I counted 50 of these porters hanging around. They are so pointless to have. I think I saw maybe 10 working the others sitting around doing nothing. I hate how they are demanding.
They will run to your car & even if you are arriving & pushing your cart from the bagge to the car they will shadow you. Then when you reach your car & open the trunk he jumps out & decides to help. Like wtf dont you ask? & where were you when I got the bags?
Who is makinq money from them being here?
Just saw this article on Wired: this treatment 1283, more about 69873,00.html”>2005 May Be Warmest Year Ever
NASA’s Goddard Institute projected that 2005 will surpass 1998 to end as the hottest year globally in the 125 years since reliable records have been kept.
So like dont expect a winter this year.
indeed, 10 days to go and men are wearing summer dishdashas …. it sucks!