The one thing you learn from going to forums is the ability to write some bitch slapping replies. I just wrote one for business letter and couldn’t have done it with such style and prose without my troll forum training.
So Thank You Forums!
The one thing you learn from going to forums is the ability to write some bitch slapping replies. I just wrote one for business letter and couldn’t have done it with such style and prose without my troll forum training.
So Thank You Forums!
The one thing you learn from going to forums is the ability to write some bitch slapping replies. I just wrote one for business letter and couldn’t have done it with such style and prose without my troll forum training.
So Thank You Forums!
Been feeling a bit strange this past week and oddly enough I was looking for some old emails and papers and seems around the same time last year and before it was the same.
Strange wonder what causes these things around the same time every year, salve and glad that I keep dated notes on it so I can refer back to them.
The one thing you learn from going to forums is the ability to write some bitch slapping replies. I just wrote one for business letter and couldn’t have done it with such style and prose without my troll forum training.
So Thank You Forums!
The one thing you learn from going to forums is the ability to write some bitch slapping replies. I just wrote one for business letter and couldn’t have done it with such style and prose without my troll forum training.
So Thank You Forums!
Been feeling a bit strange this past week and oddly enough I was looking for some old emails and papers and seems around the same time last year and before it was the same.
Strange wonder what causes these things around the same time every year, salve and glad that I keep dated notes on it so I can refer back to them.
The one thing you learn from going to forums is the ability to write some bitch slapping replies. I just wrote one for business letter and couldn’t have done it with such style and prose without my troll forum training.
So Thank You Forums!
Been feeling a bit strange this past week and oddly enough I was looking for some old emails and papers and seems around the same time last year and before it was the same.
Strange wonder what causes these things around the same time every year, salve and glad that I keep dated notes on it so I can refer back to them.
Got an SMS last night needing blood donation so headed to blood bank in Jabriya. Took me like 30 minutes just to move down Tunis St. Those traffic lights are a mess and the people are idiots with their blocking traffic lights.
This is the second time I give blood, store
last time was in March 10 2005 and even then I said I would make a it a reoccuring thing.
Such a noble deed!
Did you get a lollipop / OJ afterwards?
They refuse to take my blood.. they think I might have mad cow ;P
DiiGMaa: what gave them this idea ?
I know, you shouldn’t go to jabriya from that road, its a mess, and your car will be damaged too! I hope they find a way to fix it, a better way than what they did with thr 4th and 30.
You should be proud, your system is detoxyfied every time you give blood away :)lucky you.
I gave blood a long time ago, and all I got was a KDD orange juice from the blood bank, so I turned into Hawalli and treated myself to fool and falafel sandwiches. I needed to get my missed blood regenerated, not too sure that the fool sandwich will help.
Caff, I wish got a lollipop with it. That would be more appealing. I think before they would give some biscuits or something.
Diigma, Your blood doesn’t appeal to vampires…
Judy, I rarely enter Jabriya or Hawalli in that direction and after last night I remember why. But getting from 4th to Faheel/Kuwait City was a breeze with that new extension they made.
Veto: I got a KDD cocktail juice sadly they didn’t have mango. At least it wasn’t Orange.
Yeah i recieved an sms yesterday too, but they wanted B- and im not….are u B- ? Thats rare. U should always donate every once in a while cuz they need ur blood :)
Good going :)
What it the sms requesting B- blood type? I got an sms too….anyway good job!
Yup, it was for B- .