him in Roseland and he does the whole Low album LIVE! One of my dreams in life when I went to the US was to see him live and play Always Crashing in the Same Car, youth health
and meeting up with random Bowie fans.

Good time, good times.
It is 20:34: and I am still at home.
OK I am outta here need to go out before I get cabin fever.

Man bring back memories of New York and seeing him live at Roseland and then at the Tibet concert at Carnegie Hall.

Wow this crowd rocks they are singing Rebel Rebel with him and just doing it loud.

But nothing beats seeing him in Roseland and he does the whole Low album LIVE! One of my dreams in life when I went to the US was to see him live and play Always Crashing in the Same Car, youth health
and meeting up with random Bowie fans.

Good time, good times.

It is 20:34: and I am still at home.
OK I am outta here need to go out before I get cabin fever.
It is 20:34: and I am still at home.
OK I am outta here need to go out before I get cabin fever.

Man bring back memories of New York and seeing him live at Roseland and then at the Tibet concert at Carnegie Hall.

Wow this crowd rocks they are singing Rebel Rebel with him and just doing it loud.

But nothing beats seeing him in Roseland and he does the whole Low album LIVE! One of my dreams in life when I went to the US was to see him live and play Always Crashing in the Same Car, youth health
and meeting up with random Bowie fans.

Good time, good times.
It is 20:34: and I am still at home.
OK I am outta here need to go out before I get cabin fever.

Man bring back memories of New York and seeing him live at Roseland and then at the Tibet concert at Carnegie Hall.

Wow this crowd rocks they are singing Rebel Rebel with him and just doing it loud.

But nothing beats seeing him in Roseland and he does the whole Low album LIVE! One of my dreams in life when I went to the US was to see him live and play Always Crashing in the Same Car, youth health
and meeting up with random Bowie fans.

Good time, good times.

I am sure everyone is familiar with MC Escher’s paintings that you can stare for hours trying to imagine what was in his mind when he would come up with all those patterns reoccurring and changing

Well wonder no more! I found this great site that teaches you how to make them, salve and once you understand the basics of it. It becomes really simple.

Reading more in to this site is just making me appreciate Escher art so much more. The site gives examples how to do it with a program. Escher just did it using his hands and eyes and that brain of his and creating a perfect each time.

Tessellations – Escher and how to make your own
It is 20:34: and I am still at home.
OK I am outta here need to go out before I get cabin fever.
It is 20:34: and I am still at home.
OK I am outta here need to go out before I get cabin fever.

Man bring back memories of New York and seeing him live at Roseland and then at the Tibet concert at Carnegie Hall.

Wow this crowd rocks they are singing Rebel Rebel with him and just doing it loud.

But nothing beats seeing him in Roseland and he does the whole Low album LIVE! One of my dreams in life when I went to the US was to see him live and play Always Crashing in the Same Car, youth health
and meeting up with random Bowie fans.

Good time, good times.
It is 20:34: and I am still at home.
OK I am outta here need to go out before I get cabin fever.

Man bring back memories of New York and seeing him live at Roseland and then at the Tibet concert at Carnegie Hall.

Wow this crowd rocks they are singing Rebel Rebel with him and just doing it loud.

But nothing beats seeing him in Roseland and he does the whole Low album LIVE! One of my dreams in life when I went to the US was to see him live and play Always Crashing in the Same Car, youth health
and meeting up with random Bowie fans.

Good time, good times.

I am sure everyone is familiar with MC Escher’s paintings that you can stare for hours trying to imagine what was in his mind when he would come up with all those patterns reoccurring and changing

Well wonder no more! I found this great site that teaches you how to make them, salve and once you understand the basics of it. It becomes really simple.

Reading more in to this site is just making me appreciate Escher art so much more. The site gives examples how to do it with a program. Escher just did it using his hands and eyes and that brain of his and creating a perfect each time.

Tessellations – Escher and how to make your own
I am sure everyone is familiar with MC Escher’s paintings that you can stare for hours trying to imagine what was in his mind when he would come up with all those patterns reoccurring and changing

Well wonder no more! I found this great site that teaches you how to make them, salve and once you understand the basics of it. It becomes really simple.

Reading more in to this site is just making me appreciate Escher art so much more. The site gives examples how to do it with a program. Escher just did it using his hands and eyes and that brain of his and creating a perfect each time.

Tessellations – Escher and how to make your own

Broken Bones Everywhere

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Had to take my brother to Razi hospital today so they can change his cast. This place really is the dumps, urologist
that whole hospital area was just a bad idea about to happen.

All these people coming here, as well as the university, and the free trade area. its just a mess of traffic. Then when you get in this place no place to park your car!

It is 20:34: and I am still at home.
OK I am outta here need to go out before I get cabin fever.
It is 20:34: and I am still at home.
OK I am outta here need to go out before I get cabin fever.

Man bring back memories of New York and seeing him live at Roseland and then at the Tibet concert at Carnegie Hall.

Wow this crowd rocks they are singing Rebel Rebel with him and just doing it loud.

But nothing beats seeing him in Roseland and he does the whole Low album LIVE! One of my dreams in life when I went to the US was to see him live and play Always Crashing in the Same Car, youth health
and meeting up with random Bowie fans.

Good time, good times.
It is 20:34: and I am still at home.
OK I am outta here need to go out before I get cabin fever.

Man bring back memories of New York and seeing him live at Roseland and then at the Tibet concert at Carnegie Hall.

Wow this crowd rocks they are singing Rebel Rebel with him and just doing it loud.

But nothing beats seeing him in Roseland and he does the whole Low album LIVE! One of my dreams in life when I went to the US was to see him live and play Always Crashing in the Same Car, youth health
and meeting up with random Bowie fans.

Good time, good times.

I am sure everyone is familiar with MC Escher’s paintings that you can stare for hours trying to imagine what was in his mind when he would come up with all those patterns reoccurring and changing

Well wonder no more! I found this great site that teaches you how to make them, salve and once you understand the basics of it. It becomes really simple.

Reading more in to this site is just making me appreciate Escher art so much more. The site gives examples how to do it with a program. Escher just did it using his hands and eyes and that brain of his and creating a perfect each time.

Tessellations – Escher and how to make your own
I am sure everyone is familiar with MC Escher’s paintings that you can stare for hours trying to imagine what was in his mind when he would come up with all those patterns reoccurring and changing

Well wonder no more! I found this great site that teaches you how to make them, salve and once you understand the basics of it. It becomes really simple.

Reading more in to this site is just making me appreciate Escher art so much more. The site gives examples how to do it with a program. Escher just did it using his hands and eyes and that brain of his and creating a perfect each time.

Tessellations – Escher and how to make your own

Broken Bones Everywhere

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Had to take my brother to Razi hospital today so they can change his cast. This place really is the dumps, urologist
that whole hospital area was just a bad idea about to happen.

All these people coming here, as well as the university, and the free trade area. its just a mess of traffic. Then when you get in this place no place to park your car!

Being a comic fan is a hard job. You are not just reading one story, gerontologist but over a dozen at one time, pancreatitis and have to keep track of all these characters backstory and history, cause they always have these wierd bits of information like (see issue #4) and either you have to remeber what happened, or actually go out and get issue #4.

The worst is when you have cross overs or those large story lines that jump between a couple to a dozen comics and have to get every single one to understand the plot lines, but thats only with main stream comic companies luckily. The indie guys are a lot simpler when it comes to this.

I haven’t gotten comics in ages, but still almost remeber every issue and story line. Back when I was in the US it was like clock work, every Wed. was new comic day, and would head to my favorite store and get my weekly fix.

In a show of pure fandom this guy actually wen and created a chronology of the DC universe. No easy task I might add. DC once in order to deal with all these plots and paradoxes and parrel universes, created a totally new universe just to make sense of everything (See Crisis on Infinte Earths).

I still dream of going back to the US and visit my local comic store and just pick my weekly stash, head to lunch and just read them.
It is 20:34: and I am still at home.
OK I am outta here need to go out before I get cabin fever.
It is 20:34: and I am still at home.
OK I am outta here need to go out before I get cabin fever.

Man bring back memories of New York and seeing him live at Roseland and then at the Tibet concert at Carnegie Hall.

Wow this crowd rocks they are singing Rebel Rebel with him and just doing it loud.

But nothing beats seeing him in Roseland and he does the whole Low album LIVE! One of my dreams in life when I went to the US was to see him live and play Always Crashing in the Same Car, youth health
and meeting up with random Bowie fans.

Good time, good times.
It is 20:34: and I am still at home.
OK I am outta here need to go out before I get cabin fever.

Man bring back memories of New York and seeing him live at Roseland and then at the Tibet concert at Carnegie Hall.

Wow this crowd rocks they are singing Rebel Rebel with him and just doing it loud.

But nothing beats seeing him in Roseland and he does the whole Low album LIVE! One of my dreams in life when I went to the US was to see him live and play Always Crashing in the Same Car, youth health
and meeting up with random Bowie fans.

Good time, good times.

I am sure everyone is familiar with MC Escher’s paintings that you can stare for hours trying to imagine what was in his mind when he would come up with all those patterns reoccurring and changing

Well wonder no more! I found this great site that teaches you how to make them, salve and once you understand the basics of it. It becomes really simple.

Reading more in to this site is just making me appreciate Escher art so much more. The site gives examples how to do it with a program. Escher just did it using his hands and eyes and that brain of his and creating a perfect each time.

Tessellations – Escher and how to make your own
I am sure everyone is familiar with MC Escher’s paintings that you can stare for hours trying to imagine what was in his mind when he would come up with all those patterns reoccurring and changing

Well wonder no more! I found this great site that teaches you how to make them, salve and once you understand the basics of it. It becomes really simple.

Reading more in to this site is just making me appreciate Escher art so much more. The site gives examples how to do it with a program. Escher just did it using his hands and eyes and that brain of his and creating a perfect each time.

Tessellations – Escher and how to make your own

Broken Bones Everywhere

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Had to take my brother to Razi hospital today so they can change his cast. This place really is the dumps, urologist
that whole hospital area was just a bad idea about to happen.

All these people coming here, as well as the university, and the free trade area. its just a mess of traffic. Then when you get in this place no place to park your car!

Being a comic fan is a hard job. You are not just reading one story, gerontologist but over a dozen at one time, pancreatitis and have to keep track of all these characters backstory and history, cause they always have these wierd bits of information like (see issue #4) and either you have to remeber what happened, or actually go out and get issue #4.

The worst is when you have cross overs or those large story lines that jump between a couple to a dozen comics and have to get every single one to understand the plot lines, but thats only with main stream comic companies luckily. The indie guys are a lot simpler when it comes to this.

I haven’t gotten comics in ages, but still almost remeber every issue and story line. Back when I was in the US it was like clock work, every Wed. was new comic day, and would head to my favorite store and get my weekly fix.

In a show of pure fandom this guy actually wen and created a chronology of the DC universe. No easy task I might add. DC once in order to deal with all these plots and paradoxes and parrel universes, created a totally new universe just to make sense of everything (See Crisis on Infinte Earths).

I still dream of going back to the US and visit my local comic store and just pick my weekly stash, head to lunch and just read them.
Being a comic fan is a hard job. You are not just reading one story, gerontologist but over a dozen at one time, pancreatitis and have to keep track of all these characters backstory and history, cause they always have these wierd bits of information like (see issue #4) and either you have to remeber what happened, or actually go out and get issue #4.

The worst is when you have cross overs or those large story lines that jump between a couple to a dozen comics and have to get every single one to understand the plot lines, but thats only with main stream comic companies luckily. The indie guys are a lot simpler when it comes to this.

I haven’t gotten comics in ages, but still almost remeber every issue and story line. Back when I was in the US it was like clock work, every Wed. was new comic day, and would head to my favorite store and get my weekly fix.

In a show of pure fandom this guy actually wen and created a chronology of the DC universe. No easy task I might add. DC once in order to deal with all these plots and paradoxes and parrel universes, created a totally new universe just to make sense of everything (See Crisis on Infinte Earths).

I still dream of going back to the US and visit my local comic store and just pick my weekly stash, head to lunch and just read them.
Today sucked so far has been sucking, buy
work sucked, drive home sucked. It was 1:43pm and there was traffic on the 5th ring road, but no accidents. I was like annoyed, and just made me want to get home and just forget about everything and veg out.

So I get home and tell my mom “today sucked”, she replied oh its the “summer solstice”. Which just explained everything!

No wonder the day been moving like it is.

Anyway happy solstice!
It is 20:34: and I am still at home.
OK I am outta here need to go out before I get cabin fever.
It is 20:34: and I am still at home.
OK I am outta here need to go out before I get cabin fever.

Man bring back memories of New York and seeing him live at Roseland and then at the Tibet concert at Carnegie Hall.

Wow this crowd rocks they are singing Rebel Rebel with him and just doing it loud.

But nothing beats seeing him in Roseland and he does the whole Low album LIVE! One of my dreams in life when I went to the US was to see him live and play Always Crashing in the Same Car, youth health
and meeting up with random Bowie fans.

Good time, good times.
It is 20:34: and I am still at home.
OK I am outta here need to go out before I get cabin fever.

Man bring back memories of New York and seeing him live at Roseland and then at the Tibet concert at Carnegie Hall.

Wow this crowd rocks they are singing Rebel Rebel with him and just doing it loud.

But nothing beats seeing him in Roseland and he does the whole Low album LIVE! One of my dreams in life when I went to the US was to see him live and play Always Crashing in the Same Car, youth health
and meeting up with random Bowie fans.

Good time, good times.

I am sure everyone is familiar with MC Escher’s paintings that you can stare for hours trying to imagine what was in his mind when he would come up with all those patterns reoccurring and changing

Well wonder no more! I found this great site that teaches you how to make them, salve and once you understand the basics of it. It becomes really simple.

Reading more in to this site is just making me appreciate Escher art so much more. The site gives examples how to do it with a program. Escher just did it using his hands and eyes and that brain of his and creating a perfect each time.

Tessellations – Escher and how to make your own
I am sure everyone is familiar with MC Escher’s paintings that you can stare for hours trying to imagine what was in his mind when he would come up with all those patterns reoccurring and changing

Well wonder no more! I found this great site that teaches you how to make them, salve and once you understand the basics of it. It becomes really simple.

Reading more in to this site is just making me appreciate Escher art so much more. The site gives examples how to do it with a program. Escher just did it using his hands and eyes and that brain of his and creating a perfect each time.

Tessellations – Escher and how to make your own

Broken Bones Everywhere

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Had to take my brother to Razi hospital today so they can change his cast. This place really is the dumps, urologist
that whole hospital area was just a bad idea about to happen.

All these people coming here, as well as the university, and the free trade area. its just a mess of traffic. Then when you get in this place no place to park your car!

Being a comic fan is a hard job. You are not just reading one story, gerontologist but over a dozen at one time, pancreatitis and have to keep track of all these characters backstory and history, cause they always have these wierd bits of information like (see issue #4) and either you have to remeber what happened, or actually go out and get issue #4.

The worst is when you have cross overs or those large story lines that jump between a couple to a dozen comics and have to get every single one to understand the plot lines, but thats only with main stream comic companies luckily. The indie guys are a lot simpler when it comes to this.

I haven’t gotten comics in ages, but still almost remeber every issue and story line. Back when I was in the US it was like clock work, every Wed. was new comic day, and would head to my favorite store and get my weekly fix.

In a show of pure fandom this guy actually wen and created a chronology of the DC universe. No easy task I might add. DC once in order to deal with all these plots and paradoxes and parrel universes, created a totally new universe just to make sense of everything (See Crisis on Infinte Earths).

I still dream of going back to the US and visit my local comic store and just pick my weekly stash, head to lunch and just read them.
Being a comic fan is a hard job. You are not just reading one story, gerontologist but over a dozen at one time, pancreatitis and have to keep track of all these characters backstory and history, cause they always have these wierd bits of information like (see issue #4) and either you have to remeber what happened, or actually go out and get issue #4.

The worst is when you have cross overs or those large story lines that jump between a couple to a dozen comics and have to get every single one to understand the plot lines, but thats only with main stream comic companies luckily. The indie guys are a lot simpler when it comes to this.

I haven’t gotten comics in ages, but still almost remeber every issue and story line. Back when I was in the US it was like clock work, every Wed. was new comic day, and would head to my favorite store and get my weekly fix.

In a show of pure fandom this guy actually wen and created a chronology of the DC universe. No easy task I might add. DC once in order to deal with all these plots and paradoxes and parrel universes, created a totally new universe just to make sense of everything (See Crisis on Infinte Earths).

I still dream of going back to the US and visit my local comic store and just pick my weekly stash, head to lunch and just read them.
Today sucked so far has been sucking, buy
work sucked, drive home sucked. It was 1:43pm and there was traffic on the 5th ring road, but no accidents. I was like annoyed, and just made me want to get home and just forget about everything and veg out.

So I get home and tell my mom “today sucked”, she replied oh its the “summer solstice”. Which just explained everything!

No wonder the day been moving like it is.

Anyway happy solstice!
I really liked reading this article in which Saddam’s prison guards discussed Saddam’s character. Apparently, dosage he is a clean freak, who is really friendly and talkative. He loves raisin brans and crunch for breakfast…but not fruit loops. He likes eating chicken and fish for dinner but not beef. He likes doing his own laundry and cleans his food tray, and utensil using baby wipers. He also has a few things to say about some of the US presidents.

For some reason, I have always been intrigued by Saddam’s character. I always wanted to know what sort of personality he has. I remember when they found his dvd collection and I realized we had common taste in movies. His mistress also claimed that he sings “strangers in the night” while he showers and that he loves to watch movies whilst wearing boxers and socks and sipping scotch…. could it be that I am the next tyrannt??? :O

On another note, I read the other day that Queen Elizabeth carries her own ipod now. Apparently she has songs such as Abba’s Dancing Queen on it. I thought that piece of news was funny and cute…and the thought of her dancing and singing to dancing queen is even funnier.

Another thing I wanted to say…. it’s time we cut down on ads in Kuwait!! I mean come on… there is this traffic light on Baghdad street where I simple cannot see the light anymore unless I am right next to it. The reason being is that there is a mupi, a lamp post ad, and a street sign blocking the freaking traffic light!!!

(Thanks nibaq for allowing me to post on your blog … you were right, I can’t stop and I have been fighting the urge to blog recently… I keep finding “blog worthy” topics!)

… rampurple
It is 20:34: and I am still at home.
OK I am outta here need to go out before I get cabin fever.
It is 20:34: and I am still at home.
OK I am outta here need to go out before I get cabin fever.

Man bring back memories of New York and seeing him live at Roseland and then at the Tibet concert at Carnegie Hall.

Wow this crowd rocks they are singing Rebel Rebel with him and just doing it loud.

But nothing beats seeing him in Roseland and he does the whole Low album LIVE! One of my dreams in life when I went to the US was to see him live and play Always Crashing in the Same Car, youth health
and meeting up with random Bowie fans.

Good time, good times.
It is 20:34: and I am still at home.
OK I am outta here need to go out before I get cabin fever.

Man bring back memories of New York and seeing him live at Roseland and then at the Tibet concert at Carnegie Hall.

Wow this crowd rocks they are singing Rebel Rebel with him and just doing it loud.

But nothing beats seeing him in Roseland and he does the whole Low album LIVE! One of my dreams in life when I went to the US was to see him live and play Always Crashing in the Same Car, youth health
and meeting up with random Bowie fans.

Good time, good times.

I am sure everyone is familiar with MC Escher’s paintings that you can stare for hours trying to imagine what was in his mind when he would come up with all those patterns reoccurring and changing

Well wonder no more! I found this great site that teaches you how to make them, salve and once you understand the basics of it. It becomes really simple.

Reading more in to this site is just making me appreciate Escher art so much more. The site gives examples how to do it with a program. Escher just did it using his hands and eyes and that brain of his and creating a perfect each time.

Tessellations – Escher and how to make your own
I am sure everyone is familiar with MC Escher’s paintings that you can stare for hours trying to imagine what was in his mind when he would come up with all those patterns reoccurring and changing

Well wonder no more! I found this great site that teaches you how to make them, salve and once you understand the basics of it. It becomes really simple.

Reading more in to this site is just making me appreciate Escher art so much more. The site gives examples how to do it with a program. Escher just did it using his hands and eyes and that brain of his and creating a perfect each time.

Tessellations – Escher and how to make your own

Broken Bones Everywhere

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Had to take my brother to Razi hospital today so they can change his cast. This place really is the dumps, urologist
that whole hospital area was just a bad idea about to happen.

All these people coming here, as well as the university, and the free trade area. its just a mess of traffic. Then when you get in this place no place to park your car!

Being a comic fan is a hard job. You are not just reading one story, gerontologist but over a dozen at one time, pancreatitis and have to keep track of all these characters backstory and history, cause they always have these wierd bits of information like (see issue #4) and either you have to remeber what happened, or actually go out and get issue #4.

The worst is when you have cross overs or those large story lines that jump between a couple to a dozen comics and have to get every single one to understand the plot lines, but thats only with main stream comic companies luckily. The indie guys are a lot simpler when it comes to this.

I haven’t gotten comics in ages, but still almost remeber every issue and story line. Back when I was in the US it was like clock work, every Wed. was new comic day, and would head to my favorite store and get my weekly fix.

In a show of pure fandom this guy actually wen and created a chronology of the DC universe. No easy task I might add. DC once in order to deal with all these plots and paradoxes and parrel universes, created a totally new universe just to make sense of everything (See Crisis on Infinte Earths).

I still dream of going back to the US and visit my local comic store and just pick my weekly stash, head to lunch and just read them.
Being a comic fan is a hard job. You are not just reading one story, gerontologist but over a dozen at one time, pancreatitis and have to keep track of all these characters backstory and history, cause they always have these wierd bits of information like (see issue #4) and either you have to remeber what happened, or actually go out and get issue #4.

The worst is when you have cross overs or those large story lines that jump between a couple to a dozen comics and have to get every single one to understand the plot lines, but thats only with main stream comic companies luckily. The indie guys are a lot simpler when it comes to this.

I haven’t gotten comics in ages, but still almost remeber every issue and story line. Back when I was in the US it was like clock work, every Wed. was new comic day, and would head to my favorite store and get my weekly fix.

In a show of pure fandom this guy actually wen and created a chronology of the DC universe. No easy task I might add. DC once in order to deal with all these plots and paradoxes and parrel universes, created a totally new universe just to make sense of everything (See Crisis on Infinte Earths).

I still dream of going back to the US and visit my local comic store and just pick my weekly stash, head to lunch and just read them.
Today sucked so far has been sucking, buy
work sucked, drive home sucked. It was 1:43pm and there was traffic on the 5th ring road, but no accidents. I was like annoyed, and just made me want to get home and just forget about everything and veg out.

So I get home and tell my mom “today sucked”, she replied oh its the “summer solstice”. Which just explained everything!

No wonder the day been moving like it is.

Anyway happy solstice!
I really liked reading this article in which Saddam’s prison guards discussed Saddam’s character. Apparently, dosage he is a clean freak, who is really friendly and talkative. He loves raisin brans and crunch for breakfast…but not fruit loops. He likes eating chicken and fish for dinner but not beef. He likes doing his own laundry and cleans his food tray, and utensil using baby wipers. He also has a few things to say about some of the US presidents.

For some reason, I have always been intrigued by Saddam’s character. I always wanted to know what sort of personality he has. I remember when they found his dvd collection and I realized we had common taste in movies. His mistress also claimed that he sings “strangers in the night” while he showers and that he loves to watch movies whilst wearing boxers and socks and sipping scotch…. could it be that I am the next tyrannt??? :O

On another note, I read the other day that Queen Elizabeth carries her own ipod now. Apparently she has songs such as Abba’s Dancing Queen on it. I thought that piece of news was funny and cute…and the thought of her dancing and singing to dancing queen is even funnier.

Another thing I wanted to say…. it’s time we cut down on ads in Kuwait!! I mean come on… there is this traffic light on Baghdad street where I simple cannot see the light anymore unless I am right next to it. The reason being is that there is a mupi, a lamp post ad, and a street sign blocking the freaking traffic light!!!

(Thanks nibaq for allowing me to post on your blog … you were right, I can’t stop and I have been fighting the urge to blog recently… I keep finding “blog worthy” topics!)

… rampurple
Had a good time tonight, case it just goes to show that no matter where you go its all about the people you are with. Met some people I already knew from stories and stuff formally, seek and some other random people that I hope to see again. As well as some old faces that I haven’t seen in a while. It was a good time, catching up on old stories and reminiscing as well as planning for the future.
It is 20:34: and I am still at home.
OK I am outta here need to go out before I get cabin fever.
It is 20:34: and I am still at home.
OK I am outta here need to go out before I get cabin fever.

Man bring back memories of New York and seeing him live at Roseland and then at the Tibet concert at Carnegie Hall.

Wow this crowd rocks they are singing Rebel Rebel with him and just doing it loud.

But nothing beats seeing him in Roseland and he does the whole Low album LIVE! One of my dreams in life when I went to the US was to see him live and play Always Crashing in the Same Car, youth health
and meeting up with random Bowie fans.

Good time, good times.
It is 20:34: and I am still at home.
OK I am outta here need to go out before I get cabin fever.

Man bring back memories of New York and seeing him live at Roseland and then at the Tibet concert at Carnegie Hall.

Wow this crowd rocks they are singing Rebel Rebel with him and just doing it loud.

But nothing beats seeing him in Roseland and he does the whole Low album LIVE! One of my dreams in life when I went to the US was to see him live and play Always Crashing in the Same Car, youth health
and meeting up with random Bowie fans.

Good time, good times.

I am sure everyone is familiar with MC Escher’s paintings that you can stare for hours trying to imagine what was in his mind when he would come up with all those patterns reoccurring and changing

Well wonder no more! I found this great site that teaches you how to make them, salve and once you understand the basics of it. It becomes really simple.

Reading more in to this site is just making me appreciate Escher art so much more. The site gives examples how to do it with a program. Escher just did it using his hands and eyes and that brain of his and creating a perfect each time.

Tessellations – Escher and how to make your own
I am sure everyone is familiar with MC Escher’s paintings that you can stare for hours trying to imagine what was in his mind when he would come up with all those patterns reoccurring and changing

Well wonder no more! I found this great site that teaches you how to make them, salve and once you understand the basics of it. It becomes really simple.

Reading more in to this site is just making me appreciate Escher art so much more. The site gives examples how to do it with a program. Escher just did it using his hands and eyes and that brain of his and creating a perfect each time.

Tessellations – Escher and how to make your own

Broken Bones Everywhere

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

Had to take my brother to Razi hospital today so they can change his cast. This place really is the dumps, urologist
that whole hospital area was just a bad idea about to happen.

All these people coming here, as well as the university, and the free trade area. its just a mess of traffic. Then when you get in this place no place to park your car!

Being a comic fan is a hard job. You are not just reading one story, gerontologist but over a dozen at one time, pancreatitis and have to keep track of all these characters backstory and history, cause they always have these wierd bits of information like (see issue #4) and either you have to remeber what happened, or actually go out and get issue #4.

The worst is when you have cross overs or those large story lines that jump between a couple to a dozen comics and have to get every single one to understand the plot lines, but thats only with main stream comic companies luckily. The indie guys are a lot simpler when it comes to this.

I haven’t gotten comics in ages, but still almost remeber every issue and story line. Back when I was in the US it was like clock work, every Wed. was new comic day, and would head to my favorite store and get my weekly fix.

In a show of pure fandom this guy actually wen and created a chronology of the DC universe. No easy task I might add. DC once in order to deal with all these plots and paradoxes and parrel universes, created a totally new universe just to make sense of everything (See Crisis on Infinte Earths).

I still dream of going back to the US and visit my local comic store and just pick my weekly stash, head to lunch and just read them.
Being a comic fan is a hard job. You are not just reading one story, gerontologist but over a dozen at one time, pancreatitis and have to keep track of all these characters backstory and history, cause they always have these wierd bits of information like (see issue #4) and either you have to remeber what happened, or actually go out and get issue #4.

The worst is when you have cross overs or those large story lines that jump between a couple to a dozen comics and have to get every single one to understand the plot lines, but thats only with main stream comic companies luckily. The indie guys are a lot simpler when it comes to this.

I haven’t gotten comics in ages, but still almost remeber every issue and story line. Back when I was in the US it was like clock work, every Wed. was new comic day, and would head to my favorite store and get my weekly fix.

In a show of pure fandom this guy actually wen and created a chronology of the DC universe. No easy task I might add. DC once in order to deal with all these plots and paradoxes and parrel universes, created a totally new universe just to make sense of everything (See Crisis on Infinte Earths).

I still dream of going back to the US and visit my local comic store and just pick my weekly stash, head to lunch and just read them.
Today sucked so far has been sucking, buy
work sucked, drive home sucked. It was 1:43pm and there was traffic on the 5th ring road, but no accidents. I was like annoyed, and just made me want to get home and just forget about everything and veg out.

So I get home and tell my mom “today sucked”, she replied oh its the “summer solstice”. Which just explained everything!

No wonder the day been moving like it is.

Anyway happy solstice!
I really liked reading this article in which Saddam’s prison guards discussed Saddam’s character. Apparently, dosage he is a clean freak, who is really friendly and talkative. He loves raisin brans and crunch for breakfast…but not fruit loops. He likes eating chicken and fish for dinner but not beef. He likes doing his own laundry and cleans his food tray, and utensil using baby wipers. He also has a few things to say about some of the US presidents.

For some reason, I have always been intrigued by Saddam’s character. I always wanted to know what sort of personality he has. I remember when they found his dvd collection and I realized we had common taste in movies. His mistress also claimed that he sings “strangers in the night” while he showers and that he loves to watch movies whilst wearing boxers and socks and sipping scotch…. could it be that I am the next tyrannt??? :O

On another note, I read the other day that Queen Elizabeth carries her own ipod now. Apparently she has songs such as Abba’s Dancing Queen on it. I thought that piece of news was funny and cute…and the thought of her dancing and singing to dancing queen is even funnier.

Another thing I wanted to say…. it’s time we cut down on ads in Kuwait!! I mean come on… there is this traffic light on Baghdad street where I simple cannot see the light anymore unless I am right next to it. The reason being is that there is a mupi, a lamp post ad, and a street sign blocking the freaking traffic light!!!

(Thanks nibaq for allowing me to post on your blog … you were right, I can’t stop and I have been fighting the urge to blog recently… I keep finding “blog worthy” topics!)

… rampurple
Had a good time tonight, case it just goes to show that no matter where you go its all about the people you are with. Met some people I already knew from stories and stuff formally, seek and some other random people that I hope to see again. As well as some old faces that I haven’t seen in a while. It was a good time, catching up on old stories and reminiscing as well as planning for the future.
Had a good time tonight, case it just goes to show that no matter where you go its all about the people you are with. Met some people I already knew from stories and stuff formally, seek and some other random people that I hope to see again. As well as some old faces that I haven’t seen in a while. It was a good time, catching up on old stories and reminiscing as well as planning for the future.
Well it seems in Disney Land (California) there is this secret club that costs thousands to enter and its a long ass waiting list. It is Club 33, here
located in the New Orleans part of the park and the only place that serves alcohol in the park. Sounds really pimpy just to have access to it and supposedly it is a really up scale place with expensive wines and other booze.

So it got me thinking, herpes
is there on like this in Entertainment City? Maybe in the Aladdin ride, or maybe that one building that is near the cars, and just before the log ride (best ride ever). It could be like the only official bar in Kuwait and secretly hidden in Entertainment City. Serisouly no one would even imagine it would even be there. I think this demands and venture to Entertainment City soon to find this place!

Club 33 Tour Page

Mud in Your Eye

So if you guys still dont get what a wiki is or the point of KuWiki check out this amazing screen cast by Jon Udell detailing the changes and updates of an entry in wikipedia over the years with socail entry and editting.

Jon Udell: Heavy metal umlaut: the movie

So if you guys still dont get what a wiki is or the point of KuWiki check out this amazing screen cast by Jon Udell detailing the changes and updates of an entry in wikipedia over the years with socail entry and editting.

Jon Udell: Heavy metal umlaut: the movie

So if you guys still dont get what a wiki is or the point of KuWiki check out this amazing screen cast by Jon Udell detailing the changes and updates of an entry in wikipedia over the years with socail entry and editting.

Jon Udell: Heavy metal umlaut: the movie

Kinesis Keyboard

I so want this keyboard, website
I can see it now in my 4 monitor computer station, with the over head projector showing eyecandy just on top of that.

mmm…brb bathroom….

Kinesis Keyboards

So if you guys still dont get what a wiki is or the point of KuWiki check out this amazing screen cast by Jon Udell detailing the changes and updates of an entry in wikipedia over the years with socail entry and editting.

Jon Udell: Heavy metal umlaut: the movie

So if you guys still dont get what a wiki is or the point of KuWiki check out this amazing screen cast by Jon Udell detailing the changes and updates of an entry in wikipedia over the years with socail entry and editting.

Jon Udell: Heavy metal umlaut: the movie

Kinesis Keyboard

I so want this keyboard, website
I can see it now in my 4 monitor computer station, with the over head projector showing eyecandy just on top of that.

mmm…brb bathroom….

Kinesis Keyboards

Here is an intresting and some what pointless product:

As the name states its mud in a spray can. It was so made for those weekend warriors who own SUVs but never take them out and really take them to the limit just use them for home->office->food etc.

But then something caught my eye:

Sprayonmud is NOT to be used to obscure number-plates or the lights on your vehicle.

What a great idea! This beats those invisible sprays to cover your plates, medical so when the radar cameras go off it just captures a white area around it.

For this is actual mud, you can just smear it on your car, and drive as fast as you want and know the camera won’t catch your number. It will hide the numbers and when the cops see it will just think you been taking your car to some dirty places.

Danger Kuwaiti Bloggers Danger!

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

He is running for Majlis Al-Baladi. I think he just graduated elementry school.

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

He is running for Majlis Al-Baladi. I think he just graduated elementry school.

Originally uploaded by nibaq.

He is running for Majlis Al-Baladi. I think he just graduated elementry school.

Since Kuwait is quiet new in the blogging world and going through the regular motions that most blogosphere go through. So what are these motions you ask, buy cialis
well Min Jung has a Lifecycle of Bloggers

I currently am between 12-13 and really thinking of doing 14, prescription
but I hate Maroon 5, treat and may discuss my current enjoyment of the new Backstreet Boys – Incomlete.

But one that we should all take heed to is this one:

#8. You have a pseudo flirty im/blogging/flickr flirting relationship with another blogger whom you have never met.
This will likely end badly. Very badly.

Very very badly! So bad in fact just before you even think of doing it you here the robot from Lost in Space going “Danger [your blogger identity>] Danger!“, but just ignore him and do it anyway.

What the Hell is a Wiki?

I got some good links for everyone but too lazy o write and post about them so visit my and check them out.

I got some good links for everyone but too lazy o write and post about them so visit my and check them out.

I got some good links for everyone but too lazy o write and post about them so visit my and check them out.

Every filmmaker, ambulance
rx from major studios to independent producers, experiences some element of risk while filming in foreign countries. That is why, each year, Aon/Albert G Ruben, the largest entertainment insurance broker in the world, comprehensively measures and maps the risks filmmakers face across the globe.

The 2005 Risks in Global Filmmaking Map measures crime, corruption, kidnap and ransom, disease and medical care risks, and references terrorism and political risks.

2005 Risks In Global Filmmaking Map

For those people who still dont get what KuWiki is about check out this Time magazine article on wikis:

shop thumb 8816,1066904,00.html”>TIME Magazine — It’s a Wiki, Wiki World