I heard it from my friend who works with this guy who read it on a post-it note. That someone very high up in the government was very offended when he searched for his name and it wasn’t on the first search result.
I heard it from my friend who works with this guy who read it on a post-it note. That someone very high up in the government was very offended when he searched for his name and it wasn’t on the first search result.
Yah, I hate it when that happens.
Its all going to hell..
Hahaha !!!
Did Yahoo pay them? :P
im surprised some one high up in the gov actually knows what google is
tawni madri wain garait ineh they are blocking youtube 3indkum bil kuwait – shrayhum ba3ad they block yahoo oo hotmail?? bilmara laaa
did u guys ever think that it might be a scam by the telecom providers to get u to use the phones more for communication instead of internet based comms like facebook etc??
hahaha…hathi il3idiya ?!
This is getting ridiculous!
First Youtube and now Google!
No, it’s more like pathetic and sad.
^You do realize he’s poking fun at the censorship issue..?
Why keep a blog when you are no longer interest blogging ?
at least say when you’re coming back !