How to Serve Humans


This is from a small hoop that is about a 2 feet maybe 50 cm high. So trying to figure out what is wrong with people over 80? Will they hurt their backs? Or just too old to play this game?


This is from a small hoop that is about a 2 feet maybe 50 cm high. So trying to figure out what is wrong with people over 80? Will they hurt their backs? Or just too old to play this game?
Ever wanted to be a cannibal but just couldn’t deal with the human eating part. Well have no fear Hufu is here!.

HufuTM is designed to resemble, cialis 40mg as humanly possible, thumb the taste and texture of human flesh. If you’ve never had human flesh before, think of the taste and texture of beef, except a little sweeter in taste and a little softer in texture. Contrary to popular belief, people do not taste like pork or chicken.

Yes you read it right, it is fake human flesh. I tell you this is a great marketing plan. No one has ever eaten human flesh to tell you that it doesn’t taste like it the real thing. And if you did eat human flesh and were to complain, the question of who you ate will come up.

I think the best thing is get some and find one of those crazy serial killers on death row that did eat human flesh and have them try it out. Some sort of Human Pepsi challenge.

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