This guy has a video that shows how long it takes for spyware and adware to infect your Windows XP com
Who Pr
ofits from Security Holes?
If you still need more reasons check out some other people who
This guy has a video that shows how long it takes for spyware and adware to infect your Windows XP com
Who Pr
ofits from Security Holes?
If you still need more reasons check out some other people who
This guy has a video that shows how long it takes for spyware and adware to infect your Windows XP com
Who Pr
ofits from Security Holes?
If you still need more reasons check out some other people who
Just want to share some artists that really caught me eye.
One is Madoka Kinoshita“:
I am love her colors and just the facial expressions and the way she does their hair. It is very pure
and simple and just conveys emotion.
The other one is Yumik
What I like about these ones is that its feels like a remix of old Japanese art from 1600s with 2000 s
tyle. Also like Kinoshita the very vibrant and powerful colors. Yet unlike Kinoshita simpleness, website
o feels complicated. So you keep looking into it and questioning “what it means”
Good God! Madoka is adorable! I wish we had people that could paint stuff like that. It would be so aw
esome! I’d totally buy their paintings/drawings. Hell, I wish we had a “decent” (extra emphasis on dec
ent) museum, at least.
is that the same junkyard as the one in moblogging?