Remember to throw your phone out of your pocket before jumping in.
Lexus keys are water proof.
Jump with aim.
Remember to throw your phone out of your pocket before jumping in.
Lexus keys are water proof.
Jump with aim.
Remember to throw your phone out of your pocket before jumping in.
Lexus keys are water proof.
Jump with aim.
One thing to enjoy about this hot summer we get is the summer nights. Yes they are hot and hot even without the sun, diagnosis
but sometimes you get that nice cool breeze when you are near the sea and just chill outside talking to friends in the diwaniya and just relax. It was a nice 35C and were were just enjoying it.
I second that! I always love the cool summer breeze at night. Let’s do a midnight BBQ!!!!
Sounds like a plan! where and when?
Ooh! Que local grande. Eu emiti-lo-ei a todos meus amigos.
Ooh! Que local grande. Eu emiti-lo-ei a todos meus amigos.
Ooh! Que local grande. Eu emiti-lo-ei a todos meus amigos.