Bloggers vs Journalists

This is a time lapse of the Kuwait Towers with storm clouds slowy brewing.

Whats fascinates me is the sun moving across and damn is it bright.

This is a time lapse of the Kuwait Towers with storm clouds slowy brewing.

Whats fascinates me is the sun moving across and damn is it bright.

This is an old long debate that even the word blogger is not limited to just blogs anymore. So seeing this article Literary Lesson: Authors, website Poets Write the News where the Haaretz decided to send their 31 journalists and replace them with writers, poets and authors.

The TV review by Eshkol Nevo opened with these words: “I didn’t watch TV yesterday.” And the weather report was a poem by Roni Somek, titled “Summer Sonnet.” (“Summer is the pencil/that is least sharp/in the seasons’ pencil case.”)

What it did was create a different interpretation of the news. Journalists are trained to provide data, they can’t offer an opinion on what occurred or even interfere. They are observers, their paid job is to simply report and, in essence, find the truth of the matter; and by printing it they allow the readers to decide. Bloggers, like writers and poets, don’t follow the journalist decorum. First off they aren’t paid to be unbiased since this isn’t a paying job. They simply interpret the data they get from journalists and offer it in a different light by attaching emotion, or making it abstract so that it is transformed into something that moves the reader passionately.

This is usually where the trouble begins: the reader gets motivated by the bloggers’ writing based on the journalists’ effort – wherein the blogger gets most of the credit, even though the blog post has a link to the original article. This ends up with newspapers calling bloggers parasites for stealing their hits and ad revenue. Yet it is a symbiotic relationship.

Newspapers have to catch up with what the reader wants and offer both. Simply put: make it a competition between bloggers to have their interpretation of the journalistic alongside the main article. How this would work is quite simple. The main journalist’s article is published and a select group of bloggers will interpret the the news and submit their posts to the editor to be placed next to the article. What happens here is that newspapers gets the best of both worlds and don’t lose their ad revenue from external hits. The added benefit for the bloggers is that they get paid for this.

One caveat is that I don’t see this as an up voting system that creates a competition based on fan base. I leave this for the editor of the paper to create their own system and rules. It is their job to manage the paper and offer the reader the best commentary.

Making Money via Twitter in Kuwait

When you ban something you just make that much sweeter. Bahrain Ministry of Information has done just that by banning their own Their version of Safat

I am sure this will be a big boost for blogging and freedom of speech in the island Kingdom.
When you ban something you just make that much sweeter. Bahrain Ministry of Information has done just that by banning their own Their version of Safat

I am sure this will be a big boost for blogging and freedom of speech in the island Kingdom.
I been on Twitter for a while and seeing many Kuwaiti companies making a account and not knowing how to use it for their benefit. Thinking just opening an account will simply generate sales. Well here are some pointers you can use for your advantage.

Dont Spam
I can’t stress this enough. Just repeating the same statement over and over again will annoy us and will simply block you. You aren’t doing anything to make you different.

You have to engage your followers. Dont just offer the latest sales promotion. Give them updates on what you are planning to do, psychotherapist and working on. Reply to their tweets. Their feedback is important. Twitter is giving you a direct access to them and vice-versa. If you ignore them they will ignore you in return.

Link to other sites with tips and trick as well as reviews of new products as well as features and options you dont and see if they are interested in them.

Have other members of the company also participate with their on Twitter accounts. Have each department have their own offer their own take on whats happening. Also if you are a big company have a dedicated customer support team for dealing with problems and solving them on spot.

These are just some basic guidelines. Each company, restaurant, shop etc is different. Once you start dont stop because you dont have immediate results. It take time to build a following and figure out what works best.

Oh this just came to me. Restaurants can post if they are full or not and how long the wait will be. I am sure many people would enjoy that during busy weekends. Bakeries can tweet how many cakes or muffins they have left if anyone wants to make a quick order before they get sold out.

Last Night in Rome

Great idea from them. Reminds me of Home Depot classes. Makes sense for all the grocery items they carry.

Great idea from them. Reminds me of Home Depot classes. Makes sense for all the grocery items they carry.

Great idea from them. Reminds me of Home Depot classes. Makes sense for all the grocery items they carry.

I just love it.

Notte Sento (English subtitles) from napdan on Vimeo.

A girl misses her train to Milan and is set to wait overnight in Rome until dawn. However, public health
a chance encounter with a guy changes her plans and the night lights of the capital turn into the background to a tender love story. An extraordinary chemistry made of knowing glances and small gestures fills the few instants that separate them both from the sunrise.

Short film made with 4500+ still photographs. Shot with a Canon EOS 30D camera.

Funded by the Seagate Creative Fund in 2008.
Italian language with English subtitles.

Versione italiana qui:
Official site:

Kuwait Purchases Anti-Radiation Pills

Picked some new music today for the new year.

Mr. Scruff – Ninja Tuna
Big Blue Ball – Big Blue Ball
Mathew Herbert Big Band – There’s Me and There’s You
Hot Chip – Made in the Dark
Santogold – Santogold
Nneka – No Longer at East

Will leave with you dan le sac VS scroobius pip – Thou Shalt always Kill

Picked some new music today for the new year.

Mr. Scruff – Ninja Tuna
Big Blue Ball – Big Blue Ball
Mathew Herbert Big Band – There’s Me and There’s You
Hot Chip – Made in the Dark
Santogold – Santogold
Nneka – No Longer at East

Will leave with you dan le sac VS scroobius pip – Thou Shalt always Kill

Kuwait’s Ministry of Health has just purchases 5.4 million doses of thyroid-blocking potassium iodide for nuclear radiation emergencies from the company Nukepills.

What worries me about this is that the US Army shipped 6, prescription 700 tons of contaminated sand to Idaho from Kuwait in April of 2008. That was from camp Doha where they stored their depleted uranium that was absorbed in the sand via a fire.

If the US Army is worried about that in their own base what about our tank grave yard up in Jahra from Desert Storm. A million depleted uranium shells were fired at Iraqi forces. Thats a lot of radiation that hanging around in the desert that is being absorbed to the sand.

Hopefully this is some wasta thing for some one to get some quick cash. My main worry is from all those sand storms we had last year could have a major effect on us.

Hawali Monsters Kuwait Fantasy Football Champions!

It was a hard fought competition but I made it to the playoffs and the finals and held to the first place record all the way through the league. I would like to give credit to my other opponents they gave a great challenge especially by picking up star players and leaving with with a team duds, visit web oldies and second stringers. One of my guys even shot himself in the leg!

Thou I would like to give credit to my opponent in the finals. I called it a “final of equals” I had respect for his team. They were good solid picks especially since he had the least amount of trades during the whole year. You have to respect a team like that. At the end it went down to our kickers. His from Green Bay and mine from Chicago. I was getting the scores via my phone at 5am in the morning so it was tense for me. I didnt know Chicago blocked the Fg attempt and moved it to overtime where my kicker sealed it.

Here is final line up that won me the championship:
Tyler Thigpen (KC – QB)
Davone Bess (Mia – WR)
Dwayne Bowe (KC – WR)
Isaac Bruce (SF – WR)
Pierre Thomas (NO – RB)
Ricky Williams (Mia – RB)
Tony Gonzalez (KC – TE)
Bernard Berrian (Min – WR)
Robbie Gould (Chi – K)
Philadelphia (Phi – DEF)

Fantasy Tree